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Tiva Boon: Royal Guardian

Page 24

by Jenn Nixon

  As the tram gained speed, the other passenger glanced over again, and gripped the railings to keep balance. Tiva remained stationary, her eyes fixed, and fingers tight around the hilt of her blade if needed. The door at the end of the compartment opened, and a young girl walked in, moving to the first passenger.

  “Which station?” she said.

  “Degort proper, station one,” a deep voice replied.

  The young girl pulled out a strip of parchment, scanned it with a bright blue light, collected payment, and handed the man his ticket. She took a few steps toward Tiva, but stopped suddenly. She lifted her head to meet the girl’s eyes. She looked frightened.

  “I wish to stop in the Degort proper marketplace,” she said politely to ease the tension.

  The girl repeated her duty, and gave Tiva the ticket. She parted her cloak and handed the girl a few coins.

  “You gave me too much,” she said.

  “Keep it,” Tiva said, taking the ticket and slipping her hand back in the confines of her cloak.

  “Thank you.” The girl smiled and exited the compartment.

  “That was generous of you, you must be nobility,” the deep voice said.

  Tiva did not respond.

  “No, then perhaps a parliament head?”

  She remained in place.

  “Perhaps a protector?” he said, with a slight chuckle.

  Tiva averted her eyes and when she looked closer, saw him grin. A weight drifted from her spirit. She stood and moved near him. He rose to his feet and lowered his hood.

  “Asking questions of a stranger is not always a wise practice during these trying times,” she murmured.

  “Unless you know the voice of the stranger as a friend,” he said.

  She pushed the hood back on her forehead and saluted him. “It is good to see a friendly face, Tespor.”

  He hugged her, and quickly released her when she yelped. “You are injured?”

  “I am, but we have no time to dwell, my friend. I’ve been traveling all night to get to the king, the Rebels have planned a raid.”

  “Why did you not contact Darlew or your father?”

  “The towers in Stimli and Whettland have been destroyed.”

  “By the spirits!” He pulled out his PCD and tried it for himself. “The entire capital is at risk. Come.” Tespor grabbed her hand and pulled her through the tram. They rushed past a few people who seemed curious, but remained silent. He pushed open the control room door, the tram driver jumped at the unexpected intrusion.

  “What is the meaning of this?” he growled.

  “We are Royal Guardians,” Tespor said forcefully, revealing his shoulder and guardian patch. “You must take us directly to the marketplace, now.”

  “I have passengers.”

  “This is an order you cannot disobey, the life of your king is at stake.”

  “Yes…sir…” he sputtered.

  “And do it quickly,” Tiva said.

  The driver nodded and increased the speed. Tespor and Tiva stood in the control room as the tram passed the first three stops. Voices rose through the compartment behind them. Tiva looked at the few who gathered.

  “There is an emergency at the Palace of Kinchar, you will be brought back to your stop once we depart.”

  Blankly the faces bobbed at her statement, and they remained quiet the remainder of the trip.

  “Thank you,” Tespor said to the driver, and followed Tiva to the exit.

  They ran from the station and down the path to the middle of the marketplace. It was barren. Leaning against the wall, Tiva grabbed Tespor holding him back.

  “What is it?”

  “Where are the guardians and legionnaires?” she said.

  “I assume they are on patrols, last I knew many were mingling with the populace covertly. The king closed the marketplace to all after nightfall.”

  “The road to Degort was blocked by men dressed as the king’s Legion. They attacked us and killed the legionnaire who drove me. I don’t think we can trust many, Tespor. Everyone, aside from the guardians I hope, is a potential threat; we must keep sharp.”

  “We’ll take the back alley to the palace; it should be empty.”

  Tiva agreed and silently stalked through the narrow alleys making their way toward the palace. At the edge of the marketplace, Tespor held Tiva back and surveyed the land. The trees between them and the side gate swayed in the wind, with no other movement. He looked at her, nodded, and pointed to the far end of the trees.

  She broke from his side and darted across the grass. Sneaking through the sparse trees, each taking a turn, they closed in on their destination. Tespor reached the gate first, Tiva right on his heels. The guardian behind the gate didn’t notice or sense their presence, and this aggravated her, until he turned and smiled.

  “Jex?” Tespor squinted for a better view.

  “Spirited greetings, my friends. Your stealth techniques are quite good. I did not realize you were near until the last dash across the expanse.”

  “Let us in, we have urgent news!” Tiva scowled.

  “What news?” he said, opening the gate instantly.

  “The king, where is he?” Tespor asked.

  “Sleeping I assume, it is almost morning after all.”

  “Keep on guard, Jex, the Rebels are planning an attack. Anything that seems out of the ordinary might be cause for concern,” Tiva said.

  “I understand.” He saluted and closed the gate behind them after they entered.

  Tiva ran through the courtyard without waiting for Tespor. She was near the guardian entrance when the two standing watch pulled their weapons.


  “Guardian Boon, reporting, open the doors, now!” she said. Skky Finto and Bip Becha each opened a door. Tiva ran through without stopping, knowing Tespor was right behind. She flew down the corridor and into the main study. It was empty. She pushed ahead to the Great Hall and to the front of the room. Taking the side door, she tore into the main hall passed the lift, into another corridor and slowed as she neared the king’s chambers where her aunts stood guard.

  “Wake the king, now!”

  “Tiva? You are supposed to be in Cenii, what has happened?”

  “Wake the king, the Rebels are near.”

  Lilla gaped at her, and Jinka pulled out her PCD.

  “Communications are down,” Tespor said.

  Annoyed, Tiva slammed her fist against the door. “Sire, wake up!”

  Inside the chamber, commotion first then the doors swung open, Harer and Mirta stood half-awake in their sleep clothing, looking very angry.

  “By the spirits!” he grumbled and rubbed his eyes. “Guardian Boon, what is the meaning of this?”

  She saluted quickly and bowed her head. “My apologies for waking you sire, but there is an imminent threat upon your life. The Rebels are near.”

  “What?” he said astonished.

  “The communication towers have been destroyed. I sent the legionnaires to find the source and found a Rebel hideout in Cenii. One there spoke of a plan to assassinate you. The culprit was underway before I left. I have been traveling all night, sire. We must gather the guardians quickly—”

  “Tiva, slow your tongue…” he said, glancing at his wife who already seemed shaken. “Lilla, Jinka, call all elite here now.”

  “Communications are down in the capital as well, sire. We will have to collect them ourselves,” Jinka said.

  “Wake all in the guardian hall and send them to help. Warn them of this threat.”

  “Yes, your majesty.” Her aunts bowed and took their leave.

  “Keep safe,” Mirta said.

  “Come, tell us everything.” Harer motioned Tiva inside.

  Tiva spent the early morning recounting her findings in Cenii, the king and queen listened intently as every detail poured out of her. When the second sun rose above the horizon all the guardians called had arrived. Harer reiterated everything she told him to the guardians. Many were
shocked and horrified.

  Darlew was the first to speak. “Do you know how many Rebels we can expect?”

  “I do not,” Tiva said. “Unil only told me Solun, but that is not to say he came alone.”

  “Indeed,” Devler said.

  “We must hold council with the protectors,” the king said. “Lock down the palace. Darlew place double guards on all entrances. Kevler sound the call. Rux and Yark, guard the main gate, allow only guardian and legionnaire to enter. The rest of you meet in the great hall.”

  “Yes, sire.” The group rose and exited the king’s chambers.

  Harer paced before his window, every so often glancing out. Tiva and Tespor exchanged looks. He turned and raised a brow. “You are dismissed.”

  “With respect, sire, you must remain protected.”

  “You have done well, Guardians, you should rest. I will inform you of our next course of action.”

  “I prefer to join the council, sire,” she said, Tespor nodded.

  “Very well,” he said, defeated. “Let us make haste.”

  Tespor and Tiva followed the king down the corridor and into the main hall. Guardians and legionnaires alike rushed into the Great Hall, the resounding siren of the tower vibrating the walls around them. Tiva spotted Kenon in the distance. He was leading a group of legionnaires toward them. Harer called him over. As the group approached, Tiva scanned her surroundings. Tespor did the same.

  The king and prince spoke in a hushed voice. It was then she surveyed the legionnaires and realized she neglected to mention the men blocking Degort were dressed as Legion. Her eyes widened. One did not belong, and she knew the face. He noticed her at the same moment and despite the shocked expression, he pulled a detonator from his tunic and tossed it near.

  “Sire!” she said and tackled the king to the ground as a small explosion rang through the hall. The blast threw Kenon and Tespor back. The legionnaires scattered. Solun ran into another corridor.

  “I am unharmed,” Harer said breathlessly. Tiva jumped to her feet and gave chase. Pulling her blade from its sheath, she forced her legs to match the speed of her will. Solun was near the end of the corridor when she entered. She cursed and ran faster. The doors swung open hitting Solun, he stumbled back.

  “Detain him!” Tiva said.

  Rae Boon, although stunned, pulled her sword on the intruder. Solun parried, and stabbed her in the thigh with a long serrated blade. She fell to her knee and slashed his hip. Tiva sped up. Solun rose and staggered through the door. Without stopping to help, she leapt over her fallen cousin and while airborne pulled her dagger, thrust it at Solun, striking his shoulder. He crashed to the ground, and scrambled on his belly. Tiva’s foot smashed into his back, her sword scraped the side of his neck.

  “How many have you brought with you?” she said.

  “Lovely Tiva, so nice to see you. Did you not enjoy Cenii? I heard you were coming, but didn’t expect to see you so soon.”

  “How many, Solun.”

  “Just myself, I was not supposed to fail, it was fool proof. Your appearance just quickened my orders.”

  “Who ordered you here?”

  “Now, now, Tiva, if I told you, what type of Rebel would I be?”

  Confused at this statement, she pressed the blade against his neck drawing blood. “Who ordered you here?”

  “Do not fret, Guardian Boon, you’ll understand soon.” Solun pulled another detonator from his tunic and activated it. She attempted to jump away, but the blast caught her back and tossed her through the air slamming her against the wall. Her face crushing against the ground was the last thing she felt before falling into darkness.

  Chapter Seventeen

  The soothing chirp of birds resounded in the room. Curtains flapped gently against the cool breeze of morning, and the dreams slipped away. Sore, yet comfortable, Tiva stirred awake. She pushed the blankets from her body and sat up. Dizziness filled her head and she fell back moaning.

  “She is awake!”


  “Yes, precious one, I’m here.” D’laja pulled her into a tender embrace. “You are safe.”

  “Where am I?”

  “The palace healing bay.”

  “The king!” Tiva attempted to sit up again, but her mother forced her back against the pillow.

  “He is fine, the Royal Family is safe. Rae and Tespor are fine, only slightly injured.”


  “He has perished.”

  “He said he was alone.”

  “We are not sure, but the guardians have scoured the palace grounds, and marketplace. There are no signs of more Rebels.”

  “Mother, he knew too much.”

  “What do you mean?” she said.

  “King Delos, I must speak with him.”

  “Your father has gone to collect him, rest, the threat has been thwarted for the moment, and the palace is secure.”

  “He was wearing a legionnaire uniform, Mother, we cannot assume we are safe,” she said.

  “Dearest one, all is well, calm down.” Kevler entered the room, the king a stride behind him.

  “We have ensured all within the walls of Kinchar are who they are meant to be,” Harer said in his most authoritative voice. “Rest assured we are safe for the moment.”

  “Sire.” She rose up sitting, despite her mother’s angered look and saluted him. “We have a traitor in our midst.”

  “A traitor?” everyone questioned in unison.

  “One of the men I confronted in Cenii knew of my involvement in Bumo’s death…the one that bombed the hover deck,” she said. “Also, before Solun detonated his bomb he claimed he was not meant to fail, and that I ruined his plan when I arrived. There is no way to communicate from Cenii, the towers are all down, and no one knew I was coming here save the legionnaires and Tespor, but he was at my side the entire time. Someone alerted Solun to my presence, forcing his hand early. He wore a Legion uniform just like those who blocked me from entering Degort. He also knew my real name, not the one I gave him in Hentor. Someone among us assisted him.”

  “He must have slipped in with the last group of legionnaires that returned from Quintor. It is possible he knew you were here without being told if present most of the night,” D’laja said.

  “Possibly,” Kevler said.

  Harer sighed. “My trust in the legionnaires is failing, this should not have happened.”

  “What can we do, sire?” D’laja asked.

  “I have no answers, yet.” He ran his hands through his hair, his eyes full of worry. “D’laja, Kevler, excuse us, I wish to speak to Tiva alone.”

  D’laja kissed her forehead, and took Kevler’s hand as they exited. When the door closed, Harer moved toward the bed and sat beside her. Tiva shifted, trying to get comfortable, and the king gently pushed her back.

  “Rest, Tiva, you have done more than your share.” He touched her cheek and rubbed his thumb across her markings. “Twice you have saved my life. One cannot easily repay such a favor.”

  “It is my duty, Harer,” she said. “I require no reward.”

  “No?” he said.

  “No, sire.”

  “There is nothing you wish, that I can grant?” The corner of his mouth curled.

  She raised a brow, confused.

  He chuckled.

  Her eyes widened and she opened her mouth to speak, but no words came.

  Harer let loose a full-bellied laugh. His voice filled her mind: Words do not escape you easily, Tiva. I know your heart’s desire, and should it still be your wish, I will grant it.

  You will break tradition for me?

  “You have more than earned the right, but you must still pass the test, it is only just,” he said. “Speak your desires, Guardian Boon.”

  “I wish to take the test and become a level one Royal Guardian, your majesty,” she said, swelling with pride.

  “Then it shall be done.”

  Excited beyond words, she grabbed the king and pulle
d up to hug him tight. Harer laughed and squeezed back, keeping hold of her. He pressed his lips to her ear. “Thank you, Tiva. My life and family are safe. Your sacrifices have not all been in vain. I hope this will bring you some happiness, for you deserve more than what I can give, but all I can offer you, now.”

  She leaned back, looked at him. “Speak what you mean.”

  “You have lost much, Tiva. The innocence of your youth included. You have seen the death of loved ones…among other things, it is all I can do to bring light back into your heart.”

  He released her and softly ran the back of his hand over her cheek. She realized what she did and retreated from his hold. “I’m sorry…I didn’t, I was overjoyed, I should not have…”

  “An embrace between us is hardly worth apologizing for, dear girl.” He patted her hand. “But now I need you to chronicle every detail of your mission in Cenii again. Nothing can be overlooked, we are on the brink of war with these Rebels, and this will not be the only attempt on my life.”

  The king’s words struck her hard. War. Never in her life did she believe she’d be a guardian of wartime. For so many cycles, peace had reigned on Abennelp; it was hard to comprehend anyone wanting to engage in war. Her father had been involved in battles and scuffles in the past, but the king’s feelings mirrored her own. An ominous force was after the throne, and the threats outside the palace walls, and possibly inside, made things more dangerous.

  Again, she repeated every day she spent in Cenii, each detail she remembered. She talked with Harer until midday. One of the king’s servants brought them food and beverage so they were not interrupted.

  Tiva concluded her session with him, wondering inwardly why he paid so much attention to her. She wanted to ask, but thought it was due to her recent involvement in the attempted assassination. After the king took his leave, D’laja and Kevler returned with her siblings, and extended family. The reunion was joyous, but cut short by the healer tending to Tiva. The healer forced her family to let Tiva rest.

  In the morning, the healer tended to her wounds, cleaning and redressing them.

  The first to visit was Tespor. She was pleased to see him. They spoke at length, enjoying a humorous story or two from their past. The healer allowed Tiva to walk around the palace, escorted, and Tespor offered to be her support.


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