Cherish and Simon- the First Year
Page 15
A wolf in sheep’s clothing.
Simon’s sole attention was on Cherish. In an instant, he could feel in his gut something deeper than she let on was going on with her. Squeezing her shoulder lightly, he tried to nudge her attention, “What’s wrong?” he asked.
Cherish looked to him and tilted her head back. There was a conflicted look in her eyes, and she inhaled a deep breath. She wanted to feel safe and the only place now was in his home. Licking her lips, she opened her mouth.
Just as she was about to speak, a loud ringing echoed in the silence between them. She visibly jumped while the phone vibrated against his pocket. The first thought going to her mind were the kids. Using that as her scapegoat, she cleared her throat and smiled, “You should answer that.” She said quickly.
Simon reached into his pocket, pulled out his phone, and answered without hesitation, “Hello?”
Anticipating hearing his mother, Susan's voice filtered through the earpiece. She wasn't expecting him to answer at all let alone so soon. That excited her, "Simon? Hi. Oh, my goodness I was just calling to check up on you. I know everyone at work got the memo of not visiting your house, but I was thinking of you and had to call. Especially since you'll be back at it in just ten short days. So, how is everything? I hope I'm not calling at a bad time, but with the crazy sleeping schedule of a newborn, every time is bad. Am I right?" She asked with a gentle chuckle.
Simon was stunned as she ran on a tangent and gave him enough time to get a hold of his wits, “Oh, uh…yes, you’re right. It’s been crazy with the kids.” He slipped causing her to look at her phone with confusion. Clearing his throat, he gave her a generic answer, “I’m doing just fine, Susan. Is that all you called about?” he asked.
Chalking his slip of the tongue to sleep depravity, She laughed casually and crossed one leg over the other, "Oh no, actually there is a little reason as to why I called. I was hoping that you wouldn't catch on so soon, Simon. But I guess that's why you're a partner of the company." She said.
Still confused, Simon shared a look with Cherish who now knew it wasn’t a call from home. He placed a finger up and apologized silently. She nodded and returned her gaze out to the cityscape. “Hoping I wouldn’t catch onto what? Do you have something planned?” he asked.
Susan ran her tongue along her teeth while her grin widened with each second, “Ah…okay, okay, you caught me!” She faux taunted. “I do have something planned. I’ve rallied the troops together in the wake of your dear, sweet Emily’s passing, and we’re throwing you a welcome back party next Saturday here at the office. But, that’s not all, it’s also doubling as a baby shower for you and little man! Everyone misses you, Simon and they want to know you’re okay. So, will you come?”
“A baby shower?” Simon asked.
He was practically speechless. Not because he didn’t expect for them to throw a party, but because Jr. already had one before he was born. Then, he thought about Jasmine and he knew for a fact that she didn’t, “Sure. Thank you…I miss you guys too.” He said.
There was a long, strained pause. He tried to sound grateful but was still preoccupied with the thought of bringing Cherish and Jasmine with him. If he was in on it, things would work out wonderfully; he was sure, “Thanks for telling me, Susan. I’ll make sure we’re ready for Saturday.” He said a moment later.
“Great! I’ll let everyone at the office know on Monday! Can’t wait to see you, Simon! Bye now!” Susan said hanging up.
Cherish rubbed the palm of her hand against the back of her neck and slapped a mosquito on her arm. She heard bits and pieces of the conversation and looked to him once he put his phone away, “Sorry about that.” He said.
“There’s no need to be sorry.” She whispered. Standing, she brushed off her bottom and gave him a small smile, “I don’t know about you, but I’m ready to go see the babies. That and my boobs hurt. So, Jr. is calling. Thank you for bringing me here, I’ll never forget this.” She said.
Hesitating, Simon gave a nod and made his way back to the car with her. He gave a look over his shoulder and turned to face her as she got in the car. Whatever was on her mind bothered him, “So, what were you going to say?” he asked.
Cherish felt her stomach tighten. Her bout of confidence had vanished as quickly as it came. Shaking her head softly, she shrugged her shoulders and gave him and reassuring smile, “It’s for another day. Maybe, when we have more time.” She answered. Pulling on her seatbelt, she rubbed his shoulder just as he did hers, “I’m okay. Even if I look sad, I promise.” She added.
Simon searched her brown eyes for a long moment and decided to listen to her. He wasn’t going to push her in a direction she wasn’t ready to tread, “Alright then. Let’s go home.” He said starting the car. Clicking in his seatbelt, he locked the doors before they made the careful drive down the hill, back onto the main road, and in the direction of home.
Chapter 8
Eight days later, on the afternoon of the party, Simon seemed energetic. He woke up early, groomed himself, and did his hair more than Cherish had seen in the last six weeks. Little did she know was that this was his usual routine when he’d go to work. He needed to look good, not only for himself, but for his colleagues as well. This was his first time back at the office.
While Simon got ready all morning for his office party, Cherish was in the middle of her usual routine. She’d been checked by the doctor and cleared for all activity. She’d spent the whole night before using Simon’s cell phone to Google ways to lose weight and tighten up after having a child. All of them pointed to jogging. So, early at the crack of dawn, she told him that she was going to give running a chance. She used a pair of his shorts, a t-shirt of hers, and did just what she put her mind to. Though she felt as though she would die once finished, she felt better about herself; which was an improvement. Now, she was in the middle of vacuuming Simon’s bedroom.
Checking on the babies again, Simon brought over a frilly headband and placed it around Jasmine’s head. He took a soft brush and ran it through Jr.’s thick, black hair. They both looked pristine and cute for the day. Simon looked down for a pair of little socks mimicking dress shoes for Jr. Unable to find them, he looked at his watch and groaned internally. To himself, he was already late. He appeared in the doorway of the master bedroom and called out over the noise, “Cherish, have you seen Jr.’s socks?! The little shoe ones!”
His voice caught her attention. Turning off the machine, she clicked it into an upright position, and looked at Simon, “What?” she questioned. There was Jr., tucked in his father’s arms, in a little short sleeved dress shirt, vest, and slacks. He stared up Simon before he caught sight of the Cherish’s curly mass of hair, and his head turned to face her. Her expression was forced into a long frown, “Oh my gosh, he looks so cute! And…” Trailing into the babies’ bedroom, she did a double take before she noticed Jasmine dressed in a white romper decorated in little orange flowers; complete with headband, “…you’re taking both?” she asked reaching into the drawer and sifting through Jr.’s socks.
Simon set Jr. down, “Yes, of course I am.” He answered without hesitation.
Pulling out the socks which would complete his look, Cherish glanced over to her daughter again and felt a bit uneasy, “Are you sure it’s a good idea? How are you going to explain her?” she asked.
He took the socks and unrolled them, “Thank you.” He said placing them on Jr.’s rotund feet, “I was hoping that you would come and celebrate with us.” He said. Picking up his boy again, Simon kissed against his cheek and held him close, “We can explain it how we always have. You’re a good friend to Emily and me.” He answered.
“Wait, you want me to go? I... are you completely sure?” She asked. Cherish fingered the curls of her hair before she looked up at the clock hanging over the changing table. Glancing down at her clothes. She pulled on her shirt before she looked at how Simon and the kids were dressed, “Alright...”
Leaving the room, Cheri
sh's bottom lip poked out while her footsteps echoed across hallway and into the master bedroom, "...I don't even think I have anything fancy enough to wear." She muttered to herself. Going into the closet, she ran a hand over the garment bag holding Emily's wedding dress. Blowing out, she placed both hands on her hips and looked over the small amount of clothes she had, “Help me out here, Emily. What should I do?” she whispered to herself.
Simon grabbed the semi packed baby bag and brought it, with Jr., to the bedroom. He placed his son on the center of the bed and the bag on the floor before he left. Returning with Jasmine, he kissed against her forehead and placed her beside Jr. Cherish listened to Simon shuffle in and out of the bedroom and chewed on her bottom lip as she pulled out from one sundress to the other.
Appearing in the closet, he saw how she had yet to move, “How about that white sundress you have. I think it looks classy.” He said browsing his rack of ties for a good one. Taking a navy blue one with subtle horizontal stripes, he adjusted it under his collar carefully. Usually, he could put on a tie himself, but it ended up slightly crooked and out of place from his well put-together image. Emily wasn’t there to help so he had to try his best. Simon’s tongue dipped slightly from the corner of his mouth and his glasses slid down his slender nose; concentrated, “Don’t you have white sandals with a heel on it too?” he asked.
Glancing over her shoulder, she wet her lips before she pulled down the white, halter sundress with the flared skirt. The tag, which donned far too much that she’d pay, still hung from the side. This was a gift from Simon to show his appreciation for all she’d done for them through the weeks. She rubbed her lips together, “You know I have matching shoes because you bought them.” She claimed. Looking at the tag, she wrapped her hand around the thick paper and held her breath, “Are you sure you don’t want to return it? There’s still time and you can get your money back.” She said. Catching how he looked at her through the reflection of the mirror in front of him, she shook her head and popped the plastic, “Never mind. I didn’t say a thing.” She muttered.
Leaving the closet, the next thing Simon heard was the sound of the shower. Before long, she exited, dressed herself, and stood in front of the mirror. She stared down at eyeliner, mascara, and lipstick Margaret had bought, “Oh God.” She whispered to herself.
As she got dressed, Jasmine and Jr. were lightly sleeping on the bed beside Simon’s cell phone. Soon, it lit up and vibrated with Susan’s name across the screen. Simon finally got his tie to sit right after several do-overs. As he returned to the bedroom to check on the babies, he heard the dull buzz on the bedsheets and lifted the phone, “Hello Susan.” He answered.
Susan had the phone tucked between her ear and shoulder, "Hello, Hello, Simon! Oh, I can't wait to see you and the little man today. Now, are you almost on your way?" She asked signing a few papers.
Simon looked at his phone once more with a hint of confusion. They weren’t late, but he figured that she was just being thorough, “Yeah, we’re about to head out in a few. You said noon, right?” he asked.
Susan bit on her bottom lip as she leaned back in his office chair and rolled a pen between her fingers, “Yes, twelve noon on the dot. You must be so excited to get back into the swing of things and take your mind off home for a few hours. I know everyone at the office is especially excited to see you again! This building has been mighty lonely without you!” She exclaimed looking out over the skyline from his windows.
Simon gave a complimentary laugh to cover up his nerves of returning to work. Essentially, he lied because he didn’t want to share his personal details with a coworker, “Yeah, I’m excited. I hope you’ve all been able to keep afloat without me around.” He joked. He was one of many people who worked there and wasn’t so arrogant to think that he was the missing piece, “I’m sure you’re all doing fine without me. Anyway, we’re about to head out, we’ll see you soon, Susan.” He said.
While Simon was on his phone with his back to the bathroom, Cherish finally emerged. The dress was half tied behind her neck, her breasts were pushed up and together, and there was a sweet bow tied at the center. The skirt flared out at her knees and half her back was exposed with white, wedged heels complimenting the outfit. She tied her thick curls up in a high ponytail. She wore a light coat of lip gloss, a streak of eyeliner over her eyes, and her lashes were enhanced with mascara. She tried her hardest to look decent. Rounding him, she crouched at her knees and smiled down at the kids.
Susan smiled at how jovial he sounded. She pushed herself to stand and paced towards the edge of the window and looked down at the parking lot below. One arm crossed her trim stomach while her long fingers balanced the phone to her ear, "Oh Simon, you forget your worth here around the office. A partner should never overlook just how much a company needs him. But, I'll let you go now. Shoot me a text when you arrive so I can help you with the baby! See you soon!" She expressed.
Listening, Simon somewhat tuned out at last minute. He was stunned by Cherish because this was the first time he saw her in makeup and truly dressed up. She was finally wearing his dress and she looked like a million bucks, “Uh, yeah. See you soon.” He said ending the call.
Reaching for Jasmine, Cherish rubbed her daughter’s head before she turned to Simon, "Uh. I tried to tie the back. Can you help please?" She asked.
Rounding the bed, he met her with a smile, “Certainly.” He said.
"Thanks." She said turning around. Her stomach was still balled up in tight coils. Just when she got comfortable with her surroundings and the people around, there always a loop thrown her way
Simon untied the straps and fingered the fabric to lay over her neck and collarbone neatly. He brought the straps around, tied them together in a knot, before he followed with a bow that he had to work with to get right, “You look incredible. I knew this was a good dress for you. Do you like it?” he asked.
Turning to face him, Cherish nodded and gave him a small smile, "Yes. It’s nice. Thank you again. I don't know how many times I can thank you." She expressed. "Are you ready?" Leaning over, she picked Jasmine up in her arms before she crouched down and took the strap of the baby bag.
Simon stood on the opposite side of the mattress and scooped Jr. up. His son wiggled and fussed for a moment before he settled down; for now, “I’m ready when you are.” He replied.
Leading the way to the side door and car, Simon came off as far more eager and confident than most days. Loading the kids into their seats, Cherish settled in the backseat with them and wondered if they should have fed them before leaving. Simon adjusted his rear-view mirror before he backed out and began the drive to his office.
The ride was further than expected. The interstate became more congested the further into the city they traveled. High rises of Tampa began to tower on either side and before long, Simon pulled off and made the large loop on the exit. Cherish visibly gulped as he navigated through the shadowed streets with familiarity. Soon they pulled into the parking lot of a long, tall building soaring with the others. Her mouth fell open slightly as she leaned over and caught a glimpse of a few people making their way inside the large, glass double doors. Rolling around to a parking space with his name, Cherish sighed and stared ahead at the sign. She knew Simon had money but didn't expect his name to literally be painted on the company's walls.
Taking a deep breath, he felt odd now that he was back. The last time he saw this place, he was excited and ready to face the new chapter. Now, so much had changed and yet, he was content. Not as broken and ruined as he originally thought weeks before. Glancing back, he pushed a smile at Cherish and patted his legs, “Alright. We’re here let’s go.” He said.
Getting out of the vehicle, she stood there awkwardly as he pulled the double stroller from the trunk. Cherish rubbed her lips together and looked around at the other cars in the lot. Half of them were BMW's like his. Shit. She should've stayed home.
Simon pulled both Jasmine and Jr.’s car seats and clicked them
in place on the stroller. Facing them, they slept with their heads tilted in opposite directions. Cherish pulled the shades down and walked with him towards an elevator leading right into the building.
Standing beside him, she watched him press the sixteenth-floor button while she placed her hands behind her back and waited. In a sense for Simon, it felt momentarily good to be back where he was on top and knew what he was doing. But, the closer they rose to his office, the more anxious he grew about leaving home and Cherish with the kids. The indicator beeped with each floor they passed. Blowing out, Simon showed his nerves before catching her gaze. They exchanged smiles and looked up at the numbers once more. Today was going to be a good time for the babies and her; he hoped. His attention was taken as she began to speak, “So is there anything that I should be doing or…” Before she could finish, the double doors to the floor spilled into a waiting area, hallways lined with glass conference halls, and a secretary desk. Cherish fell silent as their gaze fell on one lone figure to the right.
Sipping on her water, the dark woman quickly capped her bottle and instantly stood up from the desk with a smile, “Mr. Gabot!” she exclaimed. Rounding the corner of her desk, she approached them. There was a wide smile on her face as she quickly brought Simon into a hug.