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Peer Review_A Ruby Romp Novella

Page 8

by Ruby Rowe

  “Wait, Laurel. I know I don’t deserve to ask this of you, but will you please come to my sentencing next week to support your mother? I hate for her to be alone in the courtroom.”

  “I’ll think about it, but unfortunately for Mom, I’ll be praying in the seat next to her that you’re sentenced to many years in prison.

  “I think a year or two for each of the seventeen women you fondled is the least you deserve and maybe a few extra for the victims who didn’t come forward.”

  Before he can reply, I hang up the phone and flee to the door where the guard lets me out of the room. I’m physically free. Now, I need to find a way to let my heart be free, too.


  After attending classes, visiting my dad and working an evening shift, I’m exhausted when I arrive home.

  I notice Jason’s gone, and as I head to my bedroom, my insecure brain wonders if he’s with a woman. He said he wouldn’t see anyone else, so I dismiss the thought, choosing to believe him instead.

  Collapsing on my bed, I close my eyes. I can’t stop thinking about my father and how I wish I didn’t love him. Visiting him stirred up sad feelings I’ve managed to keep locked away.

  Anger is an easier emotion to manage since it can be passed off to others when we’re about to implode. Sadness, on the other hand, can’t be given away. It’s created individually, like guilt or grief.

  Only time and our willingness to heal can move us forward, but sometimes, someone special comes along to walk with us on that journey. Maybe Jason’s my someone special.

  Feeling overwhelmed, I curl into a ball and sob. I’m spent, having no more fight in me to hold the sadness at bay. I must acknowledge its presence before I can tell it goodbye.

  My door opens, so I swiftly wipe my eyes. I try to stop crying, but once I feel my bed sink in and Jason’s arms wrap around me, I bawl. Bringing me to his chest, he plants kisses on my head.

  I scoot even closer and allow him to see the rawest version of myself, a broken part of me I’ve never shown anyone. I didn’t have to until now–I always had my dad.

  I take a breath, and my cries begin to fade. Jason tilts my chin, but I resist looking at him.

  “I don’t want you to see my face.”

  “But I want to see every part of you. I’m hoping it will give me the courage to show you every part of me.”

  Sniffling, I let my swollen eyes meet his.

  “What happened, Laurel?”

  “I went to visit my father in jail.”

  “I’m guessing it didn’t go well?”

  I lower my gaze. “No. I unloaded my anger, but the hurt and sadness I can’t give him, and I wish I could. I wish I could hate him and not care, but that’s not me.”

  “I’m sorry he hurt you.”

  “It’s no one’s fault but his. I needed to see him to remember that. It was the only way I was going to trust a man again. I want to trust you.”

  I brave looking up at Jason, and he’s staring down at me, his eyebrows drawn in as if he’s dumbfounded by my remark.

  “I don’t know what to say. You put yourself through that to give me a chance?”

  “Yes, but it needed to be done for other reasons, too.”


  “Don’t let it put added pressure on you. I know I’m giving you mixed signals, so you do what you need to do. If you lose patience waiting on me and want to move on, I’ll understand as long as you’re honest with me.”

  After pressing his lips to my forehead, he says, “I’m not going anywhere unless you tell me to.” Feeling safe for the first time in ages, I lay my cheek against his chest and let him hold me. I hope that soon I’ll be ready to give him more.



  “I won’t be ready to leave by the time Colton and Summer get here, so go to the party with them, and I’ll catch up,” I say to Jason at my bedroom door. I only have it cracked open enough for him to see my face.

  “But you said you’d go with me.” He gives me a pouty face that’s too freakin’ adorable.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t plan on having to work late.”

  “I’ll tell them to go without me, and you and I can ride together.”

  “Damn, he really does like you,” Chloe says from where she’s sitting on my bed. Jerking my head toward her, I give her a look to shush before I turn back to Jason.

  “I’ll feel rushed if you’re sitting here waiting on me, so please go with them.” I examine his attire. “Why do I have to wear a costume if you don’t?”

  Giving a half-shrug, he smiles. “I never wear one, but I’m dying to see you dressed up. You said it’s a chance to pretend to be someone you’re not.”

  His smile spreads wide into a sly grin. “I need to see this hidden part of you that’s eager to come out and play.”

  “Maybe you’re not who she wishes to play with.”

  “Bullshit.” Hearing a knock on the front door, he groans.

  “That’s your ride. Now, go.”

  “OK, but if you don’t show up soon, I will come looking for you.”

  I giggle. “I don’t doubt that.”

  He leans in like he’s going to kiss me but stops himself inches from the door.

  “I’ll see you later.”

  “Bye,” I reply. I’m impressed he didn’t kiss me. He told me earlier this week he’d give me space, and other than comforting me after I visited my father, he hasn’t touched me.

  Shutting the door, I lean back against it and stare at Chloe. “Maybe I should rethink the outfit. He’ll have his hands all over me if I wear this.”

  “That’s the point, and don’t try saying it’s not what you want. Your depression has finally lifted, and I refuse to let you fall back into that dark hole, so here, these go on next.”

  She hops off my bed and hands me a pair of white knee-high stockings. I take them from her and put them on.

  “Jason’s good for you, Laurel. From what you’ve told me, he’s smart, interesting, adventurous and funny.

  “You need more fun in your life, and obviously I’m not bringing enough to the table, so let him make up the difference. Not to mention, he has a dick and I don’t.”

  Tilting her head to the side, she contorts her face into a goofy expression. I notice how hot she looks in her fishnet hose below her short black tulle skirt.

  Her long blond hair, adorned with a silky bow, is cascading over her shoulders. Chloe’s dressed up like a sexy kitten, and she wears the look well.

  “What would I do without a good friend like you?” I ask.

  “I don’t know, but I’d be in a world of trouble if you weren’t always around to rescue me.”

  “Speaking of which, are you going to need me to keep an eye on you tonight?”

  “Nope. Ben has Chloe-sitting duty”–she rolls her eyes–“which is annoying since he always hovers, but I don’t want you to worry about a thing. Enjoy your time with Jason, and don’t panic over your outfit when you notice all the guys at the party staring.”

  “What do you mean they’ll be staring?”

  She smacks her forehead. “Lord, you’re so naïve sometimes. Do you honestly think men won’t be checking you out? This schoolgirl outfit will ensure that Jason stays in line since he’ll see all the men lining up for your attention.”

  I cover my stomach as I walk to the full-length mirror standing in the corner of my room.

  “I haven’t seen my hair in pigtails since the second grade. Are you sure guys find them sexy?”

  I see her roll her eyes in the mirror as she stands behind me.

  “I guess you’ve never heard the term handlebars.”

  “Good god, I’m going to be sick. I’m so nervous, and it’s mainly for Jason to see me scantily dressed. I’ve never worn this little around the apartment, and I’ve certainly never flaunted anything this naughty-looking.”

  “Here.” Chloe holds out a pair of black patent leather heels.

  “I ca
n’t believe I agreed to this.”

  “Me, either.”

  I slip on the shoes and hardly recognizing myself. My midriff is showing from where my white blouse is tied in a knot high above my plaid pink and black schoolgirl skirt.

  I’ve worn longer ones with tights beneath. Jason’s even seen me in them, but this is different. This is … erotic.

  Like let me make your schoolgirl fantasies come true dirty. He’s wanted to see what’s beneath all the clothes I wear, and tonight I’m giving him that chance. That is … if I can get the nerve to walk through the door of the frat house.


  “Why the hell did you let Summer talk us into this? We should be at a bar on Halloween,” I say to Colton.

  “You know Summer’s not old enough. I’m trying to prevent her from getting a fake ID.”

  “Why? It’s a rite of passage. There’s mostly underclassmen here, and they’re obnoxious.” I look around at the idiots cackling as they engage in a beer-chugging contest.

  The immature girls are giggling loudly, and it’s not the infectious giggle Laurel has that gets my dick hard.

  I guess I have no room to judge. I was one of those obnoxious guys only a couple of years ago, hitting on immature, giggly girls.

  I glance at Colton. His eyes are on Summer as she plays beer pong on a ping-pong table set up in the middle of the basement. Along with her friends, a few guys are playing, too, and I can tell he’s leery of taking his eyes off them.

  If a dude hits on her, he’ll lose his shit, and I don’t need a fight to break up when I’m planning on giving all my attention to Laurel tonight. I look around the room, wondering where she is.

  I texted her earlier to let her know we were hanging out in the basement, but she’s not here, and she should be by now.

  “I’m going upstairs. Want me to grab you another beer?”

  He holds up his cup. “I’m good. I don’t want to drink much since Summer’s already had a few beers.”

  “OK, man.” I make my way up the wooden stairs, having to stop twice for groups of barely dressed girls to pass by.

  They give me flirty looks, and I could have any one of them wetting my dick tonight if I wanted, but I’ve only got one chick on my mind.

  Once I reach the hallway at the top of the staircase, I shove through people to get to the living room. My eyes comb over the crowded space, but I don’t spot Laurel.

  I maneuver my way toward the kitchen next, and I think I find her friend Chloe. I have a side view of the longest legs in Georgia. Her blond hair is draped over her shoulders, partially blocking my view of her face, but that has to be her.

  There’s a girl standing to the right of her with her back to me in a sexy schoolgirl outfit. It’s a common costume at college Halloween parties, but I must say this chick is wearing it better than any others I’ve seen.

  This is the one holiday when not a single guy stays in for the night. At Halloween parties, they get to flirt with horny chicks scantily dressed and possibly take one home with them to live out their fantasies.

  Yeah, summer parties are awesome, too, where women are sporting wet bikinis, but there’s something about the naughty costumes that drives guys wild.

  I walk over to where Chloe’s standing at the kitchen table. She’s talking to two guys but stops mid-sentence to look at me.

  “Chloe, hi. Where’s Laurel?”

  Grinning, she steps back and points to the girl next to her. Taking a sip from a red Solo cup is Laurel. My eyes bulge as I soak in the sight of her. Fuck. Me.

  She’s talking to two girls while they make drinks at the long, rectangular table that’s holding a shit-load of liquor bottles and 2-liters of soft drinks.

  She appears happy but nervous as she glances around the opposite direction of the room, and I’m hoping she’s looking for me.

  Not taking my eyes off my schoolgirl, I mumble, “Thanks” to Chloe before I move behind Laurel. Ducking my head, I say in her ear, “If the front view of you looks anything like the back, I might have to take you home right now.”

  I slide my hands up her arms, and bumps rise to the surface of them. She turns her head back to look at me, and I spot her flushed cheeks as she gives me a bashful smile.

  “Hi. I was wondering where you were,” she says.

  “I texted you that we were in the basement.”

  Her face reddens further. “I didn’t bring my phone. There wasn’t a single spot on my body to put it.”

  “I see that,” I whisper. “Now, turn around.” Shivering against my hands, Laurel sets her cup down and pivots to face me.

  I step back to have a thorough look, and holy fuck, my imagination never did her body justice. I stare toward the ceiling and say a prayer that my schoolgirl lets me touch her tonight.

  “Please, say something,” she says.

  “You look hot as hell, and if you give me the green light, I’ll show you what it’s doing to me.”

  Smiling, she glances to the floor, so I lift her chin. “If I have to look but not touch, I will; however, I seriously doubt you wore this outfit with the intention of us talking. It’s your call, though, baby.”

  Grabbing my black button-up shirt at the chest, she tilts her emerald eyes up at me seductively.

  “Show me what it’s doing to you.”

  Shutting my mind off to the world around us, I slip an arm around her back and yank her close. I slam my lips against hers, and without hesitation, she opens her mouth for me.

  Her eager hands slither around my neck as she deepens our kiss. My naughty schoolgirl has no intentions of turning back. I feel it.

  Squeezing her ass, I push her pelvis toward me, and damn, I’m dying for a taste of what’s beneath this short skirt.

  The room’s noisy, but I feel the hum of her moan in my mouth as I squeeze harder. I can’t do all I want to do to her in this fucking kitchen. I have to take her somewhere private.

  Letting her go, I grab her hand and pull her behind me. I know where the bedrooms are, and we’re going straight to one of them.

  I’m pushing past people rudely as I lead her up the stairs to the second floor. I start turning door knobs, but each one is locked as we walk down the hall.

  I reach the last room, and I’m able to open it. A guy quickly rolls off a girl on the bed, and I can tell they’re young.

  “Out now, Freshman.”

  The tiny blonde hurries to her feet, but the guy glares at me.

  “Who the fuck are you?”

  “A desperate man you don’t want to piss off. Get out now.”

  The girl darts past us, and the guy follows her while shaking his head. Laurel laughs as I pull her into the room and shut the door.

  Locking it, I push her against it and taste her mouth again. She grips the back of my hair, and whimpers, the sounds needy and sensual.

  I can’t get enough of her as I work my mouth down her throat and neck–the top of her chest next. Grabbing her shirt, I untie the knot above her waist, and thank fuck, her silky bra opens in the front.

  I pop the clasp, and as I palm her breasts, she leans her head back against the door. A throaty moan sails from her swollen lips…

  Shit, I could fuck her right here against this door. I can tell she’d let me, but I can’t do it. I want her in my bed, in our place.

  I kiss her again, and she strokes my tongue before sucking on my bottom lip. My straining cock’s about to bust out of my jeans as I imagine her mouth on it, stroking and sucking the same damn way.

  “As soon as I make you come, I’m taking you home and fucking you in my bed.”

  Breathlessly, she stares into my eyes and tugs on my hair.

  “Good. I didn’t wear this outfit to chat.”



  “That’s fucking hot.” Jason drops to his knees and lifts my skirt. Leaning over, he inhales my scent before hooking a finger around the crotch of my silky pink panties.

  As he rubs his fingers al
ong my slick center, his head falls over against my pelvis, and I feel his smoldering breath on my skin.

  “Your pussy’s so soft and wet. I can’t explain how different it feels to touch you.” A growl rumbles in his chest as he sinks his fingers inside me.

  Pushing them in deeper, he slowly peppers my stomach with kisses. His open mouth touching my skin is erotic. He’s focused solely on pleasuring me, and I’ve never felt this desired.

  I’m ready to have sex with him, and when he removes his fingers from inside me, I imagine his cock taking their place, filling me full.

  He begins dragging my panties down my thighs, taunting me with his tilted gaze. His eyes reveal lust and excitement, but there’s something more in them. Something I can’t explain. A longing deeper than my own.

  He looks back down, and with my senses heightened, I feel a tickle as my panties skirt along my lower legs. My nerves are revved up, and I have an irrefutable need for him to pleasure me, to ease this unbearable ache.

  Once I’ve stepped out of the skimpy fabric, I push my head even harder against the door behind me and close my eyes, imagining what he’s going to do next.

  “I’ve been dying to taste you. To have your juices on my tongue.”

  “Jason,” I moan, just thinking about having his mouth on me.

  He moves my legs apart and uses his fingers to spread me open. I have to straighten to clutch his shoulders, to brace myself for what’s to come.

  He finds my clit with his tongue, and he flicks it a few times to tease me. His mouth seals over my flesh, and he blows his heated breath on me before he sucks my clit into his mouth.

  My heels start to slide out from under me, so he grabs my thigh to keep me from falling. He plunges three fingers into me, and I gasp, the stretching sensation welcomed.

  Swirling his tongue, he zeroes in on my clit, and he’s relentless, determined to make me come. Shit, he’s skilled.

  His tongue flicks and twirls. His mouth sucks and teeth nip ... and I’m flooded with pleasure I’ve never felt before as he warms my skin with his laborious breaths and pumps his fingers in and out of me.


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