Cherish and Simon- the First Year
Page 7
Cherish sat down in the chair and fumbled with the baby bag. Jasmine's cries always made her nervous in public. She felt as though all eyes were on her and someone would figure out she wasn't good enough to be a mother.
Shelby watched quietly before crouching down in front of Cherish and smiling at her, “Are you looking for a bottle?” She asked calmly amid Jasmine’s whimpers.
Cherish quietly nodded, “Yes, sorry.” She whispered.
Tilting her head, Shelby rubbed her mouth. She knew Simon's wife had passed, and, after rereading the hospital chart, that Jasmine's father had left. What she didn't realize was the lack of confidence Cherish had. She was young and scared; broken while trying to act whole, “You’re doing great, Cherish. If you have any questions call us. Don't be afraid to speak, don't be afraid to do what you think is right. You are stronger than you think.” She said.
Cherish watched Shelby take the formula, mix it with water, and shake it together. With her hand outstretched, she took the bottle and gave it to Jasmine. The little one fell silent immediately as she sucked down her milk. Her blue gray eyes opened and stared up at her mother, who in turn looked right back at her.
Shelby cleaned up and repacked the bag before placing it at Cherish’s feet. Returning to Jr and Simon, She cleared her throat as Doctor Cline spoke lowly, “Is she alright?” He murmured rotating Jr.’s hips.
Shelby gave a slight look to Cherish and cleared her throat, “She shows a little bit of PTSD. I read her file from the hospital and it’s not good. I don’t want to know what he did to her before they’d arrived.” She answered in a low hiss.
Simon turned his attention to Cherish. Hearing she’d gone through some issues serious enough to give PTSD caused concern. He felt a pit in his stomach and wasn’t sure what to do. Doctor Cline nodded as he went ahead and looked at Simon. He knew he'd heard everything they said. Sighing, he glanced back at Cherish, “Alright! You both have healthy and happy babies it looks like. Dad, you can dress your son. I will need to see you guys back here in about six weeks. Another check-up and a couple of shots. Not fun, I know, but it’s how we keep these little ones tough! I take it that you both will be coming together again?” He asked glancing between them for an answer.
Simon flicked out Jr.’s onesie and pulled it over his son’s head, “Yes, we will.” He stated.
Doctor Cline then nodded and smiled, “Wonderful! Shelby would you like to help Ms. Montgomery out for us?” He asked.
Shelby smiled while she returned to Cherish’s side and grabbed the baby bag, “Of course. We will meet you out there Mr. Gabot.” She said. Cherish stood from her seat and exited the room with one last look at Simon as he redressed Jr.
Shelby shut the door behind them, and the doctor's smile fell a bit once he turned to Simon. Doctor Cline clasped his hands together with a sigh, “First off. I would like to offer my condolences to you and your son. I know that probably doesn't help, Mr. Gabot, but please know we are sincerely sorry here.” He said. Simon felt his chest tighten and he nodded silently. Doctor Cline hummed out and paced ahead, “I'm sure you heard Shelby and I with what we said about Ms. Montgomery. Your situation is odd, and I believe you did the right thing to help her. Are you...sure you can handle this, sir? Ms. Montgomery is an abuse victim. From what we read to what we see in her. She is showing classic signs. She says fine but it's an act, Mr. Gabot. Women like her have a high chance of developing Post-Partum Depression. I'm just worried you might be not be able to take care of her. She has a lot to go and heal through, just as you do.”
Simon didn’t have trouble believing what the doctor said about Cherish. He’d met Todd before, and saw a tidbit of the bullshit she had to go through with him. Though, the possibility of her background and that she could develop PPD scared him. He’d heard of what women with the condition did to their babies. With Cherish’s baggage and the death of his wife, Simon felt as though he was up to his chin with stress and on the brink of a breakdown. He questioned what he should do and thought it over.
Shutting his eyes, Simon sighed and rubbed over his eyebrows. No. He saw kindness in Cherish and couldn’t imagine her doing anything negative to the kids. She loved the babies, that much he was sure of and he had faith in her. Dropping his hand, he cleared his throat, “I can handle it.” He said nodding, “I’ll talk to her. Is there anything you can suggest making this easier?” He asked looking at the doctor.
Doctor Cline rubbed the stubble along his jaw as he gave Simon a once over. One could tell that he was slowly unraveling at the thread. There was a delicate balance between them who had somehow found a way to make things work, “Ms. Montgomery’s hormones are trying to go back to normal, her body is changing, and she’s timid. Encourage her to speak about her feelings and to be open with you about anything. With what happened to her during childbirth, I’m sure a few problems will arise. Schedule her to meet with a Gynecologist after the six week heal is over. Support her and each other.” He answered.
Simon nodded with each bit of advice. He would try to help Cherish through whatever happened to her and what was to come. He wasn’t an expert, but he would do his best.
“Call us if you have any problems of questions, here…” Doctor Cline wrote down a phone number before he handed the sheet over, “This is my personal cellphone. I don’t usually do this but given the extent of the situation, feel free to call at any time.” He said placing a hand on Simon’s shoulders and squeezing gently, “Good luck Mr. Gabot. I’ll see you in six weeks or sooner.” He said opening the door for him.
Simon deeply appreciated how Doctor Cline cared and willed to help. He felt better knowing that he had reinforcement if the situation became too much for him to handle, “Thank you for everything, Doctor. We will see you soon.” He answered.
Lifting the carrier, he returned to the waiting room and saw Cherish. He waited until she noticed him before a small smile rose in the corner of his lips.
Shelby approached behind them and held out a card in Simon’s direction, “Here’s your next appointment in the first week of August. Ms. Montgomery didn’t know what day would be good for you, so I picked one. I hope you don’t mind.” She said.
“Oh, thank you, Shelby.” Simon said.
Shelby then waved Simon over the receptionists’ area and they pulled up a price for Jasmine’s checkup. Cherish approached them with Jasmine in her arms., “That will be ninety-five dollars for little miss Jasmine today.” The receptionist said. Cherish felt as though her eyes fell out of her head. Shelby noticed her reaction and placed both hands up calmly and waved them downwards. Blinking several times, Cherish nodded and went to wait for Simon outside.
Simon didn’t think twice about paying. He handed his debit card over and took his receipt, “Thanks for all your help today. See you soon.” He said picking Jr.’s carrier up.
Once Simon exited the building, Cherish followed. She looked from side to side before they crossed the lot to his car. There was a knot of turmoil in her stomach which she tried her damned hardest to ignore. This man easily spent over three hundred dollars on her in two days. She wasn’t used to this kind of treatment and had a hard time in accepting it, “Simon. Simon, wait. That…that was way too much. You…” She swallowed her words as she stood beside the car, “…thank you for doing that but could you at least talk to me about these things first?” She asked.
Simon looked at her, “We talked about it before we went inside.” He answered.
Cherish rolled her lips in, “I’ll pay you back.” She whispered.
Simon opened the door and placed Jr. inside, “I understand that you’ll pay be back. For now, we have things we need to take care of. Jasmine needs a car seat and I must return the stroller in my trunk. So, let’s go.” He said shutting the door. He didn’t know what she wanted him to tell her. He was doing his best.
Cherish fell silent. Now she felt even more of a bother than before, “Alright then.” She said in a minute voice. She sat in the backseat, strappe
d in, and watched the road quietly. But, the moment Simon turned the car on, Jr. began to wake up. His whimpers caught Cherish’s attention and her breasts began to ache. Huffing out, she scooted forward, “Can you take her? I know that sound, he’s ready to eat.” She said unbuckling Jr. and lifting him from his carrier, “Alright handsome, I hear you. Let’s check your diaper.” She whispered. Peeking between the folds of his onesie and diaper, she grinned, “Where in the world do you keep all that milk, boy?” She asked. Without thinking, she kissed him on his cheek before she situated herself for his feeding.
They were stuck in the car for well over a half hour. Simon cradled Jasmine close with his finger in her tight grasp. He wiggled it from one side to the other and watched the way Cherish doted on his flesh and blood. Her winces caused Simon to speak to take her mind from Jr.’s strong mouth, “You’re doing so well. You know, compared to me.” Cherish propped her elbow on the side of the baby seat and rocked him from side to side. She paused and didn’t expect Simon to say anything, much less, compliment her. He released a little laugh as he played with Jasmine’s hand more, “I barely know what I’m doing. At my age, I probably should.” He said to himself.
She ran a hand through her hair and shook her head, “Oh no, I don’t know what I’m doing. I’m just…repeating what the hospital taught me.” She said with an awkward smile. As he looked away, the smile dropped, “I think you’re great. If it wasn’t for you, I wouldn’t be able to do any of this. I don’t think new parents really know anything until their child is born. No matter the age.” She said staring down at Jr.
Simon reflected on the fact that every new parent was a complete novice and responsible for life. He blew out with widened eyes, “Well that’s scary.” He muttered to himself. Rolling his lips in, he wanted to get to know her past. He felt as though he knew her character but didn’t understand where she came from and what she’d gone through, “Before you got pregnant. Where did you work? Or live?” He questioned.
Cherish once again looked up at the back of his head. She started to feel a prickle of nervousness down her spine. She shifted a bit in the seat before she felt like Jr. was done on one breast, “Uh, I didn’t have a job.” She answered. Glancing upwards, she tried to find a way to word herself, “I’ve never had a job, actually. I lived in a hotel across town with Todd.”
He wasn’t surprised, and it wasn’t Cherish’s fault. He figured from the time he met her, with how Todd acted, that he wasn’t the best person to be with. Controlling, lazy, and manipulative. He ticked all the boxes of a jackass.
She patted along Jr.’s back and rocked from side to side, “How old are you?” She asked.
Simon turned his head to her, “I’m forty.” He answered with a mischievous grin.
At first, she believed him but that was until she saw the smirk on his face. Now, he told on himself. Cherish nodded, “Oh. Well you look just awful.” She returned with a half laugh.
Simon took her comment in stride, “I’m twenty-seven.” He corrected. Grinning, he played along and began to predict her age which he thought was too young, “What about you? Seventeen? Eighteen?” He asked.
Even though she tried, Cherish couldn’t stop the smile that broke through, “Of course not.” She said at first. “I’m twelve.” She answered sarcastically. Finishing., she propped Jr. on the other breast. His little face twisted, and a small whine cried out before he quieted down and ate.
Simon hung onto this distraction for as long as he could. He arched an eyebrow, “I’m not that gullible.” He said confidently.
Cherish shook her head, “Of course not. You were close though. I turn twenty at the end of August.” She replied.
His eyes widened in mild shock. He didn’t think she was so young and now, his joke didn’t work, “You’re nineteen?” He asked.
Quietly, she flicked her gaze at him, and the rocking came to a pause. Jr.’s muffled sucks was the only sound between them other than the car engine. She nodded, “Yeah. Is that bad?” She asked.
Simon answered quickly even though he’d thought she was around his age, “No, no. I just didn’t realize you were so young.” He answered. Now, what Doctor Cline said troubled him more. Had she gone through an extensive amount of trauma at such a young age? He decided to change the subject now because if he wanted to escape his misery, there was no point to bring up hers, “I didn’t start my first job until I was twenty-three.” He said.
Cherish tilted her head to the side. Todd started to work as soon as he was legal as did her mom. Though, what her mom did to her and with her own body was far from legal, “Twenty-three, that’s old, isn’t it? To start working, I mean. Well, what’s that matter? You’ve done well for yourself in four years.” She said pushing against a few curls in her hair, “You went to college. I always wanted to go but it was too expensive. Plus, I wasn’t allowed.” The last part of her sentence was silent. With a sigh, Cherish looked to the floor with a troubled gaze. She truly was at a loss of what she could do.
He could tell from her demeanor how badly she had wanted to go to school. Wanting to encourage her, he reached over and patted her knee to gain her attention, “You can do whatever you want to do, Cherish. Even new mothers can go to school. It’s hard but it’s not impossible. We can get you a student loan or a grant to help you out. Don’t ever give up. You always have a future.” He told her in a direct tone. Simon knew it was easy for someone like him, who already had his life together with the help of his parents, to say she could make her situation work. He didn’t want her to give up hope on bettering herself. He already understood she didn’t like to accept his help financially, but he at least wanted her to keep her desire for education.
Cherish’s eyebrows tucked inward while she stared at him. To hear words of encouragement over the last week confused her. With her life and upbringing, she wasn't easily convinced but it caused her to question a lot in her life, “Maybe, but I don’t think I’m ready right now.” She smiled at Simon. Taking Jr. off and burping him one final time, she looked to Simon once more, “Thanks.” She said appreciatively. Sitting Jr. back into his seat, she buckled him in and placed the pacifier in his mouth, “He’s topped off. I’ll take her, and we can go.” She said holding her arms out for Jasmine.
Once nestled in her mom’s arms and their seatbelts were buckled, Simon drove them to a baby outlet. Jr.’s carrier snapped onto the metal bars of the cart and he pushed it inside with Cherish. She was wowed by the selection they had, but then she saw the prices. Ten dollars for a onesie? Were these people out of their minds? There wasn’t a problem with the whole store being overpriced, it was how many people who roamed the aisles. Simon and she were two of them.
Walking down the aisles displaying strollers, Simon eyed the two-in-one types that Jr. had for himself. The only problem was the price and he doubted Cherish would accept. The look on her face showed that she saw each price. They’re joking, right? She watched Simon stop at a duo stroller. While he admired the sleek frame, she was caught by the four hundred-dollar price tag. Once again, she glanced to Simon and met his gaze. He looked serious. Turning her head back to the stroller, she half laughed, “Oh no, no. She just needs a car seat!” She exclaimed.
Simon tapped his finger against the stroller handle, “If you want to get anywhere without a car, you’re going to need a stroller.” He simply stated.
Cherish arched an eyebrow, “Everything is so far here, I don’t think I’ll be able to walk anywhere. So just get her a car…wh-where are you going?”
Strolling along the aisle, he left her in the wake of the pricy single riders to overly expensive double riders. This sparked an idea in him. It would’ve been easier to put them both in the same unit at once, but reality settled in. He didn’t know how long she would stay with them.
Cherish approached and leaned back on her heels, “Simon. Can we just look at car seats? This is too much.” She said.
Simon practically ignored her and pulled down a stroller that had ev
ery unnecessary bell and whistle, “Well it wouldn’t be so bad if I trade in Jr.’s stroller and we get this one.” He stated. “Then, we can get her a car seat that’s compatible.” He debated.
Cherish watched every move he made. He looked over the stroller, bent down at his knees, and tested the wheels. She could tell he was sold. The part which baffled her was that he didn’t bat an eye at the six hundred-dollar price tag. She scratched the corner of her lip and tried to distract him, “Also, Jasmine needs a couple of outfits. Preferably ones that aren’t from here.” She said biting on her bottom lip. “What about Wal-Mart?” She questioned.
Simon glanced up at her strangely, “I guess the baby clothes there aren’t bad. She’s going to outgrow them quickly.” He said rubbing his chin. “Are you sure you don’t want some clothes from here? They’re cute and made me wish that Jr. was a girl.” He offered.
Cherish scratched at her scalp and forced a smile, “Yes, the clothes are beautiful, but you said she’d outgrow them. Wal-Mart seems like the best way to go. Or hell, Ross. They have a great clearance section where I could get her everything she needs for about forty dollars.” She answered.
Finally, Simon relented, “Fine, alright. Wal-Mart, but, I want to pick out an outfit for her. You should do the same for Jr.” He suggested pulling the box for the double stroller off the shelf, “I’ll bring Jr.’s back tomorrow.” He stated.
“You’re going to buy that now? O-okay then.” Cherish said following him. Not wanting to argue, she tried to smile but she couldn’t find the will to do so. She was surprised that he took in her input and accepted it at all. She was also honored she was able to pick something out for Jr, “Alright then, deal.” She accepted.
Simon stopped again and put his hand on a soft, lavender car-seat. Tapping on it, he turned to her and waited to hear her input. Cherish rolled her jaw. Sure, the fabric was appealing and the attachments on it were adorable, but she couldn’t accept, “Why don’t we just see what they have at the other store before you go and spend two…hundred dollars?” She asked at the end of her sentence in shock and staring at him with wide eyes.