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Sweet Dreams hp-2

Page 6

by Dana Marie Bell

  Simon was about to lose his mind. Twice in one day? What about that shit the doc told him about the glucose and how as long as she ate she’d be fine? Simon had seen to it personally that Becky ate lunch; hell, he’d stood there practically spoon-feeding her fast food he’d brought to her in the hospital. He’d refused to take a bite of his own until she’d downed at least the burger.

  Now here she was, acting like she had that morning, although less scared. If he didn’t know better he’d swear she was…


  He started. He had been so caught up in his worry over Becky he hadn’t realized he’d stopped in front of Sheri’s door. “Sheri, hi.” He accepted the hug she gave him. Her pale blonde hair practically glowed against the darkness of his leather trench coat.

  She must have felt his tension because she started pulling on his hand, trying to get him to come into her room. “What’s wrong?”

  “My mate is sick. She’s in the car, and I have to get her out of here.”

  “Oh, no! Is there anything we can do to help?”


  “Jerry and I.”

  Simon smiled slightly. Jerry was Sheri’s Seeing Eye dog, and usually he grinned whenever he thought of the name she’d given the golden retriever. Now, however, he just didn’t have it in him. “No. Look, I’m sorry, but can we reschedule the dinner to tomorrow night? I need to get Becky to the hospital.”

  “Would you like a rainbow?” Simon turned to see Becky standing in the rain, holding out a cookie to Sheri. “If you eat a rainbow it will go inside you. The colors are so pretty.”

  He heard Sheri take a deep breath and could only imagine what she was thinking. “Becky, sweetheart, why don’t you go sit in the truck, okay?”

  She frowned. “I wanted to meet your friend.” She looked over his shoulder at Sheri. “She needs a rainbow.”

  He felt a soft hand touch his arm. “It’s okay, Simon.” Sheri’s pale blue eyes turned to Becky. “Would you like to come in my room and get out of the rain? I promise if you do I’ll share the rainbow with you.”

  Becky’s answering smile was beautiful. “Okay.”

  Sheri gently pulled Becky into her room. Simon was confused when Sheri leaned in close to Becky and sniffed her neck. He followed the two women into the room and watched as Sheri carefully broke the cookie in half. “Here you go. Becky, right?”

  Becky nodded happily as she munched on the cookie and stared out the window.

  “I’m Sheri.”

  Becky turned. “You’re so pale. Where did your rainbows go?”

  Sheri sighed. “I was born without rainbows.”

  Tears filled Becky’s voice. “Here. Take mine.” She handed the rest of her cookie to Sheri and turned back to the window. “Everyone should have rainbows.”

  Sheri sighed and tugged on Simon’s arm. Worried sick, Simon allowed himself to be pulled to the other side of the cramped motel room. “I’m so sorry, Simon.”

  “I need to call her doctor. I know she ate today.”

  Sheri frowned, looking confused. “What does that have to do with anything?”

  “She’s hypoglycemic. The doc said it can cause hallucinations if it gets bad enough.”


  “Hmm?” He was already dialing the phone. He’d made sure to memorize Doc Harrison’s number, just in case.

  “I don’t think it’s hypoglycemia.”

  “Of course it is. She got tested and everything.” He listened to the rings and waited for the doctor’s answering service to pick up.

  Sheri pressed the button to end his call. “Simon, I smell something on her skin.”

  His heart froze. “What are you talking about?”

  Sheri bit her lip. “It smells chemical. I’ve smelled it before, once or twice, off of Rudy’s friends.”

  At the mention of her ex-boyfriend Simon’s Puma snarled. “What?”

  “I think your mate’s been drugged.”

  Simon watched as his mate batted at empty air, no doubt playing with the rainbows dancing in front of her, unseen by anyone but her.

  I’m going to kill her. There was only one person he could think of who hated Becky enough to drug her, and he’d let the woman walk away. I’m going to hunt her down and rip out her throat.

  Olivia Patterson was a dead woman.

  Simon had been watching her like a hawk ever since their impromptu trip to the emergency room the night before. He’d refused to leave her side, even following her to work. It was driving him crazy that he couldn’t figure out how someone had gotten to her. She’d finally talked him into taking a shower by promising she wouldn’t eat or drink anything while he was gone. He’d tried to persuade her to join him, but she’d managed to convince him to go in alone.

  He might not be sure how someone had gotten to her, but she was. Damn it.

  She stared down at the pretty, more than likely toxic, brown box and sighed as the water turned off.


  “Yeah, baby?”

  “You didn’t leave me a box of Godiva truffles, did you?”

  “What?” He stepped out of the bathroom, looking yummy wrapped in nothing but a white towel.

  Droplets of water tripped down his muscled torso, distracting her for a moment. Damn, he’s fine .

  She lifted the box in her hands, the note she’d thought from him resting on top. “You didn’t leave these in my apartment the night you went back for my toothbrush and stuff, did you?”

  “No, I didn’t.” If she hadn’t been sure before, she was now. The feral growl and ferocious frown were dead giveaways. “Are you telling me you took candy from a stranger?”

  “I thought they were from you!” She held up the note. “See? Why would someone other than you write that note?”

  “Gee, I don’t know, Becky. Maybe because they wanted you to think of them while you were terrified of fruit?”

  “Don’t get mad at me, Simon. We both thought it was the hypoglycemia.”

  He ran a hand through his wet hair and sighed. “Damn it, Becky. Why didn’t you just ask me? Or, hell, I don’t know. Maybe say thank you? And when I asked you what for, you could have told me.”

  “We were a little busy dealing with the fact that I am hypoglycemic, remember?” She shrugged sheepishly. “But you’re right, I should have said thank you.”

  He took the box from her and lifted it to his face. He took a good sniff and wrinkled his nose. “Damn, Sheri’s good. I never would have smelled it if I hadn’t been looking for it.”

  “Should we take these to the police?”

  “Oh, hell no. The cops aren’t really equipped to deal with a shifter, never mind what the outcasting says.

  That whole ‘we leave you to human laws’ crap is a holdover from the times when shifters were actively hunted and the Pride was necessary for survival.”

  “So who does deal with this kind of thing?”

  Simon’s frown eased as he put the box of chocolates on top of his dresser. “Usually, the Marshal is in charge of this sort of thing, but since you weren’t actually hurt I guess he hasn’t been alerted yet. Either that, or it has to do with the fact that Max hasn’t formally acknowledged you as Pride since you haven’t changed yet.”

  Becky shook her head. “Huh?”

  He took her hand and sat with her on the edge of the bed. “Okay. Alpha and Beta run the Pride. The Marshal and his Second guard the Pride’s well-being. They’re sort of cops, but they only deal with issues that directly affect the physical well-being of the Pride. And the Omega is the heart. He or she keeps the pack emotionally stable, stops fights whenever possible, that sort of thing. Sort of the Pride’s diplomat slash advice columnist. With the change in Alpha there’s usually a change in the rest of the hierarchy as well. For instance, Adrian’s dad used to be Marshal.”

  “Oh, wow. Wasn’t his dad sheriff?”

  “Yup. And now Gabe Anderson is sheriff.”

  “Does that make him Marshal?”

  He shrugged. “I don’t know. We’ve only been running the Pride for a few months, so we’re not completely set up yet. Max knows instinctively who’s supposed to fill what slots, and when the time comes, he’ll clue them in. And, trust me, it will be obvious.” He glared down at her. “In the meantime, we make sure you don’t eat any more presents not handed to you by either myself or Max and Emma.


  “Okay.” She stroked his cheek, knowing he was being so grouchy because he was so upset. He relaxed visibly, nuzzling her hand. “Better get dressed and order in that pizza. I’m starving.”

  “You’re always starving.” He stood and dropped the towel, grinning over his shoulder at her when she wolf-whistled. He made a big production out of pulling on his underwear and jeans, wiggling his butt and waggling his eyebrows until she collapsed onto the bed with a fit of the giggles. With a big, smacking kiss on her lips he left the bedroom to order in dinner.

  Becky heard the pizza guy before he rang the bell, and grinned. “Pizza’s here.”

  Simon’s stomach rumbled under her, making her laugh. He’d pulled her on top of him and cuddled her while they watched the cartoon DVDs she’d shoved into one of her bags.

  With a groan he gently pushed her off him and went to answer the door. The sight and scent of the white boxes had her mouth watering. He carried the food into the kitchen, frowning slightly when she got up and followed him.

  “One for you, one for me?” Becky was so hungry she could easily picture eating an entire pizza.


  Becky handed Simon the plates. He loaded them with pizza and breadsticks while she poured them both tall, frosty glasses of soda. They headed back to the couch to eat. Simon popped another DVD into the player.

  “Man, I’m starving.” Hot, cheesy goodness melted in her mouth, causing her to moan in appreciation.

  “God, that’s good.” She sighed in bliss just before taking another bite.

  The opening strains of the WB’s Animaniacs filled the small space. She grinned as Simon dropped next to her onto the sofa with a contented sigh. They sat and ate pizza, laughing at the antics of the Warner Brothers and their sister, Dot, until all of the pizza and breadsticks were gone. When Becky stood to get rid of their empty plates and glasses Simon turned the TV off.


  Simon’s husky purr sent a shiver down her spine. “Think I’m up for games tonight, big guy?”

  “Considering the amount of food you just ate you should be fine.”

  She glared up at him as his arms came around her waist. “Are you saying I made a pig of myself?”

  He tried to look innocent and failed miserably. “Not at all. I’m just saying I’ve seen high school linebackers eat less.”

  He laughed when she punched him in the arm. She shook her stinging hand. “Ow!”

  “Poor baby. Did you hurt your hand?”

  “Shut up, Simon.”

  “Want me to kiss it and make it better?”

  “How about you kiss my ass instead?” Becky screeched, giggling madly as Simon picked her up, took her over to the couch and put her face down. Her face flamed as Simon kissed her butt with a loud smacking sound. “Simon!”

  “Hey, you told me too.” Laughter threaded through his voice.

  She looked over her shoulder. “Jerk.”

  She felt him undo the snap on her jeans. “Go ahead. Tell me to kiss your ass again.” He lowered the zipper, his grin heating. Gold danced in his eyes. “I dare you.”

  She shivered as one of his hands slipped under the waistband of her jeans and caressed her ass.


  “Yeah, baby?”

  “Your phone is ringing.”

  He paused and, sure enough, the phone rang. He waited to see who was calling. When the caller hung up he shrugged. “Thank God for answering machines.” He pulled her jeans down her legs, sighing happily at the sight of the pale blue thong separating the globes of her ass. “Damn, woman. I love your ass.”

  “Yeah, sure.”

  He nipped one of the soft globes, suckling until he’d left a mark. “That’s better.”

  She started to laugh. “Damn it, that tickles!”

  “Oh, really?” He gasped in mock surprise. “Look! Another one!” He bent down and nipped and sucked until he’d added his mark. “There. That’s better.”

  The male satisfaction in his tone only made her laugh harder. “Simon!”


  “Knock it off!”

  “What will I get if I do?”


  He petted her ass again, then smacked it. Hard.

  “Ow!” She sat up, glaring at him. “What the hell was that for?”

  “A reminder.” He stripped off his shirt, his eyes turning completely gold.

  “Of what?”

  “Not to take candy from strangers, little girl.”

  “Ass wipe.”

  “Want me to kiss it and make it better?” He stripped off his jeans, leaving them where they fell. He stood there only in his briefs, his erection twitching behind the white cotton.

  Becky couldn’t tear her gaze away from his cock. There was a damp spot on the front of the briefs, letting her know exactly how turned on he was. “What?”

  He laughed, the sound low and rough. He pulled her jeans the rest of the way off her body, then began to crawl up her.

  She backed up until she hit the backrest. “Simon?”

  He licked her belly.


  His hands slowly began to push her shirt up, the calluses rough against her skin.

  “Oh, boy. Simon?”

  When his hands touched her naked breasts they both moaned. “No bra. Damn, baby.” He thumbed her nipples under her shirt. He pushed it up impatiently, leaning over her to suck a nipple into his mouth.

  “Mmm.” She clutched his head, her fingers tangling in his hair. The pleasure his mouth was giving her shot through her body. She spread her legs wider, enjoying his groan when she pushed her hips up against his. She could feel his erection pulse through the thin material of their underwear.

  “Bed. Now.” Simon stood, picking her up and carrying her into his bedroom.

  She started nibbling on his neck, loving the small shivers that wracked his frame as he carted her to the bedroom. He tumbled them both onto the bed, careful to catch himself on his hands.

  “Now, where were we?”

  She grinned, grabbed his head and pulled his mouth back to her chest.

  The shirt disappeared as Simon suddenly seemed to become all hands, lips and teeth. She barely had time to whimper as his mouth descended once again on her breast, practically sucking the entire thing into his mouth.

  Her hand shook as she reached down to caress him through his briefs. He ground against her hand, his hiss of pleasure spurring her on. She slipped her fingers into the waistband of his underwear, slicking her fingertips in the pre-come leaking from the tip of his cock.

  “Fuck.” He pulled away from her and shoved off his briefs. “Do you love these panties?”

  “No, why?”

  His answer was to claw them from her body. Long, shallow scratches appeared on her hips.

  Surprisingly, instead of pissing her off the slight sting only turned her on.

  Simon descended on her body, feasting his way down to her pussy with hungry slurps and purring licks until she was gasping for breath. He clasped her thighs roughly, fingers digging in as he pried her legs apart and fell on her like a starving man.

  He took her clit into his mouth and sucked on it, stroking it with his tongue until she thought she would scream. It was almost too much, bordering on the painful, but she didn’t care, she was coming into his mouth with an agonized groan.

  Simon licked her juices from his lips. “Again.”

  She gasped at his rough growl. He slid a finger inside her, roughly fucking her with it as his lips once again fastened onto h
er clit. He purred again, vibrating his tongue as another orgasm raced through her shaking body.


  “No, no more, Simon.” She started pushing his head away, afraid her heart couldn’t take another one of the mind-blowing orgasms he’d pulled from her.

  He held fast, adding another finger to her already sensitized flesh.

  “God, Simon, get up here and fuck me already!”

  He growled and sucked one last time at her clit before sliding up her body. He slid into her easily. She was still soaking wet from her two previous orgasms. He leaned over her and nipped at her neck, right on his mark, and incredibly she could feel herself building to yet another orgasm.

  “Move, move, move.” She wrapped her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck as he nibbled at his mark.

  He started to fuck her hard, his cock dragging in and out of her body in a steady rhythm as his teeth sank in. The spike towards orgasm shifted sharply. She could feel his muscles tensing, her pussy pulsing around him.

  Her gaze fell on his neck, and she had the sudden, undeniable urge to bite him back. Without thinking about it she shifted her head slightly and bit down.

  She tasted his blood as her fangs sank deep.

  Simon stilled, releasing his bite. “Fuck! ” He pounded into her body, the headboard banging into the wall so hard she heard something crack.

  She came mere seconds before he did, pulling his seed from his body as she screamed around his flesh.

  She could feel him shuddering above her as he came, the “Mine!” he gasped no longer a surprise.

  He collapsed next to her, his breathing labored, his face buried in his pillow. Sweat gleamed on his body.

  Her mark glowed red against his skin.

  “Love you, baby.”

  She felt him relax with a soft sigh and realized with a start that he was already asleep. She had to hold back the urge to giggle. Damn, I fucked him unconscious! I rock!

  She eased away carefully, pulled the sheets and comforter over them both, and curled up into him, her head resting below his chin. She dragged his arm around her waist. “Love you too.”

  Simon listened to his mate’s even breathing and smiled. Now all he had to do was figure out how to get his stubborn mate to say those three little words when she knew he was awake.


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