Men in Control: Special pack: The Smith Brothers Series

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Men in Control: Special pack: The Smith Brothers Series Page 37

by Brenda Ford

  I press my lips to his, loving the taste of me on him, and I use my left hand to wrap around his cock. I feel him between my fingers, and he is hard as steel, throbbing to get inside of me. God that feels good. I’m like a sex goddess all for him and I love it. I just knew that this man would be worth waiting for!

  I stroke my hand up and down him, enjoying the way that his body shudders violently as I do. This is Angelo Smith, the man that I have adored for as long as I can remember, and he is literally at my finger-tips. I feel every inch of his cock, from the tip right down to the base, and I love every part of him.

  Yep, I could definitely fall for this man. More than I already have done. Especially if he feels the same way.

  “I need you,” I moan while digging my fingers into his shoulders. “I want you inside me.”

  I don’t know where it comes from, but he seems to produce a condom as if from nowhere and he presses it in to my hand. With my eyes fixed on the entire time, I tear the wrapper apart with my teeth and remove the latex from within it. Knowing that this is just moments away from finally getting what I so desperately need is making space dust burst in every fiber of me. All of my cells fly open for him.

  “Now, do I get to have you?” I ask in a teasing tone. “Now we’re all safe?”

  He pushes himself up into a sitting position and tugs me on to his lap. I wasn’t expecting our first time to be in this position, but then I wasn’t sure we would ever get a first time, so I didn’t know what to expect.

  “Oh, you want me like this?” I whisper. “I can make that happen for you.”

  I rest my forehead against his as I slide down on him. I angle myself, embracing the way that he fills me all the way up. He’s big, I knew that he was going to be, but it feels nice. Better than nice actually. It feels fucking incredible. The pleasure that he gave me before is still circling and buzzing within me, waiting to be tipped over the edge. I need that release, and my body is going for it no matter what.

  Angelo holds me tight as I ride him, pushing the pair of us towards the brink, connecting us in a deeper way than I have ever felt before. My breaths are barely even coming out anymore as the pleasure grips me. The orgasm tightens a knot within me, coiling around my organs and completely consuming me, controlling all of me.

  But I can’t hold onto it for long, I can’t keep the pleasure deep inside of me, it explodes out of my control. It rolls off of me in endless waves, shattering through me in the most wonderful way. I love it, I give myself over entirely to the pleasure, giving a part of myself to Angelo that I didn’t think I would ever sacrifice.

  We cling to one another through the pleasure, needing each other intensely. I love him holding on to me just as much as I am him. We’re now in this together which I never thought we would be. Finally, I have this man, everything that I have been waiting for us here, and I don’t know what to do with myself.

  We crash on the body next to one another, panting and gasping desperately. I’m slick with sweat, covered in particles of wetness everywhere, and completely drained of energy. But I’m also the happiest that I have ever been. All that I have ever wanted is here. I’m not stupid, I haven’t been a hopeless mess. As soon as Angelo knew that I wanted him, he sacrificed everything for me… I’m the luckiest woman alive. It’s been a long time coming, but we finally made it. This is the first day of the rest of our lives and I can’t wait to see what’s next.

  Angelo laces his fingers through mine, reassuring me that he isn’t going anywhere. I love this, it’s so meaningful after everything that we have been through together. It means everything. I bring his fingers up to my mouth and kiss them softly, smiling to myself as I have yet another part of him.

  “So, what now?” he asks with a real happiness is his tone. “What do we do now?”

  I turn on to my front so that I can really look at him as he answers. I need to know how he feels as well as what he’s going to say, and I already know that Angelo’s truth lies within his eyes.

  “Where do you want to go from here? Because it’s really up to you.”

  “I want to be with you. I thought that much was obvious.”

  I laugh and he joins in with me. “Well, that’s good because I want to be with you as well.”

  I lie back down next to him and roll against his body, overwhelmed with loving feelings. Surely, now that we have made it here, there is no stopping us. Nothing can go wrong from here. I really don’t think it matters what Sheri said anymore or what any of the doubters will come at us with. We know where we’re at, what we’ve been through to get to this point, and how much fight it will take for us to continue.

  Angelo now wants this as much as I do, what more could I ask for.

  “So, we just be together, huh?” I giggle. “Sounds awesome. Real easy. Right. You think it’s going to be that simple or you think we need to face more drama?”

  “I suppose at some point I will need to talk to Alex, to check that he isn’t mad because of you guys being in the band together, but I’m sure it will be fine. I don’t predict any drama.”

  The name Alex reminds me that our problems might not quite be over yet. Just because Angelo and Mandy are done, doesn’t mean that the whole thing is over. It could get complicated and a whole lot worse before it gets better. I will just have to do what I can to make sure it doesn’t affect me and Angelo. I have him now and I really don’t want to lose him.

  Chapter 18 – Angelo

  Mandy: Angelo, why aren’t you talking to me? This is getting silly now. It’s childish. We have been together for a very long time. We can’t just end things and never talk again. That’s so stupid xx

  Mandy: Angelo, for fuck sake, stop this now. I need to talk to you xx

  Mandy: Oh, fuck you, Angelo. You are ridiculous. I’m glad we’re apart now xx

  Mandy: Angelo, I don’t want us to split up. I want us to be together still xx

  Mandy: Talk to me. You’re making me cry. I can’t stand this xx

  The messages are coming through thick and fast now, varying all the time. One minute, she’s yelling at me, telling me that I need to speak to her, the next she’s suggesting that she still wants to be with me. It’s wild and these changes come all the time, constantly, which only serves as a reminder that she’s crazy and not for me.

  She will give it up soon, I’m sure of it. If I just keep ignoring her, I am certain that she’ll get bored and move on to someone else. Her other man probably. I mean, does she honestly think that she’s going to get me back after she admitted on cheating on me? Is she nuts? That’s not even considering the fact that I have moved on… not that she knows that. I don’t really want her to know that either. I don’t want her to know anything about Rachel because if she can be crazy with me, there’s no telling what she can be like with my new woman.

  God, my new woman. I can’t believe that I have a new woman and one that I’m so in to as well. There is something about her that I just adore so damn much. I never want to let her go.

  “You ready for the gig,” Oliver asks while banging his hand against my back. “Wesley is waiting in the car.”

  Things are still a little strained about me and Wesley, but we’re working on getting things back to where they used to be. I just feel a little strange about him looking in to Mandy without me asking, but at the same time he was right about her, she was doing everything that he accused her of, so I can’t push him away because of that. He seems to like Rachel anyway, so that’s a step in the right direction. A much better change.

  “Is this your first gig since you have been with Rachel?” Oliver asks with an element of caution in his voice. I nod. “That’s going to be wild, isn’t it? I mean, usually you’re in the audience with… well, you know. And now you’re going to be with the girl in the band. That’s a pretty massive change for you.”

  “I know that you think it’s fast, Oliver,” I reply with a smile. “But I know what I’m doing.”

  “Okay, I just don’t want you to
get your heart broken. Or Rachel because she seems nice. Plus, Alex…”

  “I know, Alex will kick my ass.” I nod along. “He seems happy with me and Rachel anyway, but I know if I do anything to hurt her, he will destroy me because it will affect the band. But that won’t happen because I really like her. I like her more than I have ever liked anyone. She’s special to me, Oliver. She is.”

  Oliver nods along with me but I can tell that he doesn’t really agree. Luckily, I’m a grown ass man who can make my own decisions. I know that I’m doing the right thing, and soon everyone else will too.

  “Anyway.” I shove my cell phone away, done with Mandy’s stupid messages now. “Let’s go. I’m ready.”

  “Okay. I just wanted to say that whatever happens… well I’m here for you, okay?”

  I pat him on the back too to thank him. “I appreciate that. It means a lot to me.”

  We head out to the car and have an almost silent ride to the gig, not that it bothers me because I’m far too lost in my own thoughts anyway. About Rachel, of course, she’s the only person I think about these days. Then when we head inside, we go to the bar and order in drinks. There’s a strange nervous sensation in the pit of my stomach as I wait for the gig to finally begin. I haven’t ever felt this way before, not even when watching Alex for the first time. And it really does feel like the first time I’m seeing the band and Rachel playing, even though I have been in this position a million times before. I guess it’s because now that I know Rachel, I can’t believe that she has been in my life for such a long time and I haven’t noticed her properly. How blinded was I by Mandy?

  I consider this all the way until the gig begins, even more confused as she steps up on to the stage. Rachel might be at the back, behind the drums, but she absolutely glows. The spot light focuses only on her, she shines like the damn sun, looking so stunning as she smiles in to the cheering crowd. That is the woman that I will be going home with. She will leave with me. How damn lucky am I?

  For a second, she meets my eyes and we lock together, blocking the rest of the world out. Our world shrinks down to just us and I love it. I love knowing that even on this big stage where the band has adoring fans, she is still noticing me out of everyone. Me and her really have the best relationship ever. Anything that I have ever had before doesn’t even come close. It doesn’t matter that this has happened quickly and it’s just the beginning. I know. She is the one for me. We are going to make this work.

  I am still experiencing the intense high as the gig ends, almost like I was the one up on stage, not Rachel. I felt a real connection to her, she looked incredible and her drumming and singing burst right through me. I loved every second of it. I want to watch her up there forever. She’s just everything.

  I stand by the bar, waiting for her to leave back stage so I can let this rush of feelings out. There are so many things that I want to tell her, too many things I need to say. I can barely contain myself.

  “That was good, wasn’t it?” Oliver says to me in that breezy, disconnected tone I used to use when watching the band. I’ve always enjoyed watching Alex, but it wasn’t ever like this. “The band is going to go far.”

  “I know. They are just so…” Nope, I can’t explain it. Not to Oliver. He won’t understand.

  Before I can say anything else, the back-stage door opens and Alex swaggers out, proud of his performance tonight, which is well deserved. Women surround him, like usual, but he treats them with a distance. Like they are just fans. I’ve always wondered why he doesn’t seem to take more advantage of his fame when it comes to women, but he seems happy as he is, so that’s fair enough. Whatever my brother wants.

  Gary comes next, managing to smile himself. He bypasses all the fans surrounding my brother and grabs himself a drink. I can practically see the thoughts spinning through his brain. He’s the person who deals with the music and the business side of the things, so he’s always planning what comes next. Not that I have a musical bone in my body, but if I was ever going to be in a band, that’s who I would be too.

  Then, Rachel appears. I feel her before I see her. Her presence touches me deeply, affecting me in all kinds of beautiful ways. It’s almost like she’s my other half, we’re connected to one another in a really special way, and I love it. I get a rush of warmth tearing through my body as I clap eyes on her. My heart races quicker than I ever thought possible. Flames lick up and down my skin. This gorgeous, sweet and sexy rock chick is mine. I am so god damn lucky. I sense Oliver’s eyes upon me too, watching me curiously, but he fades in to the background.

  Rachel sees me too and she gives me a coy smile. I wonder if she feels shy, because even though I have watched her play a million times, it’s definitely different this time around. No denying it.

  “Amazing,” I mouth to her, the deep thrill building with every step closer to me. “Wonderful.”

  But before she can actually meet me, a group of male fans who were dancing their asses off in front of the band, grab her and bombard her with a million questions. A little deflated, but knowing that this is only to be expected, I slump backwards on to my seat to wait. Wait and watch. Watch as they hug her and kiss her on the cheek while taking photos with her. Holding her in a way that I want to be the only one to hold her.

  All of a sudden, my chest gets tight and I lean forwards as a shooting pain stabs my stomach. Horrible images that I don’t even want to consider flash through my brain. Rachel, kissing those guys back, wrapping herself around them, taking them back to her hotel room and getting naked with them… her red curly hair cascading around her as all of those guys send her to heaven over and over again. Touching her, tasting her, kissing her…

  If Mandy can cheat on me after years when we’re together a lot of the time, then Rachel can too. If the band gets bigger and starts going on tour all around the world with all kinds of men wanting her, then who’s to say that she won’t be tempted? We’re brand new. Sure, I’m swimming in deep feelings, but there is no guarantee that Rachel feels the same. She might be just in this for some fun, for a superficial time. Just for now.

  Oh my God, I can’t breathe. The idea is getting too much for me. I might be completely unlovable; this could be all my fault. I mean, what am I even thinking? Rachel is way too good for me. She’s stunning, she’s cool as hell, she’s nice too… eventually she will realize that I’m not enough for her. That she can have so much more, and I won’t be able to blame her. Why wouldn’t she want more?

  “I need to go,” I whisper to myself. “I have to get out of here. It’s no good.”

  I already feel like I’m holding Rachel back and nothing has even happened yet. I can just see us turning sour, growing bitter like me and Mandy did, growing to dislike one another. I can’t allow that to happen. Not when she’s important to Alex as well. The band need to have harmony. Plus, I don’t want to harm her at all.

  Without much thinking about what I’m doing, I leap to my feet and run from the bar. I race all the way outside until the cold air hits me. I don’t know if anyone saw me or if they’re too busy with their own things, but it doesn’t matter. This is overwhelming for me, too intense and powerful. The feelings are crushing me. I have to escape before I completely collapse and cave to this panic that wants to swallow me up whole.

  I run. I don’t even know where I’m going but I run there at the speed of light, feeling better and worse at the same time with every step.

  Chapter 19 – Rachel

  “Thank you so much,” I say for what feels like the hundredth time. “It’s always great to have the support of the fans. We wouldn’t be anywhere without you, so thank you so much.”

  I try to pull away just a little. I always love to give as much time as possible to the people who come out to see us, but right now I have someone more important that I need to spend time with. Playing for Angelo knowing that he’s now definitely going to be noticing me and seeing me up there. I was singing a lot for him, and I want to know what he thought about i
t. I might only be a backup vocal, but it’s still nerves wracking to hear what he says. I’m sure he will be lovely because that’s how Angelo is, but I’m still fearful.

  “Just one last selfie!” one of the guys calls out to me. “Please. I just want one on my own.”

  I have to admit; this is a little overwhelming. It’s one of the side effects of growing more popular, and I suppose the bigger the band gets the worse it will be, but this isn’t what I do it for and it’s a little much. I will have to do what I can to get used to it though. The fans of the band really do hold us together.

  “Sure, one more.” I lean in next to him and try not to wince as he grabs me. Just because I am up on stage sometimes, it makes people believe that they have the right to touch me. “Right okay, thank you.”

  I pull away now, refusing to give any more of myself to this guy, and I turn towards the bar with a bright smile on my face… only it fades away the moment I see that the space where Angelo was only moments before is empty. I dart my eyes from side to side to see if he’s just moved or been caught by someone, but there’s no sign.

  “Oliver!” I find his brother and get his attention. “Where did Angelo go?”

  “I think he went outside but I’m not a hundred percent sure. He was looking a little sick…”

  He didn’t look sick when I saw him just a moment ago, so this feels suspicious to me. I’m afraid that he’s changed his mind about me again and he’s just gone without telling me. It has been quick, there’s no denying that, he might not be over Mandy yet since he hasn’t given himself a break. What if he’s gone back to her again…?

  I fearfully touch my cell phone; half expecting to grab it and see more pictures of him and her together on social media… not that he’s had enough time for that. The pain from it happening again is all too real though. I guess I’m not fully over what happened the first time we kissed when I saw him with her.


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