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Hush - Complete Series

Page 9

by Amanda Maxlyn

  My pretend practice is in an hour. “By the time I get home from practice and cleaned up, it will be too late with the drive.”

  “There’s always tomorrow,” Ali offers. “We don’t have to go today.” She doesn’t look at us when she speaks.

  It’s one o’clock and I’ve been trying to get them out the house for the last thirty minutes since I got home from my meeting at the community center.

  My stomach is filled with nerves. I don’t know why I couldn’t have just gone over to Trey’s house. It would have simplified the situation. “Honestly, you two go and have fun. Tell Mom I said hi and I’ll make the next shopping trip.”

  My phone beeps. I look around, but don’t see it. Shit. “Have you seen…”

  Ali picks it up, cutting me off mid-sentence. She’s looking at my screen. “Here, it’s Coach Evans.” She hands me the phone and I yank it from her hands. I look out the corner of my eye and see Brooke go still.

  “Why is he texting you?” She looks at me with curiosity.

  I shrug. “Probably related to practice. You know.” I pass it off as if it’s normal.

  “Why does Trey have your number?” she prods.

  I become defensive. “He’s my coach, Brooke. We have to communicate.”

  She sighs. “Sorry, you’re right.”

  I look at my screen.

  Coach Evans: I’m waiting…

  Me: I’m trying…

  He’s so impatient sometimes!

  I stand up from the couch and head to the door in a quick, erratic pace, hoping that will get them out faster. My paranoia is getting the best of me. I can’t stop myself from sweating and really want to jump in the shower.

  Brooke looks dejected. “Okay, well have a good day.”

  “Thanks.” I open the door all too quickly for her.

  “Are you pushing me out?” Her eyes raise with skepticism.

  “No! I just need to get ready for practice and I know how Mom gets. She’ll be calling you any minute asking if you’re on the road yet.”

  Ali shakes her head in agreement. “That does sound like your mom.”

  “Okay, we’re out of here.” Brooke closes the door behind them and I immediately dive for my phone on the coffee table.

  Me: They just left.

  Coach Evans: It’s about time! Be there soon.

  Me: I need to jump in the shower. The door’s open.

  Coach Evans: Why? You’re just going to get dirty again.

  Me: I’ll be quick.

  Coach Evans: Not when I’m there you won’t be. We’ll be taking our time.

  I race up the stairs. Even though I just came back from the community center, I’m nowhere near ready for Trey to be here. As I grab a towel from the hallway closet, I hear the front door open. Fuck! What is Brooke doing back?

  “Brooke?” I yell from upstairs.

  “It’s me,” Trey answers.

  I shriek. “Trey?”

  “Are you expecting someone else?”

  I laugh. “No.”

  “Good.” Footsteps come upstairs. I head into my bedroom to grab an elastic band from atop my dresser and toss my hair up in a messy bun. “Which door is yours?”

  “Third from the left.” My hands work fast, trying to find a home for the loose hairs. I rub my face to try and add some color, and I wipe my eyes, hoping they don’t appear tired.

  Trey pushes my door open and takes two steps so he’s in front of me. His face is freshly shaven, hair styled, and he’s wearing jeans with a green and white sweatshirt. He flashes me the dimples I love so much and my body floods with warmth.

  I brush my lips to his. “How did you get here so fast?”

  He inhales my scent. “I was outside, down the road, waiting.”

  “Stalker much?” I tease.

  He gives me a sardonic smile the same time he trails his fingers up and down my sides. “You said they’d be gone by 12:30, so I headed over around that time, but Brooke’s car was still in the driveway. I went around the block and waited for the secret signal.” He winks.

  I let out a snort. “Secret signal?”

  “Double-Oh-Seven style, baby.”

  I shake my head at his silliness.

  Trey takes notice of the towel next to me. “Can I watch?” He wiggles his brows.

  “No!” I swat his chest playfully and scoot out of his arms. “I’m all gross.”

  He grabs my arms and swings me around in a circle. My head falls back in laughter. “You’re never gross. Don’t say that.”

  I look down at my appearance. “Look at me!”

  “I did, and I like.” His eyes light up like a flame and I blush. He kisses the tip of my nose and I melt in his arms.

  “I stopped at the store and got food to cook up some lunch. I also picked up a movie for us.” I stand still, soaking him in. I’m amazed that this man, who is twelve years my senior, wants to cook for me and lounge around watching movies.

  “Sweet Home Alabama?” I draw out the words with a hint a laughter. I love that he’s a romantic at heart.

  He chuckles. “That is a good one, but no.”

  I think of other ways we could occupy our time. “I didn’t think you’d want to watch a movie.”

  “What? You thought we’d be having sex all afternoon?” When I don’t say anything he holds me back at an arm’s length. “You’re a naughty girl, Emma Peters.”

  I roll my eyes.

  “Come on, let me cook for you.” He takes hold of my hand and leads the way down the stairs.

  “I haven’t showered!”

  He stops and winks. “Good thinking. We can skip the main course and go right for dessert.”

  “Trey,” I warn with a sideways glance.

  “You laugh now, but later you’ll be screaming my name.”

  I gulp. My thighs clench together at the thought. Sex with Trey is exhilarating. The way our bodies join together is explosive and nourishing all at the same time.

  “If there’s enough time,” I taunt.

  “Oh, there will be plenty of time.” He makes himself comfortable behind the kitchen counter and begins emptying the brown paper bags. “I hope you like stir-fry.”

  “I love it. Brooke makes a really good one.” I say the words not realizing I said them. When I look away, Trey comes over and takes my hand, giving it a kiss.

  “Don’t get like that.” His lips press into my knuckles.

  “Like what?”

  “It’s okay to talk about your family. I want to hear about them.” His voice is gentle.

  “It’s just weird.” My shoulders bounce and I look away. Talking about her with him makes me uncomfortable.

  He walks back over to the counter and I move to grab him a pan, cutting board and knife. “It’s only weird because you’re making it. So your sister and I hung out,” he says. “It’s not a big deal.”

  “You did more than hang out, Trey. You two dated.”

  He spirals around and pins my back against the pantry door. His breathing becomes shallow. “We went on a few dates, yes. I can’t deny that. We also went out a lot with other faculty. We did more texting than talking on the phone. We kissed once, and I was a gentleman because I held her hand and opened the door for her on one or two occasions. What I had with her was more of a friendship than a relationship. Please don’t think it’s weird talking to me about her. It doesn’t hurt me, or make me uncomfortable. As a matter of fact, I encourage it.”


  “Good.” He gives me a tender kiss. “Better now?”

  “One more question, then we can continue our date.”

  His lips lift at the corners. “Date?”

  I roll my shoulders. “Well, considering we can’t go out in public together, this is as close to a date we’ll get.”

  He cocks an eyebrow. “Emma, I think we’re past the dating stage.”

  Is that him calling me his girlfriend? My heart flutters.

  “Now, one more question. Then I’m going t
o cook for you.” He wraps his hands tighter around my waist.

  “Does our age difference bother you?” We’ve yet to have this conversation and if we’re past the dating stage than I think it needs to be addressed.

  “No.” He’s quick to reply, no hesitation. “Does it bother you?”

  Does it? I think about it for a moment. I know I’ve questioned myself if he should be with a woman more his age, but I haven’t actually been bothered by the difference?

  “Not at all,” I answer truthfully.

  “Good.” He begins to chop a green pepper. And just like that the topic is dropped. “How’d the meeting go this morning?”

  Wow. This feels so domesticated. I settle in at the breakfast bar. “Great! She posted a sign about the swim lessons earlier in the week and has been getting interest. We set the schedule for two forty-five minute classes on Saturdays and two one hour classes on Sundays. As more interest comes in and classes fill, we may add a couple more. It just depends on where the demand is and if we can work around the conference meets. In the summer I’ll do Monday through Friday.”

  “That’s awesome, Emma. It sounds like it’s all falling into place. When do you start?” he asks, slipping out of his sweatshirt. His white T-shirt raises slighting. My gaze wanders over his body. I want to reach and trace every inch of him with my fingertips and mouth.

  His mouth spreads wide. “See something you like?”

  Embarrassment flushes through me. A rush of heat fills my cheeks.

  “Uh-I,” I begin to stammer.

  His mouth locks with mine, his tongue spreading my lips apart. His hands cup my cheeks and I whimper in surprise. When his tongue brushes tenderly against mine, I match his pace. He doesn’t deepen it. The contact is brief, yet stimulating.

  When he pulls back, I’m paralyzed.

  “This body is all yours, Emma. Never feel ashamed for checking me out. I do it to you every day.” He gives me a devious smile.

  I exhale and nod. Letting my thoughts become coherent, I answer his question about the job. “I start in two weeks. It means a lot that you helped out with this. I’d probably still be searching for a job if it wasn’t for you.”

  “Of course.” He wraps his arms around my waist. “I’d do anything to help you.”

  My head rests against his beating heart. “After talking with her it made me realize I want to keep my major.”

  “Yeah?” He draws light circles on my back.

  I close my eyes at the calmness he brings. “Maybe my parents were leading me in the right direction after all.”

  “How so?”

  “I think it would be great to open my own center and teach swimming to anyone who wants to learn. Having a business management degree will only help my dreams of being in the water and sharing my love of the sport. I don’t want to limit myself or regret anything. I want to embrace my passion.” He kisses the top of my head and I snuggle deeper into his chest. “Who knows what the future will hold. In a year I might be trying out for Olympics, but for now, I feel like I’m finally on the right path. And who says I can’t do both?”

  He squeezes me tight. “Emma…” he trails off, his voice getting lost in his throat.

  I break out of his embrace. “Yeah?”

  His eyes sink into me. If there’s such a thing about looking into one's soul, this is the look. Love is written all over his face and in his eyes. When his lips part my heart slows its pace. I wait for him to continue speaking, but he doesn’t.

  “Never mind.” He shakes his head, smiling.

  I step back. “Say it,” I insist. I feel it, too. I want to scream it so loud. I open my mouth but nothing comes out. I’ve managed to elude love before Trey so why is it when I know I’ve found it, it’s hard to tell him? It should be easy. It’s only three words. Maybe it’s the fear of rejection? The uncertainty of where this can go? Whichever the reason may be, I know we’ll say it when the time is right. You can’t force it.

  His lips brush mine once more as his hand moves down my body and squeezes my ass. “No more talking. Kissing, more kissing.” His voice is deep and throaty. It shakes through my core.

  I don’t want to kiss. I want to fuck.

  I give him a provocative smile. “I’m going to suck you so good you’ll never want to have another mouth near your cock.”

  “Holy fucking shit, Emma. You can’t say things like that,” he groans, his head falling back and eyes closing.

  “Come on,” I instruct, clasping my hand with his and lead the way to the living room.

  Stopping in front of the couch, I motion for him to take a seat. His eyes look at the couch then me.

  “Here?” His eyes light up like coals in a fire.

  I suck my lower lip into my mouth and bite. He quickly obliges, sinking into the couch.

  I watch as Trey shifts, tugging at his jeans along his upper thigh. My eyes travel to the hardness that’s formed.

  His eyes taunt me, challenging me to go for it.

  Getting on my knees in front of him, I lean into his body. My chest perks against his as my fingers trace along his thighs and up to his cock. He sucks in a sharp breath and groans.

  I begin to undo his pants and he helps, pushing them down his legs. Tugging on his boxers, his erect cock springs free. I trail my tongue along the engorged veins, taunting him. His cock twitches under my control, and I love it. His head is plump and purple, calling for my mouth. I spit, using my own saliva mixed with his pre-come as a lubricant. The moment I take his shaft into my mouth, he lets out a growl, followed by a moan. I bob my head up and down, taking him deeper into my throat. Thankfully, I don’t have a gag reflex. His thick head touches the back of my throat and he calls out my name along with a few pleasured moans. As I continue to suck and lick, my free hand squeezes his balls and rolls them gently. I can tell by his cries of pleasure and breathing that he’s enjoying it. I kiss down his shaft, making my way to his balls. I take one into my mouth, sucking and licking, and then the other. I smile against his burning skin.

  With one hand resting on his shaft, I move the other between my legs and inside my yoga pants to touch myself. I pump his cock and suck harder. The faster my head moves, the faster I rub my swollen bud. The pressure builds underneath my fingers as Trey flexes his hips quicker against my mouth.

  “Holy shit, are you touching yourself?” he asks with an approving surprise.

  “Mmm,” I hum against him.


  A rush of salty liquid pours into my mouth just as my body twitches with its own orgasm. I release the suction around his cock, leaving us both breathless.

  He leans forward, his body fully awakened. I’ve never seen a man look sexier than right here in this moment, after sucking him dry. His brown eyes glow as he leans in to claim my mouth.

  Breaking our lips apart, I begin to stand. Trey reaches up, hooking his finger with mine.

  He looks like he’s ready to pounce. “You’re not going anywhere.”

  I raise an eyebrow. “No?” I wouldn’t dare leave this moment. I’m powerless when it comes to him.

  “No, I’m not done with you yet.”

  Yet. My heart skips a beat at the promise.

  Pulling me down so I’m straddling him, our lips lock together, moving uncontrollably with one another. I yank my shirt over my head and toss it behind me. Trey’s hand slides under my bra and lifts it up, exposing my breasts. His mouth kisses my skin. His vitality capturing me.

  “I want to take my time with you, Emma, but I can’t. I want your body too fucking much to move slowly.”

  I’d take fast and rough or slow and tender. Either way sex with Trey is like an explosive current.

  We’re so zoned in on one another that we don’t hear the front door open.

  “Em, you here? We’re back!” Ali’s voice cuts our panting.

  Instantly, I freeze and Trey drops my nipple from his mouth.

  “Oh, shit! Sorry!” I watch as Ali turns around, moving in cir
cles, unsure where to go. She covers her face. “Don’t worry! I didn’t see—um—much.”

  “Fuck,” I shout. Trey helps me off his lap and quickly pulls his boxers up.

  Ali stands with her back to me, hands covering her eyes. I pull my bra back into place and look for my shirt.

  “You said you wouldn’t be back until after nine!” My blood rushes through my body. “It’s been like … an hour!”

  “Your mom wasn’t feeling well, so we grabbed a quick bite instead,” she rushes out in defense.

  Trey stands up, and it’s that moment when my sister walks in.

  “Trey?” She freezes, too stunned to move, looking between us. Her eyes flash to me and then to Trey, who is zipping his pants up. “What the fuck?”

  Trey runs a hand through his hair, mumbling something.

  “Look, Brooke,” I begin, but she cuts me off.

  “No, Emma, I’ve already seen enough. What in the hell is going on? How long have you two been fucking behind my back?”

  My lips tremble. I try to speak, but Trey senses my tight throat. “Almost a month now. We met the night of Emma’s birthday.”

  My eyes flash to Ali. I watch as recognition paints her face. She looks between Brooke and me and then between Trey and me, followed by Brooke and Trey. “Holy fucking shit,” she murmurs.

  Brooke’s eyes darken. “So, what? You broke up with me because you wanted to fuck my sister?”

  Trey shakes his head. “No, it’s not like that. We met afterward. She was sad about losing her job and it was her birthday and I felt bad after our night. It just happened.”

  What the fuck?

  “Yeah, it sounds like you felt bad. You couldn’t even wait a minute before hooking up with my sister.” Brooke storms over to me. “How could you do this to me?”

  I hold my hands up, apologetically. “Brooke, I didn’t know!”

  “Don’t lie to me! You know damn well who he is.” Her face fills with red.

  “I mean that night! I didn’t know who he was.”

  “He knew!” She points at Trey. “He had the swim team roster. He knew what you looked like. He also saw pictures of us on my phone.”

  Trey takes a cautious step toward Brooke. “She was wearing a mask. It was dark, I wasn’t thinking. I didn’t know until…”


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