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Besting Brady: Hearts of Hollis

Page 7

by J. L. Leslie

  At her house, I heated up a can of chicken noodle soup for her, and then we watched old reruns of her favorite television shows until she fell asleep on the couch. She mumbled my dad’s name in her sleep when I covered her up with a blanket.

  “You good?” Caleb asks as I take a seat at the table.

  “Uh, yeah,” I answer, glancing up as Madden joins us. He and Madden both look me over as if making sure I’m telling the truth. “Yeah, I’m good,” I assure them.

  As annoyed as I am about seeing Madden talking to Lilly, I’m grateful to both him and Caleb for what they did for me Thursday night. I know I don’t have to thank them or even bring it up. That’s not what we do. But Thursday night, I’d called, and they’d both shown up. At the cemetery. I was a fucking mess.

  I couldn’t even talk to them about my dad. Caleb knows, though, but Madden didn’t know, yet he was there for me. Both of my friends were there for me.

  “The waitress was asking for you,” Caleb grins.

  “Yeah, but Caleb was a prick to her,” Madden scowls. “I swear, we need to send him to fucking charm school or something. He has no tact.”

  “I wasn’t rude. I was honest,” he argues.

  “With you, there’s no difference,” Landon cuts in. “With me, there’s a difference.”

  “You’re almost the same person,” I inform them, and they look at each other, then start laughing.

  “Sorry, but I haven’t scared off any waitresses,” Landon defends. “Nor am I on a mission to bag every woman in Hollis. Bets? You fuckers are amateurs.”

  “You’re just mad cause you aren’t part of this game,” Caleb smirks.

  I start to make a smartass comment, but Lilly walks up with a tray of food. She sets plates in front of everyone, and I’m surprised when she sets a cheeseburger in front of me. My usual.


  “It’s your usual, right?” she asks, and I nod.

  “See? Told you she wants you,” Caleb teases, and Madden punches his arm.

  “I’m doing what a good waitress would do, Caleb,” Lilly says.

  “I’ve learned that good waitresses give good head after work too. Do you do that?” he laughs.

  “No wonder Casey won’t give you another chance. You’re a fucking douche,” Lilly states coldly and saunters off.

  Caleb stares after her but doesn’t respond to her jab. He knows she’s right, and he knows he deserved it. It’s nice to see some more of Lilly’s spark instead of her being so fucking polite.

  “Now, Caleb, that was an example of being rude and honest,” Landon grins and lightens the mood at the table. “Fucking burn.”

  “She just ripped my fucking heart out,” Caleb laughs, pretending to stab his heart with a butter knife.

  I look up and see Lilly and Jade trying not to laugh. A few more crude comments are made, and I laugh along with my friends until I feel my phone buzzing in my pocket. I pull it out and see that it’s Avery. Finally. I walk outside as I answer.

  “Brady? What the hell’s going on?” she asks as soon as I answer.

  “It’s about fucking time, Avery!”

  “I’m sorry, I’ve been busy. I do have a life, you know, and it’s a shitload bigger than that fucking town you live in.”

  “I need your help with Caleb,” I say. “He and Casey broke up.”

  “They’re always broken up,” she laughs. “Then they’re together again, and then they break up again. This has been going on for years.”

  “I’m serious, Avery. He’s fucked up. He’s drinking every damn day, and I mean coming to work drunk. He’s hooking up with a different girl every night,” I explain. “He’s smoking.”

  “I...I can’t come back to Hollis, Brady,” she says, her voice quiet.

  I know Hollis is the last place Avery wants to be. I know it holds bad memories for her, but Caleb needs this.

  “Look, I’ve talked to him until I’m blue in the damn face. He won’t listen to your parents or me. He has good days, and then he’s passed out in the back of my truck or here at Jack’s bar. Hell, I’ve even found him passed out by your parent’s pool. What if he would’ve fallen in?”

  “Oh my God, Brady!”

  “He’s angry all the time and he lashes out at everyone. He’s not going to get his mind clear of Casey being in the damn town that only reminds him of her. She’s dating someone else already. He’s fucking losing it. He won’t leave unless you come get him. this for him, Avery.”

  I hear her sigh into the phone, and I pray I’ve gotten through to her. “I’ll see what I can do.”

  That’s all I can ask for. I know she won’t make any guarantees. She hasn’t been back to Hollis in over five years. She said she was never coming back. After what happened, I don’t blame her. But this is Caleb, and he needs her.

  “I was thinking you’d skipped town or something.”

  I smile at Lilly, who is standing just outside the front door of the bar. “And leave my favorite place? Nah.”

  “You know, whatever you had going on these past couple of days, if you need a friend to talk to about it, I’m here,” she offers.

  I lean in so that I’m only a few inches from her, and I hear her breath hitch in her throat. I know just from the subtle blush that has crept across her cheeks that she wants me to kiss her. Her lips have even parted in anticipation.

  “Lilly, I promise you that I don’t just want to be your friend.”

  She swallows as I step past her and go back inside, wondering if her lips are aching for mine like mine are for hers.

  Chapter Eighteen


  I glance over at the box of wine in my front seat. A freaking box of wine. It’s all the grocery store had, though, and I didn’t want to show up for Thanksgiving at Jade’s house empty handed.

  I pull up to the little blue house and see Brady’s truck and Casey’s car parked by the curb. I curse my heart for fluttering as I grab the box out of the seat and get out of the car.

  I haven’t seen Brady since he admitted that he doesn’t just want to be my friend. Obviously, I knew he wouldn’t mind climbing into bed with me, but the way he said it that night, if he would have kissed me or made any move whatsoever, I don’t think I would have been able to resist.

  Even though I don’t have a lot of experience in the relationship department, I know casual isn’t my thing. Well, I don’t think it is. And I don’t want to start something with him when I know it’s definitely his thing. Besides, I know I’m going back home to Dallas as soon as I figure out this mess that has become my life.

  Determined that dinner officially kick starts that, I smooth out the lacey, dark purple dress I’m wearing and knock on the door. I’m not expecting Brady to answer, so when he does, I’m a little taken aback. He looks different in a pair of nice jeans and a dark blue button-down shirt.

  “Um, hi,” I manage.

  He gives me that cocky ass grin of his, and I want to throw caution to the wind. Forget my morals and ideals on relationships. Casual, here I come.

  “You look beautiful, Lilly,” he says. “And you brought a box of wine.”

  I blush. Damn him. “Yeah, I was limited on my options.”

  “You can get drunk as shit on this if you drink enough of them.”

  I hand the box to him and step inside. “Good to know.”

  “Have you met Keegan and Amelia?” he asks, motioning toward them.

  My twin and his wife? The two of them are seated on the sofa, Keegan’s arm thrown over Amelia’s shoulder. Their wedding was one of the biggest events in all of Dallas.

  “Not officially,” I say. “It’s nice to meet you.”

  “And you already know, Case. No introduction needed there. That’s her boyfriend. What’s your name again?”

  Casey rolls her eyes and shoots Brady a dirty look before telling me her boyfriend’s name is Derek.

  Derek stands and holds his hand out for mine. “Hello Lillian, it’s nice to meet

  I give him a polite smile and take his hand. Jade warned me yesterday that Casey was bringing a date to Thanksgiving. Apparently, he’s a professor at the college Jade and Casey attend, but not either of their professors. They’ve been dating for a while now, but this is the first time she’s brought him to Hollis. I wonder if Caleb will be bringing a date too.

  “It’s very nice to meet you too, Derek.”

  I take a look around, unsure where I want to sit or if I should stand, or what I need to do, even. Landon is standing in the hallway on his phone. Madden and Jade are in the kitchen preparing the food, and I feel somewhat out of place.

  Before I can even think of bolting, which I am considering, Brady takes my hand and pulls me down to take a seat beside him.

  “You were thinking about bailing,” he accuses with a mischievous grin.

  “No, I wasn’t,” I deny.


  “I wouldn’t do that to Jade and Madden.” I see his jaw tick and wonder why I got that response. “Okay, I considered it, but it would’ve been rude.”

  “I’m sure you would’ve been forgiven. Besides, you do realize you’ve entered a war zone, right?”

  “Maybe he won’t show up,” I say with a shrug, knowing he’s referring to Caleb.

  Brady laughs at that. “Madden warned him Casey was bringing her boyfriend. He’s definitely showing up, and he’ll be throwing down the gauntlet. I know my best friend.”

  “That doesn’t sound good.”

  “Never is, but hey, let’s get in a few bites before the shit goes down. Looks like it’s time to eat.”

  Brady stands up and reaches out his hand for me. I take it and let him lead me to the dining table. Jade and Madden have pushed two tables together to accommodate everyone. Since the house is on the small side, it’s pretty cramped, but I like the fact that everyone is here. Makes the fact that I’m missing the holiday with my family bearable.

  Besides, my parents don’t do much for Thanksgiving. They are usually both working, so we typically order Chinese takeout and eat when they get home after long shifts. We try to spend Christmas together instead.

  “Have you heard anything yet?” Madden asks Brady as we find a spot at the table.

  “Not yet, but she’s supposed to be on her way.”

  I have no idea what or who they’re talking about, and no one else seems to either. Since neither of them elaborates, Madden says a quick blessing over the food and starts to carve the turkey.

  We’re all fixing our plates when there’s a knock on the door. The tension in the room is almost immediate. We all know it has to be Caleb. Everyone else is here.

  Jade goes to answer the door, and I watch Casey as her eyes remain locked on the door. She can deny it all she wants; she is still in love with Caleb.

  “Damn, you guys couldn’t wait for me?” Caleb asks, sauntering in with his arm thrown over the shoulders of a pretty brunette.

  Brady said he’d bring a date. I guess there was no reason for him not to. Casey is here with her boyfriend. The two of them take their seats, and Brady mumbles a curse under his breath. I glance over at him, and he looks pissed.

  “You guys remember Tori, right?”

  Jade glares over at him and Casey snaps, “You fucking brought her? Have you lost your damn mind?”

  That didn’t take long.

  Derek leans over and whispers something to Casey, obviously trying to calm her down. Caleb completely ignores her, and so does Tori, whoever she is.

  “Pass the potatoes, please,” Caleb says to me, and I get a huge whiff of the alcohol on his breath.

  “What the fuck are you doing?” Brady asks him, his jaw clenching as he leans across me to hiss at Caleb.

  “Having Thanksgiving dinner,” Caleb replies with nonchalance.

  “So, Jade and I bought a house,” Madden announces, drawing the attention to him and Jade.

  Everyone is quick to congratulate them, no doubt wanting the tension in the room to be over. Madden is telling us all about the house they found when there’s another knock on the door.

  “I got it,” Brady says, quickly standing up.

  He rests his hand on my shoulder a fleeting moment before he heads to the door. Tori lets out a giggle, and I see her hand in Caleb’s lap, massaging his crotch. Good grief!

  I tear my eyes away, not wanting to draw any more attention to them than they’re drawing to themselves. I give Jade and Madden a weak smile. This is the first time they’ve hosted Thanksgiving. I feel sorry for the both of them.

  It’s definitely going to end in disaster.

  Chapter Nineteen


  I open the door, and Avery stands on the porch fidgeting with her hands. She looks exactly how I’ve always remembered her. Her heart-shaped face is framed by her long brown hair. Her hazel eyes have that same wariness to them like she’d rather be anywhere but here. Her clothes make her look like she belongs here, though. Jeans, a long-sleeved black tee, and black boots.


  “Where is he, Brady?” she asks, getting straight to the point. “Is he ready?”


  She nods in the realization that I didn’t tell Caleb she was coming. I push the door open further and motion her in. We can hear yelling as we head back into the kitchen. Apparently, I missed something.

  “Once a whore, always a whore!” Casey sneers. “Who gives a hand job at a table full of people?”

  Well, shit.

  “I can’t help it that you couldn’t satisfy your man, Casey!” Tori throws back.

  “You can fucking have him!” Casey screams. “I fucking hate him!”

  “Oh, you hate me now?” Caleb slams his hands onto the table. “You hate me, Casey?”

  “Caleb,” Avery speaks up, and Caleb jerks his head around to face her. He looks from her, then to me with shock.

  “The prodigal sister has returned,” he states and rises from his chair. He folds his arms around Avery, glaring at me over her shoulder. He’s pissed, I can tell, but a part of him has to be glad she came back to Hollis. “You think you can find one more chair, Madden? Now the whole fucking gang is here.”

  Madden manages to squeeze one more chair in, putting Avery between Caleb and me. Caleb makes the introductions, and Avery settles in, fixing her plate. Once again, the table is quiet.

  “Oh, don’t stop all the childish arguing on my account,” Avery puts in. “I mean, you two have been at each other for years. It used to be entertaining. Now, it’s just annoying and ridiculous.”

  I see Casey’s lips tighten into a straight line. Her date looks both pissed and embarrassed. I’m sure college professors don’t behave so inappropriately.

  “It’s obvious you both brought dates to piss each other off, and it worked. Congratulations to the both of you.” Sarcasm drips off Avery’s every word.

  “Okay, sis, we get it,” Caleb grumbles.

  “Hey, I like her. Honesty.” Landon laughs. “Shit. I need to take this.” He excuses himself and answers his phone. As usual.

  “Avery, I’m so happy to finally get to meet you. I’ve heard a lot about you,” Jade says, trying to lighten the mood.

  “It’s all true, too. All the awful bullshit you’ve heard about me, every single word of it is absolutely true.” Avery winks.

  Lilly giggles beside me, and I shake my head. At least with Avery here, Caleb and Casey have resorted to evil stares across the table. The yelling has stopped.

  “Okay, I think it’s time for pie!” Jade smiles, clearly rushing things along. “I’ll be right back.”

  “I know the only kind of pie I want,” Caleb suggests and leans over to kiss Tori. I see Casey’s face flame red. She’s so fucking obvious.

  “Seriously, little brother?”

  “If you’re getting a piece of pie from that tramp, the only kind it’ll be is Crab Pie,” Casey hisses.

  Tori gasps and picks up a half-eaten roll from her plate, a
nd throws it at Casey. Casey lunges across the table, but Caleb manages to pull Tori away before Casey can reach her. Lucky for Tori, Casey is fucking vicious.

  “Okay, you four, get the fuck out!” Madden yells. “This is our house, and I’ve had enough of this bullshit! Out!”

  “She started it!” Tori complains.

  “Bitch, you started it!” Casey shoots back.

  “Out!” Madden’s voice booms.

  I push Caleb toward the door and look back to see Avery following. She’s telling everyone it was nice to meet them as she heads outside.

  Casey and the professor leave in his Prius, but Caleb, Tori, Avery, and me stand on the porch. Tori cuddles up to Caleb, trying to latch herself as close to him as possible.

  “Tori, I think you should go wait in my truck. I’ll take you home shortly,” I say, not giving a shit that I’m interrupting their plans.

  She looks up to Caleb, and he nods. I can tell this surprises her, but she doesn’t argue. She has to go. He can’t keep going down this path.

  “So, what is this? Some kind of fucking intervention or something?” Caleb asks. “You call my sister down here to talk some sense into me?”

  “Nope,” I answer.

  “I have a job lined up for you in Los Angeles. I want you to come live with me for a while,” Avery explains.

  Caleb laughs. “Why the hell would I do that?”

  “Tori Sims? You seriously brought Tori Sims to Thanksgiving dinner, Caleb? Do you want to permanently fuck up any chance you have of ever getting Casey back?” I ask.

  “I’m never getting her back, man,” he says solemnly. “I’ve accepted that.”

  “You reek of alcohol damn near every day. You even show up to work drunk. You drink to the point where you’re blacking out, and now, you’re smoking! I’ve been watching you unravel for months, and I can’t keep watching you do this to yourself! I just can’t.”

  “She’s everything to me, Brady,” he confesses. “Everything, and I lost her.”

  I hate how broken my best friend’s voice sounds. The two of them have always been with each other. Even during the times they’ve been on a break, there was never a doubt that they wouldn’t wind up back together. Seeing her with another guy has to cut deep.


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