The Rightful Heir
Page 17
Mary Lou backed away from his reach. “I’m capable of taking care of myself, Jared.” Her countenance lost the joy it had held when she’d first approached him. “The Good Lord looks after me every day. All day. I don’t have to be afraid.”
“It’s not a matter of being afraid. It’s a matter of being cautious.”
“Is everything all right here, Miss Ellison?” A large man with a badge on his chest came up behind Mary Lou. He dropped a hand on her shoulder.
She cut her eyes up at the man. “Everything is fine, Sheriff Braden.” She extended her hand in Jared’s direction. “This is Jared Ivy.”
“Your boss?”
Jared cringed at the words. He didn’t consider himself to be Mary Lou’s boss, and he knew without a doubt she would resent the statement. He offered his hand to the man. “I work with Miss Ellison. We are sharing the publisher’s duties at the Record.”
The visiting sheriff shook Jared’s hand but didn’t move his other hand from Mary Lou’s shoulder. A lot must have transpired in Gran Colina for Mary Lou to be allowing such a familiar gesture from someone she’d just met.
She smirked at Jared. “We are sharing the duties until the judge comes to town and sends one of us on our way.” She sidestepped away from Sheriff Braden’s hand. “The same judge who will see that Mr. Finch is punished for his crimes.” She looked around. “Where is Mr. Finch?”
“Sheriff Collins took him to the jail.” Sheriff Braden tipped his hat at her. “I best be getting along, too. I promised a full report on the thefts in Gran Colina to your sheriff.”
“Thank you so much for all your help.” She smiled and added, “I’ll stop in at the hotel and make sure they have a room for you before I go back to my office.”
“I’ll be looking forward to our supper.” He gave Jared a curt nod and walked away.
Jared was so relieved she wasn’t hurt, but he was also disgruntled that another man was pressing in on Mary Lou’s time and attention. “It appears that you and the sheriff have made good use of the short time you’ve known one another.” The words came out with a bitter tone he hadn’t meant to reveal.
“He met me at the train yesterday. It seems he was sent as a kind of protector by someone who thought I couldn’t take care of myself.”
“I was worried about you.” There was no need to deny the truth.
“There was never any danger.” She looked away as she said the last word.
“Never? You were never concerned that Mr. Finch might recognize you and harm you in any way?”
“You sent a telegram that I was a reporter and you were the publisher. Sheriff Braden thought you were my boss.”
“I sent a telegram worded so that a sheriff I’d never met would see the urgency of ensuring your safety. If I’d told him how strong you are, he might not have bothered to go.” He leaned closer. “And I think you were a bit afraid. But you’re more worried that relying on me for help might make you vulnerable. You’re afraid that trusting me would weaken your position in regard to the ownership of the Record.”
Her face blanched at his words.
“Mary Lou, I sent the telegram to protect you. Not to lessen you.” He put his hand on her cheek. “You are the bravest lady I’ve ever met.” The softness of her cheek against his palm nearly undid him. The thought of losing her for any reason caused an ache in his chest. A deep heaviness that threatened his breath. “But you didn’t have to do it alone. I would have helped.”
“Mary Lou, there you are!” Jasmine Willis stepped onto the platform. “I’m sorry I’m late. There were a few details yet to be done on our house. The workers couldn’t come until this morning.” She stopped a few feet from them.
Jared dropped his hand and slid it into his pocket.
Jasmine spoke to Mary Lou. “I can come back later.”
“There’s no need. I was just about to go to the hotel and return these things.” Mary Lou held up a carpetbag.
“Did he recognize you?” Jasmine turned to Jared. “I thought her idea to dress as a lady rancher to keep him from suspecting her true identity was good.”
So Mary Lou had wondered if Elmer Finch would recognize her and become suspicious of her motives.
He waited for her response. He knew she wouldn’t lie.
She answered Jasmine but the glance she sent his way assured him he’d been right to be concerned. “There was a moment where I felt I needed to use extra caution. I didn’t want him to think I was searching for specific items. When he slid your mother’s cameo into his pocket and refused to sell it to me, I feared it might be lost forever.”
“You found my cameo?” Jasmine hugged Mary Lou. “Papa will be so thrilled.”
“If you’ll excuse us, Jared, I need to go to the hotel. I can take care of the details with Jasmine and Sheriff Braden.” There was a distance in her eyes that hadn’t been there before she’d gone to Gran Colina. “Will you meet me at the office after lunch? We can talk then.”
He pulled his watch from the pocket of his vest. After checking the time, he said, “I’ll be at the sheriff’s office when you get there. We can arrange our afternoon once we’ve finished the business at hand.”
Jared watched her walk away and part of him went with her. A part he feared he’d never get back. The distance he felt between them now was more than the distance when he’d first arrived in Pine Haven.
That day, he’d been a stranger—someone after her business. Today, she saw him as a betrayer of her trust.
His mother had made him feel that way when she’d confessed to hiding Grump’s letters from him. He knew that betrayal had the potential to destroy everything they’d established together.
The Pine Haven Record was a stronger paper than when he’d arrived. They’d accomplished that by working together.
The article they would print for the next edition would be one of intrigue and truth. Rescue and justice—if the sheriff would agree to release Andrew. It was a story Mary Lou would write alone. One that she’d earned the right to because she’d put herself at risk by going after the criminal alone.
Jared could claim no part in its success.
And Mary Lou wouldn’t want him to.
* * *
Mary Lou entered the sheriff’s office with Jasmine. Jared was there with both sheriffs and Elmer Finch sat on a bunk in the cell next to Andrew’s.
“Gentlemen.” She greeted everyone. “Sheriff Braden, this is Jasmine Willis. The cameo was a gift from her father to her mother. Her father gave it to her after her mother passed.”
“Thank you, Sheriff Braden. I can’t tell you how grateful I am to know the cameo has been found.” Jasmine looked at the man in the cell. “I am sorry I was unable to wear it when I was married recently.”
Sheriff Collins pulled the cameo from his desk and showed it to Jasmine. “Is this it?”
Jasmine nodded. “May I have it?”
“I need to keep it until after the trial. The judge will return it to you then.” He locked the cameo in his desk. “From what Braden tells me, you owe your thanks to Miss Ellison. Her quick thinking kept this fellow from getting away with your jewelry and all the crimes he’s committed.”
“Thank you so much. I won’t forget what you did for me.” Jasmine gave Mary Lou a hug. “I’ve got to get back to the Circle W. I may be the newest member of the family but, even though I’m in charge now, I still have to do my share of the work.” She left and closed the door behind her.
Mary Lou asked, “Sheriff, why is Andrew still here? I thought that bringing Mr. Finch into custody would prove Andrew’s innocence.”
Sheriff Collins pulled down on the edges of his thick mustache. “There’s still the mirror, Miss Ellison. I can’t just let him go. The mirror was in Andrew’s pocket. I can’t ignore that.”
d added, “Mrs. Croft just left here. She wanted to make certain Andrew was kept until the judge comes to town.”
“But that’s not right. We all know he’s not a thief.” Mary Lou had hoped this would all be resolved.
“I can’t assign blame to the newsagent for something I found in Andrew’s possession.”
Mr. Finch stood. “I didn’t steal anything. This boy here brought all those things to me. I paid for everything I had. He’s your thief.”
Mary Lou gasped. “You’re lying.”
Andrew lurched to his feet. “I did not! I don’t even know this man. Only that he buys several copies of the paper on Mondays. That’s the only thing I ever sold him.” Andrew clung to the bars. “Sheriff, you gotta believe me.”
Sheriff Braden said, “That wouldn’t explain why Finch had the combs that went missing from my sister’s store.”
Jared stood in the corner of the room making notes. “Sheriff Collins, have you heard back from any of the other stops on the route?”
“Two. They both confirm a number of small items stolen in each town.”
Sheriff Braden added, “I was able to search the car where Finch kept his personal belongings. There’s a trunk filled with things I expect we’ll discover were stolen.”
Elmer Finch groused from his cell. “You had no right to go through my pockets and things.”
“You gave up your rights when you broke the law.” Sheriff Collins sat in the chair behind his desk.
“I’m innocent, I tell you. This is the second time you’ve thrown me in this cell without cause. I’m sure the judge will want to hear all about how you people jump to conclusions and put innocent people in jail.”
Sheriff Collins snorted. “You go right ahead and tell the judge how you get into trouble in Pine Haven more than anyone who lives here. I still have an idea that you took that poor fellow’s money off the table when he accidentally shot himself.”
“You’ve no proof of anything against me.”
Mary Lou was exhausted with this turn of events. Poor Andrew stood in the cell, his eyes pleading with her for help. “What happens now, Sheriff Collins?”
“We wait for the judge. He could be here anytime. It depends on how much he has to deal with in the surrounding counties.”
Jared asked, “What about Andrew? Can you release him to me until the judge comes? I’ll keep a close eye on him.”
“Sorry, Mr. Ivy, but I can’t.” Sheriff Collins stood from his chair. “If I let him out, Mr. Finch might decide he wants to stay at the hotel. Now, if you folks will clear out, me and Sheriff Braden need to take a look at the things in Finch’s trunk. There’s a lot of work left to do before the judge comes.”
Mary Lou thanked the men for their help and made her way toward the newspaper office. The sheriff’s announcement that the judge’s arrival was imminent reminded her of how soon her life could change. She had little, if any, time to clear Andrew’s name and help him land his new job and get settled into the bunkhouse on the Double Star Ranch. She’d been certain that having Mr. Finch in jail would restore Andrew’s good reputation and allow him to go to work immediately. She’d have to dig deeper to find out what happened.
She sat at the desk and made a list of what she’d need to do in case the judge gave the paper to Jared. Then she made a list of things she could do to show the judge he should let her keep the Record.
The office door opened and Jared entered. He went to the press and studied the plate they’d used for the edition they’d printed on Monday.
“I think we can move things around nicely so you’ll have plenty of room for your story about Mr. Finch and his capture.” He pointed to the plate. “We can take out the top story and the offer of a reward.” He turned to her. “I guess I owe you half of that reward, since you and I were going to pay it to anyone who helped find the real thief.”
She slid her pencil over her ear. “You don’t owe me any money.” She put her lists under the magnifying glass. “I do think we need to talk.”
He held up a hand. “Let me go first.” At her nod, he continued. “I was wrong to let Braden think I was your boss.”
“Yes, you were.”
“Wait, I’m not finished.” He rubbed his jawline with one hand. “I’m sorry I upset you by worrying about you. It’s just that I care about what happens to you.”
She toyed with the handle of the magnifying glass. “That’s very kind.” She looked up at him. “Much like the way your grandfather would have felt about the whole situation.”
One corner of his mouth lifted in a half smile, and he sat in a chair opposite the desk. “Do you think we can keep working together?”
He didn’t say for how long. The sheriff had declared they had to work together until the judge came. A month had already passed. Was he suggesting they continue the arrangement beyond then?
“I think we can trudge along like we have been.” She shrugged her shoulders. “It hasn’t been as bad as I thought it would be.”
He gave a slight chuckle. “That’s true.”
“So you think we can plan on this story for the top of the paper for next Monday, even though Andrew is still in jail?” She walked to the front of the office and stared out the window. She couldn’t bear the thought of Andrew in the cell beside Elmer Finch.
“Yes. But I want you to write the entire article. You can use whatever angle you want. Criminal, personal, anything that you think would benefit the paper or the community.”
“You’ve had some say in everything we’ve printed for weeks. Are you sure?” She turned around to see him sitting at the desk.
“You got this story on your own. You should be able to write it like you want.”
“I’ll do that now then. I’ve made a couple of lists of things I need to handle.”
“What kind of lists?”
“Some things I need to accomplish in short order.”
“Is this the list? He moved the magnifying glass and picked up her notes. She tried to take them from him, but he pulled them out of her reach and read them aloud.
“‘Make sure Andrew gets the job on the Double Star.’” He picked up a pencil from the desk and drew a line under that item. “This one is very important. I’d like to help you with it.”
She held out her hand, hoping he’d give the paper to her. “That list is for my personal use.”
“But there are things about the newspaper on here. So that would make them my business, as well.” He pointed at the next item. “‘Finish writing the articles for the Christmas Eve social.’” He nodded his head as he read several more things aloud.
“Please give me the lists.” Mary Lou reached out again. She didn’t want him to read the other page.
Jared handed them to her but he let go before she had a firm grip and the sheets floated to the floor. He bent to pick them up and give them back to her but stopped short when he saw the first item on the second page.
“‘Compare my work experience to Jared’s.’” He drew his brows together. “What is this list for, Mary Lou?”
She reached for the paper but he held it tight. “It’s nothing.”
“But it is something. And I feel compelled to continue reading since my name is in the top line.” He read the next item. “‘Choose potential character witnesses.’”
Mary Lou tore the papers from his hand. “I don’t want to talk about it.”
“You’re preparing for the judge.” He sat back in the chair.
Her arms hung at her sides, the offending list in one hand. “Aren’t you? Sheriff Collins said he could arrive anytime.”
“No. I hadn’t thought to do that.”
“You think your will is all the evidence you need?” She wasn’t angry anymore. She was tired. The emotion of chasing after Mr. Finch and trying in vain to c
lear Andrew’s good name had taken its toll.
“To be honest, most days I don’t think about it.” He took his watch out and checked the time. “I best be getting out to find a story of my own. I’ve got to have something good to run alongside your piece.”
He left her without another word.
Mary Lou slumped into the desk chair and put her head down. In her effort to prepare for her future, she’d hurt Jared. She thought about the kiss he’d placed on her forehead. Had they grown so close over time only to lose that closeness now that the judge was coming to town?
Chapter Fourteen
Jared paced outside the sheriff’s office on Wednesday morning. He needed to see Sheriff Collins, but he hoped he wouldn’t run into Sheriff Braden. Jared had stayed late at the office Tuesday evening thinking Mary Lou might come there to work on her story—if her dinner at the hotel with the sheriff from Gran Colina had been about Mr. Finch. He’d finally given up some time after nine and gone to his rooms above the office. Sleep had eluded him for much of the night.
The door to the office opened and Sheriff Collins came out. “Sheriff, I need your help.”
“I’m a busy man, Mr. Ivy. It’s not often I have prisoners in both cells. Just making sure they eat and such is an added aggravation.” The man headed down the sidewalk at a steady pace and Jared followed.
“That’s what I want your help with. You’ve got to have evidence about Andrew, right?”
“I’ve got enough for the judge to find him guilty. I know you want to help the boy, but I’ve got a witness and the mirror. I don’t know what can be done to save him.”
Jared stepped in front of him. “But what if we find someone who can prove Andrew didn’t do it?”
“Then I’d have to say you’re a better newspaper man than your grandfather.” He stepped off the sidewalk to cross the street. “And I don’t know if that’s possible. Jacob Ivy was one of the best.”
“I need to talk to Andrew.”
“Go ahead. He’s not going anywhere.”