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Peer Review_A Ruby Romp Novella

Page 2

by Ruby Rowe


  I park my Dodge Charger in front of the apartment my friend Colton and I rent. I jog up to the door, feeling shitty after being caught in a threesome.

  No, I’m not pissed I was caught. I’m pissed over how it made me feel to be caught by Laurel.

  I put my key in the lock and open it.

  “Fucking hell!” I shout. Covering my eyes, I turn around and run back out the door, slamming it behind me. I just witnessed my sister straddling my closest friend on the couch.

  They must’ve heard me coming in since Summer was trying to dismount, giving me a revolting view of what was happening between them.

  Not being far enough away from the incident, I walk to the end of the sidewalk and pace with my fingers threaded behind my head.

  This shit has to stop. It’s bad enough I know what he’s doing to my sister. I shouldn’t have to see it, too.

  Colton’s good to her, and since they’re together, Summer’s not getting wasted at parties where she could then be taken advantage of, but we set ground rules, and this isn’t the first time they’ve broken them.

  The door opens, and Colton hurries outside while pulling a sweatshirt over his head. His jeans aren’t buttoned, and he’s barefoot.

  He’s been my best friend for as long as I can remember in our hometown of Savannah, Georgia. We’re now seniors at Emory University in Atlanta, and I thought it would be like any other year until he recently started dating my baby sister.

  They’d been secretly seeing each other all summer, and I was furious when I found out, but I got over it.

  “I’m sorry,” he says.

  “This is the second time, Colton, and we agreed you wouldn’t do that shit outside of the bedroom unless you knew I’d be gone for the night.”

  I stop and face him, and he pats down his messed-up dark hair.

  “I know, but you weren’t supposed to be home for a couple of hours, so I wasn’t worried about it. Besides, we didn’t plan it. It was a heat-of-the-moment kind of thing.”

  I hold my hand up. “Dammit, stop.”

  “I promise it won’t happen again.”

  “You’re right; I’m finding another place to live.”

  “That’s ridiculous.”

  “Look, I’m happy you’re with Summer. I am, but I can’t see shit like that, and even when I don’t see it, I hear it from the other room, and that’s no better. You two need privacy, and so do I.”

  “Come on, don’t move out. I’ll spend more time with Summer at the dorms.”

  “You hate being there. It’s not a big deal, man. Summer gets an insane allowance from my parents each month since her scholarship is covering her tuition, so she can pay my half of the rent. I’m sure I can find another place.”

  Colton shakes his head. “I’ll feel shitty if you move because of this.”

  “Don’t. It’s Karma paying me a visit.”

  “How so?”

  “All I’ll say is my threesome was interrupted today.”

  For the first time since he walked out, Colton grins.

  “Oh, wipe the fucking grin off your face. At least I got to finish.”

  He rolls his eyes. “Don’t take this out on Summer, OK? She was worried about you walking in on us, but I assured her you wouldn’t, so it’s not her fault.”

  “I won’t say a word to her about it as long as you hang out with me tonight. You two have been up each other’s ass, so it’ll be good for you to go out.”

  He rubs the back of his neck. “All right. Sounds good.”

  Following him back into the apartment, I think about Laurel again. I had no idea she was Angie and Sabrina’s roommate until it was too late. The girls also failed to tell me she could walk in on our fun.

  They consider her a nobody, which I imagine is why they never mentioned her. I’d only ever had them over at my place, but Colton and Summer disrupted my routine.

  Maybe I can smooth things over with Laurel if I see her at the bar tonight. I don’t know why I pretended not to know her today, just like I don’t know why I’ve been an asshole every time I’ve had the chance to speak to her.



  “Why am I surprised you already have a buzz?” I ask my friend Chloe as I park my white Honda Civic in the creepy parking garage.

  “Yeah, why are you surprised?” Giggling, she shoves her straw into her mouth and takes another drink of whatever alcohol she poured into her foam cup while we were at the gas station.

  “You know what? I don’t care. I’ll put up with a drunk Chloe if it means I don’t have to go into this club alone.”

  “There’s the spirit I was looking for.”

  “Come on. We’re so late.”

  Setting her cup on the floorboard, Chloe gets out of my car, being careful not to knock over her drink.

  I glance around the dark garage that’s made of concrete. It’s as if the cold is coming off the walls as we begin our short walk to the bar in Midtown Atlanta. Even for Georgia, it’s a cool night.

  Damn, I didn’t consider what I’d spend parking in this freezer box when I budgeted the night out. Since I stopped accepting financial assistance from my folks last year, money’s been tight, but at least there’s no cover charge at the club.

  As we wait in line outside the entrance, I feel underdressed for the occasion. I’m in an olive-green sweater, skinny jeans and brown ankle boots, but along with my friend, at least six other girls standing in front of us are wearing skirts.

  Nervously, I move my long auburn curls back over my shoulder. I always wear my hair up in either a ponytail or messy bun, but I decided to take an hour tonight to fix my unruly curls. It’s a lot of work to tame them, but I wanted to look different for Dan.

  We show the bouncer our IDs, and the young, buff guy waves us through the door with about as much enthusiasm as a checker at the grocery store scanning cans of green beans.

  I walk inside, and shit, I’ve entered a corral, but it’s not a border collie rounding up this herd; it’s the DJ in his shiny silver vest.

  The blaring #1 hit song and multicolor lights flashing from the ceiling have lured these able bodies to the pen to grind like animals.

  It would’ve been nice to have found a corner stall to hide in before the club was filled with drunks who think they have the dancing skills of Bruno Mars.

  I was so pissed after walking in on a threesome at my apartment that I went for a walk to be as far away from Angie and Sabrina as possible, but that also made Chloe and me late getting here.

  I’m blaming it all on Jason since he’s the one who stared longingly into my eyes last night, and caressed my cheek, only to have no clue who I was today.

  Knowing that Dan’s cover band is playing in another part of the club, my friend and I push through the crowd, brushing shoulders and other body parts with total strangers.

  I made Chloe go in front of me. She makes a great buffer, especially when she’s intoxicated, and her body has loosened up like Jell-O.

  I just clutch her biceps and use her as a shield, moving her left to right and back again, as people try to invade my personal space.

  “Hey, slow down,” she whines as she starts to tip over in her heels. I pull her upright, and she sways a little until she regains her footing and walks into the next room where the live band is performing.

  Chloe is a genius, like super high IQ–unless she’s drinking. Talk about a game changer.

  I hear Dan’s voice the second we’re in the room. He sings to himself in the library, and I pay close attention. My eyes follow the sound, and I find him on the stage, belting out a cover of Pearl Jam’s “Alive.”

  His band, Grunge Garage, pays tribute across the south to the era of grunge music. Well, during the school year, they only pay tribute locally, like here in Atlanta.

  This part of the club is meant to have an intimate feel, but everyone’s still packed in like sardines. Shocked that two barstools are open at the bar, I push Chlo
e in their direction and hold her arm as she hikes her butt up to sit atop one of them.

  Her denim skirt slides up, showing off her long legs, and I imagine any minute some guy’s going to stroll over and offer to buy her a drink. It happens every time.

  After taking the stool next to her, I turn toward the stage and cross my legs. I look around the room for someone I know, and I spot my coworkers taking up every seat at a round table.

  Dammit, I knew I should’ve gotten here earlier. How am I supposed to hang out with Dan? Maybe chairs will be available after his gig, but I doubt it.

  I recall what Jason said about Dan never dating me. How the hell would he know what Dan would or wouldn’t do?

  I mean, if a guy was hitting on Chloe, I could determine within seconds if she was into him, but I’m her best friend. Jason admitted he doesn’t know Dan, so what makes him the expert?

  Since the patrons are engrossed in the music, no horny dudes are approaching, so I flag down a bartender. The young blonde comes over and smiles.

  “Hi, what can I get you?”

  “I’ll have a Stella please, and she’ll have–wait…” I glance at Chloe. “What were you drinking in the car?”

  “Vodka and Cherry Coke.”

  I look back at the bartender. “She’ll have a vodka cranberry.”

  Nodding, the girl strolls away, and I swivel back to face the band. Considering how late it is, I would guess that Grunge Garage is over halfway through their set. Tonight is my chance to make a lasting impression on Dan.

  I have no classes with him, and he told me he won’t be working at the library after graduation, so if I want him to think of me as more than a friend, tonight’s the time to make it happen.


  “Since when do you listen to grunge?” Colton asks before he takes a drink of his beer. We’re both standing in a small back room of the club.

  “I’ve always liked it.”

  “Then why are you eyeballing a girl instead of paying attention to the band?”

  “What girl?”

  “Her.” He points toward the bar. “I know your type: long blond hair, longer legs, short skirt and intoxicated.” He chuckles.

  “Maybe she’s not the one I’m checking out.” The words leave my mouth before I can stop them. He turns his head to face me.

  “Hmm … so you’re checking out the chick she’s with.” He tips his beer Laurel’s direction. “Well, she does have the long hair. Wait, she looks familiar. We’ve run into her on campus before.”


  Colton’s eyes are on me now instead of on Laurel and the girl she’s with.

  “Am I missing something?” he asks. I furrow my brow over how he sees through me. Sometimes I think he knows me better than I know myself. “At least answer this for me. Did you know that chick would be here tonight?”

  I sigh. “Yes, I knew. Don’t give me shit about it, OK?”

  “Why would I? She’s by far not the first woman you’ve hunted down for a good time.” I don’t reply while I do my damndest not to look at Laurel again. “Hold up,” Colton adds before he pulls his ball cap down farther on his head.

  “Unless you’re hunting this girl down for something other than a good time.” He laughs. “Wait, no, that’s not possible. I almost forgot that you were partaking in a threesome only hours ago.”

  “Funny, man.” I can’t help but look toward the bar again. I’m mesmerized by Laurel’s hair. She never wears it down, so I need a closer look.

  The sound of clapping brings me back to the present. The band is finished playing, and I watch Dan the Douche slide fingers through his long hair and grin at the audience.

  He and his bandmates leave the stage, and Laurel talks to her friend while never taking her eyes off the singer. Standing from her stool, she bites the corner of her lip and fidgets with her hands in front of her.

  Fuck, she might have it bad for this guy. I need to intervene and fast. “I’m going over to talk to her. Stay here.”

  “No problem. I don’t want to have to tell Summer I talked to any chicks.”

  “Right. Good thinking. I don’t want you to upset my sister.”

  I feel Colton’s eyes on me again.

  “You’re acting weird.” Not replying, I start my way over to Laurel.



  Dan strolls to the table where my library coworkers are talking and drinking. The three guys and two girls smile at him, and one of them is Candice.

  “I should go see my friends from work,” I say to Chloe. She’s on her fourth vodka cranberry, which is a lot considering she was drinking before we arrived.

  She waves a hand at me while struggling to hold her glass to her mouth. The fifth guy of the night approaches and gives me a half-smile before he shifts his attention to Chloe.

  My friend’s one of those breathtaking people, which poses a problem at bars. Men can’t stay away from her. This one boasts a flirty grin, and she tries to focus on his face.

  Reaching out, she clutches the middle of his shirt and smiles back with her bedroom eyes. Oh, hell no. She’s too drunk for a hookup, so I pull her hand off him.

  “You need to move on. It’s not happening with her.”

  He scowls. “I think she’s the one who should be making that decision.”

  “Not when she’s too drunk to make the right one. She’d never talk to you if she was sober. Trust me; I know her type, and you’re not it.”

  “And you’re a fucking bitch.”

  From out of nowhere, a hand shoves the guy in front of me. I turn my head, and Jason Nichols is standing at my side, glaring at the asshole he pushed.

  As the guy tries to regain his footing, Jason says, “You’ll walk away if you know what’s best for you.”

  They have a staring contest, and I can see that the asshole’s lit brain is weighing whether or not he can win this fight, but I doubt he could.

  This guy’s short, scrawny and intoxicated, whereas Jason is well over six feet tall and solid muscle.

  He’s not burly like the bouncer at the door, but it’s obvious from his build that he’s toned and strong. He looks sober and determined, too. Damn.

  Grimacing, the loser finally walks away, and Chloe diverts her bedroom eyes to Jason.

  “Who are you?” Seduction is the undertone in her sweet voice, and for some reason, it bugs me.

  “I’m Jason, Laurel’s friend.”

  I roll my eyes. “Um, no, but thanks for running off the loser.” Instead of Jason gawking at Chloe, like I expect, he stares at me.

  I’m surprised he’s not flashing my friend one of his mega-watt grins while experiencing the tunnel vision he was talking about last night.

  “I see you didn’t listen to what I said at the library,” he says loudly over the noise.

  “About what?”

  He nods toward the table where my coworkers are seated. My heart sinks when I spot Candice sidled up to Dan as they stand next to it.

  He has his arm around her waist, and his hand resting on her ass, while he chats it up with our friends.


  “I already knew he was taken.” That’s a lie, but I’ll say about anything at this point to feel less humiliated. I look at Chloe, who now has only one ass cheek on the barstool. “Come on.” I take hold of her arm. “I need to talk to my friends from the library.”

  I help Chloe down, and she starts to fall. Jason grabs her before I have a chance to, so I swipe the drink from her hand, which is spilling over the rim of the glass.

  “Thanks,” I say as I set the drink on the bar.

  “She’ll never make it over to the table. Why don’t I wait here with her while you talk to your friends?”

  I shake my head at Jason. “I should’ve known what you were up to. Look, she’s not sleeping with you tonight, either.”

  “I’m not trying to hook up with her.” He frowns, and gazing up at him, Chloe pats his cheek.

, that’s a first and also disappointing. I mean, you are my knight in shining armor.” She giggles, and I don’t know what to make of the feelings I’m experiencing.

  For the first time tonight, I’m not dying to be near Dan. I want to stay right here to keep an eye on these two.

  “Go, I’ve got her, and I promise I’ll be a gentleman.”

  “Why don’t you like me?” Chloe asks him with her full, pouty lips.

  “Sorry, babe. I’ve got my eyes set on someone else.”

  Oh, please. What he’s failing to tell her is how he already got some today from two women. Although, I doubt that would stop him.

  “I’ll be right back. Don’t move.” I point my finger at them before I stride off. Weaving my way through the crowd, I squeeze between tables until I approach my friends.

  “Laurel,” Dan says with wide eyes and an even broader smile. Releasing Candice, he gives me a hug, and I inhale his musky scent of sweat and aftershave. “I’m glad you made it. What did you think?”

  After he releases me, I glance around the table and give a short wave to my coworkers.

  “I thought your singing was amazing. Your band was great, too.”

  “Cool, thanks.”

  “Damn, girl, your curls are gorgeous.” Reaching across Dan, Candice picks up a chunk of my long locks. “You should wear your hair down more often.”

  “Thanks. It’s a pain to fix it like this.”

  “Well, it’s really pretty.” Her dark hair is straight but silky, and sometimes I wish I had smooth strands like hers.

  Dan glances around. “Maybe we could find some extra seats in this place.” I feel like the loser in a game of musical chairs as his eyes roam the crowded room.

  “That’s OK. My friend at the bar is trashed, so I should probably get her home. It was nice seeing y’all, and Dan, your voice is really great.”

  “Thanks for coming out to watch,” he replies before he pulls Candice close to his side again. The others at the table say bye–I think. It’s too noisy to say for sure.


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