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Tequila Nights

Page 10

by Melissa Jane

  Leo walked through the doors and made a straight line for me. His gaze was focused, burning me with its intensity.

  “Oh girl,” Natasha whispered next to my ear. “Your life just got a whole lot more interesting.”

  She was teasing. I think. It still didn’t stop my body shuddering with pleasure, fear? I was about to find out.


  Taking my hand, Leo pulled me forward into his hard chest and immediately I felt the dull throb between my legs. The music restarted and people fell back into their rhythm, this time as couples. The music was sensual and transfixing. With one hand just above my ass, the other hanging free to his side, Leo took charge, the way I loved and needed. Wrapping one hand around his neck, my free arm hung loose mirroring his. Foreheads touching, eyes locked he moved me in a small space, moves so erotic I thought I would explode from untamed pleasure. His hips controlled mine, his upper thigh positioned between my legs, just like Bachata. The friction was unbearable. My nipples were hardening beneath my braless halter dress, eyes hooded with a desire for a man who was quickly becoming my everything.

  “Josie,” Leo’s lips moved against mine. “Every inch of you I want to possess, night and day. I could never have enough of you.”

  My breath caught.

  I couldn’t respond.

  Apparently, I hadn’t needed to. Leo never released me. For the next hour we remained locked to each other, sweaty skin tickled from the air conditioning, my loose hair clinging to my damp face. The saltiness of our kisses had us craving more, my mind clouded with the sensory overload. It was hot in both senses of the word. The room was alive with erotic energy, unlike anything I’d ever experienced. The group who had attended the late night party danced like it was no one’s business. There was a trust. A mutual respect for each other and the style.

  This was a world so unlike the one I lived in for twenty-four years. One I realised I didn’t want to farewell.


  The tension between Leo and me on the drive back to his place was palpable. I’d seen a side of him throughout the night that both turned me on and had me intrigued for more. With the top down on his Mercedes the fresh night air weaved with sea salt felt invigorating against my skin. My long damp hair went wild behind me, my arms raised above like I’d found a new lease on life.

  Leo cast me a sideways glance keeping his eyes on the road, a broad smile spreading across his handsome face. His laugh was husky and touched me in all the right places.

  “So fucking beautiful!” he exclaimed, almost in disbelief. Leo didn’t swear much in my presence but when he did, I knew he meant it. As soon as we pulled into his drive, we were both out of the car without a second thought. Instead of leading me to the front door, we traveled down a side path by his house which lead out to the ocean. The moon was high in the sky casting its glow over Leo’s animated face.

  Without saying a word, he lifted his shirt over his head and threw it on the sand, a challenge glimmering in his eyes.


  I outwardly laughed. Was he serious?

  Noting the look on his face, he held my gaze while he unbuttoned his jeans and kicked them off.

  “I’m very serious,” he responded as if reading my mind.

  Reaching behind my neck, I untied my halter straps and let them fall along with the top half of my dress. Leo sucked in his bottom lip, taking in the silver glow of the moon over my bare breasts. Hooking my thumbs over the waist, I slowly teased the fabric over my hips before letting it pool around my feet. I was only wearing my lace panties, but I knew they didn’t stand a chance.

  “Let me help you,” Leo murmured. Dropping to his knees in front of me, he kissed my panty covered pussy, hands gripping my ass. My breath hitched, my sex still sensitive by the night’s foreplay. Sliding his fingers under the waistband, he inched the tiny piece of material tentatively down until it sat mid-thigh. Closing in, his mouth connected with my bare flesh, his tongue sliding over my pussy and circling my clit. Throwing my head back, I stared at the moon, lost in ecstasy. But it was a tease. Leo was going to torment me. And I realised I wanted him to. I wanted the pleasure and pain. I craved the longing.

  Standing tall, he cupped my face, kissing my lips until I tasted myself. Lingering, leaving me wanting more, he gripped my ass and lifted me high, my legs wrapping around his waist. He carried me to the water’s edge and continued in until the summer air was replaced with the whirling ocean warmed throughout the day.

  Gasping against his mouth, his hard cock pressing against my entry, we sunk low until the water sat just beneath my breasts.

  “You are a goddess, Josie.”

  I was fairly convinced he was a god. I believed it to be true the moment I saw him posing naked on the studio podium.

  “I need you to take me right now. In the ocean,” I was practically begging.

  With the tips of my long hair flowing around us, Leo lowered me onto his length breaking through any barriers with a force that was a pleasurable pain. Throwing my head back in ecstasy, I took all of his hard cock until I could take no more. We both groaned in pleasure, gentle thrusting at first until I molded around him. The waves were crashing in the distance, the salty ripples surrounding us closer to shore. Even with the large houses along the waterfront, I wasn’t concerned about our public display. It was late and only a few lights broke through the night’s darkness.

  Despite the warm water, my skin tingled with delight, my hard nipples claimed by Leo’s eager mouth. I rocked my hips, feeling my need for him growing with every movement. My body was alive and in need of desperate release. My climax reached a point of no return, nails digging into his wide shoulders. Leo brought my lips to his as my pussy clenched tight around his cock, my throaty scream muffled against his demanding mouth.

  “Leo,” I begged, quivering as my body continued to ride the wave of orgasm.

  “Fuck!” Leo groaned biting my bottom lip, his swelling cock releasing inside me. Grinding my pelvis against his until we both fell into a stupor of lazy kisses, the night of dancing and drinking and lovemaking in the ocean left us both raw and exhausted.


  I woke the next morning with my head resting on Leo’s chest, his right hand resting on the white sheet in front of me. The rhythmic rise and fall of his chest attempted to lull me back to sleep, but my eyes were focused on one thing. The night's events came flooding back as I ran my fingers over Leo’s reddened knuckles.

  “I’m sorry for my violent behaviour last night,” Leo’s husky morning voice was as sexy as all hell.

  “Please don’t apologise. I’m just glad you were able to handle it without getting hurt. Who was he anyway?”

  “Geo,” the name fell from his mouth like it was a bad taste. “He’s notorious for being an ass and harassing the girls. Typically, I let Natasha warn the girls about them and throw the guys a warning at the beginning of the night to behave, but with you it’s different. There are no first chances. He will never set foot in my restaurant again. I’m sorry I was distracted and didn’t get to you sooner.”

  “Babe, please don’t. You have been nothing but perfect with me.” Leo’s hand ran through my hair, twirling strands around his fingers and massaging my scalp.



  “I know I said I would try my best to let you go when the time comes, but the truth is, I don’t know if I can.”

  Hot tears welled in my eyes, burning and blurring. A hard lump formed a solid rock in my throat. “I know,” I said barely managing the words. “I feel exactly the same.”


  “Why doesn’t he just fly over and stay with you for a while?” Nicole asked, perplexed. We were getting ready for the welcome home party for Mimi. Leo was picking us up in only an hour and I still wasn’t dressed.

  “It’s not that simple, babe. Leo has a life here, he owns businesses that require his attention. Plus, he’s thirty-one which means he can’t work overseas
without a sponsorship.”

  “Doesn’t he have a dual citizenship?”

  “Spain doesn’t allow it. When he was a boy and traveled to Colombia to be with his father, he had to relinquish his citizenship.”

  “Well, fuck!” Nicole seemed out of options. I’d already thought of all the possibilities that would allow us to remain together, and the only one was for me to stay and decline Lafayette. “Don’t use that lipstick,” she added, stopping me seconds before I applied it.

  “Why not? You bought it for me last month.”

  “I know, I may have been hungover at the time. The colour’s hideous.”

  “Are you drunk now? It’s a beautiful colour.”

  “Are you sure your friends don’t mind me coming along? Is it weird?”

  “Of course not. I know it’s only a welcome home party, but it’ll give you a chance to get out of the house.”

  Nicole didn’t venture out much socially if I weren’t going with her. Still afraid of trusting the wrong people, she preferred her own company much of the time.

  “Are you going to be okay when I’m gone?” She could hear the seriousness in my tone as I made no effort to disguise my concern.

  “Well, since Leo can’t go with you, maybe I should.”

  “Nicole, be serious. You have your life here and your studies. Maybe we should try looking for a new roommate now, so you have time to get used to her.”

  She seemed terrified by the notion, but I thought it was a great idea. “Look, how about on Sunday we work on a game plan?”

  Without saying a word, Nicole rose from the bed and closed the space between us. Wrapping her arms around me, she rested her head on my shoulder. Hugging her back, I let my best friend express her true feelings.

  “Leo isn’t the only one who’ll be missing you.” Her warm tears fell on my shoulder while I struggled to keep mine at bay.

  “Leaving you is like losing a part of my soul, Nicole.”

  “I’m so happy for you, but so sad you are leaving at the same time.”

  “Me too, babe. Me too.”


  Planting a kiss on my cheek, I became giddy with Leo’s affection. With his arm around my waist, we walked to the front door of Jase’s house. Without knocking, we walked on through and down to where the noise was already bustling.

  “That dress shows your ass perfectly,” he whispered in my ear as twenty odd faces turned to greet us.

  Flushing bright red as if they all were aware of what had been said I felt a rush of relief when I heard Mimi’s bright and happy voice.

  “Uncle Leo! Aunty Josie!” That rush quickly dissolved and was instead replaced with shock and sorrow. Leo felt my body tense and held me tight, his comfort only adding to the pang in my chest.

  Also noticing my sudden discomfort was Jase. He threw a sideways glance at Mimi before stepping forward to break the ice. “Thanks for coming,” he greeted warmly, shaking Leo’s hand and kissing me on the cheek. He eyed Nicole expectantly, seemingly at a loss for words. Most men lost their vocabulary when she walked into the room. Her stunning beauty was hypnotising and Jase was just another moth in her light.

  Turning to Nicole, I was surprised to see she mirrored his expression. “Ah, Jase this is Nicole. Nicole this is Jase.”

  “Hi,” she beamed, holding out her hand. Eagerly he accepted and it was only when Leo cleared his throat did they break apart. “Can I get you ladies a drink?”

  “Yes, please,” we both answered in unison. Leo left heading toward the outside bar. I watched, admiring the way he moved and how he captured the attention of everyone in the room. He had this essence about him. His dominant physique and confidence were the envy of all men and his boyish charm mixed with irresistible suave was the craving of all women.

  And yet he was mine.

  For a short while.

  But everything about Leo Santiago was perfection.

  I wasn’t naïve to think that he didn’t have flaws, and perhaps I was too caught in awe to notice any that may be present and obvious. But to me, I had won the lottery. Who had ever heard of someone winning the jackpot only to say, “Sorry, but I have other plans”?

  No one. Ever.

  Except me.

  Well, it wasn’t quite as simple as that.

  “Aunty Josie,” Mimi’s sweet voice pulled me back from reality. She was being wheeled over to me by a woman who was flawlessly beautiful. From the strong cheekbones they both shared I figured she was Jase’s sister, Holly, who often took care of Mimi.

  “Hello, beautiful girl,” I said lowering down so I could look at her square on. The wheelchair dwarfed her tiny frame.

  “Thanks for coming,” she beamed. “I want to show you some pictures I drew.”

  “I would love to see them.”

  “Mimi!” came the chorus of tiny voices in unison. She waved to her friends before one came over, commandeering the wheelchair and taking her to her group of friends.

  “Don’t be offended,” Holly said, watching her niece play in the distance.

  “Oh, I’m not.”

  Why would she think I would be offended?

  “I mean about the whole ‘Aunty’ thing.” She smiled at me kindly.

  “Confused is more like it.”

  “She hasn’t stopped talking about you and Uncle Leo since she met you.”

  My heart warmed. “She’s a super sweet girl.”

  “Yes, she is. Mimi has it in her head that you and Leo are meant to be together.”

  “Only Leo knows that I’m leaving soon.”

  Her pretty face frowned. “Leaving?”

  “I have a scholarship to finish my studies in France. It’s been my goal for many years and a week ago they accepted my folio.”

  She considered my words for a moment and in my opinion she appeared overly invested in the affairs of others. I could have been mistaken, but I was certain I saw a flicker of something in her eyes. Relief? Determination? Something about Holly suddenly seemed off and I no longer felt comfortable talking to her about something so personal.

  “So Leo is staying here?” She looked hopeful and it was then I realised what was happening. She wasn’t interested in what was happening in my life. She was only interested to see how it would affect hers. Holly was interested in Leo and I was standing in the way. It was music to her ears hearing me say I was leaving. I had probably been a thorn in her side for long enough even if it weren’t that long.

  Before I could respond with a ‘mind your own business’ kind of answer, I felt the touch of the one person who made me truly happy.

  “Wine for you,” he said handing me the glass. I needed it more now than ever.

  “Holly, good to see you again,” Leo greeted, none the wiser that the woman before him was counting the days before our relationship ended.

  Why did it hurt so much to think that?

  “Always a pleasure, Leo. You know that.” Holly brazenly flirted, leaning forward to kiss him on the cheek. “Josie was just telling me about how’s she’s leaving in a couple of months.”

  Dirty. She knew how to cut straight through to the bone.

  “I’m very proud of her,” Leo proclaimed remaining unaware of the innuendo. “If you have seen Josie’s artwork you could appreciate why she was offered such a prestigious position.”

  Holly bit her bottom lip clearly agitated by Leo’s words of praise. “So, you won’t be going?”

  I had to give it to her, she was persistent. A touch desperate. Okay, it was more like a grope, but she wasn’t going to drop the topic before she received the answer she was desperately digging for.

  “No, unfortunately,” Leo replied and I could hear the regret in his voice. “There are a few factors standing in our way.”

  This time, Holly turned her attention to me. Could she see that it was unwanted? “Quite a risk you’re running, Josie. A man like Leo will be snapped up in seconds when word gets out.”

  I knew the game she was playing, but it s
till hurt like a bitch. She was right. I couldn’t expect Leo to wait two years until I returned home. That was unrealistic. We weren’t married. We hadn’t even said we loved each other.

  “Well, that’s something for Leo and me to work out.”

  “You must be concerned! Two years is an awfully long time to expect anyone to wait.” Her persistence in deliberately grating my nerves was wearing thin.

  “I don’t expect him to wait,” I replied, doing nothing to disguise my irritation. “I wouldn’t expect anyone to put their life on hold for me.”

  Finally satisfied with my response, she smiled, self-righteous and ecstatic that in her head she stood a chance.

  Maybe she did.

  She was beautiful.

  And she and Leo clearly had a rapport.

  “Well then, I wish you well in your travels. I hear French men have a healthy appetite, especially for Australian girls.”

  I coughed, choking on my wine that was half way down my throat. “That’s quite an observation,” I managed after gaining my composure. “I’m interested to know how you’ve discovered that fact.”

  Her jaw twitched and I wanted to celebrate my win. Her suggestion that I might fall into the arms of another had backfired. Although not completely. Next to me, Leo’s shoulders had squared, his hand rubbing his chiseled jaw in agitation.

  “Anyway,” Holly recovered. “Summer flings are just that, aren’t they?” She laughed light-heartedly although her words were coated in venom. “Everyone’s gotta experience it at least once in their life.”

  Could this woman not just choke on her own tongue?

  She smiled sickly sweet, her eyes revealing a win. The truth was, she had successfully gotten under my skin simply for the fact that I hadn’t been prepared. I was caught off guard not expecting such a confrontation.

  Reaching forward she tenderly touched Leo’s upper arm. “Don’t forget my party in January.”

  “Wouldn’t miss it,” Leo replied politely as she sauntered off, her hips sashaying to show off her curves.


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