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Shifters in the Snow: Bundle of Joy: Seventeen Paranormal Romances of Winter Wolves, Merry Bears, and Holiday Spirits

Page 3

by J. K Harper


  I glanced impatiently at the snowflakes falling outside the window of the main resort lodge sports bar, wondering if I should make the one-mile trek to my cabin on foot. One of the staff had borrowed the last available resort vans to do a supply run for my dad, and as he had not yet returned, I was semi-stranded. The day had started off with much milder weather, so I didn’t have my winter jacket with me. Texts to my best friend, Tiffany, went unanswered and with every shot of whiskey from the bartender, my mood got that much more prickly.

  I was not a happy camper.

  Sitting under the colorful holiday ornaments and bright little Christmas lights didn’t help, either.

  “Another shot?” asked the bartender as he wiped down the counter beside me.

  I nodded. “Sure,” I answered, giving him a quick glance before I checked out the other patrons down the bar to decide if I knew any of them well enough to bum a ride. The lot of them seemed a little too cheerful in their Christmas sweaters and cowboy hats, and potentially a lot more wasted that I was, so I scrapped the idea.

  Raising the drink to my face, I took a second to double check that it actually did make it to my lips, given my diminished hand-eye coordination. Once I was sure the glass was in contact with my mouth, I downed my whiskey and stared down at the bottom of the shot glass. Yes, this last drink gave me just enough liquid courage to venture out into the cold. Grumbling, I told the bartender I was leaving, grabbed the warmest-looking winter coat from the lost and found box near the restrooms, then did a controlled stagger toward the door.

  And there he was.

  Landon again.

  Standing in the middle of the doorway, staring down at me with a smirk on his face.

  “Hey, beautiful,” he crooned.

  “What the hell do you want?” I slurred, holding on to the door for balance as I looked him up and down. Yep. He was still just as sexy in my slightly more than tipsy state.

  “There you go with that sweet-talking mouth of yours,” he teased, eyes grazing down my body. “And I see you may actually have a thing for Santa suits now.”

  I looked down at my outfit under the winter coat I had just put on. I was in a thigh-high, red velvet Mrs. Santa dress with a thick black belt, and red velvet hat with a white pom-pom.

  “So there’s a lot of staff absenteeism going on right now. It’s the freaking holidays. You know what it’s like.”

  He nodded. “Yeah. I remember…hiring those high school kids who’d only last until the first paycheck before the holidays, and then they’d ditch the job.”

  “Exactly, and it’s annoying as hell. I thought I’d have time to relax, and instead, I’m stuck filling in for those slackers.”

  “Just another couple days until Christmas. Should be fine.”

  “I hope so. Well, I’ve got things to do, if you’ll let me pass.”

  He didn’t move from his spot. Only his lips turned up into a smile. “Are you sure I can’t convince you to stay for another drink?”

  I took a brief moment to weigh the request while taking in his strong jawline, broad shoulders under a sleek black jacket, and firm muscles everywhere.

  “I’m probably at my limit right now,” I explained. “I’ve got to get home.”

  “That’s a shame. Hold on, you’re not driving, are you? Because I’ve had to treat more than my fair share of sloshed holiday party-goers at my regular job.”

  “Of course not. I don’t even have a goddamned Ski-Doo to get myself over there. I’m walking, not that it’s any of your business.” I pressed my hands on his bulging chest to push him aside but he didn’t budge. Glaring up at him, I put on my most convincing poker face. I needed to hide the effect he already had on me as I stood there, overwhelmed by the rush of heat between my legs while his eyes seared into my brain. “Are you gonna let me by or what, slugger?”

  He took a small step closer and leaned forward until his mouth was almost touching my ear. The warmth from his lips ignited my skin. My toes were curling in my boots and he hadn’t said a thing yet.

  “Stop fighting this,” he demanded in a whisper.

  Heat rose up into my cheeks as I struggled against the urge to grip his shirt and turn my face into what I knew was his waiting kiss. Maybe it would have been easier if I had not just knocked back more shots than I could remember. Not that I was pissed drunk, but the alcohol had definitely started to do a number on my level of coherence.

  “What are you talking about?” I asked.

  “You and me. Us. You feel something for me, and as much as you’ve tried to deny it over the years, you still do.”

  I reared back a few inches and looked up into the smoking hot man’s face. “Listen carefully, Landon. There. Is. No. Us. Get that?”

  The cocky bastard stared down between our bodies and grinned. “Is that why your hands are wrapped around my waist right now?”

  I let my eyes trail down my shoulders. Crap. That was me hanging off him, groping his back with my hips pressed up against his groin.

  I pulled away and slid past him to get outside. “I was just trying to leave, is all,” I told him, not even believing the lie myself.

  “I’m taking you home,” he announced, following me down the front steps.

  “I don’t need one,” I informed him.

  He caught up to me and gripped my arm to stop me. “You can barely walk in a straight line.”

  “Occupational hazard,” I mumbled.


  “Nothing. Will you please just let me go?”

  “You don’t want me to do that,” he informed me, slipping his other hand behind my neck.

  I shrugged off his hold on me and began to walk in the direction of my cabin. “And you must have me confused for the chicks you're used to having swoon over you and give you the goodies with just a wink from you.”

  “I’m not confused at all. In fact, I get the distinct feeling you’re the one who’s mixed up.”

  “Get a life, Landon.”

  “Do you see what you’re doing right now?”

  “Getting away from you, that’s what.”

  “But you’re not going home.”

  “Of course I am. My cabin is that way,” I slurred, pointing to the path in front of me.

  “Robin. Stop,” he ordered, and for some reason, I froze.

  “What the hell do you want?”

  “You’re heading to the ski lifts, honey. And it’s closed. You might want to let me drive you home before you end up passed out in a snowdrift.”


  I hated the fact that he was probably right.

  “Fine, all right. Drive me home. Where’s your damned truck?”

  Landon stepped past me, taking my hand as he led me back to his vehicle. “Has anyone ever told you that you’re gorgeous when you’re angry?”

  “Shut it,” I barked.

  “And entertaining, with that grumpy potty mouth of yours.”

  “Whatever, Landon.”

  “Just accept that I find you stunning all the time.”

  “If you think your compliments will get you anywhere tonight, think again.”

  He stopped me at the side of his pickup truck, turning me to face him. Stepping toward me, he ran a hand up into my hair, below the Santa hat. I held my breath when the backs of his fingers brushed their way down the side of my face, and my stomach clenched when his lips floated forward until it was mere inches from mine. “Who ever said a thing about sleeping with you, sweet thing?”

  Obnoxious bastard.

  I was so close to smacking him nice and hard for that remark. Digging deep for some measure of control over my mouth and limbs, I ignored it. He was not going to make me fall for that reverse psychology trick tonight, no matter how soaked my panties already were.

  Taking the hint from my silence, Landon opened the passenger door and stepped to the side to let me in. I jumped in and pulled the door shut myself, annoyed by his smug attitude and my waning resistance.
br />   “Which cabin are you staying at?” he asked as he slid into the driver seat.

  “Grand Sierra, number fifteen. Last one on the west side road.”

  He started the car and reversed out of his parking spot. “I know where it is. I’ll have you home in less than ten minutes.”

  He got me there in five, and I thanked him quickly as he put the vehicle in park. Relief flooded me when he did not turn the engine off. That meant he got the message and was not going to try to convince me to invite him in. At the moment, his low-key style was a damned good thing, because I wasn’t sure whether I could turn him away if he turned on the charm. Before he looked in my direction, I popped open my door and swung my legs out, reaching the front of my boots down to the step-down running boards. Well, his truck didn’t have those, and I ended up clumsily slinking down the side of the vehicle until my boots hit the packed snow. Hard.

  “You all right?” he asked, jumping out of his seat. He was at my side in a beat.

  “Christ almighty. I told you I’m fine,” I lied, trying to hide the fact that I’d just landed badly and twisted my ankle a bit.

  He hooked a hand under my arm. “You’re stubborn, that’s what. Look, I’m going to walk you to your door and make sure you get inside in one piece. And then I’m going to kiss you and say good night.”

  The idea of his lips against mine had me excited and swallowing hard all the way to my front door. If we kissed, it would not end there. Oh no, I wouldn’t settle for anything less than his hands and lips and tongue on every part of my body, and his hips between my legs, thrusting inside me.

  I was horny as hell and ready to let off some steam.

  God knew I could use a little release.

  Unlocking the door as quickly as I could, I pushed it open and stepped over the threshold. Turning to face him, I asked, “Why have you been after me like this, Landon? I mean, I haven’t seen you in years. This is my first Christmas home since my junior year in college, which makes it…” I looked up at the ceiling, slowly doing an inebriated mental count of how long it had been. That took a little while.

  “Five years,” he answered for me.

  “Yes. That long. So what’s the deal here?”

  “You can’t deny you’ve always felt something for me, Robin. I know that for a fact.” He stepped in closer again, eyes piercing mine and smiling as his hands cupped my jaw. “Seeing you after all this time only reminded me of that. Look, the truth is I’d love to have you tonight, and please you until you scream, and maybe have a drink with you and do it all over again every night until you head back to school. Possibly more…I don’t know. That’s the truth. If it’s not what you want, just tell me to leave right now, and I’ll go.”

  I froze, unable to move or breathe or think, barely able to stay upright let alone weigh my options. All I could come up with was, “You’ve been a whoring, arrogant assclown for as long as I remember, Landon.”

  He did not react to that remark except to inch closer, pressing against me, radiating heat into my body as I stood there, affected by images of him taking me right here at the front door.

  His lips grazed against mine and I closed my eyes, groaning at the need that washed over me. “Tell me to leave, Robin,” he growled. “Or do what your gut is telling you. Invite me in.”

  The air in my lungs evaporated. That voice of his pinned me in place long before he moved a hand to my lower back. His woodsy scent curled up into my nose, overtaking my ability to think. If I could have spoken, I would have told him yes. Not a word came out, but when I glanced up at him, the faint hint of a nod that I gave him was all he needed to scoop me up, slam the door shut behind him, and carry me inside.

  Chapter 4


  I should have told the gorgeous little mouthy lady that I’d had a thing for her ever since I could remember. We had grown up on the slopes, went to the same elementary and high schools, and only parted ways for college and graduate schools. All that time as teenagers, Robin was the one girl I wanted, but with the constant stream of chicks making a move on me, I never could quite get my head out of my ass long enough to approach her. No matter how I imagined sharing that information with her, it sounded all kinds of creepy, and there was no way I’d scare her off now that I had my shot. For now, I’d go as far as she’d let me take her, hopefully screw her brains out, and figure out the rest another time.

  Hopefully not in another five years.

  I lowered her legs to the floor in front of the sofa. Staring down into her face, I pulled her tight against my chest. Her arms lifted to my waist, and the look in her eyes had me wondering if she was nervous. Not quite what I was going for, so I took a step back and noticed the Santa hat still on her head. She smiled when I slid it off her head by the pom-poms and dropped it on the coffee table.

  More importantly, she relaxed. “I must look like such a dweeb right now.”

  “You don’t.”

  “Your engine’s going,” Robin added.

  I nodded. Damn straight it was.

  “I’m talking about your truck outside.”

  “Oh, right. Just a sec.” I was out the door and back in less than a minute.

  Itching to touch her, I buried my hands in her hair and gripped the back of her head, caging her in my arms. Robin leaned into my chest, wide hazel eyes dreamily locked onto mine. My eyes widened when she pushed up on her tiptoes, grasped my shoulders, tilted her head back and let her face hover an inch or two away from me. I gave it a moment, and then I crushed my lips to hers. Her warm, shapely body molded to mine and she moaned against my mouth, sending a tingle of need vibrating all the way down to my groin.

  I tasted the hint of whiskey that lingered in her mouth. Craving more of her, I trailed my tongue over her closed mouth and parted her lips. Robin’s hands slid down from my shoulders and around my back, gripping my jacket as though holding on for dear life as I explored every part of her mouth with my tongue. The need to feel more of her skin against mine was overwhelming. Touching her sent jolts of electricity through me, like making contact with a live wire. Without releasing her from the kiss, I reached one arm down between us and found the zipper of her winter jacket. Her hands hurriedly lowered my coat at the same time, peeling it off my shoulders as I devoured her mouth. Both coats fell to the floor around our feet.

  The kiss only served to drive my need to taste her to unmanageable heights. I growled into her mouth, and Robin responded with a breathy sigh. She pressed up more tightly against me, arching her back until all I could think about was ripping her clothes right off her body. Her arms looped around my waist again as she deepened into our kiss. My hands made it into her long, dark tresses, and tugged her head to one side to expose her neck. I sucked the spot below her jawline. It took every ounce of my resistance not to sink my teeth into her skin and leave a mark. Yes. I could mark her as mine right now. Visions of every fantasy I’d ever had of being with her filled my head, and pretty soon, as my lips traveled down to the tops of her breasts and took her perky pink nipples into my mouth, I was like a man possessed.

  Without asking for her permission, I pulled away and dropped to my knees. I trailed my hands up her bare legs, staring up at her irresistible eyes returning my gaze. Robin drew in a shaky breath as my fingertips grazed above her knees. Touching her felt like we scorched each other’s skin wherever we made contact. By the time I got to her upper thighs, we were past the point of no return. She was undone. I had to have all of her. Tonight.

  With one hand already under her little Santa dress, I reached up to the curve of her hips, cupping her ass as I pushed the hip-hugging fabric up to her waist to reveal her red lace panties. My mouth floated forward, gripping one seam to drive her insane by tugging it down her thighs with no hands. Both of her hands were on my shoulders again, grasping for balance on her increasingly unsteady feet.

  That was when I remembered that not only had she downed too much alcohol to stand on her own, but had also twisted her ankle outside
just now. So before burying my face between her legs, I glanced up at her again and gestured over at the corridor leading to the bedrooms. Nodding, she took my hand, waited for me to get to my feet, and led me to her room.

  Robin’s bedroom door hadn’t fully opened, and we were back at it, hands all over each other, gripping at clothes and dragging off boots. She held me around my waist, taking me with her as she fell back into bed in just her bra and panties. Her hands laced around my neck, grasped my hair, and this time she kissed me, taking my mouth as I tasted and bit and drove my tongue down her throat. Her legs wrapped around my waist, hips lifting up to grind our bodies closer together, which really wasn’t possible with my entire body weight on top of her and my manhood hard as granite against her wet heat. Still, I wedged my hands under her hips and grabbed her shapely, firm ass to give her all the contact she was hoping for.

  Robin trembled and panted out a breath when I slipped a hand from her backside to the tops of her inner thighs. She was so wet and ready, and now this lacy number was in the way. Breaking our connection, I lifted off her torso. I took a second to make a mental snapshot of Robin as she stretched out in bed, dark hair fanned out on the pillow, hazel eyes wild with desire, creamy soft skin contrasting against her red lacy bra and panties, chest rising and falling from her quick breathing.

  The only thing I would have changed was the location. I wanted to see her like this in my bed, to smell her sweet scent infusing my bed sheets.

  Another time.

  “Fuck, you’re beautiful,” I whispered out in a groan, already convinced that one night with this goddess would never cut it.

  The sound of her heavy breaths filled the air as her hands reached up and held on to my biceps, inviting me back to my spot between her legs. Hungry to taste her, I gripped the sides of her panties and dragged them past her hips. She lifted her head, sultry gaze fixed on me the entire time I inched them down her legs and discarded them off the side of the bed. Her legs parted some more and I did not hesitate. I lowered my head between her legs, and with one sweep of my tongue, I tasted her. Christ, she was sweet, so fine that my hardness strained against the fabric of my boxers, begging to feel her clamped tightly around it. I pressed my mouth to her mound, capturing her scent as my tongue trailed along her folds, ready to devour her whole.


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