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Besting Brady: Hearts of Hollis

Page 2

by J. L. Leslie

I turn and look out the window toward the hardware store. The crowd is starting to die down a little bit. What could it hurt staying here for a bit? Maybe I’ll grow a pair and actually talk to the Steeles about why I’m here. It would give me time to gain the courage, and I could get to know them from afar.

  “You know what, I’ll do it.”

  “That is amazing! Casey is going to be so excited! The last waitress, well, um, she didn’t last long.”

  I give her a weak smile, unsure if this is the right decision now that she’s said that. “I’m glad I can help. Is there anything I need to do?”

  “There’s some paperwork, but I won’t have you fill that out tonight. Can you start Tuesday? There is no way I will throw you into it now. It’s going to be busy once the excitement over at the hardware store dies down. Maybe you can stay and observe me, though, if you don’t have anything else to do.”

  I shrug. “Sure, I can do that.”

  “I will warn you about Jack. He’s the owner and can be a grumpy son of a bitch sometimes, but trust me, he’s all bark and no bite.”

  She motions for me to follow her as she shows me around the bar, giving me a rundown of where everything is stocked. I don’t want to admit that I’m feeling a little overwhelmed, and I haven’t even filled out the paperwork.

  “Oh, also, there is a small apartment above the bar that you are welcome to live in rent-free for as long as you are working here. I know Jack is looking for a tenant, and you won’t find anywhere else in Hollis. Trust me. It does need remodeling, and Brady has been hounding Jack about doing it. A new tenant might push him into finally getting that done.”

  Well, that’s good news. It beats staying in the B&B I stayed at last night. It was the only place I could find, and if I’m being completely honest, the old lady’s porcelain doll collection totally creeped me out.

  “That sounds great. I did notice I couldn’t find anywhere in town to stay.”

  “Please tell me you did not stay at the place with the creepy dolls?” When I cringe, she laughs. “I would bet you could move in by the end of next week. Brady can get the renovations done quickly if Jack gives him the green light.”

  Renovations? That must be nice. Okay, so at least I won’t be at the B&B for long. I can handle the dolls staring at me for a few more nights. Who knows? I might not even need the apartment.

  “Jade, thank you. You’re being so nice to me, and you don’t even know me.”

  “You’re actually doing me a favor. Jack was going crazy having to work the evening shifts. He’s not a huge fan of people, and that’s when we get the most business.”

  I laugh at that. A bar owner that doesn’t like people. Strange.

  Just then, the door at the entrance dings, and I look back to see several men entering the bar. I see the gorgeous stranger who held me in his strong grip earlier, and he gives me a sexy grin as he makes his way to the bar.

  He’s intriguing, but it’s the man that walks in after him that makes my heart pound faster in my chest and my palms sweaty.

  Madden Steele, one of my three brothers.

  Chapter Three


  She didn’t smile back at me. I know I have a good smile. Shit. It’s a great smile. But she looked right past it to Madden. I refuse to lose another woman to a man who doesn’t know the difference between a hay bale and a roll in the hay.

  Besides, he’s taken. That’s pretty fucking obvious.

  I lean against the bar and pretend that the sexy blonde isn’t sitting right beside me. Two can definitely play this game. And I’ve become a damn master at it.

  “Jade, we want the usual,” I say. “And two pitchers.”

  “I’ll bring it out,” Jade lets me know, and I thank her.

  “You come here often enough to have a usual?” the blonde comments, and I glance down at her like I just realized she was there. It’s kind of shitty, but I’m like that sometimes.

  “When there are only two places in town to eat, you wind up having a usual at both of them,” I answer and walk off.

  I’m not one to chase after any woman. Certainly not one I don’t know a thing about. She might be sexy as hell, in a snobby sort of way, but she looks like trouble. She looks like someone who’s afraid to get her hands dirty. I’d like to get more than just her hands dirty.

  “You get my usual?” Logan asks as I rejoin my friends.

  “Am I the fucking waitress?” I joke and then smile. “Of course, I did. Give me the cue.”

  I play a game with Logan while we wait on Jade to bring our food out. Tate gives Keegan shit on allowing Amelia to sell jewelry in the store, telling him it’ll be a jewelry store before long, forget the hardware aspect.

  “I’m pretty sure she’s making a bigger display area as we speak,” Keegan says. “Happy wife, happy life.”

  “The woman knows business,” Landon pipes in. “She did pick out the sign.”

  “No wonder it looks so girlie.” I grin, and all three brothers flip me off simultaneously. Pricks.

  “Okay, guys,” Jade cuts in. “There is way too much testosterone in here. Tone it down. I have your food, and I want you to meet our new waitress.”

  Standing beside Jade is my mystery woman. She looks a little nervous as Jade introduces her as Lillian Benson. So, she got a job here. I guess that means she’s sticking around for a little while. I find that idea appealing for some reason. Or maybe it’s my dick that does.

  “She’s just shadowing me tonight, but we all know Jack will love her. Well, he’ll tolerate her. Be nice,” Jade warns. “But not too nice.”

  I catch her meaning, and I’m sure the guys do as well. Doesn’t mean we’ll listen. The two of them take our food to an empty table and then return with our two pitchers.

  “So, Lilly Benson, you got a job at Jack’s Bar,” I state.

  “Lillian,” she corrects.

  “Thanks for the beer...Lilly,” I emphasize.

  I see the corner of her mouth, with her bright red lipstick, tilt just a little, and I know she wants to smile. Instead, she turns away and continues to follow Jade to the next set of customers. My eyes follow her long legs all the way down to her high heels. Her feet will be killing her by the end of the night.

  I’m halfway through my burger when Caleb walks in. He has a brunette tucked under his shoulder and not the same one he was with last week. Shit, the way he’s going through girls, he may have to venture to the neighboring towns. Hollis doesn’t have that many single women. Trust me, I know.

  He walks over to our table and drags an empty chair over. The brunette, who I recognize now as Jessica Cramer, takes a seat on his lap. She looks comfortable as she sits there, popping a piece of chewing gum.

  “Why didn’t you order for me?” he asks, acting like I was supposed to know he’d show up tonight after our argument earlier.

  “I’m not a mind reader, Caleb,” I answer, chewing my food.

  I study my best friend, noticing how bloodshot his brown eyes are. Dark circles are under them, too. His five o’clock shadow has grown out to a bit more scruff than he normally wears, and I couldn’t even tell you the last time he ran a comb through his hair.

  “You look like shit, man,” I comment, and he shrugs.

  “Jess doesn’t seem to mind.”

  Jessica giggles as Caleb presses a kiss to the crook of her neck. I’ve never had a problem with Jessica Cramer. Not even when she let Caleb and me tag team her during our senior year in high school when he and Casey were on a break. I just have a problem with Caleb pretending like nothing is wrong with him. Clearly, there is.

  I push my chair back, nearly knocking it over as I get up from the table. I walk out the back door of Jack’s and pull my phone out of my pocket. I curse when I get Avery’s voicemail. Despite the fact that she’s moved to Los Angeles, her southern twang is still there.

  “It’s Brady. Call me when you get this. It’s about your brother.”

  I don’t go into details because I
know it could be days or even weeks before I hear back from her. She hasn’t been back to Hollis in years. I hate even calling her, and I know Caleb will be pissed when he finds out I did. Still, Avery might be the only person who can reach him. I sure as hell haven’t been able to.

  I walk back in and sit back down like nothing’s wrong. Caleb and Jessica are making out at the table, and I know if Casey were here, she’d be making some kind of comment about them needing to get a room while secretly hoping it was the two of them sitting in the chair.

  I’ve begged her to talk to him enough times. The last time she threatened to nut-punch me, and knowing Casey, she’ll make good on that threat. She’s done it before.

  “Amelia’s done making the hardware store girlie. I’m out,” Keegan announces, hanging up his phone.

  He gives us all a salute as he and Landon both walk off. Landon’s phone is glued to his ear, so he doesn’t even bother saying goodbye, just tosses his hand up in a wave. He’s most likely taking care of Steele Industry business. I swear he’s on the phone more often than not.

  “Pool?” Madden asks, and I nod. Anything to keep from sitting and watching the suck-face session beside me.

  We play a few games, and I try to keep my eyes from wandering over to Lilly too much. She’s still following Jade around, delivering food and drinks to the customers who are still left. She seems to be loosening up, taking shots with some, and laughing as she slams the shot glass down on the table. I don’t know what her plans are, but Hollis seems to be welcoming her right in.

  “How about it, guys?” I ask, looking at Logan and Tate. “Same bet as before?”

  “You mean the bet you lost before?”

  “Won the one before that,” I remind them.

  “And you assholes have chased off every waitress Jack hires,” Madden remarks. “Jade and Casey are tired of covering all the shifts.”

  “Unless you’re in on the bet, you have no say,” Logan says. “I’m in.”

  “Me too,” Tate says.

  The bet is on, and I have every intention of winning this one. Be the first to fuck the new girl.

  Chapter Four


  After a couple of hours of shadowing Jade, I decide that waitressing isn’t so bad. Most everyone I’ve met has been friendly and nice. The only thing I would do differently is wearing more comfortable shoes. High heels are not the way to go.

  “Not so bad, right?” Jade says, wiping down the bar.

  “No, I think I can handle it.”

  “This was a pretty busy night. If you work here long enough, you’ll learn the usual orders. The construction crew is in here most days for both lunch and supper. Taco Tuesdays are just as busy as tonight.”

  “Taco Tuesdays?”

  “It’s all hands on deck on those nights and the only time Marlene works nights. You will love her. Everyone does.”

  When she says this, the guy I’ve been trying not to stare at all night approaches, that sexy grin on his face.

  “What’s not to love? She made me.”

  Jade rolls her eyes. “We love her despite that mistake.”

  I giggle, and he smiles at me. Those dimples do something to me that I know they shouldn’t. I don’t even know his name, but I know he’s not the type of guy I should be interested in.

  “The two of you should come play pool with us,” he suggests. “Your city boy is getting his ass kicked, Jade.”

  “I doubt that,” she replies, making her way over to the pool table.

  Two of my brothers left a while ago. My brothers. That’s something I’m really not used to thinking. I grew up as an only child. I always wanted a brother or sister. Now, I have three brothers. It’s a complete shock to my system.

  Madden is still here playing another round of pool with the handsome, yet arrogant stranger that bumped into me. As I watch them play, I catch his name. Brady. I’ve caught him looking at me off and on all throughout the night, probably because my eyes are constantly drifting in his direction.

  I’ve never met anyone like him before, and I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t intrigued. Now that I’ve seen him from every angle, up close and from a distance, I know that the man is gorgeous no matter how you look at him. He has a strong, impressive build with muscles you can only get from years of hard labor. His hair is light brown, and his eyes are a piercing blue. He has a sexy, cocky smirk that I swear he wears all of the time but can play it up when he wants something. He probably plays it up a lot. He’s also probably used to getting whatever he wants.

  Like he can tell I’m looking at him, he turns to where I am and winks over at me as he lines up his shot, sinking the eight ball.

  “Told you, Jade, he was getting his ass whooped.”

  I roll my eyes and turn away from him, but I’d be lying if I said it didn’t affect me. I try to shake it off, and my eyes move to study Madden, who is shaking hands with him. I’m not here to flirt, even if he’s flirting with me. I’m here on a mission.

  A mission I’m failing miserably at this moment. I came here to properly introduce myself and find out if they knew anything about me. My guess is they don’t. They don’t seem to recognize me either. I didn’t figure they would.

  “What about you? Lillian, right? Do you play?” one of the other guys asks.

  “Lillian is correct,” I reply, shooting Brady a triumphant look that someone has gotten my name right. “And, yes, I actually do play.”

  “Tate,” he says. “Show me what you got.”

  He’s flirting. Jesus, two gorgeous men flirting with me in one day. Another thing I’m not used to. Not that I don’t get male attention. I just don’t get a lot of it.

  “I’ll take winner,” another one says. “Because I have a feeling she’s going to mop the fucking floor with you.”

  This one glances over at me, and winks. He actually winks. Is he flirting, too? Have I missed something? Or is it just because I’m new in town and the idea of new fish in the sea is appealing for these guys?

  Either way, I have no plans of being distracted by any one of them, especially Brady.

  Chapter Five


  Tate loses the game to Lilly, which somewhat comes as a shock to me. I didn’t take her as a player. Now, she’s playing against Logan while I watch. She’s confident in her moves, rattling off where she’s going to sink the eight ball.

  “We’re going to head out. Brady, you good to close up? Jade’s exhausted,” Madden says, and I nod.

  “See you Tuesday, Lillian,” Jade says to her. “So glad you came here.”

  Tate and Logan both head out with them, leaving Lilly and me alone. Lilly glances toward the door and then back at me. She seems a little nervous, unsure of what she should do now. It’s a cute look for her.

  “So, Jade and Madden?” she asks, and I clench my jaw a little.

  What is it about this guy? I saw her watching him earlier. He’s nothing special.

  “Yep. They live together actually,” I say, and not just for my ego. I care enough about Jade not to let an out-of-towner ruin what she’s got. She deserves happiness. “Is it my turn?”

  “I’m a little tired,” she says, yawning.

  “Unless you’re chicken shit.”

  Her eyes narrow at me, and I know I have her. I tell her to rack them up while I get us some beers. When I come back, she’s leaning against the pool table with a cue in hand.

  “Ladies first,” I offer, and she breaks. I’ll give it to her; she is definitely a good shot. A little distracting for me in her tight skirt and low-cut blouse, but a good shot.

  When it’s my turn, she takes a long sip of her beer, and I stare at her, swallowing as I sink a solid. I give her a smirk. I’ve been playing pool in this very bar since I was twelve. I gave my parents every penny I earned from cutting grass and walking dogs, but Jack let me clean up the bar in exchange for free burgers and games of pool. I felt like it was an even trade.

  Lilly lines up her next sh
ot, a difficult one, and makes it. I’m impressed, but then again, everything about this girl has surprised me so far. She cocks her eyebrow at me, finishes off her beer, and then opens another one. I guess she isn’t so tired anymore.

  “I wouldn’t have thought a city girl could play pool,” I say while I take my next shot.

  “I wouldn’t think a country boy could talk and shoot pool at the same time,” she counters, and I laugh. “Besides, how do you know I’m a city girl?”

  “It’s an easy tell. So, what brings you to Hollis, Lilly?”

  “Lillian,” she says firmly. “I, um, came to see the hardware store open.”

  “Well, damn if that isn’t the biggest lie I’ve heard all day,” I say and grin. “I know it made the paper, but it sure as hell wasn’t big news. If you don’t want to tell me, you can just tell me it’s not any of my business. No sense in lying.”

  “Fine, it’s not any of your business,” she replies, but not in a rude way. “Tell me about you. Have you always lived in Hollis?”

  “Pretty much. I’ve traveled when I’ve had to, but I like it here,” I answer, truthfully. “It’s not everywhere that you have a whole bar to yourself.”

  “Oh, I bet you do this all the time,” she accuses, and I shrug.

  “Only when I’m trying to impress a pretty woman.” I wink, and she rolls her eyes. She comes over and stands a few inches from me, so close I can feel her breath on my face. There she goes, surprising me again.

  “Are you going to let me take my shot?”

  I take a step back, and she brushes her ass against me as she bends over to take her turn. I fight the urge to give it a hard smack. I wonder what she’d do. Part of me thinks she might like that sort of thing. The other part is pretty sure she’d knock the shit out of me.

  We continue this little dance, making little comments to each other and brushing against each other as we take our shots. We finish one game, I get us more beers, and we start another. Then another. It’s well after midnight by the time we decide to call it quits.

  “Okay, I need to get to my room,” Lilly says, digging in her purse for her keys.


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