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Sensual Confessions

Page 9

by Brenda Jackson

  But Samari Di Meglio was making him lose control. His desire for her was making him not think straight. Seeing her like this, with her dark, sultry eyes staring back at him and her moist lips parted, he felt the sexual tension inside him become almost unbearable.

  A sexual hunger tore into him—more intense than before. He ignored whatever had triggered the alarm inside his head, and lowered his mouth to hers again. A sensation filled with horrific need ripped through him the moment their mouths connected. She moaned and sank against him as he shifted his body deeper into the arms she had opened to him.

  More sensations raced through him when his hand made contact with her thigh. He felt her respond to his touch as she arched her back to get closer. He couldn’t do everything he wanted to do to her in the car right now, but what he would do, what he intended to carry out, would be done in such in a way that she would always remember this place, this time tonight, with him.

  Sam felt a sense of loss when Blade slowly pulled his mouth away. She drew in a deep breath, but before she could summon any more of a response than that, she felt his hand continue its trek up her thigh. At the same time his lips brushed lightly across the bare skin above the top of her blouse.

  What he was doing with his lips and hands was causing heat to course through her veins in a way that had sensations spiking in other areas of her body. She’d heard about people making out in cars, mostly in the backseat, but she had never done it. Although she was intent on making players pay for their behavior, she drew the line on just how far she would go in her quest for revenge. She enjoyed setting them up, teasing them mercilessly, fueling their fire and then dousing them with cold water. Telling them exactly where they could go—and none too nicely.

  For some reason she had made Blade an exception. She was granting him liberties she’d never given any other man—player or otherwise. But she was convinced there had to be a good reason for this madness, and before it was all over she would regain her sanity.

  She believed the reason he’d become her weakness was because he was making her feel things she’d never felt before. It could also have been because he evoked the wild, risqué fantasies that she had kept hidden for years. They had been locked away, buried, until recently, when she became enraptured by her erotic dreams. Lately, he’d played a starring role in them. It was as if he’d found the key to her innermost sexual fantasies, secrets that she had always wanted to explore. And now she was on the verge of living out her sexual desires.

  He lifted his head and met her gaze, and she saw the naked hunger in the depths of the eyes staring back at her. He held fast to her gaze while his fingers inched farther and farther up her thigh, moving toward the juncture of her legs. Within seconds, his fingers had reached their mark and his hand flattened and gently sank into her, as if staking a claim.

  She felt the heat of his palm against the crotch of her wet panties, and the contact launched a surge of sexual heat that burned through her. Her breathing intensified while her heart thumped loudly in her chest.

  “Remember our conversation earlier tonight about dessert?” he asked in a deep, husky tone. The timbre was so sensual that she felt her pelvis clench.

  Yes, she remembered. And their verbal exchange, every single word they had spoken, his innuendo, were still vividly on her mind.

  “I remember,” she said, barely able to get the words past her lips as heat flooded her belly.

  She felt the moment he gripped the hem of her skirt and began inching it up with his free hand, the moment the air surrounding them began cooling her exposed flesh. Now was the time to stop him, to tell him that what he was about to do was totally crazy, insane. She needed to rein him in, take control and remind him they were adults and not hot-and-bothered teenagers with overactive hormones. But her mind and her body dismissed every argument that her brain was trying to make.

  Instead, her primal sexual urge overwhelmed any rational thoughts. She couldn’t do anything at that moment but remain still. And the idea made the area under the palm of his hand that much wetter. From the look of the dark eyes staring intensely at her, she knew he was aware of it. The smile that touched his lips, corner to corner, confirmed it.

  And then she watched as he lowered his head. Not to her lips, nor to her breasts, but to the area between her thighs.


  She screamed his name the moment she felt his palm being replaced by his mouth, and he began flicking the tip of his tongue against the moist spot in the crotch of her panties. It didn’t seem to bother him that they were practically drenched. The only thing he appeared to care about was savoring the taste of her.

  That thought sent a flood of pleasure through her. He gripped her hips and used his teeth to move aside her barely there panties, then proceeded to insert the hot tip of his tongue inside her.

  Her body responded immediately to the invasion. Even the leather behind her back seemed to burn at that moment. Sharp, piercing, hot strokes of pleasure shot through every part of her. When he worked her legs over his shoulders and delved his tongue even deeper inside of her, he literally stole her breath.

  How had she lived twenty-eight years and never experience something like this? She forced herself to breathe, and when his lips joined his tongue and skated over sensitive flesh, he lapped her right into an orgasm. Shudders began consuming her and she grabbed hold of his head, to keep him in place.

  His tongue and lips continued to stroke, caress and consume her as if it was his due, his every right to send passion blazing through her. And as her body continued to shudder and convulse, he held tight to her hips, refusing to release his grip as he continued to use his mouth to give her pleasure.

  She screamed his name once more when everything within her body exploded, sending sharp shards of ecstasy spiraling through her. Instead of releasing her, he spread her legs farther and continued to sip her as if she were the finest of wines. His foreplay sent bone-deep sensations all the way to her womb, making her quiver from the inside out.

  Her body felt suspended in midair and her senses were wrung tight as her womanly core became drenched with her juices. At that moment she did something she’d never done before—she purred with intense satisfaction. Searing waves of pleasure continued to overtake her, and she closed her eyes while drowning in pure rapture.

  Blade didn’t pull back his tongue until he felt the last of Sam’s spasms subside. He licked his lips, thinking that he’d never gone down on a woman like that before, with a hunger that seemed unquenchable. Her taste had tempted him. It had teased and taunted him mercilessly. Even now, the flavor of her womanly fluid had seeped into his tongue, saturated his lips and made the thick veins of his erection pulsate like crazy.

  Before he eased his head away from her, he lifted his gaze and met her eyes, which seemed dazed, hazy, stunned. Surely she’d had a man make love to her in that way before. The look in her eyes, her flushed face, took his breath away. He reached out and gently stroked his hand through her hair, which had come undone and was tumbling around her shoulders, making her look downright sexy and sated.

  He let his fingers glide through the strands, while fighting the throbbing of his aroused body part. The interior of the car had her intimate scent. The more he inhaled it, the more he wanted of it. Not only did he want to taste her again, fill his mouth with her flavor, but he wanted to sink his shaft into her, feel the wetness that he’d tasted.

  He lowered his mouth and kissed her, knowing she could taste the essence of herself on his lips and tongue. The thought of her doing so sent molten blood surging through his veins, and drove his senses wild, so much so he thought he would explode. But he couldn’t stop kissing her. He couldn’t curb the urgency of his tongue as it took hold of hers, stroking, melding, tangling. This was definitely an R-rated kiss if ever there was one.

  Finally, he released her mouth and drew in a deep breath as he leaned back against his seat. He wanted to do a lot more than just kiss her, but he knew the confines of
the car wouldn’t allow it.


  He shifted to meet her gaze. Her eyes were still hazy with a look of sensuality, and her breathy voice seemed throaty and constrained. “Yes, Sam?”

  “I have a sensual confession of my own to make,” she whispered, in a tone saturated with the aftereffects of her orgasm.

  He moved closer to her. “What’s your confession?”

  “What you did to me down there…no one…ever.”

  He released a hard, guttural breath as his mind translated what she was saying. He had suspected as much, but her confession confirmed it. She had just admitted that no man had ever done to her what he’d just done. A fierce sense of sexual pride arose in him as he shifted his body to lean closer to her lips, connecting them with his again.

  He began devouring her mouth once more, enjoying sexual pleasure everywhere his tongue touched. When she pushed him away, he literally groaned in protest.

  “I thought I saw a light, Blade.”

  He glanced out the window and saw the headlights of what looked like a security patrol car headed their way. He pulled her up on the seat. “Come on. We need to get out of here.”

  Blade watched as Sam quickly eased up in her seat. He turned on his headlights to give the impression he was about to pull away, and when the patrol car circled the parking lot and left without approaching them, he released a deep breath.

  He glanced back over at Sam and saw her straightening her clothes, tugging her skirt down her thighs. Then she ran fingers through her hair and glanced over at him.

  Not sure what she was about to say, and really not wanting to risk that it would be something he didn’t want to hear, he leaned over and kissed her again. He then pulled back, looked into her eyes and whispered, “We’ll talk about it tomorrow.”

  He appreciated that she merely nodded as he backed out of the parking space. It didn’t take long to reach where her car was parked. As soon as he pulled up beside it, she opened the door and jumped out.

  “Sam!” he called after her.

  Instead of slowing down she tossed over her shoulder the same line he’d just said. “We’ll talk tomorrow.”

  He watched as she quickly got into her car, and when her red sports car sped off across the parking lot, he was right behind her.

  Sam’s fingers tightened on her steering wheel as she drove through the streets and away from downtown. How did tonight happen? She was supposed to have been the one with the upper hand. But somehow Blade had turned the tables on her, caught her at a weak moment and taken advantage of the fact that she had lowered her guard.

  She squeezed her legs together in an attempt to stop the tingling sensation that was still there, actually pulsating out of control. His mouth ought to be outlawed. She drew in a quick breath and then thought, Umm, maybe not.

  She shook her head. She wouldn’t want his mouth outlawed, definitely not with the lingering sensations she was feeling now. Once she got home and calmed her enflamed nerves by drinking a cup of herbal tea, she would be able to recover her shattered brain cells and recoup her senses. At least now she was aware just what she was up against, and the next time she would be fully prepared.

  To be honest, a part of her, though—definitely not the area between her legs—was hoping there wouldn’t be a next time. Fool that she was, she had even confessed to him that it had been her first time.

  “That was real smart, Samari,” she muttered angrily to herself as she hit the button to roll down her car window. The cool night air blowing in her face was what she needed right now.

  Sam glanced into the rearview mirror and saw the object of her distraction was following her home again tonight. She couldn’t do anything but smile, thinking that at least she would have the upper hand in something. He evidently assumed he had primed her for the next phase of her seduction, and that she was so hot and bothered that she would tell the attendant at the security gate to let him through. It wouldn’t surprise her if Blade was already wearing a condom in anticipation.

  When she came to a traffic light her thoughts went back to what had happened in his parked car. Talk about something that had definitely been wild and risqué. And to make matters worse, she had been so absorbed in what he’d been doing to her that she hadn’t given much thought to where they were parked. Frank, who usually worked from nine at night to nine the next morning, had a habit of driving around the parking lot as part of his security duties. What if he had caught them in a compromising position? Talk about major embarrassment.

  She frowned when she saw that Blade was still following behind her as she turned into the driveway toward the security gate. He actually thought she would be gullible enough to tell the guard that it would be okay to let him through. The corners of her lips curved in a wicked smile. She would take great pleasure in bursting his arrogant bubble. She brought her car to a stop. The attendant recognized her and the security arm was lifted.

  As she drove through, she glanced back in the rearview mirror. When she saw Blade stopping at the station, she smiled as she kept on going. He would probably claim that he was with her, but the attendant on duty would not let him through under any circumstances without her consent, which she hadn’t given. That would serve Blade right, for assuming he had the upper hand after what had happened tonight.

  She had just hit the switch inside her car to open her garage door when she noticed the headlights coming toward her cul-de-sac. She blinked upon recognizing the dark sedan. There was no way. No how. But when the car pulled into the driveway next to hers, she knew for certain it was Blade.

  Everything before her turned red as she quickly switched off her ignition and got out of her vehicle at the same moment he did. He had the audacity, the sheer gall, to smile at her.

  “Out kind of late, aren’t you, Sam?” Blade said, leaning against his car as he watched her approach with a look on her face that could only be described as furious.

  “What are you doing here?” She all but flung out the words.

  He shrugged easily before saying, “This place was empty so I decided to lease it while I’m in town.”

  She stared at him for a moment before the full impact of his words seemed to sink in. He could tell the moment they did by the look in her eyes. They had sharpened to slivered glass. “Why would you do such a thing?” she all but snapped.

  He gave her a faint smile and said, “I like having you within easy reach.”

  Sam burst through her front door and slammed it shut behind her. She threw her purse on the sofa in a fury. Her Italian temper was in full bloom. She began pacing the floor, calling herself all kinds of fools ten times over. Every cell in her body, even the ones between her legs that had been throbbing earlier, were now vibrating in anger.

  How dare Blade assume he could move next door to her because, as he’d put it, he liked having her within easy reach. The nerve of the man! After he’d spouted those words she had gotten so angry that instead of giving him the response on the tip of her tongue, she had literally turned and stomped off.

  Tonight he had proved that he was no different than all the rest of the players out there. He would do whatever it took to get what he wanted, because his needs and wants were all that mattered.

  She headed for the kitchen to make a cup of tea, although she doubted anything would be able to calm her down right now. She hoped that Blade realized his actions constituted all-out war on her part, and that by the time she was finished with him, he would regret ever having crossed her path.

  Chapter 10

  The sunlight shining through the window roused Blade from sleep. He glanced around the room, thinking his ever efficient secretary had come through with shining colors, as usual. Claire had taken care of every single detail. She had already hired a cleaning service that had come in yesterday afternoon and made sure clean linens were on the bed.

  When he had checked out of the hotel, she’d hired a service to transport his belongings from the hotel to the town house.
His clothes were hanging up in the closet and his toiletries were in the bathroom. And the refrigerator was stocked with bottles of water and his favorite beer.

  When he’d walked through the door last night after his confrontation with Sam in the driveway, he had needed a beer. In fact, he could have actually used something stronger. To say she’d been upset with him was an understatement. He would give her time to cool off, time to realize that being next door to him would benefit the both of them.

  After what had happened between them in the parked car, what could possess her to continue playing her hard-to-get game was beyond him. How long would it take for her to concede that he’d gotten her already? At least partly. What they’d shared last night was a sexual act whether she wanted to admit it or not. So the way he saw it, they might as well go ahead and finished what they’d started.

  When he heard a car door slam, he swung his legs over the side of the bed and walked over to the window. He saw Sam putting something in the trunk of her car.

  He rubbed his hand down his face and wondered what time it was, figuring it had to be before eight in the morning. The clock on the wall confirmed his suspicions. He then remembered Sam had mentioned last night that she had an early appointment at the office.

  She was wearing the kind of business suit that he was beginning to recognize as her personal style. She looked professional, yet her short skirt showed off her long, gorgeous legs in a very sexy way. Today’s suit was a lime-green, and like all the others he’d seen her wear, she looked damn good in it. Her hair was down and flowed around her shoulders. A breeze was blowing and he watched as it ruffled her curls, making her hair billow like soft chiffon around her face.

  It was a face he had stared into last night, watching the afterglow of her orgasm. The orgasm he had given to her. He took pride in his skill as a lover, making it his business to assure that every woman he slept with experienced sexual pleasure.


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