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For My Own: A Contemporary Christmas Anthology

Page 21

by Alison Packard, Shari Mikels, Kinley Baker

  Fairly certain both brows reached her hairline.

  “It happens. Shut up. Anyway, I saw a picture your brother had posted of you and David. Figured out that I was jealous and had been for a while. I ended up getting quite drunk that night. It was pretty bad.” He stopped, misery written all over his face as if reliving that night’s events. “About a week or so after that, I read a relationship status update from you saying you were single. I made the decision right then that I wanted to become the kind of man who was worthy of you.”

  Hope coursed through her body with every beat of her heart.

  “Why didn’t you say something earlier?”

  He gave a self-deprecating chuckle and shook his head. “First, there was the big brother code I had to deal with.”


  “Tim made you off-limits to everyone a long time ago, and that hasn’t changed. He even threatened to kick my ass if I ever hurt you.”

  “That’s nuts. You could’ve taken him. There has to be something more.”

  “I saw what it was like for other players’ wives. They had to give up their jobs to be on the road with us and then still had to find something to do on their own while their husbands worked. It was bad. I couldn’t ask you to give up a job you love and are so good at. I’d never ask that of you.”

  “You could’ve at least said something so it wasn’t just you making that decision. You didn’t let me into the discussion. Maybe that’s something I should’ve been allowed to decide. You took that away from me.”

  “I know. I’m sorry. I thought I was doing what was best for you.”

  “Next time, clue me in.”

  “Will there be a next time for us?”

  Here was her chance. Did she go for it?

  “I think there will be a next time. Probably a lot of next times. You’re a man and your gender as a whole tends to make bad decisions. I’m foreseeing a bunch of these in our future.”

  “Our future?”

  She got up from the couch and walked toward her bedroom. She turned back to him and crooked her finger. “Definitely.” She should’ve remembered an athlete could move a thousand times faster than she could. He was next to her in less than a second.

  “Are you sure?”


  Chapter Ten

  Kevin let Rachel lead him into her bedroom. She flipped a switch by the door that turned on a small bedside table, then just stood there.

  Nerves? Or second thoughts?

  “We don’t have to do anything, Rach. I don’t mind spending time with you watching TV, laughing, anything. We don’t have to do this.”

  “I want to. It’s just, I haven’t been with anyone since...him.”

  Ah. “Then you tell me if there comes a point where you do want to stop, or if we do anything you’re not comfortable with. I’ll take things as slow as you want me to.”

  She looked down at her feet. “I don’t know that I want slow.”

  He brought her to him, tilting her head up so he could reach her lips. She licked her lips and he dipped his head, his lips crushing hers even though he was trying for gentle. A starving man didn’t do gentle when he was presented manna from heaven.

  Her lips were soft beneath his and he forced himself to pull back slightly. He reached his tongue out and touched the seam of her lips, dipping into the heat of her mouth when she opened for him.

  Bringing one hand up to cup her cheek and the other to the back of her neck, he held her in place as their tongues twisted and dueled. Needing air, he pulled away from her mouth and trailed kisses along her jaw and neck. She brought both her hands up to his head and tunneled her fingers through his hair, holding him to her as he continued raining kisses along her skin.

  Going back to her mouth, he pressed kisses on each corner before placing a kiss in the center of her lips. Pulling his hair harder, she dragged his mouth to hers and began kissing him with all the fervor he’d used against her earlier. When she pulled away, he caught her bottom lip between his teeth and gently tugged before letting her go.

  She stepped away from him, pulled her shirt from her jeans, and before he could say anything, she had her shirt off. The pale pink bra she wore had his cock standing up straight. When she went for the button on her jeans, he knelt down before her and placed his hand on hers, stopping her. “Let me do that. Let me unwrap the rest of you.”

  He heard her breath catch and saw her eyes dilate.

  He popped the button on her jeans and lowered the zipper before slowly pulling her jeans down her lean legs. The panties she wore matched the bra and his cock got even harder than he thought possible.

  After getting rid of her clothes, he placed his hands on her hips and pulled her to him. He laid a kiss on her belly as he reached around to her back and unclasped her bra. When the straps fell down her arms, she dragged it the rest of the way off and threw it on the floor behind him.

  He was presented with the most gorgeous breasts ever. Because they were hers.

  He kissed his way up her belly to the undersides of her breasts. Alternating licks with kisses and nips, he made his way to a nipple and gently sucked it between his teeth, using his tongue to lick it to a hard point.

  He was in heaven. Finally.

  * * *

  Rachel inhaled sharply and let out a small moan. She’d had no idea her nipples were so sensitive and could be made to feel so good. She liked everything Kevin was doing to her and he’d only begun.

  He paid attention to her, to what her body was telling him, and she’d never experienced that before. Never experienced someone who actually cherished her. The sensations he was creating in her body were a mixture of familiar and brand-new. She’d never realized how different sex felt when it was with someone you truly loved with all your heart.

  Now she knew.

  Kevin hooked his fingers in her panties and drew them down her legs, his fingers brushing her lightly enough it almost tickled. Her knees threatened to buckle when he placed a kiss low on her belly and licked his way back to her chest. He quickly stood, took her hand and led her to lie down on the bed. Once she did, he began getting rid of his clothes, only slowing when it came time to pull his right arm from his shirtsleeve.

  She’d always loved the baseball player physique, and many of Kevin’s body’s curves were easily seen with his uniform on. But naked, he was magnificent. His legs, muscular. The quads and hamstrings combining for an overwhelmingly strong-looking thigh. His powerful glute muscles making his ass high, tight, and very nicely rounded. She bet she could bounce a quarter off his tight rear—

  He turned, and anything else she was thinking got blown away by the sight of his erection. Thick and long and easily reaching toward his belly button. The end already glistened with his arousal, and she wanted to touch him, to hold him and see what it felt like wrapping her hand around him. She reached up to do just that, when he stopped her.

  “Not now. I won’t last long if you touch me and I want to make this incredible for you.”

  She didn’t have the voice to tell him that just by being here he was making everything incredible for her.

  “I only brought one condom.”

  “That’s okay. I bought a box yesterday.”

  His grin said it all. She’d surprised him and he liked it. Good.

  She reached into her nightstand and brought out the box, opened it and tore one off the roll.

  “I should at least be allowed to put this on you.”

  “Dammit, woman, you’re going to kill me.”

  “Yeah, but what a way to go.”

  She worked the condom down over his length, taking her time and making him squirm. He’d already made her squirm, so turnabout was fair play.

  When she finished, Kevin pounced, landing on his left arm in a one-armed push-up position, holding himself up enough that he didn’t crush her. He began kissing her again, and ran his fingers down the length of her torso to her core. He pressed a finger in and her hips lifted in

  He wrenched his mouth away from hers. “Damn, but you’re ready for me.”

  “Been ready,” and she pulled his lips back to hers.

  He added a second finger, and his thumb brushed her clit. Just that little touch had her arching her back as the force of her orgasm overtook her in waves. It felt too good to be embarrassed by how quickly she’d come; however, a small amount of disappointment leaked through the happiness pulsing through her body.

  “You’re beautiful when you come.”

  She opened her eyes and could feel her cheeks redden.

  “I’m sorry I, you know, came so soon.”

  “Why are you sorry?”

  “Because I won’t be able to go again with you.”

  “Why not?”

  “I don’t know, I’ve just never been able to have two orgasms in one night.”

  “Let’s make tonight the first for that.”

  He bent and took a nipple in his mouth, laving it with his tongue until it peaked so hard she didn’t think she could take much more. He moved on to her other nipple, and the whole time, his fingers worked her inside and out, touching her clit and building up pressure she hadn’t thought possible.

  Just when she thought she was on the verge of another climax, Kevin stopped. Before she could protest, he forced her legs wide and claimed her lips with his own once again. He entered her with one thrust and she pushed back against him, wrapping her legs around his waist. This was what she’d wanted. Him. Just him, all to herself.

  He began moving, pumping in and out, and she met him at each push. He reached between them, touching her clit, and she shot into space, taking him with her.

  When they came back down to earth, breathing was a problem for both of them.

  He lowered his forehead to hers and kissed her gently on the nose. “You wore me out.”

  She could’ve said the same thing. Sated contentment had her eyes shutting, ready for sleep.

  After disposing of the condom, Kevin slid to her side and tucked her against his chest, spooning her.

  “G’night, Rach.”


  He kissed the top of her head and she let sleep claim her.

  Chapter Eleven

  Rachel felt as if she were floating in a dream. The past couple of days had been unreal. She and Kevin had spent as much time together as possible. He stuck with her through all of the errands she needed to run before Christmas and the Giving Tree ceremony.

  He’d set up the news conference for two days from now and she still couldn’t believe he was no longer going to be playing professional baseball. As much as she couldn’t believe it, she watched as he went through periods of not believing it himself. She figured that was natural, but it was still hard to watch. It was probably the retirement version of grief, and he was switching back and forth between denial and some other stage. She let him brood when he got that faraway look in his eyes, and his recovery time was getting shorter each time it happened.

  Now, he was meeting her at her parents’ house after running a load of toys and gifts to the community center for the Giving Tree kids.

  She heard the front door open and turned. Her mom hurried through, closing the door behind her against a cold, strong wind.

  “Hi, Mama. I didn’t think you were coming back home or else I would’ve waited for you.” She rushed to help take the bag of groceries her mom was carrying.

  “I hadn’t planned on it, but Thella Murphy handed me that bag with food items that need to be refrigerated. She made some deviled eggs and can’t make it to church tonight. She still wanted to send them along so she dropped them off with me and I’m to take them. Like there wouldn’t be enough deviled eggs at the church dinner tonight without Thella’s. Bless her heart. That woman’s heart is in the right place, but she can be annoying sometimes. Now I still need to go back out and get my own groceries.”

  “Do you need some help?”

  “Of course not. I heard you and Kevin making plans to meet up.” Her mom glanced out the window. “Speaking of, there’s your man now.”

  Rachel fought the urge to deny that Kevin was her man. On the one hand, it certainly seemed like they were well and truly together, but on the other, it was still too surreal for her to believe any of it was happening. When they weren’t spending time together, she was on the phone with her BFF talking about him. It was as if she’d been transported straight back to high school, except this time she was going out with the boy she had a crush on.

  A knock on the door and her mom was already opening it.

  “Mrs. Tanner. I didn’t get a chance to talk with you much at the community center. How’ve you been doing?” Kevin swept her mom into a big bear hug and her mom loved every second of it.

  “Put me down, boy. I know all about that arm. Your mama has talked about nothing else since you injured it.”

  He ducked his head. “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be silly. She’s been worried about you and that means I’ve been worrying about her.” Her mom covered her mouth as if sharing a deep, dark secret, except her hand was on the wrong side and she didn’t lower her voice but a touch. “Between you and me, I think she’s absolutely thrilled you’re back home. I know she was proud of you for your career and all, but that woman hasn’t stopped smiling every time I see her since you called to tell her you were home for good.”

  “She told me all the plans she and Dad have for me in helping them around the house. What I couldn’t figure out was why she needed me to do all that work when I’ve got brothers who live closer.”

  “She doesn’t like them as much as she likes you.”

  Rachel sat on the edge of the couch, watching her mom and Kevin interact, and everything fell into place. He knew her family and they knew him. He’d been hanging around this house since he was a boy and was already accepted as part of the family, even if that was only honorary right now. Could she entertain the notion of making him an official part of the family by considering marrying him?

  When she’d first gone through her separation, and again when the divorce papers were served, she’d believed that she’d never marry again. She’d tried and failed. Besides that, the man she loved would always be unattainable. But now? Now her dream was literally in front of her.

  Kevin wanted her. Was even willing to pursue her. According to Tim, that just didn’t happen.

  “You ready?” Kevin’s question pulled her from her ruminations.


  “Where are you two headed?”

  “We’re going shopping for news conference clothes. Even though the man has a bazillion dress shirts and ties already, he wants something new for this one.”

  “Hey, I’m announcing my retirement from professional baseball. I want something that’s professional but not too dressy. I don’t want to have to wear a tie. I’ve worn too many ties at these things and I always end up uncomfortable.” He shifted from foot to foot as he spoke.

  “I’m sure we’ll be able to walk right into the men’s department of a clothing store and say ‘We’re looking for something professional-looking, but not too dressy.’ No, we won’t get strange looks.”

  “Actually, that might not be a bad idea.” Rachel couldn’t believe her ears. “Now, don’t go looking at me like that. You do all your shopping at Target, sweetie. There’s nobody around to help you and once you find a shirt you like, you buy every color available.”

  Kevin snickered. Honest-to-goodness snickered.

  “You are a dead man.”

  He raised his hands in surrender.

  Her mom continued, ignoring the two of them. “I still like to shop at Belk’s. They have very helpful sales associates who are always happy to help me find something that I like and looks good.”

  Rachel bit her tongue before she let loose her gripe about teachers’ salaries.

  “Thank you, Mrs. Tanner.” Kevin leaned down and kissed her mom on the cheek. “I think I’ll take Rachel with me
to Belk’s and I’ll ask for help finding something that’s professional but not dressy.”

  “You do that. Ignore her. She only got the shopping gene for toys and school supplies. Clothes shopping gives her hives.”

  “I resemble that remark.” Rachel hugged her mom. “I’ll touch base with you later about the schedule for the Giving Tree program.”

  Her mom hugged her tight. “Don’t cause trouble, sweetheart.”


  “Yes, you. I love you, and I love seeing that smile on your face. You look...radiant.”

  “I don’t look radiant. I’m just happy.”

  “Hmph.” Her mom gave her one last squeeze, and she was off to go clothes shopping with Kevin.

  * * *

  “Why didn’t you just tell me you wanted a pullover sweater?”

  “I didn’t know I wanted it until the guy showed it to me.”

  Rachel’s emotions crossed her face as easily as the waves came up on shore and went back out. Kevin loved getting her all riled up about things because she never kept her mad on or irritation level at high for very long.

  “Fine. Since you decided to buy all sorts of things from him—‘Here you are, sir. I think this color would work very well on you.’ ‘Why, thank you, kind sir. I’ll buy anything you show me because I’m a sucker’—I expect to get a fashion show now.”

  Kevin burst out laughing with an honest-to-God belly laugh. Something that hadn’t happened in...forever. His side cramped up and he held his hand against it. The look on Rachel’s face made him laugh even harder, if that was even possible, and he thought he was going to start wheezing any minute.

  A smile spread across her face before she managed to hide it again. “What in the world is wrong with you?”

  “You. Just you. Lowering your voice. Mimicking the sales guy. Doing his gestures,” he choked out between gasps for air.

  “I’m glad you find me so amusing, but I still want a fashion show.”

  “In a bit.” He flopped on the couch, still holding his side. “Let me recover first.”

  “Last time I heard that from you, you’d finished a lot more strenuous activity than just laughing. Are you getting too old for me already?”


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