Book Read Free

Mr. Big

Page 11

by Nana Malone

  She waved him off, opening the door and exiting without another word, slamming the door behind her. He let her go, not sure what to say to get her to stay. Bloody hell he had screwed that up royally. Disgusted with himself, he groaned and leaned back on the seat as the partition came down and the driver looked at him, a knowing smile on his face. “Where to sir?”

  “Take me to Club Trend,” he forced out, knowing that Jason would be there and able to help him sort out this hot mess he had created. The driver nodded and pulled away from the curb, sliding the partition back up to give him some privacy.

  Zach looked about the limo, seeing the scrap of silk that was Emma’s knickers on the floor, forgotten in her apparent haste to flee him and what they had experienced. Well, he had all but pushed her out of the limo. What the hell was he thinking?

  Snatching them off the floor, he tucked them into his suit jacket that was draped over the other seat, working himself into a fury. He shouldn’t have slept with her. It was wrong and he had no right to put his hands on her like that. She was going to regret it and if Steven ever found out, he would be a dead man. The worst thing was that Emma was going to hate him for this and he couldn’t stand the thought of her never wanting to speak to him again. It would kill him.

  The limo arrived at the club and Zach grabbed his coat, leaving the flowers behind. It would be too much of a reminder of this night, a night that would be imprinted on his brain forever. The club had its usual line of people waiting to get in as he brushed past, clenching his fists at his sides as he stalked in.

  “Whoa, what happened to you?” Jason asked immediately, falling into step beside him as he walked toward the VIP suite they always left open for those last-minute celebrities that didn’t require a reservation. Thankfully, it was unoccupied and Zach threw himself into one of the white chairs, reaching for the bottle of vodka in front of him. Jason grabbed it before he could, sitting on the ottoman before him, a worried look on his face. “So I take it the night didn’t go as well as planned?”

  Zach rubbed a hand over his face. “No, it went a hell of a lot better than I could imagine. Now I want to drink myself into oblivion if you don’t mind.” He had told Emma no to a night of being in her bed. He was a fool.

  “You slept with her, didn’t you?” Jason asked softly, his voice barely audible over the pulsating music from downstairs. “Bloody hell Zach, I thought you didn’t want to complicate things?”

  He sighed. “Yeah I did and I have complicated the hell out of this. Don’t ask me why.” It had been a rash decision, not something he necessarily regretted.

  Jason gave him a long look before handing him the bottle and standing. “Hell, you are going to need this mate. I’ll take you home. Drink up.”

  “Thanks,” Zach answered, unscrewing the top and taking a swig of the alcohol, feeling the burn deep in his throat. He rarely drank straight liquor, preferring not to have a hangover the next day but tonight warranted the numbing effect that he needed. He was going to have to see her eventually, explain why he didn’t go up with her tonight. The problem was, he didn’t know why. No, it was a coward move, letting her climb out of that limo and think of him as the biggest arse in all of London. It was going to take some groveling to get her to accept his apology and he had no idea what to do about it.



  “Emma? Hello?”

  She looked up to see Gareth waving a hand in front of her face. “What?”

  Gareth stopped waving and picked up the bowl he had been working on for a new exhibit. “Oh nothing. I have just been carrying on a one-sided conversation with you for the last ten minutes. As much as I like to hear myself talk, I really enjoy when someone else answers.”

  She put down the pen she had been holding and leaned back in the chair. It was late in the afternoon at the gallery; there were only a few prospective buyers left from an open house they’d had for auction houses.

  She and Gareth had been cataloging new pieces for the new exhibit, but while she would have normally been excited about doing so, her mind was elsewhere. Like on Zach elsewhere.

  She hadn’t talked to him since the night in the limo. Not a single text message, call or apology flowers. Nothing.

  To say she’d been upset about what happened was an understatement. His excuse for not coming up was lame. And they both had known it. It had stung that he could shag her in the back of a limo, make her feel like it could have been something real, and then walk away from her as if she was nothing.

  Like he did that every other day. And there was the problem. He likely did do that every other day. She wasn’t special. What they had wasn’t magic. He was not that same boy who used to tease smiles out of her. Whatever. She wasn’t going to give him any more brain space.

  She dragged her attention back to Gareth. “I’m sorry,” she said, giving him a half smile. “I’m not doing a good job today, am I?”

  He shook his head. “No, you aren’t but I’m not going to hold it against you. Anything I can do to help perhaps?”

  Emma shook her head. She wished someone could help her when it came to Zach, but Gareth sure wasn’t the one. “Thanks for asking, though.”

  “Anytime,” Gareth said, going back to examining the bowl. Emma watched as he inspected it carefully, logging all the imperfections he said. It was important to get an accurate description so that some of the more worrisome issues, such as deep cracks, could be monitored over time for more damage.

  Finally, they were done and she told Gareth goodbye, walking out of the gallery and taking in a deep breath, attempting to clear her head of everything, including Zach.

  Yeah, good luck with that. The more she tried to push him out of her thoughts, the more he pushed back in.

  Her time with him that night had been beyond words, her heart still hammering against her chest as she thought of the way he’d watched her as he’d moved inside her. Hadn’t he felt the emotion, the need? She had thought so.

  Zach had always been a difficult one to read growing up, seemingly into everything that her brothers were not, but they followed him anyway. Zach was the daredevil of the trio, Steven the voice of reason, and Ben the humor. She could remember her parents constantly asking her brothers why they chose to do something so reckless, like rope swinging over the lake, and the answer was always because Zach had done it. While she tended to be more sensible with her thoughts and actions, Zach had always secretly thrilled her, which had been no different the other night. He had thrilled her greatly, his primal attitude causing her to be more excited and ready than ever before. But to be shut down like that, it hurt and hurt much more than just her pride.

  Her mobile chimed and Emma dug in her bag to find it, her heart seizing in her throat. Maybe he was calling to apologize. She could only hope that he was ringing her. She would forgive him, of course, because he was Zach and he was the one that turned her inside out with just a look, a touch.

  When she saw that it was Laila, Emma swallowed her disappointment. “Hello?”

  “Emma, honey, we so need to go out tonight.”

  Emma swallowed. The last thing she wanted to do was go out tonight. “I don’t know, Laila. I don’t really feel up to it.”

  “Come on,” Laila said, pleading. “You have to. Club Trend is hosting ladies night and the theme is sexy beasts. The place is going to be hopping and you have to be there. I can’t go by myself.”

  “Sexy beasts?” Emma said, laughing. “Are you serious?”

  “It’s all in good fun,” Laila said. “And an excuse to get creative with our outfits. Come on. We haven’t been out in ages and I fear that gallery is corrupting your fun gene.”

  Emma sighed. It would be nice to get out and forget for a while, forget about Zach and his apparent disregard to call her, text her, or even come see her, groveling on his knees for making her feel the way she did that night. Their time together was far from over and she would get her answers to why he was treating her like the plague. “Okay,
fine. Come to my flat at nine.”

  “Great. It’s going to be so epic,” Laila said before clicking off. Emma tucked her phone back into her bag as she walked to the tube station. Maybe she would have a drink or two to take the edge off tonight. While school was going well and the job at the gallery was everything she could have hoped for, her personal life was starting to stink royally. Letting loose some more would be good for her.


  Emma looked at Laila’s outfit and laughed, motioning her friend into the flat. “What are you wearing?”

  Laila turned around in a neat circle. “It’s my sexy beast costume. I’m a sexy fairy.”

  The outfit was nearly sheer, leaving very little to the imagination. From her vantage, the only things she could tell that made Laila a fairy were the wings on her back. Otherwise she would have called her a slag on the spot. “I’m not wearing anything remotely close to that.”

  Laila laughed and reached into her enormous bag she had brought with her. “Don’t worry. I knew you wouldn’t be this brave. I brought you the perfect outfit.” Emma took the bundle from Laila and eyed it, scared to find out what her friend had brought her. “What is it?”

  “It’s a sexy kitten,” Laila said as Emma shook out the fur-lined mini skirt and black tube top. “Look! I even have a set of kitten ears. You will be the hottest kitten alive tonight.”

  She had to admit, the outfit was cute. With her tall, knee-length leather boots, she wouldn’t feel as exposed as Laila was. “Well?” Laila asked. “What do you think?”

  “Give me a minute to change,” Emma said carrying the outfit to the bathroom. She quickly shed her jeans and shirt, pulling on the skirt that barely grazed mid-thigh, hoping that she would never have to bend over tonight. If so, her knickers were going to be in full view. The tube top replaced her bra and she pulled up her thick hair into a messy knot, tucking the kitten ear headband like a tiara on her head. She did look sort of sexy and cute at the same time.

  After applying some makeup, Emma walked out of the bathroom and pulled on her boots, sliding them on her bare legs. “You look totally sexy,” Laila said as she stood and looked at herself in the mirror. “We are going to rock this club tonight.”

  Emma rolled her eyes and grabbed her purse and a small jacket. “Come on, let’s get you to this club before you start dropping your fairy dust.”

  They rode the tube to Club Trend, waiting only a short time in line before gaining entry without having to pay the cover charge given they had actually dressed up tonight. Inside the place was packed, with all sorts of sexy beasts roaming around in little to no clothing. There were only a few guys in the place, but she expected that to change when word got out about the lack of costumes floating around this place.

  She and Laila walked over to the bar and she ordered a fruity rum drink, taking a long draw and coughing from the amount of alcohol that was in it. It was going to be a relatively cheap night if the drinks all tasted like that one.

  Her favorite Maroon 5 song came on over the speakers and it was her that dragged Laila out to the dance floor, downing her drink so she could drop off the glass before dancing. This was going to be a great night; she could feel it in her veins, the pulsating music making her feel alive for the first time in a week. She was going to enjoy herself and screw everything else in her life, including the infuriating man who had put her in this mood.



  “You all right, mate?”

  Zach approached the table in the VIP area that housed the Chase brothers and their fiancées and some of their friends. Alexi and Abbie were so enthralled with each other they barely noticed. Xander just rolled his eyes at his brother. “He’s getting married in a week, and he still acts like she might run away from him.”

  His girlfriend Imani shoved his shoulder. “I think it’s romantic. They’re extra sweet.”

  “Yeah, they spend way too much time talking; they should probably spend more of it fucking.”

  She chuckled and shoved him again. “Not everyone takes your whole ‘‘fuck now, talk later’ approach to life.”

  Xander grinned at her. “It’s an excellent approach to life. Matter of fact, if you want to—”

  Zach shuddered. “You two do know that I’m still here, right?”

  Xander just laughed and placed a noisy, sloppy kiss on her cheek which she squirmed away from. When Xander turned his attention back to Zach, the two of them clapped hands, and then did a one-armed embrace. “Yeah, man, all right? I half-expected to see you here with a date.”

  Zach shook his head. “Nope. Solo tonight.”

  Xander’s brow lifted. “You’re not dicking about my student, are you?”

  Zach shook his head. “It’s complicated. But I’m not dicking her around. She’s practically family.”

  Xander chuckled low. “Yeah, if that’s how you look at family, I have a few questions for you.”

  “You know what I mean. She’s on the off-limits list.”

  “Something tells me that you’ve already broached those limits.”

  Zach set his jaw. “Like I said, it’s complicated. “

  “Look, relax. I’m just being a dick. You like the girl. So, it’s complicated, what isn’t? If I’d given up on Imani just because it was complicated, I wouldn’t be here today.”

  Zach didn’t know all the history behind Xander and Imani, but the rumor in their set of friends was that Xander once had a thing for Abbie. Not that it was overly obvious or anything, but Nick had mentioned it once or twice. But ever since Xander met Imani, she had his whole attention. She was the complete focus of his world.

  “Look, yeah, I get it. Life is always complicated, but this is more complicated. She doesn’t know everything she needs to know about me. And when she does, that’ll be it. So it’s just tricky.”

  “Look man, you can be alone, and mooning and pining after my student, but it’s sort of embarrassing if you keep turning up to her place of work. It’s awkward for me, awkward for Abbie, awkward for all of us, really. Not that I don’t like seeing you mate, but the moon eyes. It’s sad. Very, very, sad.”

  “I’m not sad.”

  Xander chuckled. “It’s evidenced by you being at one of your own clubs alone. A dozen women are scoping you out right at this moment, but you haven’t even noticed a single one of them. Look man, if you want this bird, go get her. Fuck the complications. You’re missing out on your life. Whatever you’re holding back, get it off your chest. Otherwise it will eat you alive. You can make a choice here. Live your life, or let something stand in your way. It’s up to you.”

  His friend settled back against the plush seating and tucked Imani close to his side and kissed her on the forehead.

  The thing with Xander was, he could be a dick, but he was a brilliant photographer. The emotion that he usually kept buried deep always came out in his images. And every now and then, it was clear on his face when he looked at his fiancée. And when he wasn’t being an arsehole about it all, he actually gave good advice. The question was, was he going to take the advice?

  He wanted her. If you want her, go get her. But if you go there, there will be no going back. And that shit was terrifying as hell.


  The following night, Zach stalked into the club, his mood sour and his patience running thin. Tonight was not going so well for him. In fact, his entire fucking week was a mess. There had been a small kitchen fire at one of his other clubs, forcing him to shut down the place on a weekend. That was when the club made the most money and because of the fire, which thankfully no one was hurt during, he was losing an arse ton of money.

  And now he was late. He hated being late to anything. Spying Jason near the bar, he walked over, nodding to the bartender. “Bourbon, on the rocks.”

  “Yes, sir,” the bartender said as Zach stood next to his man in charge. Before him was a crowded dance floor filled with women of all ages and sizes, all wearing silly costumes or the lack thereof. Sexy bea
sts had been Jason’s brainchild and wanting to stand out amongst the club scene, Zach had allowed him to do it. “Looks like your idea is a success,” he said as the bartender handed him his drink.

  “We will see when the numbers roll in,” Jason said. “How’s the fire?”

  “Out,” Zach said darkly, taking a sip of the velvety liquid, feeling the burn all the way to his stomach. “Had to shut the club down and wait for the fire department to finish their investigation.” It wasn’t something he normally did himself, but he needed Jason here so he had handled it himself.

  “Too bad,” Jason said. “Not to worry. We’ll get it sorted. And as always let me know what you need me to handle.”

  Zach grunted his thanks.

  Jason nodding to the dance floor. “Your girl is here.”

  Zach’s gut twisted. Electricity coursed through him, all the way to his toes, knowing exactly who Jason was referring to. After all, she had been on his mind since that night he had driven away, feeling like the biggest arse in London. “Emma?”

  Jason rolled his eyes. “You really have to ask?”

  No, he didn’t but it felt good to say her name anyway. “Where is she?”

  Jason nodded toward the dance floor and Zach picked her out immediately, her red hair up in a topknot and a headband with ears as decoration. His fucking chest tightened at the sight of her, the blood flowing through his veins freezing as he saw her outfit, or lack thereof. The tiny top showed off her delicate shoulders, her breasts bloody near poured into the tight top. The skirt was riding up her thighs, giving him a tantalizing view of those shapely legs and those boots, shit they were every man’s naughty fantasy. If she had come dressed to make a statement tonight, the twinge of his cock told him that she had succeeded.

  “Maybe you should leave her alone, Zach?” Jason said.

  He slid his glance over to Jason. “What?”


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