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Chelsea's Chastisement

Page 4

by Tara Rose

  “We’re not going to hurt you.”

  “You think sex with three men won’t hurt?”

  He pulled away and gently cupped her face. “I promise you, we will not let that happen. We’ll make sure you enjoy it.”

  “I don’t even know you.” She’d never had a one-night stand in her life, and she’d never had sex with more than one man at a time.

  “We have the rest of our lives to get to know each other.”

  “I can’t do this.”

  He released her face and took her hand. “Come on. Sit down again. It’s a great shock to the women of your world when they cross over. But we’d like to help ease the transition.”

  “With sex? You think that will make this better?”

  He brushed a finger up her arm with his free hand, and the jolt of electricity that shot straight to her clit forced a moan from her. Where the hell had that come from? “No, but it would certainly help take your mind off it.”

  She sat on the sofa again only because her head was now spinning. How could this be real? And yet, it was. The food she’d eaten and the punch she’d drank was real. These men were real. She could touch them, see them, smell them, and hear them. She hadn’t tasted them, but she might. This could actually happen. She could end up fucking three men before this night was over.

  This room was real. The guards and that creepy, lecherous man who’d found her in the dark hallway and brought her to that room were real. Her maid and that servant in one of the other rooms were real.

  “So that’s why you chose me? For sex?”

  “Not only for that,” said Roland.

  “But mainly for that.”

  “It’s our birthright,” said Denver.

  “And what would have happened to me if you three hadn’t come along?”

  Archer snorted. “I think my father might have claimed you.”

  “That man was your father?”

  He gave her an apologetic look. “Yes. Mitchell is his name. My mother’s been dead ten years and he just gets worse and worse all the time.”

  “I’m very sorry.”

  “He is who he is. And his behavior isn’t all that unusual here, so be aware of that.”

  This was real. They had parents, and siblings, and lives here. This is what they did. They didn’t know any other way. It was likely they’d find customs in her world odd as well, but that knowledge didn’t help right now.

  Her world… Was it really true she’d never see it again?

  She let her gaze travel over each of them once more, slowly this time. She could do worse, that’s for sure. They were easily the most handsome men she’d ever seen up close and personal. Their clothing was made of fine linen and soft wool, with elaborate trim work. It also couldn’t hide their muscles, and she already knew at least one of them had a rock hard erection.

  If they’d wanted to hurt her, or simply take her, they could have done so by now. She’d be powerless against even one of them, let alone all three. She could do far worse, and it had been such a long, long time since she’d had sex. Or even been kissed and held.

  “What about STDs?”

  “We are immune to your diseases,” said Denver.

  Was that a faint smile on his face?

  “And pregnancy…am I here to have your children as well?”


  Roland rose and crossed the room. “There is a potion our women drink to prevent becoming with child. It works quite well as long as it’s taken the same time every day.” He pulled a bell cord, and almost instantly the door she’d opened earlier swung ajar again. When the servant appeared, Roland asked him to procure a bottle of potion. The young man nodded and retreated back into the room. How had he known what Roland meant? How often did they do this?

  “And do you do this with others? I mean with other women?”

  “No,” said Archer. “Only with you from this day forward.”

  “How often would you expect me to have sex with each of you?” She couldn’t imagine fucking three men at once, let alone doing it all the time. But even as the images danced around her brain, she was more aroused by the idea than fearful of it. It had a dark, decadent quality to it that Chelsea had never explored. Maybe it was time to try something different? Something exciting and edgy?

  This can’t be real!

  The door opened, and the young man handed Roland a dark bottle. Roland brought it to her and unstopped it, then handed her a small plastic cap along with the bottle. The sickly sweet smell of licorice wafted past her nose. “One capful now, and one each morning.”

  “Just that easy?”

  His sexy knowing grin nearly forced another moan from her. “Just that easy.”

  She drank it and grimaced. “Nasty taste.”

  “You’ll get used to it.”

  She had a lot of things to get used to here. This potion’s taste would be the least worrisome of all.

  Roland took a seat near the other two, and then Archer leaned forward. “To answer your question of how often, that’s up to us.”

  “Us as in you three? Do I get a say-so in it at all?”

  “Of course you do. I told you, we don’t want to hurt you.”

  She stared at her hands for long moments, trying to make sense of everything they’d told her since she’d fallen through that painting. None of it made sense, but there was no denying it was real. She couldn’t pretend this was a dream, or a vivid hallucination.

  “What are my other options?”

  Denver reached over and placed a finger under her chin, and she tipped her head up to meet his dark, sexy eyes. “You can become a servant, or look for work in the surrounding towns. You don’t have to stay here with us if you really don’t want to.”

  His gaze was so intense, she found it difficult to take a full breath. “Why do I get the feeling you’re also telling me that’s not something I’d want to do?”

  “Because it’s true. These are dangerous times. If anyone outside this castle knew a woman from your world was living unprotected, away from the castle, they might try to gain information from you, or use you in some way to threaten us. The same thing would surely happen if you chose to become a servant inside this castle.”

  “And,” said Archer, “you would not have any protection from certain individuals who prey on servants for sexual favors.”

  “Not to mention we would look like fools,” said Roland, quietly. “While I realize that’s likely less of a concern for you than your own safety is, what you need to understand is that we have chosen you. This isn’t something a prince takes lightly. In doing so, it also becomes our solemn vow to protect you, as Archer explained. If you choose to leave the castle, or if you choose to become a servant instead, we cannot keep you from harm’s way.”

  She didn’t want to start some huge political upheaval simply because she was reluctant to succumb to a fate she hadn’t chosen. And at least here, she knew what she had. Out there, she had no clue. What they’d told her of their kingdom so far didn’t sound stable or safe. If she truly was stuck here, she’d be far better off with these three looking after her.

  “May I use the bathroom, please?” She had to get away from their piercing gazes, and all those muscles, so she could think. The sexy aura coming off these three was like something out of an erotic fairy tale. How did they do it? Did it come from inside them, or had they truly drugged her?

  “Of course.” All three jumped up at once, and she couldn’t help but smile. Maybe underneath all this talk of taking what was theirs by birth, they were gentlemen, after all? Roland was closest, so she followed him to another door. Through it was a bedroom, and it smelled like sage and lavender. He pointed toward yet another door. “Through there. Can you find your way back to the sitting room?”

  “Yes. Thank you.” She glanced around. “Whose room is this?”

  He frowned for a second, then spotted something on the dresser and smiled. “Looks like it’s mine now.”

  “You mean you
all change rooms when you choose a woman from our world?”

  “Yes. I’ll wait here for you. I want to arrange my things the way I like them.”

  She smiled because that was such a normal thing for him to say. It grounded her, and the sensation she might slip away began to abate. She went into the bathroom, and then after she took care of business, she placed a cold washcloth on her neck for a few moments.

  As she sat on the edge of an elaborate bathtub, she tried to clear her mind. What was needed here was a fresh perspective. Just file away everything they’d told her, and go back into that sitting room to start anew. Hear them with an open mind. Yes. That’s what she would do. It was the way she’d always attacked a difficult problem, and it would work for her now.

  She went back into the bedroom to find Roland rummaging through drawers. “May I ask you a personal question?”

  “Of course.”

  “You’re all really good-looking, sexy men. Why do you need to entice women through the portraits just to have sex?”

  He crossed the room and sat on the bed, then motioned her over. As she walked toward him, she found herself wanting to fall into those deep blue eyes of his, and never resurface. The sensation was so unfamiliar to her that she had to avert her gaze for a few seconds until it passed.

  When she reached him, he placed his hands on her waist, and a soft moan escaped her throat before she could stop it. The room smelled so good, and being this close to him, alone, was overpowering.

  “We don’t have to entice them. There are plenty of willing servant girls and peasants, but that’s not what we want. It’s not the reason we choose women from your world. We want more than that. We want a willing partner for life, not merely for a few stolen moments in an empty room.”

  She took several deep breaths while she let his words sink in. “So I’m here for life? You weren’t kidding about that? I mean with you three?”

  “Yes. We certainly hope so. And we also hope that in time, you’ll come to like us and enjoy us.”

  “How can you know something like that? I mean, you keep saying you chose me. You saw me for what…three seconds? How did you know I’m what you want?”

  His gaze became serious, and she shivered, but not from cold or fear. The lust coursing through her body was intoxicating. “You called to us,” he said quietly. When he brushed his hand gently across her face, she moaned a second time. “Tell me you find us repulsive, and I won’t bother you again.”

  “If I said that, I’d be lying.”

  His smile wasn’t smug or knowing. Rather, he looked relieved. “I’m so happy to hear that. We don’t find you repulsive, either. In fact…” He pulled her close until she could count his rather long eyelashes, even in the dim light. “In fact, we find you quite beautiful.”

  When he kissed her, it wasn’t a surprise. She moved closer to him before his mouth touched hers, and when he tangled his fingers in her hair, she parted her lips to let his tongue inside. Fireworks exploded behind her closed eyelids, and a loud, continuous moan escaped her throat as he deepened the kiss.

  Holy cow. If they all kissed like this, she’d just hit the mother lode.

  Chapter Five

  Chelsea jumped slightly as the door opened and Roland broke the kiss. He grinned at something over her shoulder. “Sorry. I got carried away.”

  “Has she consented then?” asked Archer.

  Roland turned his gaze back to her, raising his brows in an unspoken question. This was it. All she had to do was say one little word, and she’d know how each of them kissed. She’d know what it felt like to have sex with three men at once. She’d see what those muscles really looked like, and she’d have those rock hard dicks inside her.

  Chelsea swallowed hard. “You promise you’ll be careful? I’m not a virgin, but it’s been a long time. And I’m a bit…um…intimidated at the thought of three of you at once.”

  Roland kissed her cheek gently. “I promise you that we will not hurt you.”

  She nodded. “Okay then. Yes. My answer is yes.”

  Roland gave her a smile full of lust and gratitude, and she wondered suddenly how lonely these men might be. He said they’d seduced servants and peasant girls. That didn’t sound the same as finding a long-lasting relationship. Was it possible they were each just as desperate for human contact as she was?

  He kissed her again, and this time she pushed closer to his warm, hard body and didn’t try to hold back her moans as his tongue slid inside her mouth. When hands caressed her ass cheeks and back, she knew they weren’t Roland’s because his were tangled in her hair once more. The realization that all three men were here, and they each would be doing this to her, sent her arousal through the roof.

  Roland released the kiss, and then Archer turned her to face him and bent his head to kiss her. It was official. He kissed as well as Roland did. She wrapped her arms around his broad shoulders and returned the kiss with as much fervor as she could muster, but it didn’t take a great effort to do so. Every happy thought she’d ever had bubbled up, and she had to fight not to giggle.

  This wasn’t scary. And it certainly didn’t hurt. It was heady and raw. It was animalistic and more fun than she’d ever imagined anything could be. When he released her mouth, he cupped her face and gazed into her eyes with a dark, sexy gaze. “Wow. Thank you. I can’t wait to taste every inch of you.”


  She barely had time to catch her breath before Denver pulled her into his arms and planted a kiss on her that was so hot, she felt sure she’d simply combust. Had they done this before? Shared a woman among the three of them? When he released her mouth, she asked.

  “No,” he said. “Never. In fact, I have a confession to make. We were out riding when you crossed over earlier, and I told these two I wasn’t sure I could have sex with a woman while two other men were in the mix.”

  She smiled. It was such an honest, open thing to say, and she appreciated the candor. “And now?”

  His grin sent a rush of endorphins racing through her that had her moaning softly again. “Now, I can’t wait to see you naked.”

  She stepped back, and before she lost her nerve, pulled off her tank top. The three went slack-jawed as they stared at her breasts. Breathing heavily now, she pulled off her shorts, taking the panties with them. No sense in keeping them on. She slipped out of her sandals and stood before them, naked, without the least bit of fear or hesitation. Chelsea had never behaved this way, and she liked it. She liked it a lot.

  “You’re stunning,” said Roland. “Truly.”

  “Beautiful,” said Archer.

  “I don’t know where to go first,” said Denver.

  It touched her soul that these three big, strong men were rendered motionless by the sight of a naked woman. She’d never thought of herself as any great beauty, but the look in their eyes right now made her feel like the sexiest woman in any world.

  “May I undress you three?”

  They exchanged a surprised yet delighted glance, and this time she did laugh. Roland narrowed his eyes, and gave her a frown that made her shiver. “Are you laughing at us?”

  “Yes, Sire. I guess I am.”

  “You know, by rights, I should put you over my knee and spank that rather delectable looking ass of yours for doing so.”

  Chelsea’s jaw dropped, and all she could focus on was the memory of the woman in the painting, being flogged, paddled, and struck with a leather strap. Would they do those things to her? Could she handle it if they did? The mere idea of Roland spanking her right now sent wetness to her pussy and made her clit throb.

  “Is that a yes?” he asked softly.

  “Oh God…”

  They stared into each other’s eyes for long moments, and then a slow, sexy grin spread over his face. She didn’t move. She couldn’t.

  “Come over here, Chelsea.”

  His voice mesmerized her. Even when Denver took her hand and led her closer to where Roland sat, she didn’t speak. She co
uld barely breathe. He held her gaze for a few more seconds, as if making up his mind about something, and then he asked her a question which she didn’t hear.

  “What? Sorry. Could you repeat that, please?”

  “I asked you if you’ve ever been spanked.”

  “No. Nothing kinky.”

  He brushed a finger along her face and she moaned loudly. “But you want to be, don’t you?”

  “Yes,” she whispered.

  “What did you see the men do to the woman in the painting?”

  How did they know anything was done to her? “There were three of them. They paddled her, and used a leather strap on her, and a flogger, I think.”

  “And how did that make you feel?” His voice was so deep now, and so damn seductive. How had she not heard those tones in it earlier?

  “Like I wanted it done to me.” Should she tell them she’d been masturbating right before she fell into that painting?

  He nodded slowly. “Good.” Roland brushed a finger over each nipple, and she gasped. “Because we’d love to help you explore that side of yourself.”


  He grabbed her around the waist and positioned her across his left thigh, and she closed her eyes as the unfamiliar sensations washed over her. Every fantasy she’d ever had came rushing back at the same time, until her mind was filled with decadent images that sent her excitement to places it had never been. When three pairs of hands caressed her ass cheeks, taking turns, she was sure she’d lose her mind. What a way to go.

  They began to swat her, but it was half-hearted. She was grateful for that at first, but after a few seconds she wanted them to spank her for real. She wanted to know what it felt like.

  “Are you all right?” asked Denver.

  “Yes, Sire. Is that right? I mean to call you each by that title?”

  “It’s perfect,” said Archer. “Can we spank you for real now?”

  “Please. I want that.”


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