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Speakeasy, Speak Love

Page 21

by Sharon G Clark

  Jimmy stepped forward. “So what happened—”

  “Mr. Graham,” Ian said, interrupting Jimmy. “Finn was found outside the hospital, along with Lorraine Mills. Someone had just dumped them outside the building and left. Miss Mills died in the hospital from her injuries.” Fiona could hear Jimmy’s audible gulp at the mention of Lorraine. She wondered what he’d told Eldon he’d done with her.

  “Lorraine? But she’s supposed to be back in the mid-west?” Eldon said. His furrowed brow and lips tightening as if he were trying to reconcile the confusion he felt.

  “Who told you that, Mr. Graham?” Ian asked.

  If Eldon intend the information to be private, his instinctive glare at Jimmy belied the fact. “Jimmy?”

  Jimmy took a couple steps away from Eldon and the desk. “I got her out of the house, just like you asked.”

  “Where’d you take her?”

  Fiona expected Jimmy to be better at fabricating a story, but he appeared to be at a loss for half-a-minute, as he continued his slow progress toward the office door. “Bus station. Let me go check on that for you, Eldon.”

  “That won’t be—” Eldon didn’t finish. Jimmy left the room; his hurried footsteps and the slamming of the front door letting them know he’d left the house. Under other circumstance, Fiona would have laughed at the absurdity that his actions proved anything but his guilt. Eldon fell back into his chair as if all the air left him. “What happened to Lorraine?” he asked.

  “You’ll need to talk to the hospital. I don’t feel comfortable sharing that with you,” Ian said. Eldon raised his head quickly, his frown questioning. “It wasn’t a pleasant death by any means, is all I can say.”

  Fiona wanted to scream at him, “A little too late to care about her.” Instead, she glanced between Margaret and Ian. “Can I go now?”

  “Yes,” Eldon said.

  Ian stepped toward the door. “I’ll let myself out.”

  Margaret absently rubbed a hand up and down Fiona’s back. She considered pulling away, but the action showed Margaret did care for her a little. Even if she wouldn’t run away with her.

  MARGARET CLOSED THE door behind her once they entered Fiona’s room. She was tired, stressed, and heartbroken at how withdrawn Fiona had become since the hospital. The reason became apparent as soon as Fiona spoke. “Leave with me, Margaret. Tonight. Please.” Fiona turned to face her. “It will only take a few minutes for Sunny and me to pack, but we’ll wait for you. I’m still jake with Old Man Chambers and I know he’ll give me one of his old trucks.”

  Tonight? “Honey, I can’t leave now.”

  Fiona’s expression was crestfallen. “Why not?”

  “I have obligations, Fiona. I can’t just run off willy-nilly.”

  “Obligations?” She took a step forward, but Fiona moved to put the bed between them. Fiona snorted loudly. “So, I’m not important enough as either your lover—one time granted—or even important enough to be an obligation.”

  “That’s not true, Fiona. I’m just asking for a little time.”

  Fiona crumpled onto the chair by the bed. From the quivering in her shoulders, Margaret realized she was silently crying. On impulse driven by her heart, Margaret rushed to Fiona and dropped to her knees, clasping Fiona’s hands in hers.

  With an anguished whisper, Fiona said, “I don’t know how I can. I don’t want to be part of this charade anymore. I want to be me, Fiona.” Her head rose and watery brown eyes met Margaret’s. “I can’t be part of these horrible—”

  Squeezing the hands in hers, Margaret said, “I understand. I’ll do my best to keep you away from Eldon and Jimmy.” Margaret suspected Jimmy would do his best to maintain distance for a while, rather than explain what happened with Lorraine. “I’m not saying never, just that I can’t leave this soon. Please, stay with me for a while longer?”

  “What are your feelings for me?” Fiona asked, her voice sounding small and hurt.

  How could she not know Margaret’s feelings for her? They’d made love, hadn’t they? Looking at the torment in Fiona’s eyes had her questioning what was really going on with her insecurity. “Honey, what are you afraid of?”

  Fiona looked away. “I’m afraid I can’t protect you, can’t protect Sunny. After Lorraine—”

  Edward had skimmed over the explanation, but the expressions from him and Fiona had her realizing she didn’t want to know the specific details. Margaret cupped Fiona’s cheek, the pad of her thumb brushing across her chin. “If I didn’t care for you, Fiona, I wouldn’t be asking for time. If you need to leave, I’ll be sorry to see you go, but will understand. I wish you would stay.”

  “What if I can’t protect you?”

  “Nothing’s going to happen. I love you, Fiona. Please trust me.” After a short hesitation, Fiona nodded. Margaret stood and pulled Fiona with her. “You need to rest.”

  “Will you stay?” Fiona sat on bed and removed her boots.

  Margaret placed a gentle kiss to Fiona’s lips. “Let me lock the door.”

  With the door secure, Margaret started to pull back the duvet, only to have Fiona stop her. “I’m tired, but I’m filthy,” Fiona said. “I’ll just lie down on top of the duvet.”

  “I understand.” Margaret sat next to her to do likewise, but jumped up at the hard feel of something under the thin mattress. She raised the corner of the mattress and found the gun and holster Eldon had given Fiona. “Why is this here?”

  Fiona shrugged. “Makes me nervous, but I didn’t want to leave it in the open.”

  “You could have hidden it in a dresser.”

  “Nah, that’s the first place someone might look. I want it close in case I need it.”

  As Margaret returned it to the original hiding place, Fiona lay back on the bed. She looked so worn out, and still so beautiful to Margaret. She climbed up on the bed and snuggled close to Fiona’s side, her head on Fiona’s shoulder. “Let me protect you for a little while.” She knew from the steady, shallow breathes, Fiona had already fallen asleep. “I love you, Fiona.” Margaret just wished Fiona didn’t doubt that.

  Chapter Thirty

  MARGARET CAREFULLY LET herself out of bed so she wouldn’t disturb Fiona. Margaret stared at her sleeping form. Since Jimmy’s hasty departure from Eldon’s office, she worried what he’d do next. Margaret’s turn to protect those she loved had arrived. She managed, grudgingly, to get Fiona to postpone leaving. Margaret wasn’t ready to leave Boston yet, but was more reluctant to leave before she gave Ian Donnelly the evidence he needed. Problem was that the evidence would implicate Eldon, too. She had to work a deal. For that, Margaret needed assistance.

  Moving to the side of the bed, Margaret continued to stare down at Fiona. This wonderful woman with the heart of gold was trying to singlehandedly safeguard those she loved, like a knight of old. Well, Margaret would pick up the gauntlet.

  Placing a light kiss to Fiona’s forehead, Margaret silently left the room. She headed for the kitchen, surprised to find Mrs. Baumann already at her cooking. “Good morning, Mrs. Baumann.”

  Mrs. Baumann gave her a glance from head to foot, and frowned. “Is everything all right, dear? I’ve coffee ready.”

  Doubting the family business would be private much longer, Margaret chose to make some explanations. “Actually, no. Someone hurt Finn again.” Partial truths were always easiest to remember. “And Lorraine’s dead. I’ll need to make arrangements for her.”

  Hand pressed to her heart, Mrs. Baumann appeared ready to cry. “I’m sorry about Miss Lorraine.” She swallowed as if the words had lodged in her throat. “Finn, he’ll be okay?”

  Margaret nodded. “In time. He’s resting now.” She poured herself a cup of coffee. “I need to make arrangements for Lorraine today, and don’t believe Eldon’s up to it. May I ask a favor?”

  Mrs. Baumann’s face grew stern. “As if you need permission. Just ask.”

  “Keep an eye on Finn? His injuries have left him with partial amnesia. He remember
s things but not specifics. He was with Lorraine when she died and I’m not sure how all this is going to affect him.”

  “Oh, that poor boy. I’ll do my best, Miss Margaret.”

  “That’s all I ask.” Margaret drank her coffee, ate the plate of food Mrs. Baumann placed in front of her, and mentally formulated her course of action. She needed to find Ian Donnelly, needed to arrange for Lorraine’s burial, and most of all needed to sort out her plans for the future—plans involving Fiona.

  Before she could begin, Margaret would need transportation. She couldn’t take Fiona’s truck. Jimmy was out there somewhere and could be targeting it with killing Fiona in mind. Eldon’s car was out of the question. She had no idea what his plans were and if he’d need it. Besides, she needed a dose of familiar support. Walking to the phone on the wall, Margaret picked up the receiver and requested Chatham555. After the call picked up at the other end, Margaret requested to speak to Janice, stating the call an emergency when told the hour was too early to disturb her.

  “This had better be good,” Janice’s tired voice snarled.

  “I need you to be my chauffeur,” Margaret said. “I’ll explain when you pick me up.” Margaret grinned although Janice couldn’t see through the phone line. “Will the chore be easier if I promise to include a handsome, and single, detective?” She prayed Ian would forgive her for whatever Janice might do.

  “I’m on my way.” Despite her turbulent emotions, Margaret smiled.

  FIONA AWOKE, INSTANTLY aware Margaret no longer slept beside her. Not surprised, but her absence hurt Fiona nonetheless. Her head pounded painfully and caused her stomach to churn, but her bloodied, damaged, ocean-stiff clothing needed addressing first. She needed a bath.

  Forty minutes later, Fiona was ready to start her day. She smiled at the knowledge Sunny had been checking on her progress during that time. Sunny had been quiet as a church mouse, but Fiona could sense her, once when she removed Fiona’s soiled clothing, and again as she peeked into the bedroom after Fiona had dressed. She felt more than heard when Sunny went to tidy their shared bathroom. From the doorway, Fiona said, “I can take care of this later, Sunny.”

  “We do for each other,” Sunny said, her gaze darting to the stitches at Fiona’s forehead.

  Fiona walked into the room and pulled Sunny into a hug. “I’m okay, honey. Leave this till later and come get something to eat with me.” Sunny nodded against her shoulder. “That’s my girl.”

  They greeted a busy Mrs. Baumann, who poured a cup of coffee for Fiona and a glass of milk for Sunny as soon as she noticed them in the hall. “Hear you had another adventure,” Mrs. Baumann said, sliding a plate before each of them as they sat at the table. “You attract trouble like a magnet.”

  “I aim for a simple life. Guess my aim is well and truly off.” Fiona took a bite of food, marveling at the exquisite taste the woman always produced. “How’d you hear about it anyway?”

  “Miss Margaret told me before she left.”

  “Left?” Fiona’s heart raced in panic. Where would she go? It wasn’t safe, not with Jimmy who-knows-where out there.

  Nodding, Mrs. Baumann said, “She called her friend, Hartwell I believe the name was, and mentioned the police.”

  Her insides felt like a sledgehammer just shattered what was left of her hope. So, Margaret had made her choice and it was Hartwell, not her. Suddenly, the delicious food of a moment ago tasted like sawdust. Fiona pushed the plate away, no longer able to eat. Sunny reached over, placed a hand on top of hers, concern in her eyes. Fiona just shook her head.

  She was about to retreat to her room, but Eldon entered the kitchen on unsteady legs, his gaze narrowing in on her. He looked…off. Was he finally feeling guilt for the way he’d treated Lorraine? She wanted to shake him, tell him it was way too late.

  “Know you’re supposed to be resting, Finn. Need you to do that later. Right now, I want to go to Favors.”

  Fiona nodded. “Yes sir. I’ll bring the car around front in fifteen minutes. That okay?”

  “Yeah, fine.” Eldon turned and left.

  Doubtful he witnessed when Fiona clenched and unclenched her hands, with Margaret running around with that awful, stuck up Hartwell, her having to traipse around with the hangdog Eldon, and Jimmy in the wind, Sunny wouldn’t have her protection at the house.

  “Mrs. Baumann, a favor please?” Fiona asked.

  “Anything, Finn.” Mrs. Baumann moved to the table and stood next to Fiona as she stood from her chair.

  Expression stern, Mrs. Baumann latched Fiona’s chin in a vice grip of finger and thumb. “Who is looking after you? No one.” She gave a nod in Sunny’s direction. “I’ll care for your girls, Finn. Just watch your back.”

  “Yes, ma’am, I will,” Fiona agreed.

  The usual fierceness of the older woman was replaced with a quick softening. She released Fiona’s chin. “Be sure you do, Finn. These girls may survive without you, but I can tell you they won’t be living a proper life without you in it.”

  “As long as they’re safe, they’ll get by just fine.”

  Mrs. Baumann stepped back and clucked. “That’s where you’re wrong, Finn.” She returned to her stove. “Now get on with you before you get Mr. Eldon’s dander up.”

  A quick kiss to Sunny’s forehead and Fiona went to get the car. Duty called.

  IT WAS CLOSE to six o’clock in the evening when Sunny and Brigid heard, from the couch in the library, the houses front door bang open. She’d seen Margaret use a small closet to listen in on Eldon’s meeting with Finn. Sunny tugged on Brigid until both stood nestled inside, and the door closed behind them.

  From their hiding spot, Sunny could make out the banging sounds of doors roughly pushed open, stomping from two sets of heavy feet, ending with loud cursing voices from Eldon’s office.

  “Where the hell is everybody?” Sunny recognized Jimmy’s voice. She tensed and Brigid pulled her into an embrace, offering comfort.

  “Guess this screws up your plans, huh?” She didn’t recognize that voice, but could tell he was younger than Jimmy.

  “No, Junior, it doesn’t.” Slamming of desk drawers echoed. “Margaret’s probably with her friends, so she can wait a bit. I’ll come back for her after I take care of Eldon. I wanted to make the runt suffer by using his little bitch as bait. Guess I’ll have to find another way.”

  “Can you use his old man?” Junior asked. Sunny’s heart began to slam against her ribs. No. Finn’s father would surely ruin and tattle about her secret. Quinn wouldn’t have forgotten about Finn’s last beating, where Quinn would have felt humiliated.

  “You know where to find him?”

  “Yeah. And word around is there’s no love lost between them.”

  Jimmy laughed, and it was an awful thing to Sunny, all wicked and dirty. “It’s about time for the clubs to open. Let’s go get the runt’s dad and plan a little family reunion.”

  Sunny had to do something. Finn—her Fiona—was in serious trouble. Soon as the front door once again slammed closed, Sunny exited her hiding place and raced to their quarters.

  “Sunny, what are you doing?” Brigid asked from behind her.

  “Gonna protect Finn.” She reached Fiona’s room and went straight for the bed, pulled up the mattress and removed the Browning Fiona kept hidden. She also took the small change purse that Fiona hid for Sunny, so she could use it when Margaret or Brigid took her to town.

  “With that? Are you crazy?” Brigid reached for the gun. Sunny jerked her hand away and raced into their shared room, slamming the door between them to prevent Brigid from following. “Sunny, what are you doing? Let me in.”

  During one of their shopping excursions, Sunny had talked Margaret into a set of boys’ clothes like Fiona wore. She’d readily agreed believing it another way for Sunny to idolize Fiona. In truth, Sunny understood why Fiona liked the clothes, as the outfit was freeing and gave her more maneuverability. Once dressed, Sunny stuffed the Browning in her pants pocket, ju
st as she heard Bridget use her key in their door. Rushing back into Fiona’s room, Sunny made her way down the hall and out the kitchen door.

  Sunny was halfway down the road before she heard Bridget call out to her. “Please, Sunny, come back, it’s not safe for you out there. At least wait for me.”

  She turned just long enough to holler to Brigid. “They were going to Favors.” She remembered Fiona had told her the real name was different. “Finn’s at The Fisher’s Net. Find Margaret, we’ve got to protect her.” Then she was jogging toward the street, trying to find a taxi to help her save the only person who ever cared for her.

  FIONA PACED THE concrete floor of the Favor’s barroom. Eldon had closed the restaurant, and sent word for everyone to stay home. Then, he proceeded to imbibe of bottle after bottle of bootleg spirits. The place felt odd without the wait staff or the entertainers buzzing around. This gave her too much time to think, to obsess over what she’d do now that Margaret had made her choice to stay in Boston.

  First, she tried to reconcile with Margaret asking her for a bit of time. She’d been willing to do it, knowing Margaret would move west with her and Sunny. They’d be like a family—away from people trying to see Fiona dead.

  Second, Fiona tried to shake the repeated images of Lorraine’s tortured body playing in her head. With what Jimmy had done to Lorraine, because Eldon had picked Jimmy over his own girlfriend, Fiona couldn’t feel sad for him. Hell, this was one of her hate Eldon days. He’d professed caring for Lorraine, had been a gentleman the day of the restaurant meeting with that fella from New York. Fiona had hoped it was a positive sign in their relationship. Obviously, she was wrong. Fiona held her tongue, mostly because she was supposed to be suffering amnesia. However, the more Eldon drank, whining to no one in particular, the more Fiona paced—and fumed.


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