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Blind Witness

Page 12

by Knight, Alysia S.

  “I suggest you go back to your office and try to do some of your work,” Britt said pointedly.

  “But, what about the air? How am I supposed to breathe?” the man whined.

  The look Britt gave him had shaken many men, turned quite a few deals, and was enough to send Carlton Reese scurrying from his office.

  “Britt, is there anything I can do to help?” Rachelle stood holding onto the back of the leather wingback chair in front of his desk.

  His first thought was to say no, then he realized like him, she needed to keep busy and more so, for her to be helpful and productive while he was keeping her from her job. “Can you call down and get someone to cover for Darrell?”

  “Of course.” She let her fingers guide her around the chair. His heart constricted as he watched her reach for his desk, but when she touched it, she moved around it quite confidently until she came to his chair.

  “The phone is on the right.” He came over, picking up a file. “Why don’t you take a seat?”

  She settled and moved her hand cautiously up, once she found the phone, her fingers moved with more sure actions. Britt opened the file but his attention remained focused on Rachelle. She was so beautiful and amazing. After everything, she was still ready to help him. There didn’t seem be anything she couldn’t meet straight on.

  “Is there anything else I can do?” she asked, putting the phone down after the call.

  Love me. Was his first thought, instead his mind raced for something that would keep her satisfied and safely ensconced in his office.

  “Actually there is. I have some dictation Darrell hasn’t had time to type up and add to their folders. Would you mind typing them up, so he won’t be so far behind when he gets back?”

  “Not at all.”

  “There are over half a dozen of them.”

  “That’s all right.”

  “If you just want to get as far as you can, you can work here. I have a teleconference in about fifteen minutes. It’ll take at least an hour, then we can have lunch. I have a one o’clock appointment, another teleconference and then another appointment, so I’m going to be pretty busy most of the afternoon, but I want to wrap up everything that I can today.”

  “That’s no problem. Just tell me where to put the files.” Rachelle was ready to get to work.

  “A printed copy goes in the top drawer, and you can just mark the computer file, dictation and the date.”

  “All right.”

  Britt opened the drawer reaching for the recorder. He noticed the small sonar device to replace the one that had gotten broken. “I forgot to give you this,” he said, placing it in her hand.

  “Oh, thank you.” She beamed up.

  “You’re welcome.” He handed the recorder to her. “Will you be all right here?”

  “Of course, don’t worry about me.”

  “I’m afraid that’s impossible. I find I can’t help thinking about you, so I worry about you.” His kiss was quick and hard.


  Rachelle finished the dictation about three o’clock. She knew Britt had figured they would take her all day. She also knew they were mostly busy work, but they did need to be done, so she didn’t mind. Now that she was finished, she wondered what she should do next. Britt would be tied up in his meeting for another hour.

  It didn’t take long to make up her mind and leave a message for Britt. She headed down to her office. The trip was slow until she made it to her floor, but once she was in familiar surroundings, she moved along with ease, feeling more confident than she had the entire day.

  She could hear Lois as she approached the room. Since no other voice sounded, she knew the older woman must be on the phone. She slid into her chair to wait.

  “Rachelle, I thought you were working upstairs today.”

  “I finished and thought I’d come see if you could use a hand.” She smiled.

  “What I could use is a break. How about we go downstairs and grab something fattening.”

  Rachelle laughed. “Sounds good to me.”

  “I’ll ask Sara to cover for me.”

  Rachelle stood, following Lois out of the room. At the doorway, the direct line to the office began to ring.

  “I’ll get it,” Rachelle said, turning back.

  “It’s probably the man upstairs checking on you.”

  Rachelle figured the same. Coming back into the room, she picked up the phone. “Executive answering, may I help you?” There was no answer, and the line went dead. Shrugging her shoulders, she put down the phone and headed out the door around the corner and down the hall.

  The explosion behind her was deafening. Rachelle slammed into the wall before sliding down to the floor. She felt boneless. Her ears rang, drowning out all other noise around her. Rachelle coughed as dust and smoke filled the hall. Fear of fire sifted its way into her mind. She tried to get to her feet, but her legs didn’t want to hold her. Clinging to the wall, she made it up, stumbling over something on the floor and went back down.

  “Rachelle,” Lois yelled, reaching her side. “Stay down.”


  Confusion filled the floor as Britt pushed his way through the people crowded around to see into the hall. Dust still hazed the air, but there was no sign of damage. The only thing truly amiss was the two women on the floor.

  “Rachelle,” he called her name, fear filling his soul as he ran to the woman who was becoming everything to him.

  “Britt,” she tried to move, but Lois kept her down.

  “You shouldn’t move until the paramedics check you out,” Lois counseled.

  Rachelle didn’t seem to listen to her, reaching for him. “Britt.”

  “I’m right here.” He dropped down beside her, catching her in his arms. He tilted her head up so he could look her over.

  “I’m not hurt,” she assured. “I’m just a little shaken. Was anyone else hurt?”

  “No, everyone’s fine.” He tightened his hold on her. He felt her take a deep breath and sigh in relief. Britt edged back enough to catch her chin, tilt her face up to study her. Wisps of hair she had placed up that morning in a comb had come free. There was a smudge on one cheek. Shock and fear widened the eyes that wouldn’t let her see him. He used his hand to stoke her cheek to reassure her.

  “I fell into the wall. My ears were ringing a little after the explosion, and everything was confusing, but I’m okay now.”

  “Yeah, well, I want you checked out to be sure,” Britt said firmly as the people from security arrived.

  “Please keep everyone back,” Britt directed.

  The security man nodded back, but when he wasn’t having much success, Britt released Rachelle and stood. “Ladies and gentlemen, please calm down. I would like you to evacuate the building. Those of you from this floor please stay in a group, so the police can talk to you. We’re going to be sending everyone home early again, but I would like you to check in so we have a list, and can make sure everyone is accounted for. Warren, can you handle that?” He turned to the other security guard there. The man nodded his head and moved off toward the stairs.

  With everyone settled and the security handling the crowd Britt turned his complete attention back to Rachelle. Holding her was short lived because both the police and paramedics arrived. Rachelle was checked out and pronounced to be fine.

  With the all clear given for the executive floor, he moved her upstairs, where he made her lie down while the police went over what happened on the floor below. His office was where Detective Todd found them. After the greeting, he took the notes from the officer who had questioned Rachelle and then motioned for Britt to follow him out of the room.

  “Miss Harris was definitely the target. It was a relatively small amount of explosive designed to take out one person. It was placed under her desk. When it went off, if she would have had been sitting there, it would have likely killed her. This one was also different because it was set off by a trigger. Since she was with you all day,” the detecti
ve stopped but Britt finished the sentence.

  “He knew when she went down.”

  “She said the phone rang, and no one was there. I imagine it was him, making sure she was there. It is just luck that she and Mrs. Raymond stepped out when they did.”

  “Luck,” Britt felt it burn cold within him. He had not been able to protect her. It was just luck she was alive, and if she would have died, it would be because of him. His interest in her drew the killer. His love marked her for death. The psycho had it right, a week ago to hurt him, the company was a good way, but now, the way to hurt him, to destroy him, was through Rachelle. In just a few short days, she had become his life.

  Funny, for most of his life he knew he had so much, it almost seemed selfish to wish for love. So he accepted the comfortable, cool relationships with glamorous women that were fortunate like him. He’d accepted that until a sweet, gentle woman showed him what it was like to be blessed with her love. Even though she hadn’t said the words yet, he knew she loved him. Just as he knew she would always be the most precious thing to him.

  Straightening himself, he looked to Todd. “Are there any clues?”

  “Not yet, but the crime team is just beginning to collect and go over the pieces.”

  Britt nodded, “I’m moving Rachelle to a hotel.”

  “I think that would be an excellent idea, but she won’t like it.”

  Britt was shocked at the detective’s comment, he knew Todd was right, Rachelle wouldn’t like it. “She doesn’t have a choice.” She also didn’t have a choice about the ending of their relationship, which he was going to do. He knew that would make her mad because she was too bright not to figure out why he was doing it. It would hurt her too, but it was better having her hurt than having her killed for him.

  The detective must have been as observant as his job would dictate. “You might want to rethink what you’re going to do.”

  “I will keep her safe.”

  “But will the cost be worth it?”

  “Anything is worth it.”

  “Even if it hurts her, like this will?”

  Britt flinched at his thoughts being said out loud. “It’s for the best.”

  The detective didn’t look convinced but said nothing.

  “Do you need me for anything?”

  When the detective shook his head, Britt turned away. He knew what the man was saying was true. It would hurt Rachelle, but that wouldn’t stop him. Rachelle would be safe even if it meant losing her forever.

  Rachelle jumped when he entered the office. “Britt?” The tremor in her voice called to him.

  “Come on, let’s go.” He kept his voice controlled as he came and took her arm. Though awareness shot through him, he pushed it away. He had become good at pushing emotions away over the years. That was what made him so successful at business. He just didn’t know how well until Rachelle turned to him.

  “Britt?” Again she said his name, but this time the question was laced with confusion. She stepped toward him.

  He took a step back. “We’re going to your apartment so you can pack a bag.” He took her elbow but kept his distance. “I’m moving you to a hotel. This time there will be no argument.” He snapped the words, making them hard and cold.

  Pain then anger flashed over her face, but she stiffened her shoulders and started to walk.

  Good, he thought as he directed her to the elevator. She’d better stand on her own.


  Rachelle pushed the tears back again as she laid a pair of jeans in her suitcase. She didn’t understand what happened to the man she was beginning to know and love. The man that held and comforted her the night before had now shut her out. She was afraid he was gone from her forever. During the car ride to her apartment, he had remained silent. He released her arm once they reached her building. Going up, he was aloof, frozen from her. He took her arm briefly when her thoughts distracted her and she lost her position, but he released her again the moment they reached her apartment.

  “I’ll wait here,” he said from by the door. “Pack enough for the weekend at least.”

  Not knowing where they were headed, she put in her nicer casual clothes and, at the last minute, added her swimsuit, though she figured it wasn’t going to be like a vacation. Deciding she was ready for anything but a formal occasion, she closed the bag.

  “Do you have everything?” The coldness in his voice startled her as she stepped into her living room.

  “I think so. Where are we going?”

  “I have a room reserved for you at The Towers.” He stepped forward and took her bag.

  “What am I to do there?”

  “Stay hidden.”

  “For how long?”

  “As long as it takes.” His voice came back hard, and she flinched.

  “Then I’d like to take my flowers.”

  “Leave them.” He cut her off sharply.

  “No,” she said just as strong. “Why are you being like this? What’s wrong?” She stepped toward him reaching out, but he must have moved.

  “Nothing.” His voice came from several feet away. “Get your flowers then, if you have to, so we can leave.”


  Britt looked at Rachelle. She held the two bouquets to her. “I didn’t get a suite as you insisted. The room is small enough you should be able to memorize it easily. The bed is a queen. There are nightstands on either side.”

  “You might want to remove the lamps, I tend to break them.” She tried for a joke, but he ignored it.

  “There’s a small table by the window with two chairs. A dresser on the opposite wall and the bathroom is by the door. The closet is across from that. Pretty standard.”

  “Thank you.” The words sounded choked, drawing him near, but he stopped himself and pulled back.

  “There’s a security guard next door and another that will be patrolling the hall. So that should be it. You can order anything you want from room service.”

  She nodded.


  “Good-bye,” she whispered softly.

  For a second, he stood unable to move, not wanting to leave. Britt resisted the urge to take her in his arms, and wipe away the pain he saw on her face. Instead, he turned abruptly, forcing himself out the door.


  Rachelle heard the door lock and felt the pain rise. He was gone. He hadn’t hugged her. He hadn’t kissed her. He hadn’t even said when he would be back, but then again, she knew he wouldn’t be. What she didn’t know was why. What had she done to bring about the change?

  Well, it wasn’t like she hadn’t been left before. She stiffened her shoulders, moving carefully to the dresser, she put down one of the vases, and then made her way to the table, to place the other in the center of it.

  That accomplished, she turned and collapsed on the bed in tears. Never had she hurt so much.


  Britt slammed down the folder. Trying to concentrate on it was useless. All he could think of was Rachelle. Sweet, loving Rachelle, hurt, bewildered Rachelle. Her pain was so plain to see. And knowing he was the one to put it there was tearing him apart.

  He stretched his hand out to the phone, but he pulled it back. He yearned to go to her. It was too late though. He had cut her off and she knew it. It was better this way, he said in his mind for the thousandth time. But, if that were true why did it feel so wrong?

  The chimes of the clock rang three times in the dark night. It was a mournful sound matching how he felt. He wanted Rachelle. He reached for the file once again, and then pushed it away just like he did her. Agony raged through him. Slamming his hand down on the desk, the sound echoed into the ring of the phone.

  “Rachelle,” he said as he snatched it up.

  The voice on the phone laughed. “Wrong! You sent her away, such a noble gesture to keep her safe. Did you really think it would stop me? I thought you should know she cried herself to sleep. I think that it’s really rather fitting that she dies like Aub
rey, broken-hearted because of you. Yes, you can think of it while you’re waiting for your turn to join her in death. Think of the last thing she did before she died was cry because of you.” The phone went dead in his ear.

  Chapter Ten

  Britt dropped the phone not caring where it landed as he ran for the door. Not waiting for the elevator he took the stairs two at a time. His car tore out of the parking lot, skidding into the street. It wasn’t until he had the car straightened out that he found his cell phone that he left in the car had been smashed and knew it was by the caller. The man had everything planned.

  He was five minutes from the towers. Britt decided he couldn’t risk the time to stop and find a phone to call the police. Maybe if he was lucky an officer would try to pull him over for speeding. He would pay any ticket. He just prayed he was in time. If he could get to Rachelle in time, he would never make her cry again.


  Rachelle came wide awake wondering what time it was. Her body still claimed exhaustion, but between her restlessness and finally crying herself to sleep, it was not surprising. Reaching for the nightstand, it took her several seconds to find the watch her sister gave her on the unfamiliar surface. She fumbled and pressed the button. “Three-o-eight,” the cartoon voice said.

  Three, Rachelle groaned, wishing she could believe it was in the afternoon. Before she had time to think anything else, she heard the faint sound of a foot pressing down into the carpet.

  “Wh . . . ho’s there?” She knew the words were stupid. If there was someone in the room, they wouldn’t be answering. This is foolish, I’m scaring myself. It was just the sounds of the unfamiliar hotel. She waited, listening. When no sound came, she relaxed and her thoughts went to Britt.

  The thought was hardly through her when she heard another sound. This one was closer, more distinct. Someone was in her room. She started to move when she felt something wet seep through the blanket. Rachelle rolled away but got tangled in the sheets. Fear filled her. She kicked and tried to scramble free, but a hand caught her hip and pulled her back. Her scream was cut off as her face was shoved into the mattress. In terror, she kicked her legs, but the blankets impeded her motion. A hand came down on the back of her neck with brutal force pushing her face deeper, cutting off more air. She fought to push back and gained an inch, enabling her to gulp in a lungful of air before a knee was rammed into her back. She went down.


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