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Moonlight(Pact Arcanum 3)

Page 16

by Arshad Ahsanuddin

Toby was horrified. “Absolutely not.”

  “You will agree to my terms, Leshir, or I will simply follow you from concert to concert with as many of my soldiers as I deem necessary. Do you think your human security will be able to keep me out?”

  Toby swallowed and his mind raced. There was one other card he could play, but it was dangerous, and the results would be unpredictable. “Layla, the assassin was coming for you, as well.”

  She stared at him for a moment. Then she laughed. “Where is this fool? I will teach him the error of his ways before he dies, if he thinks that I am prey to be hunted.”

  “Forget about him,” said Toby. “He’s irrelevant. What matters is that these fanatics are targeting you as well as me. You can’t endanger Antonio by putting yourself in the open like that.”

  She gently covered her abdomen with her hands, talons fully extended, and looked out at the last light of the setting sun. “Very well, I will remain in secure locations. However, you will accept a proxy of my choosing to lead the security detail.”

  Toby chewed on his lip. “Who did you have in mind?”

  “No, Leshir. You will agree to my terms, or I will not stand by and allow you to continue your reckless pursuits.”

  Toby considered. If she chose to, there was any number of ways she could prevent him from performing, from legal injunctions to simply breaking his legs. “All right. We’ll do it your way. Who do you want to lead the detail?”

  She didn’t face him. Instead, she continued to stare at the horizon, her profile seemingly carved in stone. “Nicholas.”

  Toby stared at her in shock. “No.”

  “Those are my terms, Leshir.”

  Toby stood from his chair, his fists clenched in fury. “Nick is the Archangel! If he’s on site, then Armistice Security will walk right in and lock down the entire area.”

  She continued to watch the sky as it darkened. “Is that the basis of your objection, or are you more concerned with having your brother in charge of your life again?”

  Toby’s anger deflated in an instant. He was not stupid, and he knew himself well enough to know that she was completely on target. “He thinks my career is putting me in danger. He’ll do everything in his power to keep me off stage.”

  She pressed her lips together, still not looking at him. “Tobias, have you considered that if your brother is involved in your security preparations, and can satisfy himself that you are well-protected, then he will no longer have any basis to argue with your choices?”

  Toby blinked, and then he slowly sat in his chair, lost in thought. Finally, he turned his head to meet her gaze. She watched him with a small smile. “Maybe. Do you really think he’ll come around?”

  She gently scraped the underside of his jaw with her claws. “It will give you an opening. Is the imposition of having Armistice Security involved in your protection worth the possibility of healing the rift between the two of you?”

  He smiled at her. “You’re amazing, you know that?”

  She leaned back in her chair, and Toby watched red sparks scatter across her irises when she grinned at him. “Perhaps, but I never tire of hearing you say it.”

  He leaned forward and kissed her cheek. “Thank you for thinking of me, Leshir.”

  She brushed her fingertips against his cheek and down the line of his neck, her hands having returned to human form. “I love you, Tobias Jameson. Never forget that.”

  “I won’t,” he said with complete sincerity. “Do you want to tell Nick the good news, or shall I?”

  “You should tell him. Your next concert is in seven days. I suggest you wait until just a day or two before the performance, so that he has no chance to think about it. In the long run, it will soothe his mind to believe that he is coming off the better in the deal.”

  Toby laughed and leaned back in his chair while he watched the stars come out. “Layla, I’m glad you’re on my side.”

  She smiled at him indulgently. “I am on no one’s side but my own, Leshir. You are mine, and I mean to keep you, for as long as destiny allows it.”

  He grinned, knowing that she was entirely serious. “If I’m yours, then you should come and claim me, before I get away.”

  She gently sliced through the thread of the top button on his shirt with the razor-sharp edge of her claws. When the first button dropped to the floor, she reached for the second button. “Would you like to run, Leshir? It might improve your chances of escape, but not much.”

  The Citadel, Lunar Farside

  Rafael stepped off the teleport gateway and walked down the short corridor toward his apartment. He’d had a long day of teaching first-stage cadets the basics of conventional flight, and he just wanted to sit back and relax for a few hours. He smiled to himself. Maybe he’d take the Starlight out for a Sunday drive. Nick had given him completely free rein by naming him Captain of the ship. Being called in occasionally for chauffeur duty was a small price to pay for the freedom to fly. He yawned when he turned the corner to his door. Then he stopped short at the sight of the figure slumped on the floor next to the entrance to his quarters.


  Nick looked up blearily and took a swig from the bottle in his right hand. “Hello, sailor. Buy a guy a drink?”

  Rafael chuckled as he helped Nick to his feet. “It sounds like you’ve had enough to drink, Nicholas.” He pulled Nick’s left arm over his shoulder and half carried the Daywalker into his apartment. Rafael walked him to the living room couch and let Nick slide bonelessly onto the cushions. “You only get drunk without me when it’s family that’s got you down. So which is it, Toby or Jeremy?”

  “It’s both of them,” Nick said miserably. “Toby won’t listen to reason, and Jer keeps taking his side.”

  Rafael raised his eyebrows. That was news. He strode into the kitchen for a pair of glasses and a bottle of rum. The alcohol wouldn’t get him drunk without the added rush of Sentinel blood, but it gave him something to offer that wouldn’t put Nick under the table. He sat down in the living room across from Nick and poured them both a shot. “Why don’t you switch your poison, Nicholas? House rules: The host sets the pace.”

  Nick sighed and put his bottle of bloodwine on the floor. He claimed one of the glasses, then took an experimental sip. He made a disgusted face and just cradled the glass in his fingers. “I’m worried about Toby. He doesn’t seem to realize the danger he’s in.”

  Rafael sipped at his rum and shook his head. “He understands perfectly, Nick. But he can’t live his life in fear. This is the world he’s chosen to live in, and you can’t protect him from it.”

  “Jeremy said the same thing. He thinks I’m being a moron,” Nick said with a rueful smile.

  “The Seer is a student of human nature. He has a certain insight into people’s motivations, including yours. Maybe you should listen to him.”

  Nick scowled. “I just want what’s best for my brother, Raf. Is that so wrong?”

  “What makes you think you know what’s best for him?” Rafael asked with a pointed look.

  Nick opened his mouth and then closed it. “Touché.” He took another sip of his drink and tried to focus his muddled thoughts on considering his position objectively. “The Nexus is just using him.”

  Rafael leaned back in his chair and put his feet up on the coffee table. “Of course, they are. But maybe he thinks it’s worth it.”

  Nick growled and his eyes shifted. “I don’t know what could possibly make the risks he’s taking worthwhile.”

  Rafael smiled and finished his drink. Placing the glass back on the table, he stretched out and laced his fingers behind his head. “That’s right. You don’t know. He didn’t tell you the terms of the bargain he cut with the Nexus, so you have no idea what he’s getting out of the deal.”

  Nick’s eyes faded back to their normal color, and he stared morosely into his liquor. “You’ve got a point there.”

  “Why don’t I take you home, Nick? It’s past four a.m. in Colorado. I’m
sure Jeremy is wondering where you are.”

  Nick slumped farther in his seat. “He threw me out.”

  “I beg your pardon?”

  Nick knocked back the rest of his drink. “He said until I got my head out of my ass, I could either sleep on the couch or crash with one of our friends, but he’s tired of my whining.”

  Rafael stared at him, taken aback. “You’re telling me Jeremy is withholding his favors? Seriously? The man you called a crazed sex maniac?”

  Nick nodded and poured himself another glass of rum. “Apparently, those six weeks he spent off-world taught him a few things about doing without.”

  Rafael’s irises shaded toward red, and he stared at Nick. “Nicholas, why are you really here?”

  Nick sighed and gave him a plaintive look.

  Fuck. “I’ll get you a blanket.”


  Anchorpoint City, Colorado; Five days later

  Rafael squared his shoulders and put his hand over the security scanner next to the door. After a few moments, the door unsealed and Jeremy looked out.

  Jeremy was clearly disappointed. “Hey, Raf. Nick not with you?”

  “Hello, Jeremy. That’s what I wanted to talk to you about, actually.”

  Jeremy stood out of the way and let Rafael enter the apartment. “Have a seat.”

  Rafael pulled up a chair, and Jeremy joined him after sealing the door, taking a seat on the couch. The Nightwalker looked gravely at Jeremy. “How long do you plan on shutting him out?”

  Jeremy sighed. “I thought it was only going to be for one night, but he hasn’t come back yet.”

  “So why don’t you go after him?”

  “Because it wouldn’t solve anything,” Jeremy said, settling back in his seat. “Nick is convinced that Toby can’t handle his own choices, and that’s plainly false. I just don’t know how to make a stronger point that he needs to back off and let his brother live his life.”

  “You’re mortal, Jeremy, and this is just wasted time. Are you sure this is how you want to spend your nights—alone?”

  Jeremy rubbed tiredly at his eyes. “No, of course not. I miss him like hell when he’s not there beside me, but I made him a promise when I first opened my eyes to never hold back the truth. I can’t start lying to him now, or he’ll never respect me.”

  The silence stretched between them for several heartbeats. “He has nightmares,” Rafael said softly.

  Jeremy’s expression hardened. “Luscian?”

  “Yes.” Rafael met his gaze thoughtfully. “He woke up screaming in the middle of the first night, and he didn’t recognize me at all. I finally let him sleep next to me, and that calmed him down. He hasn’t mentioned it since, but he hasn’t gone back to the couch.”

  Jeremy smiled thinly. “I’ll bet he hogs the covers.”

  “Jer, be serious.”

  The Sentinel slumped in his seat. “Nick functions at a very high level, but his mental balance is fairly fragile. He depends on support from his friends to get through the day, even without being aware of it. That’s one reason why I want him to step back from Toby. This estrangement between the two of them is taking its toll on Nick in ways that are entirely predictable. The White Wind planted a suggestion in his mind that Toby is in imminent danger, and he’s compensating by becoming overly paternal. Unless he makes a conscious decision to let Toby stand on his own two feet, he’s going to be completely unprepared if something does eventually happen.” Jeremy met Rafael’s gaze with resignation. “And something will happen, Raf. Toby’s mortal, the same as me. Nick will almost certainly outlive us both. I don’t know what that’ll do to him.”

  Rafael sighed. “Then I guess I’ll have to get used to waking up with his arms around me, until you two work this out. Not that I’m complaining. It’s a pleasant feeling, but I have no desire to add Nick to my dance card.”

  Jeremy smiled knowingly at him. “Poor Rafael. You finally get one of the Jameson boys in your bed, and it’s the wrong one.”

  Rafael stared at him for a moment and then dropped his gaze. “There really isn’t any point in hiding things from you, is there?”

  Jeremy watched him with a sad expression. “I’m sorry. The attraction is right in front of your surface thoughts whenever you’re around Toby. I didn’t intend to pick up on it.”

  “It doesn’t matter. He doesn’t see me as anything other than a friend, and I have no intention of challenging Nemesis for him. There are less painful ways to commit suicide.”

  “True, but that doesn’t mean you have to be alone.” Jeremy sat up and clasped Rafael’s hands in his. “I know how strong the need is for a vampire to lay claim on someone he wants, even when he doesn’t mean to act on it.”

  Rafael pulled gently away from Jeremy’s touch. “Jeremy, I’m two hundred fifty years old. Unlike Nick and Rory, or even Layla, I am fully aware that mating with a mortal is insane. I’d never do that to myself, regardless of my instinctive reaction to Toby. I thank you for your concern, but honestly, you don’t have to worry about me.”

  Jeremy leaned back and draped his arms over the back of the couch. “Fair enough. If you change your mind, however, I suggest you talk to Rory or Lorcan. They’ve both had to deal with controlling their unrequited needs, and they could probably give you some support.”

  “Are you mad?” Rafael said with a deep laugh. “Burden the Redeemer or the Imperator with my personal problems? Why would they care?”

  Jeremy smiled again. “You’re important to Nick, and that makes you important to them. Consider it.”

  Rafael stared at him thoughtfully and then checked his watch. “I should get home before Nick gives up on me and tries to cook.”

  Jeremy smirked. “Yeah, that would definitely be something to avoid.”

  Armistice Security Headquarters, Anchorpoint City, Colorado

  Toby knocked at the open door of Nick’s private office. Nick and Takeshi looked up at the sound, breaking off their conversation.

  “Hi, guys,” Toby said. “Can I have a word with you?”

  “Sure.” Nick indicated one of the empty chairs next to him at the conference table. “Is something wrong?”

  Toby took the proffered seat and leaned forward intently. “Layla and I have been talking, and we’ve decided to make a change to the security precautions for my concert in Atlanta this weekend.”

  Takeshi frowned slightly. “What kind of change?”

  “Layla is lending me six soldiers from House Curallorn to augment my regular security, but she wants someone we both trust to take command of them and integrate them into my human security team.”

  “I’m glad you’re wising up a little, Toby.” Nick smiled. “Who do you want to be in charge?”


  Nick stared at him, taken aback. “Excuse me?”

  Toby smirked. “If I can convince you, of all people, that my security is air tight, then I can get up on stage with a clear conscience.”

  Nick continued to stare at him, saying nothing.

  Takeshi gave Toby a lazy smile. “You realize, naturally, that you’ve invited me to the party, as well?”

  Toby nodded. “Of course.”

  Nick remained silent.

  Toby felt a psychic probe tap on his shields and reached out to it.

  “Clever boy,” Takeshi’s voice said in his mind. “If he says ‘yes,’ then you’ve given him a chance to allay some of his fears, while making it seem like he’s doing you a favor. If he says ‘no,’ then it’s his choice to turn his back on you. It’s a win-win proposition for you.”

  “It’s not about winning, Take,” thought Toby. “It’s about reaching out.”

  Take’s inner voice chuckled. “You’re putting him in the hot seat of your relationship, Toby. Either way, he takes responsibility for what happens next. Who thought this up? You or Layla?”

  “She thought it might help bridge the gap between me and Nick.”

  “Nemesis always knew how to spin a good
trap. I hope you realize what you’re getting into when you walk down the aisle with her.” Take broke the psychic contact, leaving Toby alone in his head.

  Nick took a deep breath. “You’re serious? You want me to run your security?”

  “Yes—the Armistice component, at least. You can delegate the details to Take and Armistice Security, but I want you to make the final decisions.”

  Nick drummed his fingers on the table. “If you bring me in on this, then I want your explicit permission to continue the investigation into your bandmates as potential suspects.”

  Toby blinked. “What?”

  Nick’s gaze hardened. “There are no half-measures here, Toby. You can’t back out and say you want me to respect their privacy. If you want me to help, then I’m going to make sure they’re not threats to you.”

  Toby glanced at Take and saw the same unyielding expression on his face. No help there. He considered his own motives carefully. Did he object to his best friends being treated like enemies, or was he only afraid of what Nick might find out? “All right. Just be discreet about it.”

  Nick smiled, his fangs showing. “They’ll never see me coming.”


  September 2042; Austin, Texas; Two weeks later

  After Nick let him into the dressing room, Rafael sat down in one of the comfortable chairs and flipped through the newspaper that had been discarded on the table. He listened to the shower running in the next room and the single heartbeat he could hear under the drumming of the water. After a couple of minutes, the water turned off, and he heard Toby climb out of the shower to towel off. A light telepathic scan pinged off Rafael’s mental shields, and then Toby peeked around the corner into the common area. He blinked and walked fully into the doorway.

  “Raf? What are you doing here?”

  Rafael glanced at him over the top of his newspaper, raising an eyebrow. “Admiring the view?”

  Toby’s face colored as he realized he was standing naked in the doorframe, his towel hanging over his shoulders. “Sorry. Give me a sec to get dressed.” He walked back to his locker and started pulling out his clothes.


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