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Page 20

by Nicole Dykes

  Baz ran wild and appeared to have a great day where he was spoiled by us all. Nora and Vivienne cooked a huge meal. It was great. Uneventful, but in the best, most comfortable way. And now, Lola and I are spending the day after in her bed.

  Can’t ask for much more than that.

  “I need food.”

  I smile at Lola in all her naked glory, her body draped over my chest. “What sounds good?”

  “Leftovers? Mom sent a bunch home with us.”

  I nod, thinking about the turkey and all the fixings I never had growing up but am definitely going to be spoiled by now. My stomach growls at the thought. “Your mom is going to get me fat.”

  Her fingers trail over my stomach. “I don’t think so.” She shrugs. “But I also don’t care.”

  “Liar,” I growl as I cup her chin and bring her lips up to mine.

  “You’re right. Better keep it tight or it’s the curb for you.”

  I laugh and kiss her lips before we climb out of the bed, and she pulls on my dress shirt and buttons it.

  “What am I supposed to wear?”

  She shrugs. “I think maybe you should leave some casual clothes here.”

  I grab her hips, pulling her to me. “For you to steal?”


  “I’ll do that soon then.” She kisses me. “And you should bring some things to my place.”

  “I can do that.” She smiles. I breathe in her honey and lavender scent as I hold her close to me.

  I plan to marry her soon, so it doesn’t scare me at all. Still, there are some loose ends in her life, and I don’t think she wants to be married quite yet.

  Doesn’t matter to me. She’s mine. I’m hers. We’re good.

  I pull on my dress slacks and button them before we start toward the kitchen when the sound of the doorbell fills the house. “Hayden, will you grab the door? It’s probably Mom. I’m gonna go start the food.”

  I nod and walk to the door, pulling it open with a smile, but it fades when I see an older man I don’t know. “Hello?”

  He looks annoyed as he examines me. “Where’s my daughter?”

  Lola’s father.

  “I’ll go get her.” I raise a hand in the air as he starts to walk inside. “You wait there.”

  I know they don’t have a good relationship, and there’s no way I'm inviting him in without her permission. I walk to the kitchen, and she turns to me, her face still flushed from her last orgasm moments ago and her hair in disarray.

  Not exactly how someone wants to greet their father.

  “Your dad’s here.”

  She goes pale. “What?”

  “I can tell him to leave.”

  She shakes her head defiantly and starts toward the door. I follow, still ready to kick his ass to the curb.

  Her eyes narrow when she reaches the front door, where he’s still perched obediently. “Why are you here?”

  He takes in her appearance and then his gaze moves to me. “This is cute.”

  “What do you want, Dad?” She folds her arms over her chest.

  “I want you to come back to work. This has been fun and all, you trying to be rebellious, but now it’s just sad.” His eyes flick over me, taking in my bare torso. “You playing whore and ignoring your last name.”

  A growl bubbles up in my throat, but her fingers lace with mine. “I’m happy here.”

  He rolls his eyes as his disapproving gaze lands on her pretty face. “I’m sure you are, sweetheart. I’m sure all the lies he told you sound quite nice at the moment.”

  I want to strangle the motherfucker, but I let Lola handle him. He’s her father, and she doesn’t need me to fight her battles. “Like the lies you told Mom? No. Hayden is different. He doesn’t need to destroy a woman to feel like a big man.”

  His scowl is penetrating as he looks over at me. “You have her fooled, huh?”

  “Despite what her upbringing taught her, not all men are dickheads.”

  He snarls, turning back to Lola. “My sons are worthless. You’re my only hope of having a worthy heir. Come back.”


  “Lola,” he snaps, and my body tenses at his harsh tone directed at her.

  “I don’t need or want you in my life. I hate you.” She lets go of my hand and walks closer to him. “You tried to destroy our family, but we’re strong now. I want nothing to do with you, and you’d better stay away from everyone else in my family.”

  He scoffs, “So you’re the head of my family now? Is that it?”

  “We don’t need a head of the family. We’re stronger as equals, and that’s what we are. I spent so many years trying to please you and being miserable, only to find out it was because you are a miserable bastard who can never be pleased.”

  “Lola Sterling . . .”

  She holds up one hand to silence him, strong and confident. “Leave, and don’t ever come back.”

  “I’m your father.”

  “You’re nothing.”

  She slams the door in his face, and I stand in awe of her. If my father were to show up, I'd probably beat him to a bloody pulp. There’s no way I would have that much control over myself, but Lola is different.


  “So that’s your dad?”

  She laughs and tugs my hand to follow her to the kitchen. “That’s the bastard that contributed in getting my mother pregnant, yes.”

  “You okay?”

  She smiles, looking blissfully happy. “I’m more than okay, Hayden. I have everything I want.”

  Me too.

  “You know I'm going to marry you someday, right?” I take a seat on the stool as she grabs the turkey from the fridge.

  “I’ll let you someday.”

  I grin as I take the bread she places in front of me and start to help make the sandwiches.

  “Always equal?” Looking vulnerable in that moment.

  I look up at her with a grin. “Nah, you’ll always be better, but I’ll try to keep up.”

  She laughs and shakes her head as we finish making sandwiches to take back to her room, hopefully before Viv and Baz get back from their walk on the beach.

  Some men may hate sharing the woman they love with so many family members, but that only makes her more appealing to me.

  Yeah, she wants to fix everything and drives herself crazy, but that’s just Lola. She’s a fixer. She makes everything in this world better.

  And I meant what I said, I'll be spending the rest of my life trying to keep up because all I want is her.

  I’m afraid to be this happy. It’s almost scary. But I am. It’s spring, almost summer, and I’m lounging with Hayden out on my deck.

  Viv and Baz seem settled here, and Baz is sleeping over at Nora’s tonight because Sawyer and Viv had a date tonight.

  I heard them come in earlier, but Hayden and I stayed out here, giving them privacy.

  It’s a beautiful night to look out over the ocean. “I think I prefer the ocean to the lake.”

  He smiles, his arm wrapped around me. “I think I do too. But I wasn’t ever one for the lake anyway.”

  I’m getting more and more used to going swimming with Baz here in my pool and with Hayden at his house.

  I still think about Colt every single day, but it doesn’t seem to be as crippling as it once was. And I still make sure I say his name out loud.

  “Asher call?”

  I shake my head, my throat tight. He didn’t come to Thanksgiving or Christmas despite Mom offering for all of us to go there to him for Thanksgiving. He withdrew from the family even more and only really talks to Baz.

  But true to his character and his word, he does call Baz at least once a week, so we know he’s alive.

  His college graduation was yesterday. We have no idea if he actually graduated. Mom wanted to go so badly, but he told her not to.

  He’s angry and alone. I hate it, but I have to keep faith that he’ll come to me because telling him what to do only backfired.

p; “No.”

  He squeezes me tighter, knowing this is killing me. There’s a flash of lightning in the sky, and it starts to pour, encouraging us to get off the deck and go inside. The rain is pelting down, seemingly coming from nowhere, and we quickly find shelter in the kitchen.

  “Damn, I didn’t even know it was supposed to rain.”

  I laugh and grab a bottle of wine. “I didn’t either. I guess we should just go to bed.”

  He grins, wrapping an arm around my waist and pulling my body to his. “I guess so.”

  The doorbell rings, and I look at the clock. “It’s almost midnight.”

  “Maybe Baz wanted to come home.”

  I hope not for Viv’s sake, although he might let me put him to bed. “I’ll get it.”

  I walk toward the door and look through the peephole, my heart nearly stopping when I see Asher standing in the dark with rain falling down his face.

  “Oh my God.” I pull open the door, seeing him completely drenched, his eyes cold. “Asher. Are you okay?”

  “You said I could come to you anytime.”

  “Of course.” I step back to give him room. “Get in here.”

  He shakes his head, the rain falling over him. “I’m not here for a visit. I graduated yesterday.”

  I feel some relief that he went through with the graduation even if he wouldn’t let us go. “Good. Come in. You’re getting soaked, and there’s lightning.”

  “I don’t want to just stay for a few days. I want to stay for a while.” I feel a sickening feeling in my gut, my thoughts going to Viv. “And I want Baz here while I do.”

  “Asher . . .”

  He looks lost and sad with so much anger on his face I could weep. “You said you would help me with anything.”

  “I’m not sure Viv will be comfortable with you living here, but I’ll try to talk to her. Maybe you could stay with Linc and Penelope.”


  “Asher . . . You have to get over—”

  “I need to live here.” His eyes are wet and not from the rain. “I’m asking you for your help. I need that kid in my life and not just occasionally. Not video chats. Not even next door. I need to be under the same roof as him. I need to do this for Colt and for me.”

  Asher has never come right out and asked for anything.

  “Asher . . . Just come in.”

  “Not until you agree to let me live here. And talk her into staying too.”

  “I can’t force her to do that.” Though I don’t want her to move out. I love having Baz and her here. “We’ll figure something out.”

  I feel Hayden’s presence, although he doesn’t enter the living room. Asher must see him but he only looks at me. “I need this. I can’t live like this anymore. I’m drowning.”

  I pull him to me in a tight hug, trying to hold back my own tears. “Okay. We’ll make this work. Just get your ass inside.”

  He has one bag with him and walks inside, silently walking to the room he knows is the guest room.

  I close the door and am joined by Hayden.


  I look up at him. He’s clearly as shocked as I am. “You said he would come to me.”

  He kisses the tip of my nose. “Looks like we’re in for quite a ride.”

  I look up at him. “I love when you say ‘we’.”

  “We will always be a ‘we’ and an ‘us’.”

  I kiss him, wrapping my arms around his neck, content and happy. Yet knowing without a doubt, he’s right. We have quite a battle ahead, although it’s not our fight.

  I had one brother drown, I'll be damned if I let this one do the same.


  (Turn the page for a sneak peek)

  Note from the Author

  HI! Thank you so much for reading Restrained. I hope you enjoyed Lola and Hayden. It was kind of an angst break, right? Not too crazy. Kinda fun. Well . . . I hope you enjoyed the break because the last book of the Sterling family is going to be insane!

  I’m seriously betting most of you will absolutely hate me for most of the book, but I do hope you will at least give it a chance because, you guys, I am excited. This is the series I decided I would not hold back. This is the series I am pushing myself.

  I love exploring all different types of people and putting them in some crazy scenarios. I never force drama, but let’s face it, life is crazy, and love is even crazier.

  I am very excited about this series and thank you all for reading. It means the absolute world to me!

  Thank you to the Novelties! I can’t believe we are over 2,000 members. This amazes me! I love each and every one of you. Please never forget how strong and incredible you all are. I definitely want to hear from you, so please remember you can always send me an email at!

  Thank you so much to Ari, Elle, and Emma for always being there for me even when I'm being a dick. You ladies keep me going! Thank you also, Jeanna, for always being there and staying strong because I need you in my life!

  Thank you, Sara and Amber, for being so awesome! Go class of ‘05! You ladies are incredible!

  Thank you, Veronique, for yet another gorgeous cover! Thank you, Dena, for putting up with my craziness and the insane schedule. Thank you so much, Elizabeth, for making my beautiful formats! Thank you, Ashlee, for your new teasers! They are gorgeous! To all of the new bookstagrammers who gave my books a chance, I can’t tell you how much it means to me that you took a chance on me AND the art you all create is absolutely phenomenal! You guys make me giddy! I love to see my books displayed in your visions! Thank you!

  I love the team I have behind me!

  Okay, so now it’s time for the sneak peek! Read it! I want you all as excited as I am!

  Love you all!


  Sneak Peek



  His brown eyes look down as I rest on his chest. “Forget who you’re in bed with?”

  I roll my eyes, looking up at him. His sexy grin is playful. “No.” I trace over the tattoo on his hardened pectoral muscle. It’s a gothic letter “P” right over his heart. I haven’t asked him about it. It’s none of my business. “But good thing you’re marked or I might have.”

  He chuckles beneath me. Everything is easy with him. No drama. Sex and conversation. Baz loves him. It’s been nice.

  Although, before I moved here, it had seemed we were thinking about starting a relationship, and that really hasn’t happened. We’ve pretty much had a friends with benefits arrangement and a true one.

  Both of us are too afraid of a real relationship, and I'm not sure if either of us even wants one. Not at this point anyway.

  “Last night was fun,” I say grinning up at him, totally satisfied.

  “Yeah it was. I fucking needed that. Lincoln is a real pain in the ass.”

  I laugh at that and still can’t believe he works for Asher’s older brother. “Why do you work for him again?”

  His large shoulders shrug upward. “He’s the best. I should work for the best.”

  “So cocky.”

  He, of course, grabs his junk under my thigh. “You know it.”

  I do. “You have plans today? Baz is on summer break. We could take him to the zoo.”

  “Fuck. I’d much rather do that, but I have a meeting with Linc,” he grins, “that I'm already late for.”

  “Better hurry.”

  He looks down at me with a hungry gaze, his hand gripping my chin and pulling me to him for a possessive kiss that leaves me wanting more. “Tomorrow?”

  I nod and stand up, tugging on shorts and a tank top to walk him out. “Sounds good.”

  He dresses, and I try to smooth down his messy bedhead hair, but it’s no use. His sandy blond hair needs to be washed to be rid of the haphazardness left over from our romp. I walk out of my bedroom that thankfully is down the hall from Baz’s room.

  Lola’s room is upstairs, along with an office. And there’s a
nother guest room next to mine. Baz is still at Nora’s, and the house is quiet as we walk toward the front door. But as we pass the guest room next to mine, the door flings open.

  I gasp when I see Asher standing there, shirtless and only wearing a pair of black sweats, staring at both of us with bored eyes. “Could you two be any fucking louder?”

  I’m still gaping at him. His graduation was scheduled for yesterday, but he wouldn’t let any of his family attend or even tell them if he would be there, and now he’s here? I fold my arms over my chest and smile when I feel Sawyer’s hand on my back. “How long are you staying this time, Asher?”

  His lips quirk into a disdainful smile that sends shivers down my entire body. “Lola didn’t tell you?” I stare at him, trying not to give him the reaction he wants. “I’m your new roommate.”

  I stare at him in shock, my heart thundering in my chest.

  He has got to be kidding. Lola would never do that to me.




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