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Tied to a Boss

Page 3

by J. L Rose

  “BITCH NIGGA! CALL US BITCHES ONE MORE TIME!” Vanessa roared. “I promise ya ass won’t leave this club alive!” Walking up on the guys again as if round two was about to commence.

  “Apologize,” Dante told the guy. Hearing the clown and his boy’s apologize, Alinna stood watching as the four guys with him quickly rushed off after they apologized as if someone had started shooting. She turned her attention back to a guy who got them in and looked out for them. He was walked away with the big guy. Before Alinna could speak, she reached out and grabbed the light-skinned guy by the arm, stopping him. “You just gonna leave now?” Alinna asked.

  Turning his head meeting eyes with Alinna golden brown eyes, he replied, “What reason do I have to stay?”

  “So you’re just gonna jump in for me and my girls and just leave just like that?” Alinna stared into his eyes examining him up close, noticing the six-pack gold grill that for some reason was sexy. “Who the hell are you anyway?”

  “You will find out,” Dante told her. “Aye you may want to pay attention to what’s going on around you.”

  Watching both guys walk away noticing the way people looked at them and moved as to get out their way as they walked past, Vanessa stepped up to be side by side with Alinna. “Who are they supposed to be?” Vanessa questioned.

  “I’m still wondering the same thing,” Alinna answered, she was thinking hard on the well-dressed stranger, and the so-called advice he had just given her.

  * * *

  “Yooooo, what’s up fam? What was that shit about just now?” Vegas asked as both he and Tony T met up in the club with Dante and Dre, halfway back over to the far side of the bar.

  “It ain’t nothing,” Dante assured him as he leaned back over against the bar.

  “Fam, what’s up? What you plotting?” Dre asked Dante, while watching him staring at the other side of the club, back to the direction of Alinna and her girls. She was watching him watch her as well.

  After a pause awaiting a response, Dante said, “Change of plans.”

  “Fuck is you talking about?” Tony T asked, looking back and forth to Dre and Dante, completely unaware of any plans.

  “Dre will explain,” Dante told Tony T, and then he dapped up with Dre, Tony T, and Vegas. “I’ma hit you up later; I got something to handle right quick.” Dre walked off leaving his boys watching him as he made his way back over to the other side of the club. Walking up on Alinna as she and her girls were talking interrupting them all, he said, “Let’s go.”

  “She’s not going no ...”

  “Shut up,” Dante wasn’t hearing what Vanessa had to argue. “I don’t want you to say any other shit,” he finished. Looking at her girl surprised, Vanessa was quiet and just staring at the guy.

  Alinna looked back at him asking, “Who are you?”

  “This ain’t question and answer,” Dante told her. “Let’s go Alinna, we gotta talk.”

  * * *

  “Who the hell are you?” Alinna asked as she and Dante left the club together. Walking through the parking lot, she asked, “How do you know my name?” Dante ignored Alinna as he walked them to his Altima hitting the remote locks.

  Dante walked around to his driver door when Alinna said from behind him, “You were at my house earlier! I saw your car. WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU?”

  “Get in the car Alinna.” He stood next to his opened door.

  “I am not going nowhere with you!”

  “Get the fuck in the car girl!” Dante was getting irritated with her.

  “Nigga who are you yelling at?” Alinna became stern, looking at Dante as if he was crazy.

  Walking over to Alinna stopping directly in front of her, bending to speak to her face to face, Dante said in a low voice, “Woman, I don’t like repeating myself. If you don’t get in the car, I will put your ass in the car. Decide now.” Staring into his eyes for a few moments, Alinna sucked her teeth pushing past Dante as she walked over and got into the Altima. Dante shook his head, walked to the driver’s side, and got inside the car.

  Once Dante cranked up the engine and started to pull out of the club parking lot, Alinna demanded, “You really need to tell me who the hell you are and what is going on.”

  Cutting his eyes to Alinna as he was driving and focusing back on the road, he said, “My name is Dante, but, you got a problem you don’t even know about.”

  “What problem? What the fuck are you talking about? What is this problem I got?”

  “Me,” Dante spoke clearly.

  Staring at Dante for a moment Alinna asked, “What’s going on? How do I have a problem with you and I don’t even know you?”

  “You don’t know me, but you know the dude who hired me to get at you.”

  “Hired you? Hired you to do what? To do what? What’s their name?” Alinna was not liking this game very much.

  “Big Worm,” he said, looking over and seeing her reaction to the name. “Whatever problem you two got going on with one another, he wants you out the picture. Permanently.”

  “You some sort of hitman or something?” she asked looking over to Dante.

  “I got a few bodies but I ain’t no hitman,” Dante told her. “I get mine the stick em up way.”

  “So you a jack boy then?” Alinna asked really looking him over now. “As a matter of fact, I have heard of you now that I know what you’re into. You got them gangsta’s shook up out here.”

  Ignoring the comment Dante said, “Whatever you and this fat clown Big Worm got going on, he wants me to take care of you.”

  “So that’s what this is all about? You gonna take care of me for another nigga?” she asked, wishing she had her .380 with her instead of in her truck.

  “Believe me, if I was going to kill you, you would have been dead back at that apartment on sixty second street where you and girls supposedly work,” Dante said, looking between her and the road.

  “How long have you been watching me?”

  “Long enough.”

  He pulled his car over to the side of the road just to stop in front of a KFC. “What are you doing?” Alinna asked as she watched Dante put the car in park and get out. Looking back through the window following him with her eyes, she saw Vanessa.

  The Lexus truck pulled up right behind them. Dante walked up to the driver’s door and quickly opened it. Alinna climbed out after seeing Dante and Vanessa get in each other’s face. Rushing over to both her girl and Dante, Alinna got in between the two with her back to Vanessa. “Dante, what the hell is wrong with you?”

  “I don’t like being followed,” Dante replied while keeping his eye locked onto Vanessa’s.

  “Nigga, I was not following you. I am following my girl. We don’t even know you dude,” Vanessa simply told Dante reading from his demeanor how heated he was.

  “Look,” Alinna said loud enough to get both Dante’s and Vanessa’s attention. “We are in the middle of the street causing a damn scene. Let’s just go in this damn KFC and we can just talk about this shit.”

  Shaking his head, Dante turned and headed back over to his car. He hopped inside the Altima and slammed his door. Pulling off only to swing the Altima into the KFC parking lot.

  Chapter 4

  Seated at a window table inside the KFC overlooking the parking lot, both Alinna and Vanessa sat discussing the news Dante told her about Big Worm putting a hit out on her

  “So why is he telling you all this instead of doing what he’s being paid to do?” Vanessa asked her girl.

  “Probably because I’m not getting paid for it,” Dante said as he walked up to their table, setting a tray with a box of chicken down on the table with a drink in his hand.

  “So if you’re not getting paid for it then why you doing Big Worm’s dirty work?” Vanessa asked, watching Dante sitting down inside the chair across from her and Alinna.

  Pulling out a piece of chicken breast from the box, Dante bit into the chicken, and then said, “It was a favor he did for me but wanted your girl Alinna tak
en care of in return.”

  “This isn’t a favor,” Alinna spoke up

  “It is when he gave me information on someone I had words with,” Dante explained.

  “So what are your plans now?” Alinna asked as she stood up and leaned over to look inside Dante chicken box, reaching for a chicken wing.

  Looking from his chicken box to Alinna after she boldly took his chicken wing, Dante shook his head, and said, “You have two choices.”

  “Which are?” Vanessa asked staring hard at Dante. Ignoring Vanessa and her reaching under the table, Dante took another bite of his chicken, and said, “She can either leave Miami or get at this fat fuck.”

  “You sound like you’re going to help us?” Alinna asked staring at Dante.

  Holding Alinna’s eyes as she finished the rest of the chicken wing, Dante said, “Exactly what kind of help do you want from me?”

  “Will you help me?” Alinna asked him. Shaking his head, Dante tossed his chicken breast inside his box then picked up the napkin and wiped his hands. “Look I’ll help out with this shit, but whatever we find we split.”

  “Deal,” Alinna replied smiling across from Dante.

  * * *

  Outside in the KFC parking lot, both Dante and Alinna exchanged numbers with each other, and then Alinna walked off heading to Vanessa truck.

  “You’re really serious about this aren’t you?” Vanessa asked.

  “I don’t know about this dude, Alinna,” Vanessa admitted as she backed out of the parking lot spot. “First of all, he’s a known jack boy and you know as I do that you can’t trust no fucking jack boy. Then why is he even doing this for us ... naw for you? He don’t even know you Alinna.”

  “I don’t know,” Alinna admitted as she looked out the window. “But for some reason I believe him,” Alinna told Vanessa, speaking Spanish while changing the subject at the same time.

  Looking over to Alinna wondering what spicy chicken had to do with what they was talking about, Vanessa quickly realized that Alinna didn’t want to talk about Dante and what they was planning. “Where you wanna get the chicken from Alinna?”

  * * *

  “So you agreed to help shorty? What’s the deal fam? When’d you start backing out on your words?” Dante heard Dre ask as he drove home.

  “Braw look, you either with me or not, what’s up?” Dante asked, heated at Dre for throwing up in his face about him changing his mind.

  “Fam, come on, you know I’m with you ain’t no doubt, but I’m just surprised you ...”

  “Let me hit you back,” Dante interrupted checking his line over hearing the line beep from somebody calling in. “Yeah.”

  “Hey handsome. Had an interesting day, did you?” Recognizing Sergeant Angela Perez’s voice from her thick as hell Spanish accent, Dante shook his head and said, “What’s up Angela?”

  “You tell me, Dante. Who was the girl you left Club Empire with?”

  “What girl?”

  “Don’t play with me Dante, who was she?”

  Dante answered, “A friend Angela.”

  “What type of friend Dante?”

  “Look, what the hell you call me for? I ain’t up for 20 questions tonight. Say what the fuck you gotta say.”

  “I want company tonight. Meet me at the Day’s Inn on Columbus Drive.”

  “I just pulled in front of my apartment ...”

  “I expect you at the hotel in twenty minutes Dante,” Angela told him hanging up the phone afterwards.

  “Fuck shit,” Dante cursed, catching himself before he slung his smart phone across the car only to hear it ring again inside his hand. Looking at the screen this time, surprised to see Alinna calling him so soon, Dante answered, “What’s up Alinna?”

  “Why you sounding upset? You still mad at me?”

  “Naw, I’m good on that, something else came up. What’s up though? You good?”

  “Yeah, I’m straight. I was just thinking and I really don’t know anything about you.”

  “I ain’t know you were interested in personal background information on me. This some type of interview?”

  “I just wanted to know who Dante is. What’s your last name for starters?”

  “What’s yours?”

  “Rodriguez,” she answered, and asked again, “What’s your last name Dante?”

  “You plan on pulling my background up or something?”

  “Boy, tell me your damn name.”

  “Blackwell,” Dante answered, smiling at her spicy but sexy attitude.

  “Dante Blackwell,” Alinna repeated, and then asked, “How old are you?”

  “Damn nigga, you can’t just answer a question straight can you?”

  “I’m nineteen,” Dante answered with a smirk. “Now you answer the same question, what’s your age?”

  “Twenty,” she answered. “Where are you right now?”

  Remembering where he was headed, losing his smile, Dante answered, “I’m headed to handle some business real quick. You home yet?”

  “Yeah, I got home a little while ago,” Alinna admitted. “So what time are we hooking up tomorrow? I mean for the plan?”

  Smirking, Dante said, “Relax shorty. I know what you meant. Just be on standby around noon. I will text you the spot where you’re meeting me. Just be quick, this shouldn’t take longer than twenty minutes.”

  “Relax Dante. You’re not the only one with a few bodies.” Dante smiled at Alinna’s comment.

  * * *

  Waking to the feel of lips wrapped around his dick, Dante opened his eyes and lifted his head to find Sergeant Angela Perez’s head bobbing up and down between his legs as she tried her best to swallow his dick.

  Ultimately fucking the sergeant once again inside her hotel bed, then again in the shower after all of the fucking they did last night, Dante finally got away from the sex-craved bitch, driving away from the Day’s Inn.

  Pulling out his smartphone, Dante called Big Worm on the phone.

  “Yeah this is Big Worm. Who is this?”

  “Worm, it’s me, what’s up? I gotta lot to handle today let get this shit over with.”

  “You take care of that already?”

  “Last night, we meeting at her spot?”

  “Fuck is we meeting…”

  “I left her tied up there last night; just meet me in the parking lot at the apartment by …” Looking at his Casio Mickey Mouse watch, Dante realized that it was nearly noon. “Meet me there by one. That’s an hour from now.”

  “Yeah whatever,” Big Worm answered and then abruptly hung up the phone.

  Texting while driving, Dante sent the time to Alinna telling her what he wanted her to do, and then he called Dre.

  “What up fam?” Dre answered.

  “Meet me at Alinna’s spot by 12:30. Don’t be late and make sure that you have Vegas and Tony T with you.”

  “I’ma check you then.”

  “Yeah,” Dante answered, hanging up the phone.

  Reaching his complex a shortly thereafter, Dante parked at his building in the back of the complex shutting off the Altima, and then hopped out of the car, hit his locks by remote, and jogged inside his apartment building.

  Making it to his apartment door, Dante unlocked the front door, and walked inside the two bedroom, one bathroom apartment.

  Locking the front door then heading back to his bedroom at the back of the apartment, Dante was already stripping off his clothes.

  * * *

  Seeing the Chevy Avalanche as Dante said she would, Vanessa pulled inside the parking lot. Alinna watched until the Lexus Truck stopped behind the Avalanche then her and both Amber and Harmony climbed out of the Lexus truck.

  Closing the passenger door to the Lexus truck, Alinna walked around the front end of the truck as Vanessa backed the truck out of the parking lot. She saw both the front passenger door and the back door open with two guys climbing out of the Avalanche.

  Seeing the muscular guy who she recognized from the previous
night and who Dante told her was Dre, Alinna stood as the he walked over to her. “Dre, right?”

  “That’s what they call me,” Dre replied. “Dante told you what’s up?”

  “It’s our idea, so I know what’s going on,” Alinna cleared up.

  Smiling at the attitude, Dre introduced both Vegas and Tony T.

  Nodding to both of the guys, Alinna introduced Amber and Harmony.

  “What’s ya girl’s name in the Lexus truck?” Dre asked.

  Noticing the smirk-like smile on Dre lips, Alinna said while smiling, “Her name is Vanessa, Dre.”

  “I’ma remember that,” Dre replied, allowing his smile to show.

  * * *

  Pulling up on his Kawasaki Ninja at exactly 1:00 on the head, Dante turned inside the parking lot at the apartment building that Alinna used as a stash house. He saw Big Worm’s Ford Expedition as well as Dre’s Avalanche already parked in the parking lot.

  Parking the bike and shutting it off, Dante saw Big Worm climb from the passenger’s seat as he climbed off the bike, noticing he brought six friends with him this time.

  Pulling off his helmet as he walked from the bike meeting Big Worm and his boy’s in the middle of the parking lot, he said, “What’s up Worm? You brought more friends with you this time.”

  “Let’s just get this shit over with,” Big Worm replied while scanning the parking lot.

  Noticing the nervousness from Big Worm and even with his boys were quiet, Dante played it off as if he didn’t notice while he led the seven men inside the apartment building, and quietly talking to Big Worm as they all headed up the stairwell.

  Once at the apartment, Dante pounded twice on the door.

  “Who the fuck all inside there?” Big Wormed asked stepping back from the door.

  “Relax fat man, it’s my nigga Dre,” Dante answered just as the apartment door opened and Dre stood filling the doorway.

  “What’s up fam?” Dre said to Dante while staring from Big Worm to his boys.

  “What up braw?” Dante replied, and then looked back to Big Worm saying, “We doing this or what?”

  Sending in his boy’s ahead of him, Big Worm followed everyone inside the apartment, shooting Dre a look as he passed him entering the apartment.


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