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Hush - Complete Series

Page 5

by Amanda Maxlyn

  A few girls gasp, looking at one another. There are some confused faces as the girls try to figure out who Trey is.

  “Excuse me?” I push my goggles up and raise my brows in surprise. I storm over to him so we’re nose to nose, rage rushing through my body. “You made me late.”

  His lips curl upward like flames. “I offered to drive you. And I said you’d want to be with me. The choice was yours.”

  “You’re not even supposed to be starting until Monday, so technically I don’t have to listen to you.”

  “Coach,” Coach Johnson says, taking Trey’s strong hand into his. The two exchange some words.

  I shake my head and then stomp off like a six-year-old child having a temper tantrum. Screw this. I’m not swimming those laps, and I sure as hell am not listening to him right now.

  “I’m Trey Evans, your new head swim coach,” Trey announces to the team—all eyes captivated on him, which pisses me off even more because I hate that he has the same effect on me. “I’ve had the pleasure of meeting with Coach Johnson and Coach Stephens to watch tapes of you ladies. I’m honored to be here and to be surrounded by such talent. With the happy news on the arrival of Coach Stephens’s baby, I’ll be taking over as head coach effective immediately.”

  I don’t wait for the shocking gasps and silent cheers from the team at his announcement. I pull hard on the woman’s locker-room door and let it slam closed behind me. I’m skipping todays practice. I’ll come back later when I have the entire place to myself. There is only so much I can take in one day. I’ll deal with the repercussions later.

  I don’t bother changing out of my swimsuit. I aggressively tug my jeans over and slip my T-shirt on. Just as I’m putting my shoes on, the locker-room door opens and closes. I know it’s him. I can feel his presence.

  “I’m not in the mood,” I say in a coarse tone.

  “Get in the mood,” Trey hisses with venom.

  I whirl around and point a finger at him. “Why are you mad? I get the right to be mad!” I stop myself from adding any more. Moving quick on my toes around the locker room, I check to make sure we’re alone. When I don’t see anyone I move to stand before him. Tipping my head up, I shoot daggers his way and tap his chest with my finger. “You left me naked in your bed last night, on my birthday may I remind you, and then you show up at my house today where I find out you’re my sister’s boyfriend, and my swim coach! You don’t get to be mad right now.”

  I clench my fingers, lowering them to my side. My eyes harden. My chest rises and falls. It takes a lot to make me mad. My friends and family would describe me as the peace keeper. I hate confrontation.

  Trey’s body goes tense with shock. My breathing is shallow as I wait for his response, but it doesn’t come. He sits down on the bench in front of me and runs his hands through his hair.

  “You’re right, except not about your sister. I’m not her boyfriend.” His eyes lift to meet mine, and I groan in frustration. “Okay, wait.” He reaches out and grips my wrist. “I panicked, Emma. What was I supposed to do? I was having the best night with you, and then it all came crashing down when I realized you were a college student. A part of my swim team. I choked. I thought you were someone else when we started talking.”

  “Jeez, thanks.” I slump down next to him. I don’t know why. I’m annoyed and should be keeping my distance.

  His head slumps forward. “No, that’s not what I mean.”

  I peek over at him. “What did you mean then, Trey?”

  “I didn’t think you were twenty, okay? I thought you were older. You seemed older.”

  “Sorry to disappoint. If you’ll excuse me, I have to go.”

  I begin to move, but his words stop me.

  “Will you just stop being so stubborn for a minute and listen! That’s the thing—I don’t want you to go. I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you since last night, even when I know it’s wrong and I can’t have you. I only agreed to meet your sister today to keep the peace between us, since she works in the administration department at the university. The last thing I wanted was for her to make a scene on Monday in front of the faculty.” He stops, taking a few short breaths. “I thought about tell her about last night, but I knew I couldn’t. Nothing good would come from her finding out—for either of us. When she asked me to come over, I didn’t know you lived there, too. She only ever mentioned a girl named Ali as her roommate. I was left stunned, yet again.”

  He turns his body into me and cups my cheeks with his warm hands, his eyes darkened with pain. “I can still taste you on my tongue, Emma. When I touch you, I swear I can still feel your body writhing against me. And when I watch you talk, it’s as if you’ve bewitched me, and when you spoke about swimming last night, my heart literally stopped for a beat.”

  “But?” I choke. Not that I was expecting this to go anywhere, but I thought, deep down, there was hope.

  He drops his hands. “I can’t have you. What happened between us never would have if I’d known who you were.”

  Ouch. That stings down to the nerves.

  As much as his words cut me, I know they’re the truth, because I would have said the same. If I’d known he was my coach, let alone the guy my sister was just seeing, I never would have pursued him.

  My throat goes dry and feels rough like the Sahara desert. In need of my own oasis, I’m unable to say anything, so I nod.

  “You’re an amazing woman, Emma. I’ve seen your tapes and have had many conversations with Coach Stephens and the dean of athletics about you. The university specifically sought me out with you in mind. They wanted someone who would continue to push you to your full aptitude. You have the potential to go far, Emma. The university sees it, Coach Johnson and Stephens see it, and I see it. You’re so talented in the water, and your times are unlike anything I’ve ever seen. You have a real shot at the Olympic tryouts. I don’t want to jeopardize your future with some scandal that would potentially hurt your future.”

  I lick my dry lips. “And I don’t want to endanger your job, which is why I won’t mention what happened between us last night to anyone.”

  He reaches over and rests his hand on top of mine. His intoxicating eyes glow. I feel delirious when I look into them. “As much as I want this to be something, and Lord knows I want it to be something…”

  “It can’t.”

  He drops his eyes to the floor. “It’s wrong.”

  There’s no denying the chemistry we both felt last night, and the physical attraction we have for one another is undeniable, but I know just as well as the next person that what happened was a mistake.

  I stand up, grabbing my bag. Just before I leave the locker room, I turn back. Trey’s elbows are pressed deep into his knees, with his spine arched forward.

  With my hand on the door handle, I say, “Why is it that something that feels so right is wrong?”

  I don’t wait for him to answer. When his eyes snap to mine, I exit the room, leaving him to sit alone.

  I know this won’t be the last of Trey Evans.


  Our red and white townhouse is on a quiet block, just on the other side of town. It’s close enough to the beach, but far enough from civilization to feel like you’re away from the rest of the world.

  When I push open the front door Brooke immediately stands from the couch and rushes toward me.

  “Is everything okay?” There's so much concern in her voice. “I’m so sorry, Em. I wanted to tell you for this specific reason.”

  I arch a brow. “You wanted to tell me about dating the new head coach only in anticipation things might not work out?”

  “Yes – no.” She shakes her head, flustered. “I needed to know where things were going with him before I told you. It needed to be the right time.”

  In life, nothing is ever the right time. Things come and go when they want. It doesn’t matter what stage you’re at or if you asked for it. Time either works with you, or against you. In my case with Trey, it
’s working against me.

  I’m too tired to have this conversation. I want to be done thinking and talking about Trey. “Honestly, Brooke. It’s fine.”

  She reaches for my arm. “It’s not fine if you’re home early from practice. Trey said he went after you when you pushed past us to try and introduce himself privately. He wanted to take the pressure off me and make you feel more comfortable. After you walked away, he came in and said you were in shock.” That’s an understatement.

  “I was, but that’s not why I left practice.” I lie. “I left because I’m not feeling well. It was probably all the alcohol from the party. You know I don’t drink much.”

  She gives a small nod of understanding. “Are you sure you’re not mad?”

  I give her a reassuring smile and slip off my shoes. “I could never be mad at you, Brooke. You’re welcome to date whomever you’d like.” I mean that. I’ll always support her, even if that means her and Trey end up working out in the future.

  Setting my bag down, I shift around her and walk into the kitchen. I grab another cookie and glass of water.

  She keeps talking. “Well, I just want you to know there won’t be any awkward moments on campus if we run into each other.”

  “Good.” I take a sip.

  Brooke comes to stand next to me. “I was kind of hoping he had reconsidered us breaking up.” She pauses, watching for my reaction. Inside I cringe, but I keep my composure. “He said he agreed to meet me here because he wanted to make sure I was okay. He apologized for how things went down last night and definitely wants to still hang out as friends. Then he scurried off to practice because he wanted to make sure you were okay. Trey really is a gentleman.”

  We both got friend-zoned by the same man. I laugh inside. I have to find some humor in this messed up situation.

  “He seems like a good man,” I confirm. Perfect, really.

  Brooke’s eyes begin to mist over. “Sorry, I don’t mean to get emotional, but why do I always fall for the perfect guy, yet he always ends up the wrong one for me?”

  You and me both. “Brooke,” I say her name lovingly. Wrapping my arms around her, I bring her in for a hug, doing what any great little sister would do—who had just hooked up with the man her sister liked and is referencing to. “It will all work out in the end.” As the words leave my mouth, I’m not sure if I’m comforting her or myself.


  Arriving at Bentwood University on Tuesday, I’m thankful for choosing a large campus. It makes it more difficult to run into the people you’re trying to avoid. Moving through the packed halls, I push through the cloud of bodies that are coming from the opposite direction. A combination of cologne and coffee mixed with lemon from the recently mopped floors fills my nose.

  Just as I’m rounding the last corner and can see my final destination a few steps ahead, my body comes to a halting stop as I smack into a hard object. My eyes close at the sudden impact, followed by a small groan of pain.

  Hands grab each of my elbows to keep me from falling backwards onto my ass.

  “What’s the rush?” The voice speaks with such depth and authority.

  The smell of leather takes over and it’s then I realize I ran into Trey’s built chest. Panic settles deep in my own chest as my eyes rake over his entire body. He’s wearing black dress slacks with a nice red button-down and tie. He looks much older, or rather more his age, than the previous times I’ve seen him. Small laugh lines outline his eyes, and there’s a light shadow along his jaw from not shaving for a couple days. A deep crease sets in between his eyes as he drinks in my face.

  “Emma?” he says as discovery awakens him.

  I take back any thoughts I ever had about being thankful for a large campus. I stare up at him. Be cool, Emma, be cool.

  A small group of girls walk by, smiling and blushing as they take in the sight of Trey. “Hi, Coach Evans,” one of the girls says seductively.

  I roll my eyes. Word sure moves quickly around here about the hot new swim coach.

  “Ladies.” Trey gives a polite head nod with a smile and wave.

  “They don’t even follow the swim team,” I say with disgust as I stare them down like a jealous girlfriend. Shit! Did I just say that out loud?

  When he looks back at me, I blush. It’s honestly not hard for him to make anyone blush.

  His jaw clicks and, my God, it’s sexy as fuck.

  Snap out of it, Emma! I stop fantasizing about his jaw. “I’m late,” I rush. I’m not late, but it’s the first thing that came to mind and, quite frankly, it sounds like a good excuse right about now. He looks devilishly handsome and I’m not sure I can handle just talking with him.

  “Will I see you tonight?”

  I’m momentarily speechless. He gives me an infectious grin, sending my pulse spinning.

  “Huh?” I stammer.

  “Tonight?” He steps closer. It’s unclear if there are other students or faculty around us. I’m transfixed on Trey.

  “I’m not sure what you mean.” I take a step back. I can’t breathe or think straight.

  Space. I need space.

  “Swim practice, tonight,” he says.

  My eyes go wide. “Yes! Of course, Trey—Coach. I’ll be there.” Way to be cool, Emma. That was real smooth.

  I turn around and let out a breath of air. I begin to walk, slowly picking up the pace, putting more distance between us. Just as I’m about to round the corner, he calls out after me: “On time?”

  He’s teasing me, and my lip trembles with the urge to smile.

  Looking back over my shoulder, I bite my bottom lip.

  He lets out a throaty laugh. His eyes bore through mine, giving me a subtle look of amusement. Neither of us needs to say anything. Our unspoken words say it all. He finally looks away, shaking his head. A boyish grin present. When he turns in the opposite direction, my mouth slowly spreads wider as I watch him briskly walk away.

  I’m so screwed.


  “Faster!” Trey’s words bounce off the walls. My arms stretch outward in front of me. My legs are bent at the knee, and my heart pounds with adrenaline as my body gives a small bounce in anticipation. My eyes zone in on Erin through my goggles. She’s pushing through her butterfly stroke as hard as she can. I can see her cheeks exhale with each deep breath. Just as she touches the wall beneath me, I dive into the water, over her body. My legs kick with such strong force and my hands come together at a point above my head. I move my body with ease underwater. When I come up for air, I push myself as quick as I can into the front-crawl stroke, kicking and pulling my arms through the thick water. With each stroke and breath my mind takes over total control of my body. I move with ease, my body doing what it loves and knows. Coming to the edge of the pool, I dive under, do a front flip, and push myself even faster through the water and up to the surface. I’m always trying to improve my time, only ever trying to impress myself, but as I push myself through the water, all I can think about is Trey and wanting to impress him. I swim faster, causing my arms to ache with each stroke and my legs to burn with each kick. My temples throb with each heartbeat. As soon as I hit the wall, I clasp the edge with my fingers and pant for air. I see my teammates doing little jumps of joy and screaming cheers around Coach Evans.

  He gives me a huge grin. “Well done, Peters.”

  I can’t wipe the grin from my face. He offers me his hand and assists me out of the water. His eyes glide over my wet body. I see the lust behind them.

  Erin breaks between us, causing Trey to advert his attention. She ushers me into a brief hug. “Holy shit, Em! That was amazing to watch. I’ve never seen you swim with such grace before.”

  I try to catch my breath. “What was my time?”

  Resting my hands on my hips, I look down at the stopwatch in his right hand. 52.31. Damn.

  “You beat your last time by 0.06. If you keep these times up, you’ll be having every paper calling. That, I’m certain of,” Coach Johnson gushes with pride
as he comes to stand next to us.

  My eyes look for Trey who seemed to have walked away.

  Immediately, there’s a hand coming from behind me, a towel in tow. Speak of the devil.

  My fingers wrap around the soft fabric.

  “That was pretty spectacular, Emma. I’m impressed.”

  I pat my shoulders dry, eyes locking with his as I turn around. “You are?”

  His eyes are lethal. “Absolutely. That was pretty great to watch.”

  My heart jumps.

  Water drips from my forehead, down my nose, and to my lips. A tiny flutter moves through my stomach as I watch his eyes follow the droplets.

  I’m spellbound around him.

  He clears his throat and breaks the eye contact. He turns to face the team. “You all did amazing. I’d love for you four”—he motions to me, Erin, Becky, and Kim—“to rest your muscles for fifteen and then do that race again.” I swear he could have just told the girls to stand on their heads and they would without hesitation. I can almost see the drool on their faces.

  “Come on girls,” I announce, jumping back in the water to focus and keep my muscles from tensing up.

  “As for the rest of you,” Trey says to the remaining eight girls, “I’d like you to work on your individual strokes and breathing exercises with Coach Johnson. I noticed a couple of you struggling out there.”

  During the rest of the practice Trey helps the four of us, but I can’t help but notice the extra attention he gives me. Every now and again I catch Trey’s eyes on me and try to act like it doesn’t affect me when really his gaze gives me intense pleasure. At one point I’m certain he’s about to jump into the water and join me by the way his enthralled eyes seem to undress me when I come up for air.

  When practice comes to a close, the girls parade to the locker room. Some are off to lift weights, others off to get some carbohydrates.

  “Are you coming, Emma?” Erin asks, looking over her shoulder.


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