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Love Songs

Page 11

by Constance Bretes

  He turned on his side and punched his hand in his pillow before he laid his head on it. “Tomorrow morning, I will be visiting you, Jenn. I need some answers. I can’t live on a roller coaster without knowing what is going on.”

  After tossing and turning most of the night, Jake finally fell asleep.

  Chapter 18

  Wednesday morning Jennifer was sitting at the counter of her kitchen drinking a cup of coffee and checking her email when she heard a knock at the door. She was surprised when she opened it and found Jake standing there leaning against the door frame.

  “Hello, sunshine.” Jake grinned.

  “Hi, Jake. Come on in.” She opened the door wider. “Would you like some coffee?”

  “Yeah, that would be great.”

  They walked to the kitchen, and Jake sat down on a barstool at the counter as Jennifer poured him a cup of coffee.

  “What are you doing?” he asked as he took a sip of the coffee.

  “Oh, just checking my email and working my way around to doing some grocery shopping this morning. What brings you over? I thought you worked at the casino during the day.” Jennifer glanced at what Jake was wearing—a nice shirt with well-worn jeans. Does he wear this to work?

  “I decided to take this morning off. I needed to talk to you.”

  “Okay.” She brought her eyes up to meet his.

  “Honey, you need to be honest with me. What is going on that’s causing your indecision about staying here? Please talk to me. Whatever it is, we can work through it. Jenn, show me a way to get through,” Jake pleaded.

  Jennifer’s elbows were resting on the counter with her chin in her hands. She knew the time had come to tell him. She thought about where to start. How much should she tell him?

  “Okay, Jake.” Jennifer let out a sigh. “About three or four years ago I was performing at concerts all over the country. It was grueling, hard work. I began to notice this follower at every performance. He showed up either by the stage where I would enter or the one where I exited. I didn’t really notice him much at first, but then I started to see him outside my apartment or any other place I stayed. He would stare with his binoculars aimed at my windows.”

  Jake’s eyes opened wide. “In other words, you had a stalker!”

  “Yes. He was stalking me, and it got worse. He’d call and leave me messages telling me that he loved me and we belonged together forever. He told me he would wait until I could come to this realization. Wherever I went, he showed up. Sometimes he would stand in front of my house and just stare inside. My agent suggested I get a restraining order against him, which I did, but that didn’t stop him. By the time the police arrived, he’d be gone and no one was able to find him. Each encounter became more and more terrorizing to me as he got bolder and bolder. One night he broke into my house. When I got home, he grabbed me and started waving a gun around. I managed to get away from him, and I ran to my neighbor’s house and called the police. That was the last straw for me. After a discussion with my agent, I decided to drop out of sight completely and not do any more concerts until I felt safe again.

  “I went to Africa under an assumed name and joined the World Hunger Organization. I did volunteer work there, feeding the poor and starving people of Rwanda and other African nations in war torn areas. I spent two years there. While I was there, I received a phone call from my attorney telling me that someone had broken into my house in New Hampshire. They never found a suspect, and it appeared nothing was stolen. But we all knew who it was.”

  “Has he shown his face since you’ve been here?” Jake asked.

  “No, I haven’t seen him so far. This is why I asked Joe to my dressing room the other night. I asked him if he would check to see if Tom was registered at any motels around here. I had this uncomfortable feeling, and I needed to have it checked out. That’s why I was so uncomfortable when you mentioned we were going to Wild Buffalo Casino for a concert. I just can’t shake this feeling. Anyway, Joe and I went out to dinner so I could talk with him about this. But as it ended up, another couple interrupted us and I didn’t get the chance to tell him everything that had happened. He did manage to tell me, though, that he would do some checking. Yesterday, he stopped by to let me know that he hadn’t found anything.” Her gaze dropped to her lap for a second before she continued. “No place is safe for me if he’s around. I can’t say I’ll stay here if he shows up.” Jennifer felt tears welling up in the corner of her eyes.

  “Honey, if I have anything to do with it, he’s not ever going to hurt you again. His stalking days are over. I’ll see to that,” Jake promised as he reached up and wiped the tears from her eyes.

  “Jake, how can you say you’ll do that? What if I’m on stage and he shows up? What if people get hurt? What if he shows up here? You can’t be with me twenty-four hours a day and keep him away from me.” Fresh tears filled her eyes.

  “For one thing, you’ll be safer if you’re living with me. We can beef up security at this casino, and inform Wild Buffalo Casino to put extra security around their place. We’ll also need a security detail for you as you walk between the dressing room and the stage. Otherwise, we live our lives normally. If he does show up, we’ll deal with him,” Jake reassured Jennifer with a thin smile. He reached over and pulled her up and into an embrace.

  “I don’t know. I don’t want anything to happen to you just because I’m with you. He threatened that he would hurt anyone I chose to be with.” It didn’t go unnoticed by Jennifer that Jake had mentioned living with her, but he said nothing about marriage.

  Jake continued to reassure her that he would protect her and she would have a safe haven in Jarillo. “I’ll call Joe and see if he’ll put some uniforms around my home, your home, and the casino. Will that help to make you feel safer?”

  Jennifer smiled at Jake and laid her head on his chest. “Everything you do makes me feel safer, Jake. You’re a rock.”

  * * * *

  Later that day while the band was rehearsing, Joe and Kaitlin walked into the studio holding hands.

  “Hello, Joe.” Jennifer smiled at him.

  “Hi, Jennifer. We wanted to stop by and congratulate the band on securing a spot at Wild Buffalo Casino on Saturday night. Their concert area is much bigger than the one at Apache White Eagle. At least this weekend I won’t have to hire any overtime sheriff patrols.”

  As Joe talked with the band members, Kaitlin took the opportunity to talk with Jennifer. She followed Jennifer into the kitchenette where she was pouring a glass of water.

  “Jennifer, I wanted to apologize to you for my angry outburst and threats the other day. After I left your house, and calmed down, I started thinking about what you had said and then began connecting the dots. Joe and I have been seeing each other every night since. I also want to thank you for directing me toward him. He’s sexy, romantic, and good looking, as well as a great sheriff. We’re fast becoming more than friends if you know what I mean.”

  “I’m glad it’s working out for you,” Jennifer said with a smile.

  “Do you think you could ever find it in your heart to forgive me for my outbursts? And would there be a chance we could become friends?”

  Jennifer looked at Kaitlin then over at Joe and Jake, who were talking. “Consider me your friend, Kaitlin.”

  “Oh, cool, Jenn. Thanks so much!” They walked over to join the rest of the group.

  After Kaitlin and Joe left and the band started to get back to practicing, Jake asked Jennifer, “Everything cool between you and Kaitlin?”

  “Yes, things are okay.”

  * * * *

  As the band continued to work through the week, Jennifer and Jake stayed together every night at his house. In the morning, she went to her house while Jake went to the office. He called her periodically to check on her while he was at work.

  On Wednesday afternoon, just before rehearsal, Jake called and asked Jennifer, “Do you mind if we have my granddad and Anna and Rocky over for dinner tonight?” />
  “Not at all. I’d love to get to know your granddad again, and I adore Anna and Rocky.”

  “Great,” Jake said, even though he knew she would say yes.

  “What are you going to fix?” Jennifer asked.

  “I think I’ll have walleyed pike, with wedge potatoes, green bean casserole, and a salad. How does that sound?”

  “Sounds great.”

  * * * *

  When Jennifer and Jake got to his house after rehearsal, Jennifer began setting the table as Jake prepared the walleye and green bean casserole. While he placed the dinner in the oven, Jennifer prepared the salad. She put in different kinds of greens, onions, red peppers, cucumbers, and tomatoes. She made a special dressing to go with the salad.

  About a half hour later, Jake’s granddad arrived.

  “Hello, Granddad.” Jake smiled at his grandfather as he let him inside the house.

  “Hello, Jake. Hello, Jennifer.”

  “We’re having walleye with wedge potatoes, green bean casserole, and a salad,” Jake said cheerfully.

  “That sounds great.” Earl Ackerman smiled.

  They sat down in the living room for a bit while waiting for the dinner to finish cooking. “How are you doing, Jennifer?” Earl asked.

  “I’m doing fine, and yourself?”

  “Doing real good. Can’t complain one bit. I see that the band, with your lovely voice, has practically brought the roof down at the casino.”

  “Yes, the alcoves got pretty crowded, and now the theatre is getting a bit crowded as well.”

  As they talked, Anna and Rocky arrived. Jake went to answer the door and shuddered when he saw his sister.

  “Don’t say anything, Jake,” Anna warned.

  Jake glanced at Rocky and rolled his eyes.

  “Hi, Jennifer. Hi, Granddad.” Anna waddled around to the couch area in the living room and sat down.

  “Hello, Anna.” Jennifer smiled, thinking about how much bigger she appeared to be getting by the minute.

  “And how is my granddaughter doing?” Earl asked.

  “Oh, okay, I guess. I feel like a cow. I can’t see my feet or my legs. Actually, I can’t see the lower half of my body. I’m so swelled up I have to wear Rocky’s slippers all the time. I’ll be glad when this baby decides to make his entrance into the world.”

  “I don’t know how much bigger you can get, Anna,” Jake remarked with a sheepish smile.

  “Jake, after I have this baby, I’m going to bop you upside your head for all the fun you’ve been poking at me lately,” Anna retorted with a small grin.

  Rocky let out a quiet laugh and scratched his head.

  “Now, you two don’t need to go back to acting like you did when you were younger,” Earl chastised.

  “Granddad, he’s been picking on me ever since I got pregnant. I think I owe him a few.” Turning her attention to Jake, Anna said, “You could make it up to me though, Jake, if you think you could be serious for one minute.”

  “What’s that?” Jake snorted.

  “We bought this changing table with five drawers. It has to be put together, and Rocky can’t seem to do it right. I thought maybe you can could come over and see if you could get it together.” Anna looked at her brother hopefully.

  “Yeah, I can do that. I’ll stop by tomorrow after rehearsal. What’s the matter, Rocky? If you can’t put things together now, how are you going to put a tricycle together?”

  Rocky gave Jake a lopsided smile. “I think I know what I did wrong. I just haven’t had time to fix it.”

  “Have you chosen a name for the child?” Earl asked Anna.

  “No, we’re still arguing about that. Rocky just hasn’t come around to my way of thinking yet.” Anna looked at Rocky with a thin smile.

  “What names are you thinking about, Anna?” Jake asked.

  “Oh, I’ve been thinking about Lawrence, Gerald, Harold, and Orville, to name a few.” Anna winked at Jennifer and gave her a hint of a smile.

  “What? Those are awful names. No wonder you and Rocky can’t agree on any names,” Jake exclaimed with wide-opened eyes.

  Jennifer and Anna started to laugh.

  “What’s so funny?” Jake asked incredulously.

  “You,” Anna said. “I’m just teasing. Actually, Rocky and I have a couple of names picked out. We just haven’t decided on one yet.”

  The timer bell on the stove dinged, so Jake got up and went into the kitchen.

  Earl turned to Jennifer and asked, “Have you decided whether you’re going to stay here?”

  Jennifer didn’t know if Jake had told his grandfather about the stalker or not, so she thought about how to answer him. “It looks like I might be staying here.”

  “Really?” Anna asked excitedly.

  “Okay, everyone, dinner’s ready,” Jake hollered from the kitchen.

  They all got up and went into the kitchen and sat down at the table.

  “Wow! This looks good, Jake. You always were a great chef,” Anna complimented.

  Everyone started eating, and Anna asked Jennifer, “Can I ask why it’s so difficult for you to make a decision about staying here?”

  Jennifer looked at Jake, and he nodded his head and put his hand on her knee under the table. “About three and a half years ago, someone began stalking me. I put up with it for about a year and a half until he started to get dangerous. He threatened me and even pulled a gun on me. I decided that I’d had enough so I went to Africa, under an assumed name, and worked there for two years. I decided to come back and settle my parents’ estates, and figure out what I was going to do with the rest of my life. I came here first, because this has always been my favorite place. I wasn’t sure if I’d keep the house here or sell it. I wanted to see if I could live here without my stalker finding me.”

  “Wow, Jenn! A stalker? How awful!” Anna shuddered.

  “Is he still stalking you?” Earl asked.

  “We haven’t seen him so far. We’re adding extra security detail around the casino, and Joe has agreed to help with security at her place and mine. I think enough publicity has gotten out that he would have heard about Jenn by now,” Jake said.

  Rocky looked at both Jennifer and Jake and asked, “Did Joe give you any options of what you could do if he does show up?”

  “Not really. There isn’t much that can be done. I had a restraining order against him, but he kept violating it.” Jennifer frowned.

  “Jennifer, if you start to feel threatened in any way, or if he shows up and Jake isn’t around, you do your best to get over to my place. We’ll tackle this problem as a family,” Earl said almost insistently, with concern in his voice.

  “Thank you, Mr. Ackerson. I will. However, I think if he does show up, it’ll be during a performance.” Jennifer cringed inside with the thought of it.

  “Thanks, Granddad,” Jake said.

  “You’re welcome. And Jennifer, just call me Granddad.” Earl smiled warmly at her.

  After everyone finished dinner, they sat around the kitchen table talking about the new hotel and the groundwork for the theatre expansion. Jake and Earl talked the most.

  “It’s hard, having to go back and forth with the elders regarding each little bit of increase in cost for the hotel. I understand the need to contain costs, but sometimes, it borders on ridiculous,” Jake said to his grandfather.

  “I know you’re frustrated with the elders, Jake. We’re overseers and we want accountability for each dime spent. We’re not trying to make your job more difficult, we just want strict accountability of all finances,” Earl responded firmly.

  “Where do you stand as far as starting to build?” Rocky asked.

  “We have the foundation laid out and they’re starting to build the basic structure of the building.”

  “It’s going over the budget already?” Anna asked.

  “No, it’s not that, Anna. Working with the architect and the general contractor is getting complicated. They’re either finding things that
should be improved but it’s more costly, or they find things to cut and conserve costs. We also have to contend with codes and make sure they are met. It’s a time consuming process.”

  “Right now they’re finding things that are better and more costly,” Earl said.

  “Well, it’s my understanding that everyone wants a world class hotel that accommodates the rich and famous as well as the average person,” Jake said.

  “Jake, when will you start the work on the theatre?” Rocky asked.

  “I’m thinking it’ll be next spring, at least, before they get close to having the hotel done. I don’t think it’s wise to have two construction projects going on at the same time.” Jake looked over at Jennifer, who sat quietly listening to the conversation.

  “Granddad, has the casino raked in more money since Jennifer joined the band?” Anna asked.

  “Yes, we have. It was quite a profitable weekend. I hope it continues through Friday and Sunday.”

  “So you’re not upset or concerned about us playing at Wild Buffalo on Saturday?” Jennifer asked Earl.

  “No, I feel that the more you and the band spread out, in the long run, it’ll be better for our business here. More folks will have heard you and want to see you and the band again. We’ll sell more tickets.” Earl smiled.

  Chapter 19

  Friday night, while the band was getting ready for the performance, Jennifer sat in the dressing room, waiting. She could hear the crowd getting louder and louder, yet she felt something bothering her. The hair at the back of her neck was raised. Finally, she shook it off and walked out with the security men to the side of the stage and waited for the announcer.

  “Back by popular demand, please welcome Jennifer Summers and the White Sands Band!” the announcer shouted as the band walked out on stage.

  While they donned their instruments, Jennifer came on stage. Again the crowds roared as she took her place on stage. She waved and smiled. As she went to pick up the mike on the stool in front of Jake’s drums, she turned and, for some reason, gave the first row a more critical look. She stood glued in place, horrified at what she saw.


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