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His for Now (The Byrne Brothers Book 1)

Page 8

by Sofia Tate

  “It’s just women can be so skinny sometimes, to the point where their bodies don’t even feel like a pleasure to hold because they’re all full of sharp angles. There’s nothing soft about them. But with you, it’s like I’m holding a woman in my arms, and not some waif.”

  “If you’re trying to get into my pants again, Ronan, you really don’t need to work so hard at it, because it’s pretty much a done deal.”

  Ronan caught Blakely off guard by plunging two fingers into her slit. She gasped and grabbed his shoulders. He leaned to whisper into her ear. “But you’re not wearing pants now, are you, baby?”

  She gasped as he turned her around, her head falling back onto his shoulder. “Don’t stop…please,” she begged.

  “Never, baby. Never. However, I am on the clock.”

  He pistoned his fingers again and again in and out of her wet folds, rapidly rubbing her clit with his thumb. Ronan grabbed her by the hair, pulling her head back.

  “Yes, Ronan! Fuck yes!” she cried out in ecstasy, her mouth forming an O.

  Fully sated, Blakely’s head lolled back as Ronan took one of her earlobes into his mouth. “Good for you, baby?”

  She smiled. “Mmm-hmm.”

  “I hate to do this, but…”

  “I know. It’s okay. I’ll see you tonight.”

  He took her face in his hands and kissed her full on the lips. “Bye, beautiful.”

  Blakely pulled the curtain back slightly to watch Ronan towel off, giving her a wave and a smile before he walked out the door. She stayed in the shower a few minutes more to wash herself off.

  Back in her bedroom, as she pulled on her sweats, her phone began to ring.

  “Hi, Clea. What’s going on?”

  Clea sounded somewhat rushed, which was unlike her. “Morning, boss. I’m patching Mr. Powell through.”

  Blakely cleared her throat. “Oh, okay. Go ahead.”

  She listened as the lines cleared, and the patrician voice of one of the founders of her firm, Clayton Powell, came on the line.

  “Good afternoon, Blakely. Or rather ‘Good Morning,’ seeing as it’s early out there.”

  “Yes. Hello, sir.”

  “How are you enjoying your vacation?”

  “Very well, sir.”

  “I’m glad to hear it. I’ll cut to the chase. I received a referral from a close friend about a prospective client who happens to live in Las Vegas. He has a hotel just off the Strip that’s losing money and he’s looking for a complete overhaul. I was hoping that since you’re already out there, you could meet with him, check out the hotel, its financials, the whole nine yards. Just the usual scouting expedition.”

  Blakely’s heart jumped. “So, you would need me to stay out here longer?” she asked in a professional tone, betraying the smile that was growing on her face.

  “Yes, if you’re not missing Manhattan too much. It would save me a trip. And of course you would expense everything as usual, and take as long as you need.”

  “Of course, sir. I’d be happy to help.”

  “Excellent. I’ll send you the details ASAP. Thank you for doing this, Blakely.”

  “My pleasure, sir. I’ll be in touch.”

  Blakely hung up with her boss, threw her phone down on her bed, and started dancing around the room.

  She stopped in front of the mirror, taking in the smile on her face.

  Wait til I tell Ronan.

  Oh shit. But what if all he wanted was a fling?

  Guess I’m going to find out soon enough.

  Ronan couldn’t decide what he liked better—his hand on Blakely’s thigh when it was encased in her tight jeans being warmed in the sun or sheathed in black silk as it was now.

  Definitely the latter.

  He was sitting next to her at the rehearsal dinner and as much as he pretended to seem interested in the conversations around him, all he really wanted to do was drink in Blakely with his eyes.

  When he first saw her walking toward the meadow behind the fire pit for the dress rehearsal, he’d lost all train of thought. She wore a sleeveless black knit dress, black silk stockings, and black patent leather stilettos, his cock growing hard at the sight of her.

  He was dying to take his hand and crawl up her inner thigh to reach her pussy and make her come while everyone went about eating and drinking. But with his parents sitting within eyesight, he decided against it.

  Curiously, Blakely was acting nervous. She made small talk with him, but kept fidgeting with the diamond studs in her ears and the silver cuff bracelet on her wrist. Then when they reached the dining hall for dinner, she had done everything possible so she wouldn’t have to talk to him, engaging everyone in conversation on the other side of her.

  The sound of a knife being clinked against a glass caught Ronan’s attention. Sean’s father, Colm Flynn, was standing with a glass of champagne in his hand.

  “Good evening, everyone. As it’s tradition, I thought I would say a few words as the groom’s father.”

  Sean spoke up. “Key word being ‘few,’ Dad.”

  “Hush, son. Now, Sean was not always, how shall I put it, responsible.”

  The group who knew Sean laughed from intimate knowledge of the joke. Ronan looked over at Blakely, who barely cracked a smile. He gripped her hand tightly, and she looked down at their joined hands and nodded without a glance in his direction.

  As Mr. Flynn continued to speak, Blakely still hadn’t even glanced at him. He brought Blakely’s hand over to his side, placing it on his thigh. He wished Sean’s dad would finally end his speech so he could talk to her.

  Finally, Mr. Flynn announced, “So, everyone, please raise your glasses and join me in toasting the bride and groom as they begin a life together.”

  He turned to his son and future daughter-in-law. “Sean and Georgina, may joy and peace surround you, contentment latch your door, and happiness be with you now, and bless you evermore. Cheers!”

  Crystal glasses were raised in the air as everyone cheered them in unison.

  Ronan touched his glass to Blakely’s, not even in a toast but almost to get her attention. They took short sips and placed their glasses down on the table.

  As servers were coming out with plates of apple cake for dessert, Ronan stood up in his chair and grabbed Blakely’s hand leaned over to Ronan. “Come with me,” he commanded, tugging her from her seat.

  He pulled her behind him out the door, turning the corner from the dining hall so nobody could see them. He leaned her against the wall of the building, his hands holding her shoulders in a tight grip.

  “Okay, what the hell is going on with you, baby? You’ve barely said a word to me all night, and you’re acting like you can’t stand to be near me.”

  She looked away and bit her lower lip before returning his gaze. “Umm, I need to tell you something, and I hope it’ll be a nice surprise for you. At least it is for me.”

  His heart dropped. “What?”

  “My boss called me today. He needs me to go to Vegas to check out a prospective client. Which means—”

  “You get to stay here longer?” he asked, finishing her thought as his heart began to pound in his chest.

  “Yeah,” she said sheepishly. “Is that okay?”

  Oh baby…fuck yeah!

  “Bet your gorgeous ass it’s okay,” he hollered, sweeping her into his arms. He clamped his lips over hers, sucking her tongue into his mouth, her legs locking around his waist. Her hands dug into his hair, grinding her mouth into his.

  She pulled away, cupping his face with her hands. “I’ll take that as a yes,” she smiled.

  “Why didn’t you tell me sooner?”

  “I don’t know. I wanted to wait for the right moment,” she said, shrugging her shoulders.

  “Better late than never, baby.”

  “Do you think your father can spare you? It’ll only take about two days. And I’d fly out from Vegas back to New York instead of coming back here.”

  He nodded abse
ntly, plastering a smile on his face.

  Just enjoy it for what it is. A fun time with a gorgeous woman. And great sex.

  “It shouldn’t be a problem. I can’t wait.”


  Ronan looked out across the meadow where the ceremony was being held. Chairs were lined up in rows, a white crepe runner marking the aisle. Bouquets of wild flowers tied in green ribbon served as pew bows. A white arch that Sean and his dad had built together this past week stood over the altar, festooned in white roses.

  A hand touched his shoulder. He turned to see his mother, outfitted in a long sea green silk dress, nude pumps, and a long necklace of pearls hanging around her neck.

  Rosaleen began to adjust Ronan’s tie, pulling back once she finished to look at him. “My goodness. Aren’t I lucky to have such a handsome son?”

  “I hate wearing a suit,” he said, pulling at the stiff collar around his neck.

  She swatted his hand away. “Don’t do that. You’ll crease it. Just wait til Blakely sees you in this. She’ll go mad.”

  Ronan’s mouth turned down at the corners. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  Rosaleen looked her son square in the face. “I wasn’t born yesterday, love. The way you look at her is the way your da looked at me when we were courting.”

  “He still looks at you that way, you know.”

  She smiled. “Yes, he does, bless him. After all these years, he still makes me feel like the luckiest woman in the world. Which is why you need to tell Blakely how you feel about her.”

  Ronan frowned. “I don’t feel anything. She’s just some woman who happens to be Georgina’s maid of honor. That’s all.”

  His mother cupped his chin with her hand. “That’s a pile of shite, love. Now look your ma in the eyes and say that again.”

  He shook off his mother’s grip.

  “Yes, just as I thought,” she huffed.

  “Let it go, Ma. I’m serious.”

  Rosaleen took her son’s face in her hands. “Darlin’, she’s nothing like Amanda. Don’t let the past haunt you and keep you from having something that’s extraordinary. If you love her, you shouldn’t let her go.”

  He didn’t say a word, only shaking his head in reply.

  The harpist Gigi and Sean had hired began to warm up, and guests started to fill in the seats.

  Ronan kissed his mother. “I’d better go. Looks like it’s time.”

  “I’ll see you after. And don’t forget what I said.”

  Ronan gave his mom a half-hearted smile. “I won’t,” he told her, even though the thought of a relationship with Blakely simultaneously scared him shitless and excited him so much that he couldn’t breathe.

  “Only for you, Gigi. Only for you,” Blakely informed her as she held up Gigi’s wedding dress so she could use the toilet.

  “Hey, you’re the maid of honor and my best friend.”

  “Emphasis on ‘maid.’”

  The wedding had gone off without a hitch. Sean and Gigi both cried during the ceremony, especially Sean who looked like he was going to pass out when he first saw Gigi at the end of the aisle with her father. Blakely got teary-eyed herself, and when she looked over at Ronan at one point, he gave her a half-smile, even though he’d smiled and winked at her when she got to the altar right before Gigi appeared. She’d found it disconcerting, but she shook it off and focused on the ceremony.

  “Done,” Gigi announced.

  Blakely stepped out of the way to let Gigi come out of the stall.

  As they washed their hands, Blakely glanced at her best friend in the mirror.

  “I’m really happy for you, sweetie.”

  “Thanks, hon. Now tell me what’s going on with you and Ronan.”

  “Nothing,” she said as she fixed her lipstick.

  “Oh please. Don’t even try. I’ve seen how he looks at you, and when you two came back inside last night at the rehearsal dinner, you looked like you’d just kissed the shit out of each other. Now spill!”

  “We’re just having a good time, that’s all,” Blakely smiled. “My boss called me this morning about meeting with a potential client in Vegas next week, so he’s going to come with me where we’ll continue having a good time.”

  “What about after you leave?”

  “I told you. We’re just having fun. Nothing beyond that.”

  “Do you want there to be?”

  Blakely pulled out her compact, powdering her face, doing her best to avoid Gigi’s face in the mirror.

  “You heard me, Blakely. Talk to me.”

  She pivoted on her heels to look at her best friend. “Even if I wanted there to be something more, I’m being realistic.”

  “What does that mean?” Gigi asked confusedly.

  “First, there’s the distance. What would we do? Fly back and forth every weekend? I have a job that barely allows me time to even be here for your wedding.”

  “Okay, I’ll ignore that last bit, but there are other options called texts, video chats, emails.”

  “It wouldn’t matter.”

  “Why not?”

  “Look at me,” Blakely commanded, gesturing to herself in a sweeping motion.

  “What am I supposed to see?”

  Blakely reared her head in surprise, wondering how her best friend didn’t see it. “Me, Gigi. The second I leave, he’ll meet someone prettier and skinnier than me and wonder what the hell he ever saw in me in the first place.”

  “I can’t believe we’re back to this again.” Gigi shook her head. “You are gorgeous, sweetie! Curvy and voluptuous. Why are you letting the past keep you from the present?”

  “Hey! You try forgetting mean girls calling you fat and humiliating you in public!” Blakely snapped.

  Gigi stepped closer to her, taking her hand in hers as Blakely continued, her eyes misting up. “I’m sorry. It’s just that one minute I think life is fucking amazing, being with someone like Ronan, and the next, I just…remember, and I lose it. So that’s why I’m being realistic.”

  “I get it, I do,” Gigi replied. “But I just wish you saw yourself as I see you. And I bet you Ronan does too. Just promise me you’ll keep an open mind when you’re in Vegas with him.”

  “Okay, I promise,” Blakely nodded.

  “Now, dry your eyes and come with me. I’ve been practicing my bridal bouquet throw. Take a wild guess who I’ll be aiming for,” Gigi winked as she headed out the door.

  Blakely sighed, rolling her eyes.

  Reason number one million why it sucks being single.


  Ronan couldn’t stop fidgeting.

  “Oh, for crying out loud, will you stop?” Blakely ordered.

  “I can’t help it,” he protested. “I’m not used to this.”

  “Get over yourself, control freak.”

  He looked over at her and admired how ably she handled the Range Rover. With her blonde hair pulled back in a tight ponytail, wearing the same clothes she had on in the café, and a pair of black sunglasses on the bridge of her nose, the kind Jackie Kennedy would have worn, he was getting harder by the minute.

  God help me, she is so fucking sexy. I wish we could just pull over, get in the back seat…

  “I told you to take your truck since I’m flying home from Vegas,” she reminded him, interrupting his thoughts. “And I’m the only one on the rental agreement. You’re just not used to being driven by a woman, are you?”

  “Give me a little credit, will you? I’m not that much of a Neanderthal.”

  “Then why do you keep looking over here every five seconds?”

  “Why do you think?”

  He smirked at her when she glanced at him quickly.

  “To check how fast I’m going,” she replied.

  “Yeah, that’s exactly it.”

  She shook her head when she saw him wink at her.

  Ronan watched as she seamlessly merged from the local road onto the highway heading south for Reno. He st
ared out the window as the mountains rushed by them, the sky clear of clouds.

  “Tell me about Amanda.”

  He thought he’d misheard her. “What?”

  “I asked you to tell me about Amanda.”

  “I’d rather not,” he murmured.

  “Ronan, we have some time to kill. And I would like to know more about you, if it wouldn’t hurt you too much to talk about her,” she said in a more softened tone.

  The tone in her voice eased him. He took a swig from his water bottle, settling back into the soft leather of his seat.

  “I met Amanda at UNLV freshman year. She was also from a small town. We were in the same Humanities 101 class. She asked me for a pen because hers had run out of ink. We started dating casually, and we ended up staying together the whole time we were undergrads.”

  Blakely nodded as he continued.

  “She lived not too far from Blossom, so we saw each other during the school breaks. The thing is, she wasn’t used to being on a ranch or spending a lot of time outdoors. Her dad was a businessman, and her mom taught high school math. So when she would come to the ranch to visit me, I could tell how uncomfortable she was. I thought she would grow out of it eventually, but it actually got worse. She only rode a horse once, she constantly complained about the dirt and the dust, and she acted kind of uppity with my parents and the people in town.”

  “Even though she wasn’t from the city?”

  “Yeah, I know,” he laughed. “The irony. After graduation, I asked her to move in with me to see if we could work things out. I wanted her to love the ranch as much as I did. I guess I saw it as my last shot.”

  “How long did she stay?”

  “Three weeks,” he sighed. “She said she didn’t see herself as a rancher’s wife, that she wanted more from her life. She was a business major. So she moved to San Francisco to start her career.”

  “And that was it?”

  “No,” he said, taking another sip of water. “She came back last year.”

  “You’re kidding. Why?”

  “To show off. To see if I would ever consider moving to San Francisco. I told her that I’d never leave the ranch.”


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