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Speakeasy, Speak Love

Page 17

by Sharon G Clark

  Margaret lightly dropped kisses along Fiona’s brow, her cheeks, just behind her ear, until Fiona’s breath steadied. “You’re incredible, Fiona. I adore everything about you.”

  Fiona chuckled nervously on a long exhale. “Shouldn’t I be giving the compliments after the way you just made me feel?”

  “This isn’t tit-for-tat,” Margaret said, brushing a lock of dampened brown hair back from Fiona’s brow.

  “Hmm, actually, I think it is.” With a look of longing, Fiona caressed the side of Margaret’s face with her strong hand. It never failed to amaze her that Fiona could be so strong and tender simultaneously, the perfect conundrum. Margaret turned to face her. Fiona grabbed the back of her neck and kissed her, hot and a little bit rough, desire sending shivers down her spine. Margaret let out a moan, which made Fiona kiss her deeper. Fiona’s tongue roamed over hers, sensually probing Margaret’s mouth. Fiona pulled away, nibbling at her lower lip before kissing Margaret soundly again.

  Fiona’s hands roamed over Margaret’s ribcage, sliding along her heated skin. Margaret’s body shook with pleasure every time Fiona’s fingers roamed close to her quivering breasts. They pulled away from each other. “Ah, you’re perfection, sweetheart. Nirvana,” Fiona murmured breathlessly. Fiona shook her head, her eyes burning bright in the near darkness. She pulled Margaret closer to her in another sweet, thorough kiss. Her right hand grazed Margaret’s breast, and she gasped against Fiona’s mouth. In the back of Margaret’s mind was the thought, “Let this last forever.”

  Fiona’s warm, soft mouth moved to her earlobe and silenced all thoughts. Fiona drew Margaret’s earlobe between her lips, sucking gently and then scraping her teeth over it lightly.

  Margaret groaned and clutched Fiona’s back. Her heart pounded in her chest, so loudly she was surprised Fiona didn’t hear it. She hoped the sound hadn’t left the confines of this room. Her whole body burned with desire. Fiona moved from her earlobe to her neck, nibbling at the sensitive skin before deftly drawing her tongue across it. Margaret whimpered and arched her back. Even Fiona’s lightest touch was making her whole body shudder.

  Fiona ran her fingers over Margaret’s lips, “You’re shaking.”

  “You make me feel.”

  “Feel what?”

  “Simply feel. I can’t stop thinking about you, Fiona.” Margaret sighed, unable to stop the truth from leaving her lips. “I’ve never felt this way about anyone.” Fiona pressed her mouth to Margaret’s, and the two immediately fell into another earth-shattering kiss.

  “Margaret?” Fiona murmured against her lips, “Please shush. I don’t want to mess this up.”

  “You never could, babe.” Margaret leaned back as Fiona trailed kisses down her neck. She trembled at Fiona’s touch. Fiona’s hands roamed over her burning flesh, pausing to encase Margaret’s breasts. She let out a moan at the instant hardening of her nipples before Fiona rubbed her thumbs over them, and then pinched the hard nubs, rolling them between her fingers. Margaret’s moans echoed loudly in the room, and she trembled.

  Her body’s reactions to Fiona’s touch brought a rush of thoughts. Margaret’s heart wasn’t just pounding with the intense sensual responses and desire she felt for Fiona, but also for something more. Her heart throbbed for Fiona’s smile. For the laughter, shared together, and shared with Sunny, Brigid, and Mrs. Baumann. Margaret’s body was flush from the pleasure quaking through her, brought on by the touch of this remarkable woman. Margaret realized she loved Fiona. She loved every nuance and molecule that made up Fiona, loved her with every fiber of her own being.

  Fiona pressed Margaret’s full breasts together and slid her tongue between them. “Ah, sweet goodness,” Margaret cried out, clutching Fiona’s head to her breasts, unconsciously grinding them against Fiona’s face. “Getting a bit brazen, are you?”

  Pulling away, Fiona flashed a wicked grin. “Complaining?”


  Fiona’s long fingers delicately tugged her nipples. Her tongue roamed over Margaret’s sensitized skin, and she moaned again, her hands clutching the back of Fiona’s head. Her legs jolted as Fiona’s expressive lips wrapped around one pouty nipple, tugging lightly with her teeth while her hand twisted the other. Her tongue spiraled rapidly over Margaret’s breast, and her other hand gently stroked the inside of her thigh. She bit her lip and threw her head back, letting the waves of pleasure completely overtake her.

  Her moans became more urgent as Fiona’s hands and tongue moved more and more quickly over her flushed skin. Fiona raised her head and pulled Margaret into yet another warm kiss, her hands stroking Margaret’s breasts. “Please, Fiona.” Margaret heard the huskiness of desire in her own voice. “I can’t stand much more. Take me.”

  Fiona shifted, her eyes traveling slowly over her, settling on Margaret’s mound, her legs. She knew what Fiona intended. “You don’t have to do that,” Margaret said.

  “I do.” Fiona stroked her hair, leaned down to kiss her deeply. “I hope I do this right.”

  “Nothing you do to me could be wrong.” Margaret reached to caress her cheek, hoping to provide reassurance through her touch if not her words.

  Fiona’s kisses shifted away from her mouth, moving over her jaw, her throat, and collarbones. She lavished attention on Margaret’s breasts, covering their sensitive flesh with kisses, stroked the outer curves of the breasts with exploring fingertips, nuzzled her face into the cleft between them. When Margaret writhed beneath her, Fiona moved farther down, dropping kisses across her ribs, next to her navel, on her hips. Finally, Fiona kissed Margaret at the juncture of her thighs. Margaret jerked with surprise and pleasure, squeezed her eyes shut, her mouth opening on a gasp.

  Smoothing her hands over Margaret’s thighs, Fiona spread them apart and slid herself between them. She stroked her hand across Margaret’s mound, and her nether lips. Margaret knew she was wet, felt Fiona’s fingers easily glide across and between her folds. Her touch felt marvelous. Margaret was helpless to restrain a moan of loss when Fiona pulled her hand away.

  Fiona bent and pressed her mouth to Margaret’s clitoris. Her tongue swept across Margaret’s bud, down across her lips, deep in the folds. Margaret’s hips jumped upward to press more firmly to Fiona’s mouth. Fiona clasped her hips to hold her down, but Margaret couldn’t seem to stay still, squirming under the almost painful pleasure of Fiona’s ministrations. Fiona had no difficulty holding her still enough to continue with the glorious assault upon her senses. Her tongue laved the entire length of Margaret’s lips repeatedly.

  Margaret shook and gasped, but Fiona only pressed her tongue harder against Margaret’s folds, sliding between them to enter her. Margaret’s hands flew to her mouth, biting the heel of her hand to prevent herself from screaming out, announcing her pleasure to the whole damn house.

  Fiona ceased pleasuring with her tongue and Margaret moaned at the withdrawal. She wanted more. Fiona placed her lips to her clitoris and sucked, continuing the onslaught of hot pleasure. Margaret’s back arched up off the bed like a drawn bow, and even with her hand at her mouth she couldn’t entirely suppress a shout. Fiona continue to kiss her nub even as Margaret thrashed and keened. Fiona’s lips and tongue flicking and sucking until Margaret felt as though she would explode. The whole world seemed to burst into bright white light, and Margaret fell into an incredible spiraling climax.

  Afterwards, she lay still, filled with a warm lassitude.

  “Are you all right,” Fiona asked, moving to lie beside her on the bed.

  “Perfect,” she mumbled. Margaret felt content. “You need to sleep.”

  “What about you? You don’t want to be found here,” Fiona said, panic lacing her words. She jumped from the bed, pulled up their clothing from the floor, arranging Margaret’s neatly at the bottom of the bed. Fiona then replaced her binding, shirt, and trousers. Margaret had hoped to hold Fiona’s flesh close to her for a little while longer, but could settle for holding her any manner allowed.

��I’ll just rest for a bit, and leave once you’ve fallen asleep.” She yawned, wriggled into a slightly more comfortable position. And swiftly fell into a deep sleep.

  Chapter Twenty-six

  “FINN, WAKE UP.” Fiona could feel someone shaking her shoulder, but was too tired to move. Until remembering Margaret had fallen asleep next to her last night, and she hadn’t slipped the chair under the doorknob. Was Margaret in trouble of being found out? Groggily, she opened her eyes. It wasn’t Margaret, however, who hovered above and quickly kissed her.


  No sooner had she spoken the name than the bedroom door burst open. “Damn you to hell, Finn,” Eldon yelled.

  Fiona pulled Sunny closer as she reached for the switchblade on the bedside table. “What the hell?” she mumbled, staring at the doorway and finding a livid Eldon, a frightened Lorraine, and Jimmy nearly salivating as his gaze settled on Sunny.

  Fiona focused on Jimmy first. “I’ll stick you, Jimmy, if you ever act on what your face says you’re thinking right now.” She turned to Eldon, hoping her expression showed righteous anger instead of the confused shock she felt. “Have I done something to piss you off, and that can’t wait until morning to discuss, sir?” She added the last word in hopes to soften her surly attitude, despite the situation calling for it.

  “Where’s Margaret?” Eldon stammered. Then Fiona knew what the mass invasion was about; and wondered when Margaret had left the room.

  Frowning, also glad she’d dozed off while wearing most of her clothes, Fiona reached for the robe at the foot of the bed, put it on, and stood. Tucking the blanket firmly about Sunny even though she wore a heavy nightdress, Fiona raised Sunny in her arms, surprised at how small and light she still felt. She walked to the armchair and sat down, gathering Sunny tight to her chest. “I would assume Margaret’s in her own room, sleeping, probably.”

  “Look, I’m sorry, kid.” Eldon waved in the direction of Jimmy and Lorraine. “They had this strange idea they heard Margaret from inside this room.”

  “Can’t imagine why anyone would think that. Seems they're rather offensive toward Miss Margaret, and suggests I’m not happy with your gratitude,” Fiona said with an elevated eyebrow. She placed a soft kiss on Sunny’s forehead and then smiled wickedly as she laced her fingers through Sunny’s right hand. “Don’t believe we were loud enough for Brigid to hear, let alone anyone from the main part of the house.”

  As if the implications just dawned on him, Eldon said, “Yes, it does beg the question, and maybe much more.” His scowl took in Lorraine and Jimmy. “You two go wait in my office. I’ll be there in a bit to discuss whose hearing is so keen.” He watched them until they were out of sight. When Eldon returned his attention to Fiona, he gave a smug smile. “Glad your birthday present is working out for you kid. I have a couple unhappy clients ’cause of my gift to you.”

  Fiona clenched her jaw before responding. “Don’t wanna hurt your business, Mr. Graham, but honestly, can’t say I’m upset ’bout it either.” She flashed a smile at Sunny, then kissed her lips gently. “Best damn bauble a fella can get.”

  Eldon nodded, but his face held disgust. “Glad she’s more receptive to you. Must be an age thing, you both being young. I couldn’t even get a grunt from her.” So today will be a “hate Eldon” day. Sunny gave a small cry of discomfort into Fiona’s ear and realized she’d squeezed Sunny’s fingers painfully in her own. Leave it to a creep like Eldon to remind her she had his used goods that didn’t get the approval of the original user. “Sorry to have bothered you, kid. See you in the morning,” he said before pulling the door closed.

  Fuming from his remarks and the coldness of her own, Fiona took deep breaths before she looked at Sunny. She noted the lone tear at the corner of Sunny’s eye. “Sweetie, I’m sorry if I hurt you.” Fiona raised Sunny’s injured hand, placed a kiss on her knuckles, and said, “With my grip and my words.” Fiona felt the small shrug and pulled her closer into a hug. She placed a finger under Sunny’s chin and raised it until their eyes met. “You know I don’t think of you as a bauble, right? That I really care about you?”

  “Mm-hmm,” Sunny replied softly. A corner of her lip raised in a semblance of a smile.

  Fiona gave her a quick peck on the lips. “All right. Let’s get you to bed.” Sunny giggled. “Your own bed, squirt.” Sunny wrapped her arms around Fiona’s neck as she brought them both to a standing position, wincing a bit from her bruised muscles and tender skin. As Fiona walked them toward the bathroom separating her room from Brigid’s, Fiona asked, “How’d you know they were coming?”

  “Brigid heard them. She woke Miss Margaret while I took her place.” She scrunched up her face in distress. “Are you mad I kissed you?”

  “No, sunshine, I could never be mad at you,” Fiona stated honestly. Reaching Brigid’s room, Fiona tenderly placed Sunny on the bed. The quarters were tight, but safer for them all to stay close to one another. Once Sunny’s head hit the pillow, Fiona pulled the bedclothes over her and gave one last kiss to her forehead. “Sleep,” she commanded.

  “Everything okay, Finn?” Brigid asked, raising herself onto an elbow.

  “Yeah, thanks to quick thinking from you two.” Fiona caught Brigid’s gaze. “Is Margaret—”

  “Okay. She used the service stairs. Mr. Graham refuses to use or even remember them.” Brigid smirked. “I watched her all the way to her room, while they were all peeking in on you.”

  “I should go check on her.”

  Brigid shook her head. “Not wise, Finn. You’ve satisfied the brother. Anything you do now would only taint the waters. Go get some rest, you’re still looking battered and bruised.”

  Fiona gave a feigned look of shock. “What? You don’t think it adds character to my boyish charm?”

  “Be serious,” Brigid said. “We count on you to be able to look after us. Margaret does too. I see the worry in her eyes when you aren’t around her.”

  “I won’t let anything happen to any of you,” Fiona said solemnly. “I just need a bit more time before we can leave.” She’d offered to take Brigid too, but Brigid stated she needed to give this idea some consideration.

  Sunny grabbed her hand. “You aren’t safe, Finn.”

  Fiona glanced down at her, then over to a nodding Brigid, who said, “You aren’t doing it on purpose, but you keep messing up Jimmy’s plans to make you look bad. He’s dangerous, more than even Mr. Graham, and he wants both your girlfriend and your birthday present in a bad way. You stand between him and his desires for Margaret and Sunny.”

  Sitting on the corner of Sunny’s bed, Fiona said, “Jimmy wouldn’t hesitate to take his anger out on either of you. Even Margaret isn’t safe.” Soberly, Fiona shook her head. “Okay, I’ve got some thinking to do. Remember I don’t want either of you to ever be caught by Jimmy alone. Sunny, try not to let Eldon catch you alone, either. His moods are too mercurial and I never know when he’s Jekyll or Hyde. Stay close to each other. See if Margaret will confirm it’s her idea that you do.” She jumped up from the bed, yanked the side chair from the corner, and wedged the back under the door handle. “Make certain you do this, every night.” Fiona turned toward them. “I need you both, and need you safe.” She heaved a weary sigh. “Any luck and we only need to hold out for a little while longer, a month at most.”

  “Just watch your back, Finn.” Brigid smiled weakly. “We can be on guard when you’re here, look out for each other when you aren’t. But out there, no one is watching out for you.”

  With a final smile, Fiona asked, “How’d I get to be such a lucky fella to have such beautiful dolls for protection?” She turned and went back to her own room.

  MARGARET WAITED IMPATIENTLY in her room, expecting Eldon to send for her at any moment; or at least have a bed check done by one of his underlings. She’d put on her nightdress, washed up, and still no one. As more time passed, the silence unbearable, she decided to check for herself if Finn was all right. The more time that passe
d, the more she worried the worst had happened. Although, she hoped the silence was a positive sign that Finn was okay.

  Tossing on her bathrobe, Margaret opened her door, and was about to head down the service stairs, when she heard the angry, though muffled, voices of Lorraine and Jimmy in the foyer. She peered over the railing in time to see them enter Eldon’s office.

  Quietly, she rushed down the stairs thankful her slippers silenced her progress. As she approached Eldon’s office, Margaret noted the door ajar, heard footsteps coming, and rushed into the library before anyone saw her. Margaret opened a tiny supply closet door, entered, and gently closed the door behind her. From here, she could hear everything said in her brother’s office.

  “All right you two, one of you tell me what the fuck is going on,” Eldon raged loudly. “And I don’t care which one it is, start talking.”

  “Jimmy thought—” Lorraine began.

  “Shut up, bitch,” Jimmy said. Even through the wall, Margaret could tell someone had, presumably Jimmy, slapped Lorraine hard. She gave a muffled cry, and Jimmy used the opportunity to continue. “I was just following suspicions from your girl,” Jimmy said. “Some cockamamie idea your sister was in here with the runt. That they’ve been conducting an affair right under your nose.”

  Lorraine’s voice was low. “I never—” A pause. “Sure, I taunted Jimmy because he was whining about Finn again. But whatever he told you, I had no part.”

  Margaret heard pacing, suspected it was her brother. “I thought you said you heard Margaret’s voice,” Eldon said.


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