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Sensual Confessions

Page 15

by Brenda Jackson

  Instead he wanted to concentrate on this—the taste of her, the feel of her tongue tangling with his. The sensations that having his mouth locked with hers were invoking within him—those were the things he wanted to focus on. Those were the things so clearly on his mind.

  She was a hard nut to crack since she still refused to acknowledge or believe that no matter what she said, her body always told a different story. He’d known the moment she had wanted him, the moment her panties had begun getting wet. He didn’t have to touch them to know it had happened. Her body had emitted a sensuous scent, an aroused scent, one he had come to know and recognize. It was a scent that pushed him to want to take things to another level, such as taste her in the most intimate way. Get inside her body and this time stay there, without any damn interruptions, whether he was wearing a condom or not.

  He heard the warning bells going off in his head. They were flashing like crazy, making all kinds of loud noise. But he would deal with all that later. Right now, the only thing he wanted to deal with was this. The tastiest woman he’d ever had the pleasure of devouring.

  The soft knock on the door broke them apart. He pulled back reluctantly and breathed in deeply. Then a frown covered his face. Whoever was at that door had better have a good reason for interrupting them.

  “What?” he called out, and none to nicely.

  The door slid open and Luke poked his head in. He glanced at both of them and Blade was certain he could clearly see Sam’s kiss-swollen lips and his still-wet mouth. And Luke had the damn nerve to smile.

  “Sorry for the interruption, but I’m just checking to make sure that the two of you are still alive in here, and haven’t done each other in.” His smile widened when he added, “It was Mac and Peyton’s idea. They were worried.”

  Blade moved toward the window, deciding to let Sam respond to that. “As you can see, we’re fine. However, we’re still discussing a few things,” she said.

  “Okay, I’ll let them know. Priscilla ordered pizza and it should be here in a few minutes. It’s best eaten when it’s hot.”

  “Fine. We’ll be out shortly,” Sam said.

  Luke nodded and then closed the door.

  Sam glanced across the room. Blade had been standing at the window, gazing out, but when Luke closed the door he had turned around with his hands in his pockets and was staring at her. She pulled in a deep breath. “I thought we settled things between us last night, Blade,” she heard herself say in a shaky voice. That had been some kiss. Her body was still tingling all over from it.

  Emotions she didn’t want to deal with, emotions she wished would stay locked where she had kept them, were rising to the surface. She tried forcing them back under lock and key and discovered she couldn’t.

  “I thought so, too,” he said. But for some reason she didn’t think he was as confused by what had happened as she was.

  “You said you wanted to talk,” she reminded him.

  She watched as he slowly walked back to her desk and sat on the edge of it. Then he said, “I’m sure you have your reasons for not telling Adams everything. I don’t have a full understanding of what those reasons are, but what I do know is that there are two women beyond that door who will do anything, even put their lives on the line if they had to, in order to protect you. Do you want that?”

  No, she didn’t. She didn’t even want to think of her own life being on the line, although after reading that card she had to face the reality that there was a strong possibility it was. “No, that’s not what I want,” she finally said, reaching for the business card Detective Adams had left her. It was a business owned by a friend of his. She picked it up. Rowdy’s Security Service. She shook her head. Security service was just another name for bodyguards.

  “And do you want to do that?” he asked, glancing at the card she held. “Hire someone to be around you twenty-four hours a day?”

  She glanced up at him. “No, but do you have a better idea? And I meant what I said about not wanting my parents to know. They would call in the darn National Guard if they thought for one moment my life was in danger.”

  Blade nodded. “You might eventually have to tell them what’s going on.”

  “I’ll cross that bridge when I come to it,” she said, tossing the business card back on her desk.

  Blade looked at her. “And to answer your question, yes, I think I have a better idea, and I want you to hear me out. Okay?”

  She wasn’t sure what his idea would be, but she was willing to listen. “Okay.”

  He stood, paced a few times and then turned back to her. “The way I see it, you’re probably safe at work and at home. Any danger you’ll face will be traveling between both places.”

  “Kind of.”

  He lifted a brow. “Kind of?”

  “Yes. I do go places other than work and home, Blade. I go grocery shopping. I get my hair done once a week. I get my nails done and occasionally a pedicure. Also, when I need to, I get a wax job and—”

  She stopped talking. Clamped her mouth shut. Too late she realized she’d given him too much information, especially since he knew firsthand about her Brazilian wax job in an up-close-and-personal sort of way. She cleared her throat. “Uh, you get the picture.”

  He met her gaze. “Yeah, I got the picture.”

  Probably more than he should have, she thought. “So as you can see I do have a life.”

  “And I’m sure you want to keep that life, so I propose that when you’re not home or at work that we hang out.”

  She lifted a brow. “Hang out?”

  “Yes. Since we live next door to each other, it will be easy for me to drop you off at work each day and come back and pick you up in the evenings. I can also make sure you get to all your errands.”

  Blood rushed through her ears upon hearing his offer. Her first impulse was to tell him where he could take his offer, almost certain that there was an ulterior motive. But then she decided to not be so quick to jump to conclusions.

  “Why, Blade? Why would you waste your time doing that? You’re an intelligent man, so I’m sure you know what I pulled last night was meant to break all ties between us.”

  He shrugged. “Breaking all ties between us is easier said than done, Sam, especially since your best friend happens to be my cousin’s wife, and her husband is a man who is as close to me as a brother. When they worry about something, then I worry.”

  She narrowed her gaze. “So you’re willing to put up with me so they won’t have to worry?”

  “That’s the gist of it. There cannot and never will be anything between us. I think we both know that.”

  She glared at him. Did he have to be so brutally honest? In a way it was for the best, since they both knew where they stood. But if that was the case, then what was that kiss all about a few moments ago? He had taken her mouth like always. Nothing had changed there. Not even her response to him. Or the fact that she wouldn’t mind too much if he decided to take her right now. She wasn’t sure why she had this fantasy about being taken on her desk, but she did.

  She shook her head, not believing the path her thoughts had taken. This was not a good day. It had started off bad and now it had ended badly. She needed a glass of wine. She needed to spend time in her sauna. A relaxing soak in her hot tub sounded real nice. She needed Blade to move away from her desk. He was too close. He definitely didn’t need to be within arm’s length of her again. And she certainly didn’t need to see up close how aroused he still was.

  She cleared her throat. “Fine, if you want to play babysitter, then knock yourself out.”

  She could tell by the expression on his face he would probably like the pleasure of knocking her out instead, given how flip her response was. But he wouldn’t. Blade was not a violent man. He might be pretty pissed off with her, but he would not hurt her. She really and truly believed that.

  And, she thought, glancing over at her flowers—or rather she hoped—that the person who’d sent them wouldn’t hurt her, e
ither. She was hoping that whoever he was, he was just trying to mess with her, scare her out of her wits. He had signed the card “an old friend.” She tried to remember how many players she had humiliated over the years. Now she would be racking her brain for the rest of the day and probably all night, trying to figure out who it could be.

  “Ready to go? I left my car at Luke and Mac’s place, which is just as well, since I’ll be using yours,” Blade said, breaking into her thoughts.

  “Whatever. We’ll take this a day at a time. I’m hoping this is all a bad joke and that nothing comes out of it.”

  “Trust me,” he said, opening the door and then leading her out. “I’m hoping the very same thing.”

  The man picked up the phone on the first ring. “Is there a problem?”

  “The flowers were delivered with a card this time.”

  He rolled his eyes. “I’m well aware of that,” he said, trying to keep his voice calm. The woman was getting on his nerves. “You said you understood why I have to do what I’m doing, and that I had your full support. Are you changing your mind now?”


  He smiled. “Good. And I’ll have something special for you when I see you again. And remember, no matter what, we’re in this thing together. All I want to do is shake her up a little bit, scare her some. Once that’s over, our life together can begin.”

  The lie coming from his lips was bittersweet. First, he would take care of Samari Di Meglio, and then she would be next. He couldn’t risk anyone ever finding out he was the mastermind behind everything. He had waited years for this opportunity.

  “Love you,” he said, repeating another lie in a deep, husky bedroom voice, trying to remind her of what had happened between them the last time they’d been together, and how good things were between them when she did what he asked.

  “Love you, too.”

  He knew she did, and he would play it for all it was worth to get the results he wanted.

  Chapter 15

  “I can’t believe I ate so much pizza.”

  Blade started the car and couldn’t help looking down at Sam’s legs. Not for the first time he thought they were definitely a luscious pair. He had been between them three times and there was still unfinished business. He still didn’t know how they would feel pinned around his back while he was locked inside her body, rocking them toward one hell of an orgasm. He felt his lower body swell just thinking about it.

  He tracked his gaze from her legs up to her face and saw that her eyes were close. And as if she felt him looking at her, she opened them and glanced over at him. She lifted a brow. “Well?”

  He swallowed. “Well what?”

  She rolled her eyes. “Can you believe I ate so much pizza?”

  He couldn’t help but chuckle. Hell, yeah, he could believe it, since he was watching each and every time she slid a slice into her mouth, recalling how she had used that same mouth on him. “Yes, I can believe it. I saw you.” He would tell her that much. “Evidently you were hungry.”

  She nodded. “I was. I skipped breakfast and figured I’d get a bite to eat later. As you know, that didn’t happen.”

  Yes, he knew.

  When she closed her eyes again he backed out of the parking lot. They rode in silence, and when he came to the first traffic light, he glanced back over at her. Her eyes were still closed, so he lowered his gaze to her thighs. Her skirt had inched up when she’d buckled her seat belt. He liked seeing her thighs, but definitely needed to say something to her about wearing those short skirts.

  He chuckled to himself, thinking he really didn’t have the right to tell her how to dress, and knowing Sam, she wouldn’t hesitate to let him know it. It wasn’t as if they were involved or anything.

  Then what the hell was he doing becoming her chauffeur? Her personal bodyguard? Frankly, he didn’t have a problem with the latter, he thought as he drove the car through traffic. If anyone needed to guard her body it might as well be him. Not that he could lay claim to it or anything. It was just the principle of the thing. He smiled, wondering just what that principle was.

  “What’s with the smile?”

  He glanced over at her. She had awakened from her nap. “Nothing important.” Then to change the subject he asked, “And what time do you plan on going into the office tomorrow?”

  He watched as she drew in a deep breath before running her hands through her hair, to take advantage of the breeze that was coming in through the window.

  “Good thing you asked,” she said. “I have an eight-o’clock appointment. Will that be a problem for you?”

  He didn’t want to tell her he usually didn’t get up before eight. So instead he lied. “No, that won’t be a problem. Will you need to stop somewhere for breakfast before you get to the office?”

  She shook her head. “No, I usually prepare my own breakfast.”

  He nodded, thinking it would be nice, since he was driving her into the office, if she invited him to join her for breakfast. When time passed and she didn’t issue an invitation, he figured he wouldn’t be getting one.

  When he came to another traffic light he glanced over at her and saw she’d closed her eyes again. Evidently, she hadn’t gotten any more sleep last night than he had.

  At that moment, he couldn’t help but wonder just what kind of relationship she had with her parents. She’d mentioned that they had attended Luke and Mac’s wedding, but then so had more than five hundred other people. Besides, he had spent his time checking out the single women and not older married couples.

  However, he did recall seeing Sam’s brother, although the two of them hadn’t been officially introduced. What he had seen was the way the man had watched Peyton every chance he got. He wasn’t the only one who’d noticed. Of course, Wyatt and Tanner had been checking Peyton out for themselves, had picked up on his territorial actions and figured it was best to keep their distance. Sam’s brother didn’t look like a person anyone would want to tangle with over a woman.

  When he made the turn into the complex, he noticed Sam’s eyes were open and she glanced around. “We’re home already?”

  A hot, tingling sensation shot through his midsection with her response. She made it sound as if they were a couple who were going to the same place, to eat together, tangle between the sheets and eventually fall asleep together. It was hard to explain, but playing house with her didn’t sound so bad.

  “Yes, we’re almost there,” he said, “just as soon as we get through Security.”

  A short while later, as they drove toward the area where their town houses were located, slowing down almost to a crawl for the speed bumps, Blade glanced over at her. “You aren’t planning on going back out any more tonight, are you?”

  “No, I’m in. I need to get all the sleep I can.”

  So did he, but he had a feeling sleep wouldn’t come easily again tonight.

  “Thanks for bringing me home, Blade, and you didn’t have to walk me to the door.”

  He came and stood beside her, much too close for her peace of mind. “Yes, I did. And I’m going to check out the inside, as well,” he said in that throaty voice that gave her goose bumps.

  “Do you really think that’s necessary?” she couldn’t help but say as she worked her key into the lock.

  “Considering everything that’s happened today, yes, I do.”

  She decided not to argue with him. Instead, after opening the door she moved aside to let him enter first. She walked in behind him and closed the door, watching as he moved around checking the rooms downstairs. She had tossed her purse on the table when he walked into her kitchen and dining-room area. When he returned and headed up the stairs, she felt a tightening in her stomach. She wasn’t sure how she felt about him being in her bedroom. That was really invading her personal space. Kicking off her heels, she quickly moved to follow him.

  “Really, Blade, is all this necessary?”

  He barely glanced over his shoulder. “You asked me that before and
I told you that it was.”

  When they made it to the landing he glanced around. “Did you know the design of your town house is identical to mine?”

  “I figured it would be.”

  He kept walking, looking into the bedrooms he passed. “How do you like having a sauna?” he asked.

  “It’s nice.” Then she frowned. “If someone is in here, then our talking out loud has taken away the element of surprise. I hope you know that.”

  Instead of responding he shrugged his muscular shoulders and kept walking. When he got to her bedroom he paused in the doorway and glanced around. She couldn’t help wondering what he was thinking, with all the shades of pink and gray. She loved the decor of her bedroom and had bought the furnishings using the money from the first case she’d won. All the pieces of her furniture, including her California-king-size four-poster bed, had been hand crafted by a furniture designer out of North Carolina named Dwight Chesley.

  “Nice bedroom.”

  She looked up at Blade. “Thanks, but I’m sure if you’ve seen one, you’ve seen them all,” she said, making light of his compliment.

  “For some reason this one is different.”

  She forced herself not to say it was probably the first bed belonging to a woman that he hadn’t been in, but decided not to do so. It was getting late and she was tired. The day had been overwhelming to say the least.

  Instead she said, “Now that you’ve satisfied your curiosity, I’ll walk you to the door.” And instead of waiting for him to move, she began walking back down the hall and then down the stairs. He didn’t immediately follow her and she could only assume that he felt the need to check out her master bath, as well. When he finally joined her downstairs, she was waiting beside the front door.


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