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Sinclair Summer

Page 13

by Beth Bowland

  “From the guys in the suits,” I whispered to Chu. He nodded as we listened to Mrs. Maxwell.

  “One morning I checked on the plants as I did each day, and one of the test flowers had doubled in size overnight. Well, I thought this was it…Saturn has discovered a new growth hormone. I figured it would be a time of celebration, until I stumbled across some paperwork in the lab. I recognized some of the chemicals that were purchased, and they were all illegal and banned from the United States. I had no idea where he could possibly get these items. I checked our bank account, and it was almost depleted. Large sums of money were transferred to some foreign bank accounts.”

  “That’s a major red flag,” Mrs. Sanchez said. “Did you ask him about it?”

  “Yes. I confronted him, and everything spiralled downhill fast,” Mrs. Maxwell answered. “He shut me out of the experiments, opened a separate bank account, and became very distant, spending hours in the basement by himself. Then, somehow, Keith began assisting him, but at the time I wasn’t sure how he tied into Saturn’s plan. I could only watch as different materials and products were delivered during the night. But that didn’t stop me from snooping. I found out…”

  Mrs. Maxwell paused and thought for a moment. “Hmm, I’ll try to explain this so you can understand.”

  “Please do,” Mrs. Sanchez said.

  “Saturn discovered a chemical in various vegetables that, when mixed with an active ingredient found in catnip and a few other illegal things, created a reaction that caused plants to rapidly grow.”

  “Whoa!” Ivelisse said. “That would explain the crazy reactions from the cats when he was around.”

  Mrs. Maxwell nodded.

  “That’s almost too incredible to believe. And all of this going on right next door,” Dr. Jackson said.

  “Yes, and unfortunately, he used several of your yards as testing sites,” Mrs. Maxwell added.

  A crackling in the distance told us the late-night fireworks display was about to begin. Soon the sky was on fire with bright colors exploding to music blaring from speakers in the park.

  “Guys, you realize we’re only halfway through the summer, right?” Farkas said. “I can’t even imagine what could happen during the last half.”

  “I can’t either,” I said, then noticed Chu sitting very quietly. “Are you okay?”

  “Man…” Chu stared off into the distance. “These streets will eat you alive. Holding it down for my block. Everyday…it’s the hard-knock life.”

  I cracked up laughing. “Chu, what block?” I asked. “We live in a gated community, dude.”

  Chapter 26

  THE NEXT MORNING I awoke feeling oddly refreshed and empowered. After eating breakfast and going over last night’s events with Mom and Kiara, I went out to check the mail. I paused in the front yard and glanced over toward the Maxwells’. The yellow caution tape still surrounded the house. I was pulled from my thoughts by the mail carrier who had just pulled up.

  After I retrieved the mail, I leaned against the mailbox and flipped through the stack of letters.

  “Good morning, Katrina,” Dr. Jackson said.

  I hadn’t noticed him walk up.

  “Fun night, huh?” I said.

  Dr. Jackson smiled at me. “An interesting night. Katrina, you’re very courageous for having gone through this. Kiara told me how strong you were for her. You kept everyone calm by taking charge. I admire you, young lady.” He hugged me.

  “Well, thanks for taking care of my mother.”

  “Your mother is very special to me, and I hope to become more involved in your lives as well.” Dr. Jackson looked directly at me as he raised his eyebrows and smiled.

  I returned a smile. I guess he wasn’t so bad. I gave him another quick hug before he continued up the walkway.

  “Hey, wassup?” a voice said behind me.

  I turned around and sitting on a bike in front of me sat Heaven itself, smiling and wearing baggy jeans and a T-shirt.

  “I’m Rodney. We just moved in down the street.”

  My tongue felt glued to the roof of my mouth. I managed to unstick it and answered, “I’m Katrina.”

  OMG! What a cutie-pie. I could feel my heartbeat speeding up.

  Rodney smiled and nodded. “I heard the hangout around here is the park.” As he spoke, his left eyebrow raised slightly.

  I wondered if he had a girlfriend. “Yeah, it’s right past the house at the end of the cul-de-sac.” Rodney was the cutest guy I’d ever laid eyes on.

  “Is that where you hang out?”

  “All the time,” I answered.

  Did I mention he had the most gorgeous, hazel eyes that sparkled against his golden honey skin?

  Rodney nodded toward Mr. Maxwell’s house. “Do you know what happened in that house last night? My dad heard something about some crazy scientist lived there.”

  “Oh, yeah!” I nodded. “I can give you all the details.”

  “Sweet.” He grinned. “Hopefully, I’ll see you later.”

  “Yeah, hopefully.”

  “Do you have a bike?” Rodney asked.

  I nodded. “Yeah.”

  “Maybe you could show us around.”


  He grinned. “I have a twin brother named Raj, and he always wants to tag along.”


  “Drives me crazy, but he’s cool.” Rodney laughed as he turned his bike around and left. “See you at the park,” he shouted over his shoulder.

  After watching him pedal away until he disappeared around the corner, I couldn’t wait to tell Ivelisse about Rodney.

  I put the mail back into the mailbox and headed toward her house.

  “Where are you going off to so fast?” Chu yelled. He was leaving out his front door.

  “Over to see Ivelisse.” Giggles bubbled up inside, and I felt like dancing.

  “Okay, cool. Tell her I said wassup. I’ll catch up with you guys later.”

  I started running again.

  “Hey,” Chu shouted.

  I stopped and turned around.

  “Have you seen Andre yet this morning?”



  Hello Book #2. Sooo happy to see you! ;)

  Thank you, Lord, for the gift of creativity.

  Thanks to the Musa Publishing staff and a special thank you to Susan Sipal my wonderful editor—it’s been so much fun working with you. Kelly Shorten—for the best cover ever! Coreen Montagna, the fabulous book designer. Thank you all for making Sinclair Summer sparkle.

  To my readers—Thank you for your continued support! {{{HUGS}}}

  To my oh so awesome beta readers & supporters—Toni Price, Gloria Caldwell, Patrick Dillon, Michelle Dorsey, Candace Norris, Erick Trotter, Joy Tolliver-West, Patricia Givand-Holt & Greta Hillman. My young angels: Sarah Rozeboom, Christina Poole & Samone Makayla Sturkey.

  To my daughter Shannan—just for being you.

  Thank you to my wonderful family & friends.

  To my hubby, Phil. Thank you for your love and support. You’re the best!

  About the Author

  Beth Bowland, a native Ohioan, has always enjoyed reading and making up stories of her own. She writes picture books and middle grade fiction. When she’s not writing, she loves watching HGTV. She has one daughter and resides in Arlington, Texas, with her husband, Phillip, and feisty 5lb Maltese, Rocky.







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