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Espino, Stacey - Hardcore Cowboys [Ride 'em Hard 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 12

by Stacey Espino

  Cord yanked him out of the diner into the crisp late afternoon air.

  “Put a cork in it already.”

  “What the fuck’s your problem? You like the way that old nag talked about Samantha?”

  “Of course not, but you have to choose your battles. Starting a fight with a woman isn’t something to be proud of. Don’t forget we have a reputation to uphold for the fire department.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” Val narrowed his eyes. “You ashamed of sharing a woman?”

  Cord didn’t answer, only brushed past his brother on the narrow sidewalk between the storefronts and the parking area. Was he ashamed? He wasn’t ashamed of Samantha, and he liked the idea that their relationship bonded all four of them, but he hated the idea of other people looking down on them and their choices. They didn’t work for the fire department, only volunteered, but it was as much a part of him as raising cattle. Would being public about their unusual relationship get him and Val kicked out of the department? He needed to decide what was more important in his life. A job wouldn’t love him or keep him warm at night. Then why did he have such a hard time admitting what he truly wanted?

  Chapter Sixteen

  Wyatt laughed. His wide, white-toothed grin was too cute for her to throttle him. He’d denied her, time and time again, bringing her to the edge and leaving her there. Now she felt more animal than woman, desperate and dirty. She barely noticed her nudity or remembered where they were. All that mattered was Wyatt and the relief his muscular body could bring her. Forget his rules, too, because there wasn’t anything he could do that was worse than this.

  “Take off your clothes,” she demanded, clawing at him.

  He moved out of reach, increasing her irritation. She slipped off the counter onto her bare feet and followed him as he backed up, his playful grin teasing her. With his tight Wranglers, she could easily spot his long, thick erection pressed diagonally behind the denim. How much control could a man possess? He held back just to torture her?

  “Feisty now, aren’t you, little pussy cat.”

  He held her wrists as she tried to pull off his shirt. Wyatt was too strong. His hands shackled her like iron manacles. His strength, dominance, and self-control turned her on, but his failure to give her what she needed pissed her off.

  “Damn you, Wyatt Carson!”

  He released her without warning, and she crashed against his hard chest. “I didn’t think you had it in you.” Wyatt proceeded to snag the hem of his shirt, pulling it off over his head. When her hands and body met the warmth of his smooth, bare flesh, she nearly melted on the spot. Her anger dissipated and her needs grew—not just unadulterated lust, but the need to be loved, wanted, required.

  With her forearms resting against his chest, palms flat on his pecs, she dared to look up into those ocean-blue eyes. The humor had fled, leaving only intensity in his gaze. He leaned down and kissed her, deeply, thoroughly. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed her body tight against the length of his, wanting to be as connected as possible.


  “Don’t worry, sweetheart. I’ll take good care of you,” he whispered against her lips before scooping her up into his arms, kissing her as he walked to the back of the store.

  God, she loved him. Loved him? These were crazy thoughts from reading one too many romance e-books. But this was real, wasn’t it?

  Before they reached what she assumed was a private back room, the glass front door opened, the bells rattling violently. She curled herself into the smallest ball, hugging Wyatt tighter. He only turned enough to see the unwanted stranger, without exposing her nakedness.

  “Well I’ll be!”

  She peeked over Wyatt’s arm to see Cord standing just inside the entrance. His expression was anything but friendly. Val came in a minute later, freezing in his tracks when he saw the source of Cord’s irritation.

  “What are you two doing here? Spying on me?” Wyatt’s voice was rough and carried a barely hidden threat. She felt cocooned and protected in his arms but didn’t want to be kept from the twins, whom she also cared for.

  Cord crossed his arms over his chest. “We were worried about Samantha when we got home to an empty house. But I can see you’re taking good care of her.” The sarcasm in his voice dripped like venom. Despite the cold weather outside, Cord only wore a partially buttoned-up checkered shirt, his muscled shoulder and chest peeking out from the flannel. Val wore a padded navy jacket, his dirty-blond hair in disarray. Both men caught her attention, staring at her with wanton desire. Their threatening posture softened the longer they held eye contact.

  “You can see she’s just fine. I only came out to buy her some clothes.”

  Val shook his head and scoffed. “Considering she’s not wearing any, I’d say that’s a good idea, brother.”

  Wyatt lowered her to her feet as the twins closed the distance between them.

  “What’s going on here, Wyatt? Chase’s aunt says you ran her out of the store.” Cord’s voice softened when he addressed her. “You okay, darlin’?”

  “I’m fine.” She still pressed her body to Wyatt’s in an attempt to gain a little dignity. The intrusion squelched her unbridled desire, but it lingered just under the surface. But the situation changed abruptly when the door opened again and two strange men waltzed in. They were rugged Canadian cowboys, no different than her men.

  She couldn’t help but squeal, pulling Wyatt down as if his body could shelter her like a blanket.

  * * * *

  “This the girl you’re talkin’ about?” asked Grant, trying to look around Wyatt’s frame.

  His hackles rose significantly. Wyatt didn’t want another man getting a glimpse of Samantha in her state of undress. She was for Carson eyes only. His heart rate picked up, and he unconsciously clenched his jaw. Where the fuck was all this malevolent energy coming from? Yes, he was pent up and disturbed in the heat of the moment, but there was so much more. He wanted to throttle his friends just for mentioning the woman in his arms. God knew he fought for less when traveling on the road. This situation evoked buried passions, making him lethal if his friends dared to try and take what was his or even say one ill word against Samantha.

  “That’s right. Now get out. She ain’t your concern,” said Val.

  Val surprised him. Always cool, collected, and the voice of reason, he was acting out of character. Samantha brought out the beast in all of them.

  “Maybe she’ll like me too.” Jared pushed past Val, but in seconds Val and Cord blocked them from moving farther, the solidness of their bodies creating a virtual wall.

  “Get out, unless you want more trouble than you can handle.” Cord probably itched for a fight after the long winter locked in the house, but at least he was helping Val get rid of their nosey friends. Wyatt didn’t want bad blood between them, but he certainly didn’t want them getting an eyeful of Samantha. And he had unfinished business with his woman.

  After ushering the two men out of the store, Val bolted the lock before returning his attention to Samantha. With the idiots looking in through the large plateglass window, Wyatt led her to the back room. Boxes were stacked high in every corner. There was a small desk and file cabinet cramped to the right and a threadbare sofa and mini fridge to the left. It was warmer back here, too, since it was windowless and away from the large, drafty front of the store.

  “Why’s her ass so red?” asked Cord when his brothers joined them in the private room.

  “I punished her,” Wyatt stated proudly, daring his brother to challenge him.

  Instead of throwing a fit, he smirked, an evil gleam in his eyes. If anyone understood him, it was Cord. Val he wasn’t so sure, but he usually went along with anything his twin was in to.

  Valentine was a well-suited name for his brother. He always spent a fortune on his dates, wining and dining—a hopeless romantic. But in this case, Wyatt and Cord cared for Samantha as much as he did. They were just going to make things a bit mor
e interesting.

  “Was she naughty, then?” Cord took a hold of her upper arm, prying her from the shelter of Wyatt’s body. She immediately went to cup her intimate parts. “Right. Hiding your beautiful body from us, darlin’?” He leaned in close, pulling down her arms and whispering in her ear. “You’re ours.”

  She nodded slowly, following instruction, and not attempting to cover herself when Cord let go. Her eyes returned to that half-mast state, her lips parted. Did she want more of what they all shared back in his bedroom? Did she crave to be fucked by all three of them again? He hoped she was addicted. Addicted enough never to leave them.

  “You guys are worse than the horny wolves,” she muttered.

  Wyatt wasn’t sure what she was talking about, but it didn’t matter. He needed her, and she needed them.

  “Did you like it when Wyatt spanked you, sweet thing?” Cord began his exploration of her body, running his hands over the curves of her hips, across her stomach, and up to her breasts. Her nipples were tight little buds, dark and tempting.

  “You want her to obey? Have her come over here.” They all turned toward the sofa where Val now sat, his clothes off and cock jutting out from between his parted legs.

  They had nothing with them, not even lube. Wyatt honestly hadn’t planned for this to happen. All he wanted to do was give Samantha anything she wanted or needed. After clothes shopping, he’d take her out to eat before returning home. But he couldn’t seem to control his darker desires when around her, plus it had been days since their last ménage encounter. Wyatt knew his brothers were just as pent up as he was. Would they all take her here? Now?

  * * * *

  Val could only give thanks to his higher power for leading his life in this direction. He and Cord were hanging on by the last thread when Wyatt and Samantha had showed up at their door during the snowstorm. Now he had his oldest brother back, his twin had a new spark of life, and the woman of his dreams was playing along with all of their fantasies. And fuck did Val have fantasies. He may play the gentleman, but he knew about Cord’s X-rated fetishes, no different than Wyatt’s. They liked to dominate their women, use them as sexual toys in kinky games. He’d have stopped this party before it started if he wasn’t certain his brothers loved her, and they did, without needing to say the words.

  They all converged on the sofa. Samantha’s eyes were riveted to Val’s cock, which was engorged to the point of pain. Finding her naked and knowing she was willing to play games made him harder than forged steel. He could already imagine her body accepting his length as she sat on his lap and couldn’t wait for the real thing.

  “Sit on Val’s cock, baby doll. Look how hard he is, just for you.” Wyatt coaxed her forward with a kiss to her shoulder blade and a hand to the small of her back. Her body was soft, curvy, and petite, and her skin a soft mocha with not a blemish in sight. He couldn’t wait to feel her body, kiss her lips, and fuck her ass.

  When she stood in front of him, she began to climb over his lap to straddle him. He pumped his cock as her luscious body moved in on him. She ran her hands over his shoulders and chest.

  “Turn around,” he ordered, his own voice surprising him. He wanted to claim her sweet little ass, so round and firm. His older brother had the chance to experience anal sex with her, and now it was his turn. He loved anal, loved the too-tight squeeze the forbidden act offered.

  He gripped her hips and kissed the globes of her ass. Wyatt and Cord both latched on to her exposed breasts, sucking greedily. Without lube, he had to gather some natural moisture for her cunt. He used his knee to spread her legs wider as she stood in front of him. With two fingers, he impaled her pussy. She yelped and tensed before melting, trying to sit on his lap. He finger fucked her long enough to get the juices flowing and trailed the moisture to her ripe ass.

  “Okay, Samantha. Come sit on my cock. I’m gonna fuck your ass good and hard, but I’ll go slow at first.”

  She squatted down without being asked twice, her hand rubbing her own clit as she lowered into place. Val held his dick at the base, aiming it at her tight rosette. She cried out when he shoved the first inch inside her, so he held still despite his raging needs.

  Wyatt’s arms stretched out on either side of Val’s head as he braced himself to kiss Samantha. She used one arm to wrap around his neck, kissing back with equal passion, the other hand still toying with her clit. Val took the opportunity to feed his cock deeper, tugging her down so she could impale herself on his erection. She gasped as he filled her, stretched her. Damn, she felt tight and hot sheathing his cock. “You’re so big. I feel so full,” she said.

  “You’ll feel plenty full once I get my dick inside you too. You’re going to pay for being naughty in the store.” Wyatt unzipped his jeans, letting them drop past his ass. He lowered himself to his knees and spread Samantha’s thighs wide. When he began sucking her cunt, she dropped back to lean on Val’s chest. It was on. No more warming up, no more playing. They had all passed that point of no return, the scent of sex strong in the air.

  Cord joined them on the sofa, balancing on a knee as he gave careful attention to her breasts. She wiggled against Val’s cock, fully seated and throbbing.

  * * * *

  Samantha couldn’t take the sweet torture a second longer. Was Wyatt going to deny her again, or had they passed the time for games? His tongue was merciless, bringing her to that pre-orgasmic zone she could revel in all day long. Heat crept throughout her body, and sounds became muffled as she focused on her pleasure and little else.

  “Wyatt. Enough!” roared Val. His big dick was wedged firmly in her ass, filling a void and stealing the last of her inhibitions. She wanted it rough and dirty. Wyatt pulled away from her clit, leaving her teetering on the verge of begging for more.

  Then the brothers shifted her pliant body slightly to the side to allow Wyatt to mount her and thrust his cock inside her. He filled her soaking pussy until her body was so full of cock she thought she’d explode. They were all there, around her, in her, fucking her, kissing her. Cord fondled her breasts and brought her hand to the front of his jeans. Of course, he was just as hard as the two dicks occupying her body. He unbuckled his pants as the other two men worked her body, pushing, grunting, grinding.

  Samantha’s head lolled back on her neck as her cowboys continued their wicked invasions. She pumped Cord’s shaft—enjoying the silky texture and the fact he was hard just for her. The thought of ever sharing a single one of them left a bitter taste in her mouth. They were hers. What woman in her right mind would give up such a good thing? The best sex she ever had or could imagine, men who cared for her, and the promise of forever. What about love? She knew she needed it, which was just one of the reasons she had broken up with Dave. Love was the one thing she demanded from a relationship.

  “It’s coming,” she murmured.

  Her pussy felt like a pressure gauge about to blow its top…building, building, building. Then she detonated, her body jolting so violently, she gripped Wyatt’s shoulders to stabilize herself. Waves of heat pulsed through her, making her tighten around the two cocks sharing her body. She watched Cord, his beautiful blue eyes staring down at her as she pumped his swollen shaft, his teeth gritted as he neared orgasm. Then he came, only moments after her, his hot, sticky cum spraying over her neck and breasts. Her lovers groaned and squeezed and fucked until they, too, reached their peaks.

  And this was just the beginning. Samantha could only imagine the wicked delights these hardcore cowboys could bring her in the future. She knew they held back, especially Wyatt. There was no need, not when the dormant side to her sexuality had awakened.

  Chapter Seventeen

  The shift in weather had been dramatic. Last week had been the storm of the decade, and now spring was fighting to take over. Birds sang, snow melted at a rapid pace, and the sunshine never let up. Today Samantha was alone because life on a busy ranch didn’t come to a halt because of one woman. She’d just had breakfast and decided to get a good
look at the place, to get a peek into these men she knew so little about.

  The mementos around the room were all dusty and aged. Nothing a bachelor would possess, yet this ranch held three of the finest. Why couldn’t they let go of the past? Wyatt wouldn’t even talk to her about it, and Cord wasn’t comfortable discussing his feelings. The only brother she could get through to at all was Val. If it were not for him, she wouldn’t know half the things she did about their childhood, their struggles, or the parents since passed on. Every time she uncovered something new, she grew a bit more attached, a bit more lost to the Carson brothers.

  She looked out the big picture window and saw Cord and Val on horseback, herding cattle into the paddock. It amazed her that patches of brown grass could be seen when a week ago the land had been impassable due to heavy snow. She could already envision the beauty of the land in the summer months.

  The men wouldn’t be inside any time soon, so she decided it was a good time to check in on her life back home. The phone service had been restored for a few days, but she didn’t have the nerve to call into work after disappearing for over a week with no contact. It was so easy to avoid reality and forget her worries when she reveled in this fantasy life. But the rental still needed to be dealt with, and if she were to return home, she’d need a job waiting for her.

  First she called her apartment to check her messages. What she heard shocked her. She’d half expected a call from Keith to say she was fired, but instead it was a message from the general manager offering her an entry-level management position. Even though she didn’t have the education to back her up, God knew she had worked there long enough. It had been her first and only job, with over a decade committed to the restaurant. She wanted to jump up and down and twirl until she was dizzy. She wanted to run out into the snow in her socked feet to tell Wyatt, Cord, and Val the good news. Stuff like this just didn’t happen to her. Now she could have a bit of a financial cushion in between paychecks and help her mother.


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