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Page 13

by Nicole Dykes

  Everything is portrayed as I slam in and slide nearly all the way out of her, her nails digging into my scalp and neck. Our moans are loud as I hold onto her slender hips.

  One of my hands moves between us, finding her clit, pinching it, causing her to buck forward. “Oh god.”

  “Will you forgive me if I make you come?”

  Her lips are at my ear. “I think that’s a little too easy.”

  I grin, my finger circling her clit as I bury my cock deep inside, feeling so close to losing it but keeping control. “You know what I think, Lola?” I pull my hips back, sliding my cock almost completely out and only leaving the tip inside her, turning my head so our lips meet. “I think you’ve already forgiven me.”

  I slide back inside, seating myself deep while her pussy convulses around me and my fingers are relentless on her clit. “Not even close.”

  I smile against her lips, knowing she’s lying. “Give in.”

  Her head dips to my shoulder, and her teeth sink into my skin. She grabs my hair, the orgasm already tearing through her body. And thank fuck for that because my own sweeps over me as I let out a guttural moan, spilling inside of her.

  We’re a panting, sweaty mess as we recover and right our clothes, her eyes never leaving mine.

  “You want to go inside?”

  She only nods, already heading for the patio door as I follow behind her.

  I don’t think this girl forgives easily, and the fact that she did so quickly with me is fucking terrifying.

  This time, I’m not running.

  Waking up in Hayden’s bed, his warmth around me should feel completely wrong, but it doesn’t. I hate that we started on a lie, but if I'm completely honest with myself, who doesn’t?

  Everyone hides a piece of themselves when they first start dating. Hell, some married people don’t truly know their spouses.

  I roll to my side and look at the gorgeous man I couldn’t stay away from. He’s awake, one arm tucked under his head, looking up at the ceiling. I see his swollen eye from my angry fist and slowly drag my fingers over it. “I’m so sorry I hit you.”

  His lips pull up in a confident grin, but he doesn’t turn to look at me. “I deserved it.”

  “No one deserves to be hit, Hayden. I’m so sorry. I was so angry.”

  He rolls to his side now, propped up on his elbow. “Lola, I've been hit for no reason many times in my life. I’ve been in a lot of fights where I deserved it. I know the difference, and last night I earned that punch.”

  I hate thinking about how terrible his childhood was. Penelope has told me some things but is mostly quiet about that time of her life. My hand traces over a scar over his heart and the tattoo he has over his right pectoral muscle. “So, you’re going to hit me for lying to you?”

  “Fuck no. I’ll never hit a woman.”

  “That’s a little sexist, don’t you think?”

  I’m smiling. I can’t stop smiling when I'm around him. “In that case, I'm fine with being a little sexist because no, I'll never hit you.” He rolls his body on top of mine, his hands grabbing mine and lifting them above my head. His knees resting next to my hips, caging me in. “Now if you need to be punished . . .”

  His lips drag down my neck, and my body shudders beneath him, responding to him being so close.

  “Oh, this is just fucking great!”

  Our heads snap to the doorway where Gretchen stands, her arms crossed, one foot stuck out in front of the other in clear annoyance.

  “What the fuck are you doing in my room?”

  “I’m your assistant, remember? I was supposed to meet you in your office to go over some documents.”

  One of Hayden’s hands releases me as he runs his fingers through his hair. “Fuck. I forgot.”

  She scoffs, her eyes shooting daggers at me. “Yeah well, I can see you have a nice little distraction here. Should I wait for you to finish round two with your whore or just come back later?”

  Now Hayden pushes off the bed, pulling on a pair of sweats and part of me hates the view she just had of his bare ass, but I suppose she’s seen it all before. “Do not ever call her that again.”

  I don’t really need him to defend my honor, but I keep quiet as he walks to her. “You can have today off.”

  “You asshole.”

  Gretchen is seething. I’d feel bad for her if she weren’t so vapid. “Excuse me?” Hayden’s eyes darken, but he keeps his distance from her. “I’m your boss.”

  “My boss who knows what my pussy feels like.”

  I cringe at the image, and I think Hayden does too, but his tone softens. “I’m sorry I slept with you. I shouldn’t have.”

  She looks hurt, her eyes creeping over to me again and back to Hayden. “How sweet. Maybe I'll include that little half ass apology in my meeting with my lawyer.”

  I glare over at her now, pulling the sheet up, seeing the vindictiveness on her face. She wants him to pay for breaking her heart.

  “You could sue. I’m your boss, and I slept with you in a moment of weakness. You can sue me, and I’ll pay up.” I hate thinking of him paying her off. He takes one step closer to her, still at a reasonable distance. “Or . . . you can keep this high paying job with flexible hours and good treatment, which will look damn good on a resume and accept my apology because we both know that you didn’t have to sleep with me. You knew it wasn’t something you had to do to get or keep this job.”

  “And yet, you said it was wrong.”

  “It was. It’s why I’d turned down your previous advances. I’m your boss, and it isn’t right or fair to have sex with you. It was unprofessional, and I'm sorry. It will not ever happen again.”

  “Fine. Have a good day, Mr. West.”

  She spins on one foot, exiting, and he comes back to the bed. His back is pulled tight with tension as he sits on the edge, and I crawl over to him, resting my chin on his shoulder. “She’s going to be a problem.”

  He shrugs. “If she sues me, I'll pay. I meant what I said, I know I was in the wrong.”

  “Except it was a completely mutual hookup. She wanted to have sex with you.”

  “She’s a good assistant. Hopefully we can get past this, but if she quits, she quits.”

  I wrap my arms around his neck from behind. “Come to dinner tonight at my house.”

  He turns to look at me now, his face just as handsome with a black eye if not more so. “What?”

  “Come to dinner. Really meet Penelope and the rest of the family.”

  “I can’t do that. Penelope probably hates me.”

  Getting her to agree to this is going to be difficult, but it doesn’t mean I won’t try. “I’ll talk to her. I want you guys to know each other.”

  “Isn’t your youngest brother in town?”

  I laugh as he turns even further in my arms, pressing my body down to the bed below him. “Yes. You might as well meet them all now.”

  “You were serious about the us thing, weren’t you?”

  I look into his eyes, my heart beating erratically. “Yes.”

  I hate vulnerability, but I still feel safe with him. And the smile on his lips tells me I'm right to feel this way. “I’ll come to dinner. I’ll do anything you want me to do.”

  “Awfully submissive, Mr. West.”

  He laughs, his lips brushing over mine. “Yeah, that’s really fucking weird.”

  “Just go with it.”

  He smiles into a kiss, and I wrap my arms around his neck.

  So utterly happy despite finding out about his lies only yesterday. I’m in deep, but everything feels right.

  Leaving Hayden’s home was not easy, but I need to talk to Penelope. Even if that means having to take her wrath.

  I knock on the front door of the house she shares with my brother, and it’s Linc who answers. “Hey, I’m not sure she’s ready to talk yet.”

  “I know she’s upset, but I need to see her.”

  “You’re wearing the same clothes you had on la
st night.” My eyes shift to Penelope who’s coming down the stairs.

  Shit. I should have gone home and changed, but I don’t want to hide anything.

  “I am.”

  “You were with him last night, weren’t you?”


  Linc looks uncomfortable as Penelope moves to stand by his side, her arms crossed. I’m sure she told him about me sleeping with Hayden. “You slept with him? After he fucking lied? You went to his house and spread your legs for him? Jesus, Lola, I thought you were smarter than that.”

  Her disgust stings, but I stand with my shoulders squared. “I care about him.”

  “You just met him. And I get it, more than most, Lola. The first dick always sticks with you.”

  Now Linc looks really uncomfortable, which is odd for my brother. “Maybe I should let you guys talk.”

  “Don’t leave.” Penelope’s eyes plead with him before she turns to me. “He’s a liar.”

  “He’s not, Penelope. I’m sure this is hard to hear, but he is your brother.”

  “He’s not, but even if he is, he’s still a fucking liar. And you’re willing to believe him and not just that but also let him into your body. Why? Because he’s the first male to give you any significant attention.”

  “P.” It’s another warning from my brother, but it’s unnecessary. I know that she’s hurting.

  “When I slept with him the first time, I didn’t know, Penelope. I thought he was just a client.”

  She’s been crying. I can tell by how red and puffy her eyes are. “And last night, you knew the truth and still slept with him.”

  “I’ve never felt like this before, Penelope. And you’re right, I don’t have much experience with men. I’ve put a lot on hold for my career and then trying like hell to put my family back together.” They both wince at that, but I keep up my momentum. “I don’t regret that at all, but now Hayden is here. And there is this wild connection with him I can’t explain.”

  “He. Is. A. Liar. You’re smarter than this.”

  “He is your brother. He comes from the same place as you.”

  She leans in closer to me, her eyes darkened and angry. “If that’s true and he shares any blood with that horrible woman who birthed me, he is not to be trusted.”

  “You share her blood too.” I don’t shy away from the intensity of her eyes. “And you’re one of the best people I've ever known. It’s not all about DNA.”

  “No, it’s also about upbringing. And they were both shitty with her.”

  “You turned out great.”

  She looks so lost as her hands fly up in the air. “Because I was rescued by the fucking crazy-ass Sterlings.”

  “You saved us just as much as we saved you.”

  Linc’s lips turn up as he tugs her to his side. “That is the truest statement ever said.”

  “I’m happy you found someone, Lola. I’ve wanted you to do something for yourself for a long time but not my fucking long lost ‘brother’.” She uses air quotations because she is in firm denial, especially when she’s angry and broody. I see the resemblance between Hayden and her clearly.

  “Come to dinner tonight.”

  Her brown eyebrow lifts in surprise. “What?”

  “Come to dinner. Ash is here. I’m inviting Mom and Tony. And Hayden.”

  “No fucking way.”

  “Penelope,” I start, and she raises her hand.


  “You need to meet him, really meet him and get to know him.”

  “I don’t want to know him.”

  Surprisingly, Linc backs me up. “Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad.”

  Her eyes fly to his. “Wouldn’t be so bad? Are you insane? Maybe he’s a deranged psychopath banging your sister for some crazy-ass reason. Maybe he’s going to kill us all. Or just her. Or me. Not so bad?”

  “Maybe you’re overreacting a little?” He may be whipped, but he doesn’t have a problem challenging her.

  “I’m not going.” She turns back to me. “It’s not happening.”

  With that, she heads up the stairs and leaves me alone with Linc. “Fuck. You know we were having a good go of things. Fucking daily. Showering together. Having a good life. She’s even going to marry my ass this fall and then . . . Boom.”

  “Yeah well, it wouldn’t be a Sterling wedding if it wasn’t a little complicated.”

  His lips tug into a smile. “No congratulations?”

  “I knew you two assholes would get married sooner or later.” I smile and hug him. “Congratulations.”

  I can feel him still smiling. “Thanks. I’ll work on her for tonight, but she doesn’t trust him.”

  “I know.” I release him. “But she should get to know him.”

  “Why do you trust him so easily, Lols? You don’t trust anyone.”

  I think about that fact. “Why were you drawn to Penelope that day at the playground? You guys brought her home for dinner even though she was a complete stranger from across the tracks.”

  His shoulders lift. “I don’t know. I just felt a connection with her.”

  “That’s how I feel with Hayden. I don’t know what it is about them, but I feel safe with him.”

  “Even though he lied.”

  It’s not really a question, and I nod. “He was scared. Our father is a son of a bitch, but their mother was evil.”

  He nods curtly, his smile fading when I mention their mother. “Yeah, she was.”

  “He wanted to see if Penelope was anything like their mother. He wanted to get to know her from a distance.”

  “Like a true stalker.”

  I nudge his arm. “Stop it.”

  He chuckles. “I’m happy for you, Lols. I mean, I wish it were anyone but Penelope’s maybe brother, but you seem different.”

  “I am. But I'm still me.”

  “Ah, the fixer.”

  I stare at him, thinking about Asher’s words last night. “You think that I overstep my boundaries too?”

  His eyebrow quirks up cautiously. “Who else thinks that?”

  “Asher. And, you dick. ‘Who else thinks that?’ So, you do?”

  He pulls me into another hug, kissing the top of my head. “You want everyone to be okay before they actually are. You’re a fixer. And I fucking love you for it.”

  I hug him back begrudgingly, but also so damn thankful for my brothers. “I love you too. Please try your best to get her to come to dinner tonight.”

  “I’ll try. You know Penelope. She’s fucking stubborn.”

  “Fits right in.”

  “I want to meet this guy though. So you can bet your ass I'll be there.”

  I roll my eyes, give him one last squeeze and push him away playfully. “You better be nice. I really like him.”

  “I can tell. I will. Unless he hurts you or P.”

  “He won’t.”

  We say a quick goodbye, and I head back to my house, hoping like hell I'm doing the right thing.

  I’ve never let anyone in like this before. I’ve never trusted anyone I wasn’t related to so fast.

  It would destroy me if I'm wrong.

  I’m nervous, actually fucking nervous.

  I take a deep breath and ring the doorbell, standing outside Lola’s beach house in my usual three-piece suit.

  I considered toning down the professional look to meet my sister, who came from the same background as I did, according to Lola. More than likely, her attire until at least her teen years was tattered t-shirts and thrift store jeans.

  But I decided against it. This is who I am now, and I’ve worked hard to get here.

  The door finally opens, and I can’t stop the grin from spreading over my usually stoic face when I see Lola. She’s dressed in all pink today. Her camisole is a lighter pink than the knee-length skirt she’s paired with white heels. Her blond hair has been left down. She’s fucking beautiful.

  I notice that even her lips are a light pink as she kisses me and takes a deep breath. She pu
lls away, a grin playing on her pretty lips. “I wasn’t sure you’d actually show.”

  “I don’t shy away from much.” Except commitment. Real feelings. Talking about the past.

  All things this dinner implies.

  “I’m glad you’re here.”

  “Me too.”

  She gestures for me to come in, and I do. As I start to look around, we’re quickly joined by a fast, dark headed boy, running away from a pretty, well-dressed brunette woman chasing him in a navy blazer.

  “Baz! Stop!”

  The child giggles and wraps his little arms around Lola. “Aunt Lola! Save me!” He’s still laughing as the woman I'm assuming is his mom stops chasing him, puffing the hair out of her eyes.

  She turns to Lola. “Sorry, Lola. He’s not having it tonight.”

  Laughing, Lola looks down at the boy, mussing his hair with her hand. “That’s okay. We don’t need to be so formal, right Baz?”

  The boy scrunches up his nose. “Uncle Asher said he’s not wearing a damn suit. I’m not going to either!”

  I see pink rise to his mother’s cheek, but I'm pretty sure she’s fighting her laugh. “Sebastian, that’s a ‘no no’ word.”

  Lola laughs and cups his face in her hands. “What are we going to do with you?”

  His little shoulders kick up. “I don’t know.”

  Lola turns to me. “Hayden, this is my nephew, Sebastian.” She turns his little shoulders so he’s facing me. “We call him Baz.”

  I look at the little boy and smile. He’s cute, but even when he’s not talking, you can tell he’s a handful. “Nice to meet you.”

  He smiles a crooked little grin and then looks up at Lola. “He’s wearing a damn suit.”

  I smirk as his mother moves to him, covering his mouth playfully and holding her other hand out to me. “It’s really nice to meet you, Hayden. I’m Vivienne.” She looks over at the boy with adoration in her eyes, dropping her hand from his mouth and laughing as she feigns frustration. “And this little monster is mine.”

  Baz growls, “I’m a monster!” Then he laughs and runs quickly out of the room.


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