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Cherish and Simon- the First Year

Page 29

by Eva Morian

  Cherish appeared beside Simon and Jr. as the grandfathers worked. She nudged against him holding Jasmine out, "Here. I'll take him to the van. He's about as done with the cold as I am." She said.

  “Good idea” Simon agreed as they traded babies.

  Cherish kissed against Jr.’s cheek before she retrieved the keys and hurried out, "Come on handsome, let's get you out of the cold." She whispered.

  The tree shook and the blades raked from one side to the other. Finally freed from the trunk, it fell with a creak and the workers hurried over. They wrapped and secured tree with rope before Simon Sr. and Jack pulled one cord over their shoulders towards the van. Spotting their struggle, Simon handed Jasmine off to Miriam, walked around to the back, and pushed against the end of the trunk. They hoisted it onto the roof and tied it tightly on the rack for the ride back.

  The men dusted off their gloves and the front of their coats before they climbed into the heat of the van with the women. On the way to the cabin, Margaret listed what was for dinner that night to start Hanukkah right.

  Once home, Cherish took the kids upstairs and drew them a warm bath. Jasmine smacked the water while Jr. chewed on a clean wash cloth. Miriam and Margaret went through the motions and began to cut the potatoes and knead the dough for the latkes and doughnuts they’d have later. While Simon and the men dragged the tree in and perched it beside the living room windows, Cherish finished with the kids and got them ready for a needed nap. She appeared downstairs momentarily and proceeded to make Jasmine’s bottle.

  Margaret’s chops against the cutting board slowed as she looked to Cherish, “When you’re finished, come downstairs so we can get started on dinner, dear.” She said.

  Pausing, Cherish reached over and pulled the bottle from the warmer before she gave a nod, “No problem, just let me feed Jr. and I’ll be down in a little while.” She replied. Taking the bottle with her, she trailed out of the living room and watched the men lift the tree and steady it. Her eyes stared at Simon momentarily before she rounded the steps and quickly paced up them.

  Miriam rolled the dough with both hands with her palms digging within, “Tomorrow is Christmas Eve, I can’t wait to decorate the tree with you guys. I just hope the presents will be delivered on time.” She whispered under her breath.

  Margaret pushed the skinned potatoes she had cut into a bowl. She stared out at her son, husband, and Jack with a sigh, “Even if they don’t come, this is a great season. I’m so happy to be here with you all. We should do this every year.” She admitted while clearing her throat, “I’m hoping that when Cherish is done she can come down here and start the stew. She cooks so well that we must have dinner made by her at least once. I know Simon will enjoy it.” she whispered.

  Miriam nodded with a smile, “When we Skype them some evenings, Simon shows us the plate. He’s quite smitten, isn’t he?” she whispered. Margaret glanced over at Miriam and quickly put a finger to her lips. Miriam ducked her head down and laughed breathlessly, “I am just noticing certain similarities between how he treated Emily, to how he treats Cherish. That’s all. We’re not blind, we’re just happy that it didn’t happen while Emily was alive.” She said.

  Margaret blew out softly, “You’re not the only one. We don’t know what it is, but we really hope something comes to fruition. I don’t know what I’d do if we lost Cherish and Jasmine. Think of what it’d do to Simon and Jr…” Margaret shook her head, “…no, no. I can’t have our boys go through another heartbreak. We can’t force them together, but we can keep planting the seeds.” She whispered.

  Miriam smiled at Margaret before she looked out at the men in the living room. Jack cursed under his breath as the tree leaned over towards the left and then the right. Simon Sr. was in stitches with laughter while Simon stood in the middle of the living room and ordered which way to go. Miriam sighed before she placed the dough into a glass bowl and covered it with saran wrap, “I’m just happy he hasn’t forgotten Emily or us. I’m so happy for how he and Cherish has integrated her into the kids’ lives. It’s warms my heart to walk into the house and still see her somewhere in there.” She whispered biting her lip and wiping her cheeks.

  Margaret grabbed an onion and skinned it in the sink, “We will never forget that beautiful soul. Simon would never forget her or you guys. You know that.” She whispered in response.

  Miriam hid herself in the corner beside the trashcan. The last thing she wanted to do was start her husband or Simon up. She roughly rubbed her eyes and face, but the tears continued to fall, “I just miss her so much.” She whispered under her breath shaking her hands out.

  Margaret sighed softly to herself. Crestfallen, she nodded towards the hallway where their bedrooms were, “I know. I know. I’ll make a distraction. You take yourself into the room and calm down.” She said.

  Miriam nodded as Margaret untied her apron and rubbed her hands on the end of her sweater. Appearing beside Simon, she pointed out to the tree and leaned her head over, “Are you sure we didn’t just buy a crooked tree?” she questioned. Miriam slipped past behind them and hurried down the hallway before Jack or Simon Sr. looked up to notice.

  Simon squinted an eye and viewed the tree carefully before he framed it between his fingers. Considering what his mother said, he then shrugged his shoulders, “Hmm, maybe. That would make sense for us.” He implied. A moment later he held hands out, “Freeze! That’s perfect, Jack. I’m coming under to help!” he announced. He crawled on his hands and knees before he screwed the base into the stump.

  Sturdy, it was finally ready for decoration. Simon slid out and leaned back against his palms wand inhaled a deep breath, “Smells great. When’s dinner going to be on?” He asked glancing back at his mother.

  Margaret smiled softly at her son and his comment, he had a point. She watched the men and did a double take back at Miriam to make sure she was secured in the bedroom. Arching an eyebrow, she glanced back at the kitchen, “I don’t know how you think raw potatoes and onions smell good, but I love you anyway son.” She replied sarcastically.

  Getting to his feet, Simon slid his gaze over to her, “I meant the tree, ma.”

  Laughing, Margaret tucked a few strands of dark hair behind her ear, “I was hoping that Cherish would grace us with her expertise. We’ve all been out in the cold and I was hoping she’d make us a nice stew. What do you think?” she asked approaching her husband and rubbing along his shoulder.

  A smile, one that was happier than necessary, appeared on Simon’s features. Latkes, sweet filled doughnuts, slow cooked brisket, and more. He practically salivated on the spot as he rubbed his hands together, “Cherish is going to perfect them.” He said. Immediately it dawned on him and his arms lifted in response as Margaret’s hand smacked against his head. Simon smiled and darted away from her before she struck again, “After you ma! Of course, after you. Cherish is great at chicken and fish. Maybe she’ll make us a chicken stew.” He answered.

  Margaret pursed her lips together, turned her back to him, and returned to the kitchen, “Mhm.” She muttered.

  Within the hour Jr. and Jasmine finally finished their meals and laid down for a nap. Envious of them, Cherish knew the significance tonight held and she couldn't slow down.

  Returning to the first floor with the bottle in hand, Margaret lit up once Cherish's taller form entered the kitchen. Sitting at the island bar with a magazine, she perked up and waved her in, "Oh there you are!! There's some chicken and vegetables in the fridge. If you don't mind, we would love some soup on this cold day!" She exclaimed.

  Cherish unscrewed the cap and set the bottle into the sink while looking around. Jack and Miriam were missing, and she could hear the television from the basement. Which meant that one or both Simons were down there, "Sure, did Miriam and Jack lay down?" She asked.

  Margaret sighed softly and shook her head, "No. She's just having a tough time now. Let's give them some space." She replied. Cherish rubbed the back of her neck as Margaret flipped the mag
azine shut and stood, "I waited for you, dear. Are you ready to learn the super-secret family recipes that has been in this family since my mother found it in a 1976 cookbook?" She asked with a grin.

  Cherish pumped a squirt of soap in her hands and washed them. She glanced over her shoulder at Margaret and nodded once, "Show me all of the sacred published secrets."

  Margaret grinned from ear to ear as she tied her hair up in a small bun, "Jesus will weep tonight." She joked before both women burst into a fit of giggles.

  As Cherish began her stew, Margaret stood beside her and showed her how to smash the potatoes, season, and form the latkes. Miriam soon found her way back to the kitchen and reassured them she was fine. The kitchen was filled with laughter, teasing any of the men who dared to step foot within, and the women bonding over the food they cooked for the family. Soon life returned to the house when the babies woke up and the men were on duty. Slowly the sun descended, and the lights illuminated the inside of the house.

  Cherish placed a large pot of thick, chicken and sausage soup in the middle of the table. Which was followed by Miriam's green bean casserole, Margaret’s braised beef, latkes, and doughnuts. Cherish mashed some meat and vegetables in bite sized pieces in small bowls. They decided to forego the squeeze tubes and share a real meal with the babies.

  Everyone hustled around to get the dinner table together while Cherish grabbed two ice cubes and placed one in each bowl. Going over, she put one by Simon's seat and the other by her own. With both grandfathers at the head of the table, Cherish sat across from Simon and smiled at him. She felt as though she hadn't seen him all day since they got home and found that she yearned to see his face. She wasn't used to the distance and now that he was in front of her, with a little love in his arms, Cherish shyly looked away and waited for prayer before they could eat.

  Simon caught the tail end of Cherish’s look and stared right back at her. Normally the Gabot family didn’t always pray as they should, but because it was Hanukkah, they said a small blessing before tasting the bread. Before long they began to eat. Simon blew on his spoon, while trying to feed his son a small piece of chopped brisket and gravy.

  Jr. smacked his hand against the plate and smeared it over his opened mouth. He kicked his feet and grunted out in satisfaction. Each time, Simon sighed out and grabbed a napkin to wipe Jr.’s little hand clean.

  Everyone had a ball as they watched the babies enjoy their first real meal. Jr. was completely enticed like his father while Jasmine waited for her mommy to spoon feed her. Though, when she finally got some food, it was always followed by a small kiss against Cherish's chin.

  Following suit with the same kiss, Cherish grinned down at her little girl and pushed her nose against her cheek, "Thank you, baby." She whispered to Jasmine before taking a bite of her own meal.

  Halfway, she heard a deeper, louder grunt from across the table. Her brown eyes looked to Simon who stared her down with a look of trouble. He’d tasted her soup and gave her the “I’m about to embarrass myself with this food” expression; one she knew all too well now. They both knew that it would become a dinner staple in their home once they got back. Instantly Cherish's entire face scrunched up before she, and the others, laughed at his antics.

  Ripping off a piece from his dad’s hand, Jr. grabbed more food and dramatically pushed it into his mouth. He loved the green bean casserole and, even though he was a messy eater, he was entirely adorable. Each time he kicked his feet and gave an enthusiastic hum tickled Simon.

  Once dinner was over, they gave their prayer for the whole meal before they cleaned off the plates. Simon Sr. brought in the Chanukkiah and set it down in the middle of the table. He placed the Shamash in the center and the other candle on the far right. Lighting the middle candle with a match, he sat down and waited for the others.

  Sitting back down, Cherish noticed how dark it was outside and Margaret stood. She clasped her hands together and shut her eyes as she started the first of three prayers. Cherish stared up at her silently while everyone else smiled lightly in Margaret's direction. The babies didn't seem to notice their grandmother, but the fire kept their attention. Jr. leaned back against his daddy while Jasmine continued to pick at bits of food and ate. Cherish slowly turned her attention back at the single candle before she felt Simon's gaze from across the table. The warm glow between them caused her to smile slightly before Margaret finished. Looking down at Cherish, Margaret cleared her throat, "Would you like to light the first one, Cherish?" She asked.

  With a confused expression, she placed a hand against her chest, "M-Me?" She questioned. Glancing at Simon hesitantly before she returned to Margaret, "A-Am I allowed to? I mean, is it okay?" She questioned.

  Margaret nodded slightly, "Of course it is, baby. Please." She whispered softly.

  Wetting her lips, Cherish felt all eyes on her as she blinked several times at the flickering flame, "Alright." She responded before she pushed herself to stand. Handing Jasmine to Simon Sr., she nervously reached over and grabbed the blue candle. Cupping her left hand beneath it, She rolled her lips in and touched the flame to the new wick; setting it alight.

  To Simon, it felt as though Cherish was officially a close member of their family in that moment; more so than before. He didn’t think it was possible. The glow over her face touched him and he stared deeply into her features. He was elated that she accepted his family’s traditions willingly and couldn’t describe exactly how he felt.

  Placing the candle back, she was met with Margaret's warmed grin before she took the bottom of the Chanukkiah. Miriam stood and followed with her hands over her chest. She waited until Margaret had set it down in the window closest to them. Backing away, she held her hand out and Miriam stepped forward. Opening her palms, she unfolded a photo of Emily and rested it against the window as well. Her bright, timeless smile was illuminated by the dim light.


  The impact of Emily’s picture slowly grew inside of Simon. First, it didn’t rock him as hard as he thought, but then the sadness and grief became unbearable. He pulled his glasses off, placed them on the table, and pinched his tears. Last year, she was there beside him and celebrating Hanukkah. On a regular basis, the thought of Emily didn’t hurt anymore. He had grieved and lived his life on without her and accepted it was okay. But, at times like these, he really mourned the short life of someone so wonderful. A woman he had considered his soul mate was gone and he truly missed her. It wasn’t fair, but he couldn’t change the past.

  In time, he’d look at their moments and feel sentimentally warm, but, for now, it hurt. A deep pain that someone as kind as her was gone. Or…was she? Slowly, Simon lifted his eyes and caught a glance at Cherish. Her mouth twisted to the side as she rolled her gaze to a corner and ran a finger beneath her eyes. They weren’t the same person, but they certainly had the same gentleness and compassion that came straight from the heart. He honestly believed that, because of Cherish, he was able to move on as much as he had. Watching her in the silence, the tight, choking pain in his chest lessened before he no longer noticed it. Sighing, he looked down at his son and rocked with him.

  Miriam wiped at her eyes while Jack exhaled a deep, sighed breath with his arms crossed. Margaret stood there with her arms around Miriam and rocked from side to side as they used the time to reflect and remember. Before long Jr. yawned which caught on with Simon and soon Miriam gave into her fatigue. She pressed a hand to her mouth and wiped at her teary eyes, “I think it’s time to turn in, I’m exhausted.” She whispered.

  Jasmine had already dozed away on Simon Sr.'s shoulder. Cherish turned her attention to Simon and the boys as Margaret sighed to herself, "I think I'm going to stay up a little while. Goodnight you guys." She whispered.

  Simon Sr. handed his granddaughter over to Cherish before he appeared by his wife’s side. He wrapped an arm around her shoulders with the intent to stay up with her.

  Cherish held onto Jasmine tightly, "Goodnight everyone." She whispered wavi
ng to them. She looked back at Simon with Jr. in his arms and paused, "Are you ready?" She asked.

  Miriam and Jack already made their way to their bedroom by the time Simon got to his feet. He looked towards the Chanukkiah and the picture of his late wife once more before he nodded, “Yeah, I’m ready.” He answered.

  Taking the babies upstairs, they managed to put them to bed with more ease than usual because it was well past their usual bedtime. Simon rubbed his cheeks, “I’m going to shower.” He whispered.

  Cherish glanced back at him as she placed a warm blanket over Jr.’s body, “Okay, goodnight Simon.” She replied as he left.

  Stepping out of the kids’ room, she blew out and rolled her neck from one side to the other. In her own bedroom she started the shower, dwelled on the thoughts of her newfound family, and smiled to herself. Washing down, she rinsed off and changed into her pajamas.

  Simon sat on the edge of his bed for a few minutes and waited. When she didn’t show up, the thought of her in the candlelight spurred him to take initiative. Opening the door, he peered out towards the hallway. Going to her door, he gave it a quiet knock and pried it open, “Hey, do you mind if I come in?” he asked in a whisper.

  As she brushed her teeth, her eyebrows tucked together before backstepping into the bedroom and saw Simon’s face. Her foamy mouth tilted upwards at him and she nodded. Returning in the bathroom, she rinsed her mouth and clicked the light off, “Are you coming for a visit or to sleep?” she asked pumping lotion in her hands and rubbing them together.

  Simon stepped inside before he shut the door behind him, “Sleep if you’ll let me.” He answered. Making his way towards the bed, he sat down and fell back with his arms over his head. He stretched his entire body as he waited for her to finish her nightly routine, “Did you enjoy yourself today?” He asked.

  Cherish sat down on the edge of the bed and rubbed her legs with cocoa butter and then her arms. She sighed while rubbing the back of her neck, around the front, and against her breast plate, "Once I got numb to the cold. I had a lot of fun. I can't wait to go back to the lodge and watch you ski down one of the big hills. I want to take your picture for that. Dinner was amazing, the glimpse into your culture was so nice and... god damnit..." Snapping her fingers, she looked back at Simon with a defeated sigh, "I forgot to get Jr.'s kippah!"


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