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Love Lies Bleeding

Page 9

by Remmy Duchene


  "Detective Sung Kim."

  "Oh right! I forgot you two are on first name basis now." He smirked at Anderson.

  Anderson growled in his throat but continued. "He came over and went through the place. He had his forensics team go through it, as well, and in the end I just didn't feel like staying there alone. At first we were going to stay there and he'd spend the night until he changed the plans and invited me to go to his place. One thing led to another and we had sex."

  "I knew it!" Byung grinned.

  "Yeah. I woke up the next morning to him touching and kissing me and I just couldn't help myself. I gave my body over to him in a way I haven't with anyone else and it scares me. I mean, my father is dead and in the midst of that I am falling for a man I have no right caring for. But I can't deny the way he makes me feel. Even the fact I can't read him just scares the shit out of me. I mean, take this for example. He says things like 'I really wish I could kiss you right now' and I just…"

  "Why couldn't he kiss you?"

  "We were in an interrogation room and there were cameras. You know what else he told me? I don't remember if I told you this. They found a flower called love-lies-bleeding at dad's after his body was found. It was also discovered at my place after the break-in."

  "Holy shit!" Byung gasped out. "So let me see if I understand this. They didn't just break in and trash the place, but they stuck around to leave that crappy ass flower?"

  "'That's the image I'm getting." Anderson shook his head.

  "Sounds like they know something—a small thing, but still a clue. So why are you so mad?"

  "I'm not mad—not really. I'm more confused than anything else. I'm so scared to get my hopes up and then watching them crash. Especially…"

  "After you two fucked…"

  Anderson nodded before taking a deep breath. He pushed back against the seat with his mind racing. "For all I know, he just took me in his arms because he saw how worried I was. Damn."

  Byung grinned. "Don't worry about it. I believe it's called a booty call. He's a cop. He probably hadn't gotten laid in a long time. Don't take it personally. His cock spoke for his brain and there's nothing you can do about it."

  He nodded for as per usual, Byung was right. "Yeah. Oh well, what can you really do, right?"

  "Right. At least you had a good come and…"

  "Would you gentlemen like to order?" a female voice interrupted Byung's words and they both spun to face her.

  "I'll have the omelet delight," Byung informed her.

  "I'll have what he's having," Anderson piped up. After she was gone, they faced each other again.

  "You did have a good one, didn't you?" Byung pushed.

  "Oh, it was good." Anderson brought his cup to his lips. "And you know this stereotype they have about Asian men being small?"

  Byrung smirked.

  "It's just that—a stereotype."

  Byung laughed. "Of course it's a stereotype. I've seen a picture of Leo Sung Kim. I had a friend look into him when you said you were spending the night at his place. I know—I shouldn't have, but a guy can't be too careful. That man is massive."

  "And controlling in all the right ways."

  "Well, maybe you should fight to have him in your life, even if it's not true love."

  "You're a slut, you know that?"

  "Guilty as charged. Maybe you should head on back over to the station."

  "What for?"

  "What do you think? You have to go back. Make him make you come!" Byung blurted out in Cantonese.

  "You're trouble and you're cruising to get me shot." Anderson laughed. While they continued their conversation, Anderson reached into his pocket and turned his cell phone on out of habit. No sooner was it on than it began beeping. When he slid it open, he saw two numbers; one number he didn't recognize but the second he knew. "Gimme a second," he told Byung and excused himself, exiting the restaurant to check the messages. One message was from one of his teacher's assistants, telling him the papers were all ready for grading. Anderson dreaded that. He loved reading about Homer but marking papers made him want to cry sometimes. The second message was from Leo saying he'd try calling back. He didn't think it was urgent or Leo would have tried calling back. He went back to his friend with his heart beating a bit faster. His ass barely touched the seat when the phone rang again.


  "It's me." Leo's voice was tight.

  "Is everything all right? You sound strange."

  "Fine… can I see you?"

  "Can't this wait until later?"

  "Please… for about ten minutes."

  Anderson glanced at his watch then over at Byung who was chewing with a concerned look on his face. "Okay, ten minutes—but then I really have to run because I don't have much time before my next lecture."


  * * * *


  "Don't talk to me right now." Leo held up a hand, shoved his badge on his belt, and turned out the door. The journey across the parking was short and he dropped his files into the trunk and climbed into the car. He knew he probably freaked Anderson out but he couldn't wait any longer. He was tempted to use the siren but knew that wouldn't end well. It wasn't official police business and no one was in danger. He was hoping Anderson would be waiting for him but he pulled into the empty parking lot where they were to meet and turned the car off. It dawned on him then the lot was empty and the only building on it seemed to have been abandoned a long time ago. Leaning forward, he had to squint to eye the faded writing on a haphazard sign on the side of the structure. He shook his head for he recognized it. It used to be an empty spot for a carnival that went belly-up years before.

  He glanced at his watch for what had to be the millionth time. When he looked up, he saw Anderson's car pulling into the space beside his. He pushed from his car and walked around to greet Anderson by taking him into his arms, pressing him into his car, and kissing him deeply. Feeling Anderson's lips under him and tasting his tongue left Leo weak and vulnerable. He craved that feeling—he yearned for the feeling of the complete love and fire he felt when he was with Anderson. Leo felt sexy and wanted when Anderson looked at him with fire in those big brown eyes. He never had that with anyone else. There never been a man seeming to be so obsessed with ripping his clothes off in pure, raw, lust. Right there in the middle of the abandoned lot, Leo allowed this man to drink from his lips and to turn him on even more than he was mere seconds before. When his brain felt as though it would explode if he didn't lift his head, he pulled his mouth away and pressed his forehead to Anderson's.

  "Well… damn."

  "I need to feel you naked against me," Leo whispered helplessly.


  "I know. We're in a parking lot—but trust me when I say we wouldn't make it home from here. I guarantee it."

  "What's gotten into… damn I've never had a man want me like this before."

  "Then you've been with morons. Now come on, let me see that delicious cock of yours."

  He saw the hesitation in Anderson's eyes turn to fire when he felt for Anderson's nipples through his shirt, caught them between his index fingers and thumbs, and pinched. He tugged the nipples while squeezing them and grinding his arousal into Anderson. "No. This is going to happen, Andy, and it's going to happen right here. Don't worry about it. We won't get caught. If you don't want it to, walk away."

  Anderson's lips tugged upward to one side leaving Leo throbbing sweetly.

  Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out a condom and handed it to his lover. He watched as Anderson pulled his cock from his pants and slipped the lubricated condom on. He then turned to brace against Anderson's car, pulled his pants down, and lifted his coat. When he spread his legs he could feel Anderson coming in close behind him. Holding his breath, he waited, and was rewarded with pressure from a perfectly rounded cockhead. It popped into his hole and slid deeper. A long shaft eased past his cheeks, sinking farther.

eo groaned, pressed his head against the vehicle, and rode slowly backward into Anderson's body.

  Anderson pulled out until only the rim of his dick remained and Leo wanted to slam his first into the car. "Don't toy with it, Andy. Fuck me!"

  Anderson laughed—a rough sound that left Leo feeling primal. He reached backward and slammed Anderson hard against the thigh then dug his nails into the flesh.

  "Oh shit!" Anderson growled.

  That worked. Anderson plowed away at him, driving him hard into the vehicle until it rocked and squeaked. Leo wanted to do something, to move, to shout—anything. But all he managed was to lie heavily forward and stare, mouth agape and ass pulsating, at how thoroughly he was being fucked.

  His fingers curled, his knees shook violently, and every part of his body ached sweetly. His cock twitched beneath him, lonely and needing to be touched. Reaching down, he stroked himself, dragging a nail over the head, and shivering at the sensations it caused.

  When the inevitable happened, Leo slumped forward, forehead shoved into the metal while his body shook. Anderson wrenched from him and wrapped an arm tightly around Leo's hips before a wild sound escaped his lips close to Leo's ears.


  "My thoughts exactly. You know, one of these days you'll have to buy me dinner."

  Leo grinned. "I will buy you anything you want, baby."

  He turned his head to look at Anderson then. Though the professor looked away, it wasn't fast enough for Leo to miss the flash of something in his eyes. Leo didn't question it. Sometimes it was good to leave a man with his thoughts.

  Though he didn't really want to move, Leo fixed his clothes and turned to watch Anderson do the same.

  "I've never done anything like that before," Anderson admitted.

  "I couldn't help myself," Leo replied. "And I just couldn't wait until later."

  "I'm not complaining. I enjoyed every second of it."

  "You need to get out of your comfort zone anyway."

  Anderson chuckled. "What does it say about me that the thought of getting caught made it even better?"

  Leo kissed him. "It means you're adventurous. But you have to go or you'll be late for your lecture."

  "I know—don't you just hate it when real life cuts into the fun?"

  Leo laughed and kissed him again. "I'll bring something home for dinner tonight, okay?"

  "Thank you," Anderson whispered, leaning in and kissing Leo. "I'll see you later."

  * * * *

  The rest of the day went by in a sort of blur and when Anderson walked through the front door of Leo's apartment, he was surrounded by the wonderful smells of cooking. Smiling, he placed his bag by the door and kicked off his shoes.


  "In the kitchen."

  The moment he entered, Leo handed him a bottle of cold beer and kissed him. Anderson smiled. He was trying not to fall for this man but the cop was making it almost impossible.

  "I know you've had a long day but we have to talk about tomorrow. Let's eat first."

  Anderson nodded and took a long drink from the bottle. After putting his beer on the counter, he walked to the sink and washed his hands. "After I left you today at the lot—I kept thinking of what happened between us."

  "Bad thinking?"

  Anderson turned and smiled. "No. Anyway, let's talk about tomorrow."

  Anderson worked with Leo to get dinner dished out. When they sat across from one another, Anderson reached beneath the table to touch Leo, out of sheer necessity for closeness.

  "Tomorrow we're going to leave early. We have to relieve the officers watching the coach right now then I'm going to have to break it to him someone may want to kill him."

  "We? Daniel is coming with us?"

  "Nah, he's going to stay here and keep working on the case. Besides, we have no evidence this guy is going after people I know, so they won't spare me manpower for this little expedition."

  "I see." He pushed a piece of chicken into his mouth and chewed. All of a sudden, he was starving. "So we're leaving early. But what if you're not paranoid? I mean, it's the logical conclusion, right?"

  "Logical sometimes doesn't work in this line of work. You sure you want to come with me?"

  "Of course I'm sure. Stop asking me that."

  They slipped into a heated silence, one that had Anderson watching Leo intently. For the first time, he noticed Leo had a scar on the side of his neck.

  "Where'd you get that scar from?" Anderson asked.

  Leo touched it gently with a finger before reaching for his fork again. "A fight when I was a kid. I don't even remember what the fight was about."

  "That's how it always is. We get into these big, drag-out fights then moments later we forget how it started to begin with."

  Chapter Twelve

  Leo rubbed a hand against his chin. It'd been a few days since he'd shaved and it was starting to itch. For a while he simply ignored it as a mild irritation but as the hair really began pushing out, it was more than he could ignore. All he wanted to do was sleep. But long after Anderson was slumbering in his arms, the itch on his face was like he'd been making out with poison ivy. Rolling out of bed, he stopped to press a kiss to Anderson's shoulder before walking out of the room and down the corridor. He dug through his cupboard and frowned. He was out of razors. Sighing, he walked back to the bedroom and shook Anderson gently.


  "Yeah, babe?"

  "I have a favour."

  Anderson rolled over and pushed a muscular arm behind his head as a pillow. His brown eyes were filled with sleep, making them sexier than before. His lush lips tugged upward slightly when he smiled at Leo, leaving him trembling. "What can I do for you?"

  Leo laughed softly.

  "I'm out of razors and even though I'd rather run down the street naked…"

  "To which I would not say no—just give me the heads up to get my camera."

  Leo smacked Anderson playfully and Anderson grunted. "As I was saying," Leo continued. "I need to bum a razor off you if you have one to spare."

  "Sure. In the bag."

  Leo kissed him deeply before climbing off the bed to grab a razor from Anderson's bag and made his way down the hall again to the bathroom. Looking at his face in the mirror, he reached for a can of cream and shook it. When he had his face lathered, he stopped to eye his reflection. A shuffle down the hall caused him to peek out to see Anderson motoring toward him. Knowing precisely what was happening, he stepped out of the bathroom to allow Anderson in.

  "Why'd you wait so long before you came to the bathroom?"

  He could hear Anderson on the other side of the door.

  "I thought I could hold it."

  He laughed. Anderson opened the door then with a satisfied look on his face. Leo thought he would just go back to bed but instead, Anderson took the razor from his fingers and reached for his hand. Confused, he allowed Anderson to lead him back into the bathroom then lift him onto the counter next to the sink. Anderson stepped between his legs, lifted his mouth against Leo's ear, and simply inhaled. For a moment, Anderson remained still then lifted his mouth away and raised the razor to Leo's neck.

  Leo moaned just as it slid over his lathered flesh with a low, soft sound. He gripped Anderson's hips.

  His cock hit Anderson's abs and he groaned. Anderson simply shaved another line up his neck to the tip of his chin.

  Leo was completely in a daze for Anderson was now sucking against his ear, blowing the wet flesh dry before licking it again. The sound of water gushed beside him and somewhere in his passion-filled stupor, he figured Anderson was rinsing the razor before it was dragged over him again.

  By the time Anderson cradled his face when he was finished shaving him, Leo was too turned on to think straight. His cock was pulsing against his track pants, jerking violently.

  "You're going to have to fuck me!" Leo told him.

  Anderson smiled. "I didn't actually think that would work."

  "You mean
you weren't really trying to seduce me?"

  Anderson rinsed his hand before backing out of the bathroom with a smirk on his wonderful lips. Leo shook his head, growled, and hopped from the counter. Instead of coming back, Anderson darted down the hall. Leo chased him. There was no way he was going to let Anderson wake his body in the way he had and not put out the fire. Skidding to a halt, he hurried back to the bathroom and grabbed a tube of lube and a condom. He walked by the bedroom, stopping only to peer in. When he didn't see Anderson there, he continued his search.

  He found Anderson in the living room with his back pressed into the wall, naked as the day he was born. Leo pushed off his track pants and boxers and closed in on Anderson, who was watching him. Slowly, Anderson's gaze burned a trail down Leo's body.

  Their kiss then was unlike none of the others—from a heated, open mouth kiss to one that pulled at Leo's very soul. He stuck a hand between their bodies to grope Anderson and listened to the reaction that touch elicited. He stepped astride one of Anderson's legs and ground his cock into the professor's thigh. His breathing was faster, his hips moving quickly, gyrating, pushing, rubbing.

  "Come here, darling." Anderson's voice was rough, ragged. "Let me help you with that."

  Before Leo could speak, he was facing the wall with large hands cupping his ass. He tried looking over his shoulder but only managed to whimper as Anderson's long tongue traced his hole.

  "Damn!" Leo cried, arching his back, shoving his ass out further.

  "Do you like that?"

  "Yes… again…"

  Anderson did as he told—sucking, nipping, and licking. Leo was shouting for joy and pounding his palms into the wall to keep himself sane. The tube of lube and condom he held slipped to the floor but he didn't care. Anderson was eating him better than all the other lovers he'd ever had.

  Then it happened—a slick finger pushed past his opening and slid in deep. But he truly felt as if he would come when Anderson bit each of his cheeks.

  "Anderson… damn."

  Then finally, Anderson gave him what he wanted—a large, thick cock inside him. Leo bit his lower lip but that didn't stop the shout of sheer happiness that erupted from his mouth. Acting like this was unlike him but he didn't care. He silenced his second thoughts, spread his legs, and pushed down hard.


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