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A Stranger In Moscow: A Russian Billionaire Romance (International Alphas Book 7)

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by Lacey Legend

  Olivia looked down at the food she was cooking. She was making fresh pancakes and sausage. She had always been a natural cook, a role she had to take on as a child. She was always mature for her age as she didn’t have the greatest family to fall back on. Her father was a drug dealer, her mother an addict. She watched her mother die of an overdose when she was only 10 years old and had to take on the role of raising herself after. Her father continued to sell heroin out of their home until she was 17, when he finally got arrested.

  She was sent to live with a foster family but that only lasted several months until she turned 18. It wasn’t easy for her to make friends. She didn’t know how to love or be affectionate very well. Those things aren’t always taught, but when a child doesn’t have either, it can still be hard to know how to have decent relationships with people. She was smart enough to get into a good college and had half of her tuition paid with scholarships. The other half she took out loans for and managed to get into a good nursing program, eventually earning her license.

  She never once visited her father in prison. The day the police stormed into their home was the last day she saw him. She watched the cops drive away with him in the back. He didn’t even look at Olivia. She wasn’t even sure if that was her biological father. Her mother wasn’t the godliest woman she had known and would often sleep around with men behind Olivia’s father’s back. Though he helped raise her, he could have easily just been her adopted father. With both of them gone now, she’d never know the real truth. That didn’t matter to her, however.

  She rarely thought about her origins. She met her grandmother once as a child, but never again. She wasn’t sure if she was alive or not. She never met any of her aunts or uncles, if she even had any. She could have asked her father all this but visiting him in prison was the last thing she wanted to do. She was better off on her own anyways. She knew how to take care of herself and never needed anyone to help her out. Still, being that independent would bring a sense of loneliness every once in a while, as well.

  She dated a bit in college but nothing too serious. She had a group of friends she would hang out and party with, but no one she could call her best friend. The closest relationship she had with anyone in the past decade was with Margot. That was mostly one-sided, as Margot did most of the talking. Still, Olivia didn’t mind, it was what she was used to.

  She finished the pancake mix and started pouring them in to cook. Olivia thought about what she might do once Margot passed. She still seemed so healthy and alive, but little signs reminded Olivia her time was coming soon. When she looked at pictures of Margot from just a couple months back, it was clear she lost at least 20 pounds.

  Her cheeks were sunken, and although Margot certainly had a sharp face that would look good no matter what, it was clear to most she was ill. The cancer was spreading rapidly, and it would show sometimes in her memory and thoughts that she wasn’t the same person she used to be, and that she never would be again.

  Olivia was used to this, it was something she signed up for when she agreed to start working for the family. Of course, it hurt her to imagine Margot gone, but she was ready for that. She wondered how Vera and Joseph were handling this information. They both didn’t seem like the most open of people willing to discuss their emotions, but they had to be hurting, right?

  “Good morning!” Vera beamed as she walked in and poured herself a cup.

  “Morning Vera. Did you sleep okay?” Olivia asked.

  “Like a baby. Can you believe it?” Vera replied. Olivia shook her head. She heard the door open upstairs which meant Margot was about to walk down. She rushed over to the stairs to help her.

  “Good morning, Margot. Do you need some help?” Olivia asked.

  “No dear, I’m fine. Make sure those pancakes don’t burn! That smell brought me back to life and pulled me out of bed,” she joked as she started down the stairs. She was using a cane today. Some days she could walk fine but other times her body ached all over and she needed some assistance walking.

  She slowly made her way down the stairs and to the kitchen table. “Vera sweetie, will you bring me some coffee.” Vera poured her a cup and sat down next to her mom and father. “What’s on the agenda today, my love?” Margot asked Joseph.

  “We have that memorial dinner for Peter, don’t you remember?” Joseph asked Margot.

  “Oh my, it’s Friday already?”

  “Yeah Mommy, do you remember what happened last night?” Vera asked.

  “Yes, of course, honey. I just get my days mixed up,” Margot responded. “Well is Olivia joining us tonight?”

  “Oh no, I could never. I don’t want to impose,” Olivia responded, bringing a plate of fluffy pancakes to the table.

  “Actually, you probably should come along. I don’t want any of us to be alone the rest of the trip. It’s too risky,” Joseph responded.

  “I—I don’t even have anything to wear,” Olivia replied. She really didn’t. She only packed work pants, T-shirts, and pajamas. She figured she’d be in the house for the entirety of the trip. She got a little excited thinking about being able to actually experience Moscow but didn’t want to have to do so in her work outfit.

  “Liv that’s no problem! I have plenty of things you can borrow!” Vera responded.

  “That’s sweet of you, Vera,” Margot replied.

  “I mean, if you insist,” Olivia replied, sitting down next to Margot. Margot grabbed her hand.

  “I’m not feeling the greatest, it’d be nice to have you there with me to help out,” Margot replied.

  “Plus, I get so bored at these things. It’s like all old people so I’d love to have someone there with me to actually talk to,” Vera added.

  Olivia felt a little uncomfortable thinking about being the fourth wheel, but four wheels were at least more common than three. She certainly didn’t look like one of the family members, but most people knew of Margot’s condition and could assume she was there to help.


  After Olivia finished cleaning up breakfast, she helped Margot get dressed and went to Vera’s room to find a decent outfit for the night. She wasn’t sure she’d be able to find anything that would work, as Vera was much different looking than Olivia.

  She was over five and a half feet tall, a real Italian beauty. She had curves like Olivia, but she showed them off much more than Liv liked to. She had long flowy black hair and intense Italian features that made her a bit more of an obvious beauty. She was elegant and poised, Olivia more like a charming tomboy.

  “So, I was going to wear this tonight, but I mean, if there’s nothing else that you can find you could totally wear this one,” Vera said, holding up a fringy tan dress with a deep cut neck and tight waist. It was much flashier than Vera would have wanted.

  “No that’s fine, I’ll really just take whatever you don’t want,” Olivia responded. She knew that whatever she would be wearing probably cost more than her entire wardrobe combined.

  “This one might be good. Here, try it on,” Vera said. Olivia looked around and realized she wanted her to change right in front of her. “Don’t be shy, it’s just us girls!”

  Olivia slipped off her T-shirt but kept her joggers on. She put the dress on, exposing her bra underneath the strapless gown. Though Vera was much taller than Olivia, the dress still managed to be the perfect length. It stopped right at her feet, covering her shoes. Olivia only packed tennis shoes and one nice pair of flats, so those would have to be her shoes for that night.

  The dress was a bright red, a color Olivia would normally never wear. It still looked stunning against her skin, and her short hair really allowed her shoulders to glow.

  “You look seriously amazing,” Vera told Olivia. She certainly felt beautiful.

  “Are you sure it’s okay if I wear this?” Olivia asked.

  “If you don’t I’ll be like, mad at you. You’re a knockout babe!” Vera said. Olivia always liked how loud and bubbly Vera could be. “I would give you a ne
cklace, but, you know. I don’t exactly have any jewelry left.”

  “I might have something,” Olivia responded. She slipped the dress off and put her clothes back on. “Thanks Vera, this is really nice of you. I should probably start getting ready.” There were several hours before the dinner, but Olivia felt a bit uncomfortable standing in the middle of Vera’s room.

  She walked across the hall into her own bedroom and hung the dress on the back of the door. She felt like Cinderella for a moment, about to head to a ball. If only she didn’t have to wear satin slip-ons and a fake gold necklace, she would really feel the part. Either way, it beat having to be alone in the cabin the night after the robbery.


  Olivia stepped out of the car and felt like a princess. The silk gown she was wearing hugged her figure perfectly. She couldn’t even remember the last time she wore a dress, let alone one this beautiful. She rarely wore makeup either, but had Vera help her with a smoky eye for the night. It felt good to get out of the cabin and socialize with beautiful people as a stunning woman herself.

  She helped Margot get out as well, who decided to leave her cane at the house for the night. She still wasn’t feeling the greatest, but she would never tell anyone that. Olivia was overwhelmed with where she was. After the plane ride was over, they had headed straight to the cabin, so she didn’t get a chance to see the actual city yet.

  She was blown away. The architecture of Moscow was something unlike anything she had ever see before. She had traveled to a few other countries with the family since she started her employment with them, but she hadn’t been to anywhere like Moscow. It was unique in the design and the type of people there. She didn’t speak a word of Russian and had trouble even greeting others in the language. Still, she was amazed at where she actually was.

  She had read about Russia plenty of times, but for the most part, it was about scary politics or strict rules. She didn’t picture Moscow as the most beautiful place, but in the car ride, her perspective really changed. She realized that this city was actually filled with stunning architecture and breathtaking designs.

  The winter only helped elevate the level of beauty in the city as well. The winter always made Olivia a little sad, thinking about the family she didn’t have to celebrate the holidays with. Still, the blanket of silvery white over the city somehow warmed her, even though she was surrounded by icy temperatures.

  The family walked into the event room and she was blown away even further. It was really like a ballroom out of a princess movie. Olivia couldn’t have been more amazed. She walked over to the coat check and handed over her fur coat—well, actually Vera’s fur coat, over to the attendant, as well as Margot’s coat.

  They made their way to a table and she helped Margot sit down right away. They were at a circular table in the front of the ballroom with seven chairs lined around the table. She wondered who else might be sitting with them that night. Margot sat down, and several servers came over right away to fill her water and champagne glass. Olivia was relieved once she remembered that she’d be drinking for free that night. Even just walking from her car into the ballroom was an exhausting act for Margot. Olivia didn’t mind having to help her, that was what she was there for, after all.

  Olivia spent most of her night sitting at the table with Margot while Joseph schmoozed, and Vera flirted with the younger men she managed to find. Olivia knew she didn’t have any trouble getting along at these events. If there was a tall man that Vera assumed was wealthy, she was pleased. Vera would never have to work a day in her life because of the inheritance she would receive when she graduated from college, but she still loved surrounding herself with wealthy people. She had the fortune, but it seemed the fame was what she was after next.

  “This is not where I want to be spending the last of my days. At some other dead guy’s memorial dinner?” Margot said sarcastically. Drinking wasn’t good for her, but she risked the indulgence since she wouldn’t be around it forever. “I mean, don’t get me wrong, I loved Peter. Loved him. But where’s my family? It’s like they forgot I’m dying soon.”

  “I’m sorry. Do you want me to go find them?” Olivia asked. Margot would keep it together when her family was around but once they left, she would pull out the grim talk with Olivia. She could handle it. There wasn’t a dark thing Margot could say that Olivia had thought, or even lived, already.

  “No no, let them enjoy it. My daughter certainly inherited my husband’s ass-kissing abilities, didn’t she? I only get sad thinking about how they’ll do fine when I’m gone,” Margot responded.

  “That’s not true at all, Margot. I’m sure once dinner gets served they’ll stick around more. I’ll see if I can round them up. I have to use the restroom anyways.” Olivia stood up for the table. She felt bad leaving Margot alone, but she had a point. Her family should be spending as much time as possible with Margot. At the same time, it was always grim to feel forced to hang with someone who you knew was going to die. The pressure to make sure that the conversation was good and meaningful was too much for some people to handle when they talked to Margot.

  Olivia made her way to the bathroom and spotted Joseph. She figured she could tell him that Margot could use some company while she was gone.

  “Mr. Touhy! There you are. Your wife could probably use some company!” Olivia teased. She could say anything, and it would come out charming.

  “Olivia! You’re right, you’re right. I just got caught up in conversation, you know how that goes.” Joseph and the men that were surrounding him laughed. “Olivia you haven’t met my partner, Ruslan yet have you?” Joseph asked.

  “I haven’t, no.” Olivia hadn’t even seen pictures of him. There were certainly people at this party that Olivia recognized only from reading articles or creeping on their social media pages. Ruslan was certainly a mysterious man that she was intrigued to meet, however.

  “Ruslan, this is Olivia, my wife’s nurse.” Joseph motioned for Olivia to shake the man’s hand standing in front of him.

  Olivia looked up at him and instantly became frozen. At first, she hadn’t noticed. She just saw a tall man with a handsome face standing there. She reached out to grab his hand and thought she might just pass out once their hands touched. He had a sharp jaw and pointed mouth that seemed like it was carved out of marble. He had short hair that perfectly covered his nicely shaped head. His suit was designer made and clearly tailored to fit his body perfectly. Any other time, Olivia would have been extremely attracted, but right now, she was terrified. When she looked into his eyes, his dark brown eyes, she realized it was him.

  Though Ruslan was wearing all black the night he robbed Olivia, there’s no way she could ever forget his glare. The eyes that swallowed her the night they first met consumed her once again. She never would have forgotten his voice, either. It played over and over in her head while she tried to make sense of everything.

  “Pleasure to meet you, Olivia,” he replied. His voice froze her right in place. It took her everything to move, but she knew that was what she needed to do.

  “You too,” she somehow managed to slip out. Her moves felt mechanical as she rushed away towards the bathroom.

  “Olivia?” Joseph asked, concerned. He could tell something in her changed.

  “I’ll see you at the table,” she managed to slip out as she rushed faster towards the bathroom. She thought she was either going to pass out or throw up.

  She ran into the bathroom and burst through the door. No one was in there, thankfully, and she ran right to the sink. She splashed her face with water, not caring that she was wiping off some of her makeup. She could feel her breathing getting faster and harder to control, but she knew she needed to keep it together. She reached down to grab her phone but realized she had left it in her jacket that was behind the coat check.

  What was she supposed to do? Even if she managed to make it to a phone, she didn’t know what number to call. Was it 911 in Russia too? She had learned in school but all of t
he logical thoughts she needed at that moment had stayed frozen in a shell when she made eye contact with Ruslan.

  She focused on her breathing while gripping the sink. Why would Ruslan, a billionaire himself, rob them for just a few pieces of jewelry?

  The black box. Something in that black box was so important that Ruslan needed to break into the cabin, threaten Olivia’s life, and steal. Someone walked into the bathroom, a man over 6 and a half feet tall. Olivia only knew several men that were that tall, one of them being the monster that helped rob her last night.

  “This is the women’s restroom!” Olivia shouted through tears. She was scared but not too scared. What was he going to do, kill her right there? She wondered if she would have even cared that much.

  “This is a nice place. A nice dinner, right? You wouldn’t try to ruin that, right? You’re a smart girl,” the monster said, pushing Olivia against a wall.

  “Stay away from me and my family,” Olivia said. She kicked him in the groin and pushed him back, rushing out of the bathroom. Though he was almost twice her size, she was still able to fight him off a bit.

  When she ran out of the bathroom, she realized everyone was sitting down for dinner. She was just one of about a dozen people still standing. She looked towards the door. A small man looked over at her, presumably the one from the robbery as well. She turned around and the monster was walking towards her, regrouping from his attack. She looked at her table and saw Margot, who motioned for her to come over.

  What options did Olivia have? These were clearly powerful men, and even men that the family knew. They weren’t going to hurt her in public, but what was she supposed to do? Would police even believe her story? An American nurse that nobody knew versus one of the most powerful businessmen in the country, probably world. She didn’t have very many choices, so she made her way back to the dinner table and sat down next to Margot.


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