Fall and Rise
Page 70
C Ring, 308, 312, 316, 318, 323, 324, 326, 327, 372
day before attacks, 209–15
design of, 307–8
D ring, 308, 309, 311, 316
E Ring, 308, 311, 313–17, 320, 321, 325, 380, 442
evacuees and rescuers, 316–28, 362–82
fallers and jumpers, 318
fire, 314–17, 320, 323, 325–27, 364–68, 371, 372, 376–77
hit by plane, 144–46, 156, 160, 162, 170, 180, 183, 184, 311, 313–16
hours before attack, 308–14
human remains, 316, 318, 323, 380, 437, 439
immediate aftermath of plane assault, 316–28, 362–82
impact zone and damage, 188, 314–16, 319, 320
last person rescued from, 372
map of impact on, xv
media on, 381
Navy Command Center, 309, 310, 319, 323, 324, 327, 328, 362, 360, 371, 374, 376, 440
Phoenix Project repairs, 436
post-9/11, 436–43
sprinkler system, 315, 327
Wedge One, 308, 311, 315–16, 317, 328, 368, 375, 380, 381, 436
Wedge Two, 315
Perez, Nancy, 229, 253, 294, 305, 353, 354, 401, 453
Perkins, Anthony, 35
Peterson, Donald, 114–15, 188, 396
Peterson, Jean, 114–15, 188, 396
Petit, Philippe, 225, 306
Petrone-Hatton, Beth, 256
Petrovich, Michael, 312, 368, 369, 441
Pfeifer, Joseph, 243, 244, 257, 259–60, 261, 289, 359, 459
Pfeifer, Kevin, 257, 459
photographers, 9/11, 348, 359
Picciotto, Rich, 404, 411, 413, 414, 415
Pincus, Walter, 5
Planes Operation, 25–30, 174
choice of day, 27–28
cost of, 28
See also hijackers
Ploger, Robert Riis III, 100, 145
Ploger, Zandra, 100, 145
Pluta, Paula, 385–86
Politically Incorrect with Bill Maher, 16, 94
Pollio, Susan, 268, 451
Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, 196–97, 202, 220, 223, 224, 225, 227, 234, 259, 353, 398, 448
construction of World Trade Center and, 220–25
evacuation order, 262
North Tower response, 253, 254, 257–59, 262–65, 299–300, 305, 353, 405
remain-in-place order, 269–73, 277, 299–300, 333
South Tower response, 262, 269–71, 299
Port Authority Police Department, 257–59, 262–63, 269–71, 299–300, 305, 405, 410, 458
casualties, 459
Portland, Maine, 30, 39–40, 42
Portland International Airport, 39–40
posters, “Missing,” 421, 428
post-9/11 era, 427–61
post-traumatic stress syndrome (PTSD), 448, 456
Potomac River, 307
Powell, Craig, 318, 322, 362–63, 366–67, 370, 371, 372, 438
Powell, Jeremy, 69
Praimnath, Jenny, 206, 267, 280, 286, 331, 344, 449
Praimnath, Stan, 204–6, 267, 269–71, 274, 275, 279–80, 285–87, 319–31, 334–39, 343–45
post-9/11 life, 449–51
Presidential Emergency Operations Center, 136
prostitution, 28
Prunty, Richard, 413, 415, 417, 457, 459
Punches, Jack, 213–15, 310–11, 319–20, 325, 327, 367, 371, 372, 440, 441
Punches, Janice, 214, 215, 311, 320, 440
Punches, Jennifer, 213, 214, 310, 440
Punches, Jeremy, 214, 215, 310, 440
Puopolo, Sonia, 37–38, 77, 432–33
Purple Heart, 441
Queens, New York, 205, 230, 247, 293, 350, 401, 454
Queens-Midtown Tunnel, 293
Quran, 1, 29, 30
Qutb, Sayyid, 1
radar, 20, 21, 22, 46–48, 69, 94, 123, 126
FAA, 46–48, 72, 107–8, 150, 156, 157, 170
military, 68–73, 143, 182
Randazzo, Gaspere, 422, 423
Rasmussen, Rhonda, 437
Reagan National Airport, 108, 129, 135, 136, 140, 142, 146, 174
Reiss, Alan, 253, 254, 255, 295–96
religion, 54, 164, 279, 286, 288, 291, 311, 359, 376–77, 396, 427
last rites, 348, 377
Lord’s Prayer, 164, 291, 454
repeater system, 259–60
Rescorla, Rick, xxi, 272–73, 336, 342
Retik, David, 37, 77
Retik, Susan, 37
Reuters, 359
Rice, Condoleezza, 138, 139
Riches, Jim, 458
Riches, Jimmy, 458, 459
Rivera, Joseph, 356
Riyadh, 2
Roger, Jean, 45, 77
Rohan, Glenn, 416, 417
rooftop rescues, impossibility of, 260, 306, 332
Rose, Tony, 364–65, 373, 441
Ross, Carrie, 18
Ross, Donald K., 322
Ross, Richard, 37, 77
Ross, USS, 322
Roth, Julie Sweeney, 56–57, 88, 92, 274, 432
Rothenberg, Mark “Mickey,” 112, 117, 163, 188
Rountree, Stacia, 95–96, 172
Rove, Karl, 138, 139
Rumsfeld, Donald, 147–48, 184–85, 380–81, 436–37
Russia, 20, 21, 24, 184, 307
Ruth, William, 378, 379, 437
Sadler, Winston, 61, 62
St. Paul’s Chapel, 293, 347, 348
St. Peter’s Church, 359
St. Vincent’s Hospital, 348, 356, 359, 410, 447
San Diego, 27
Sandler, O’Neill & Partners, 342
San Francisco, 33, 87, 110, 120, 159, 170, 175
Saracini, Victor, 50–51, 73–74, 81–83, 87, 92, 123
Sarasota, Florida, 137–39, 147, 383
Saudi Arabia, 2, 4–5, 19, 26, 27, 58, 116, 118, 214
1995 Riyadh car bombing, 2
1996 Khobar Towers bombing, 4
Saudi National Guard, 2
Sawyer, Diane, 91–92
Schindler’s List (movie), 456
Schippani, Jon, 65
Schmidt, Karen, 283
Schroeder, Carl, “Christine’s Lullaby,” 434
Schumacher, Robert, 140
Scoggins, Colin, 70–71, 95–96, 127
Scott, Randy, 279, 451
SEAL Team Six, 427, 434
Sears Tower, Chicago, 170, 225
Seattle, 170
Secret Service, 136, 137–39, 147, 183, 417
security, airport, 39–43, 59, 116–17
CAPPS system, 40, 102, 116
carry-on bags, 41, 43
checked bags, 40–41, 42–43, 103, 117
procedures and gaps, 39–43, 102–3, 115–16
See also specific airports and flights
Senate, U.S., 170
Senate Armed Services Committee, 381
Sengün, Aysel, 28–29, 117
September Eleventh Families for Peaceful Tomorrows, 436
Serpe, Anita, 253, 255
Serva, Christina, 213
Serva, Marian, 213, 311, 313, 326, 369, 441–42
Seven World Trade Center, collapse of, 417
Shaeffer, Kevin, 376
Shaffer, Adam, 216, 446
Shaffer, Ben, 216
Shaffer, Kathie, 216–18, 387–88, 397, 445–46
post-9/11 life, 445–46
Shaffer, Rebecca, 216
Shaffer, Terry, 216–18, 387–88, 391–97, 445–46
post-9/11 life, 445–46
Shahada, 171
Shanksville, Pennsylvania, 180, 216, 217, 383–97, 428
coroners, 386, 389–91, 393–94
crash site and wreckage, 389–97, 444
day before crash, 216–18
Diamond T site, 386, 388, 393–96
emergency response, 386–97
hours before crash, 383–85
human remains, 392, 393–94, 396–97, 444
immediate a
ftermath of plane crash, 386–97
9-1-1 calls, 385–89, 391
post-9/11, 445–46
tourism, 445
United Airlines Flight 93 crashes into, 179–81, 184, 385–89
Shanksville Volunteer Fire Department, 216, 386–97, 445, 446
response to United Airlines Flight 93 crash, 386–97
Sharon, Ariel, 27
Shehhi, Marwan al-, 24, 26, 27, 28, 41, 58, 88, 275
Shehri, Mohand al-, 58
Shehri, Wail al-, 43, 75, 77
Shehri, Waleed al-, 43, 75, 77
Shelton, Hugh, 381
Shepley, Jim, 383–85, 386
Shepley, Linda, 383–85, 386
Sherman, Antoinette “Toni,” 377, 438
Silverstein Properties, 197, 240
Sirius (dog), 263, 411, 415, 459
“Six Lives” (Zuckoff), xx–xxi, xxiii
Six World Trade Center, 355
Slen, Peter, 14–15
Sliney, Ben, 134–35, 148, 183, 185, 443
Smith, Dorene, 253, 297, 298, 301, 346, 347, 348
Smith, Moira, 342–43
Smith, Monica Rodriguez, 196, 220
Smithsonian Institution, 9/11 objects in collection of, 438–39
Snyder, Christine Ann, 188
Snyder, Dianne, 45, 77
Soldier’s Medal, 441
Somalia, 2, 116
“Black Hawk Down” shootdown, 2
Somerset County Airport, 384
Somerset County Emergency Management Agency, 391
Somerset County Hospital, 387
Sopper, Mari-Rae, 98, 146
Soriano, Delis, 267, 270, 450
South Tower, xviii, 204, 225, 262
31st floor, 330
44th floor, 330, 331
68th floor, 451
73rd floor, 333, 336
74th floor, 330, 336
76th floor, 336
77th floor, 333
78th floor sky lobby, 267, 270, 272, 273, 277, 287, 330, 336–38, 342, 450
79th floor, 334, 339
80th floor, 329, 334
81st floor, 205, 267, 270, 271, 274, 275, 279–80, 284, 285, 450
82nd floor, 285
83rd floor, 280–83
84th floor, 266, 268, 269, 275, 278–79, 330
88th floor, 333
90th floor, 273
91st floor, 332, 450
92nd floor, 262
97th floor, 273, 274, 275, 287, 343
99th floor, 233, 339, 455
105th floor, 332, 339
burn victims, 277, 337, 450
calls to loved ones from, 287–88
casualties, 277, 333, 337, 341–43, 360, 428, 450–51
collapse of, 341–45, 346, 354–60, 387, 398, 404, 449
communication failures, 269–73, 331–33
construction of, 220–25
day before attacks, 204–8
dust cloud, 343–44, 354–59
elevators, 268, 273, 276, 277, 337–38
evacuees, 266–74, 277–88, 329–45
fallers and jumpers, 333, 338, 451
fire, 91, 120, 155, 276–81, 286, 288, 330, 334, 337, 339, 341
hit by plane, 91, 96, 103, 108, 121, 123, 130, 132, 134, 138, 160, 265, 274–75, 289, 292, 293
immediate aftermath of assault, 274–88, 329–41
impact zone and damage, 275–76, 334
lobby, 270, 335, 342
man in the red bandana, xxi, 277, 330, 337, 342
map of impact on, xiv
near breaking point, 334
9-1-1 calls, 280–83, 331–33, 338, 339–41
North Tower crash and, 266–74
NYPD response, 280–83, 335
optional evacuation order, 271, 277
Port Authority response, 262, 269–71, 299
public address system, 269, 271
remain-in-place order, 269–73, 277, 299, 333
sprinkler system, 288
Stairwell A access, 276, 279, 280, 284, 329, 330, 332, 333, 334, 337
stairwells, 268, 269, 276, 277–80, 284, 329–37, 359–61
Soviet Union, fall of, 20
Spadafora, Ronald, 428
Spain, 27
Sphere, The (sculpture), 334
“squawk” alert, 104, 156
stairwells, 223–24, 226
North Tower, 237, 238, 253, 254, 258–61, 264, 276, 291–306, 349–50, 405–18
South Tower, 268, 269, 276, 277–80, 284, 329–37
State Department, U.S., 132
terrorist watchlist, 132
Statue of Liberty, xvii, 90, 188, 206, 226, 269
Stevens, Lois, 312, 322, 325–27, 363–65, 367–70, 373, 441
stock markets, 206, 344, 427
Strong, Elsa, 165
Studdert, Andy, 119, 125
subway, 225
Suhr, Danny, 333–34
suicide plot, simultaneous, 25–30, 74, 75, 84, 91, 93, 96, 110–12, 119–20, 126–28, 131, 133, 134, 147, 158, 159, 183–86, 249, 272, 443
Summers (Anthony) and Swan (Robbyn), The Eleventh Day: The Full Story of 9/11, xxiii
SunTrust bank card, 395
Supreme Court, U.S., 15
Suqami, Satam al-, 28, 43, 76–77, 163
survivor’s guilt, 450, 460
Sweeney, Amy, 34, 45, 66–67, 74–79, 90, 118, 235
Sweeney, Anna, 34
Sweeney, Brian “Moose,” 53, 55–57, 88–89, 90, 92, 274, 432
Sweeney, Julie, 56–57, 88, 92, 274, 432
Sweeney, Louise, 89, 91, 92
Sweeney, Mike, 34
Talignani, John, 115, 188
Tam, Maurita, 233, 455
Tanzania, American Embassy bombing in, 2, 4
Tarantino, Dave, 209–11, 308–9, 316–18, 322, 323, 327, 328, 362–63, 365–67, 373–75, 381–82
Pentagon rescue of Jerry Henson, 370–72, 438, 441
post-9/11 life, 438–41
Tarantino, Margie, 210, 211, 381, 440
Tarrou, Michael, 52, 93, 275
Taylor, Hilda, 98
television, 16, 38, 85, 89, 137
Bush addresses nation on, 139–40, 188–89, 393
cameramen, 357–58
early reports on 9/11 attacks, 85–87, 91–92, 94–96, 121, 130, 132, 139, 146, 160, 162, 258, 260, 268, 293, 309, 310, 313, 341, 383, 388, 409
South Tower collapse, 341
terrorism, 1–6, 21, 42, 315
airport security procedures and gaps, 39–43, 102–3, 115–16
bin Laden memo, 137
multiple plane plot, 25–30, 74, 75, 84, 91, 93, 96, 110–12, 119–20, 126–28, 131, 133, 134, 147, 158, 159, 183–86, 249, 272, 443
2001 risk briefings, 137
U.S. failure to anticipate 9/11 attacks, 3–6
watchlists, 27, 132
See also hijackers; specific terrorists, groups, and attacks
Thomas, Chuck, 107
Thomas, Dave, 322, 323, 324, 327, 328, 362, 365–67, 370–71, 374, 438–40
post-9/11 life, 438–421
Thompson, Brian, 271, 450
Three World Financial Center, 352
Thurman, John, 377–79, 437
timeline of key events on 9/11, 499–500
TIPOFF terrorist watchlist, 132
TJX Cos, 429
Tobin, Austin J., 225
Today show, 383
Toll, Ian W., xix
Top Gun school, 56, 101
Torres, Edith, 453
torture, 427–28
tourism, 9/11, 445
transponders, 21, 47
codes, 48, 83, 104, 156
turned off by hijackers, 47–48, 72, 73, 75, 83, 104, 107–8, 126, 156, 157
triage tags, 347
Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire, 261
Trinity Church, 339, 343
Trolley Problem, 173, 183
Trotman, Shawn, 33, 34
UBS PaineWebber, 232, 302
United Airlines, 16, 17, 38, 42, 84, 87
, 102, 119–25, 150
first direct warnings to planes, 124–25
Rule of Five, 122, 123
United Airlines Flight 93, xxi, 16, 22, 109–25, 149–89, 341, 444
ACARS messages to, 120–25, 173, 174–75
black boxes, 394
call to action, 160–68, 175–80
calls from passengers and crew, 158–68, 172, 175–76, 187
casualties, 187–88, 392–97, 423, 444
cockpit recorder messages, 149–58, 173, 176–80
cockpit takeover, 152
crashes into Shanksville, 179–81, 184, 385–89
crew, 110, 115–16, 120, 152–54, 187–88
delayed takeoff, 112, 118–19, 174
fire ax threat, 173, 176
hijackers, 116–18, 149–68, 169–89, 385, 392, 395, 396–97, 444, 445
hijacking of, 120, 149–89, 384–85
immediate aftermath of crash, 386–97
“Let’s Roll” counterattack, 175–80, 187–88, 384, 392, 444, 445
map of flight path, xvi
Mayday call, 149–51
NEADS response, 156–57, 172–73, 181–86
passengers and boarding, 112–16, 187–88
security procedures and gaps, 116–17
wreckage, 389–97, 444
United Airlines Flight 175, 12, 49–59, 63, 73–74, 81–93, 110, 118, 123, 141, 175, 432, 433, 454
calls from, 87–91, 274, 275
casualties, 92–93, 275
crew, 52–53
early media reports, 91–92, 94, 121, 130, 132
first signs of trouble, 83–84
hijackers, 58–59, 83–91, 110–11, 274–75
hijacking of, 81–93, 96, 119–20, 123–24, 186, 274–75
hits South Tower, 91, 96, 103, 108, 121, 123, 130, 132, 134, 138, 160, 265, 274–75, 289, 292, 293
map of flight path, xvi
map of impact on South Tower, xiv
NEADS response, 186
passengers and boarding, 49–50, 51–59
stabbings, 84, 87, 89–90, 119
takeoff, 50
United Arab Emirates, 24, 26, 28, 58
United Flight 23, 185–86
United Nations, 21
USAir Flight 427, 394
US Airways, 39, 42
Vamsikrishna, Pendyala “Vamsi,” 35, 433
Vera, Dave, 285, 330, 450
Verrazzano-Narrows Bridge, 422
Vesey Street, 243, 252, 255, 293, 356, 400, 408, 417
victims, list of names, 463–98
Vienna, Battle of, 28
Vietnam War, 10, 99, 100, 101, 138, 264, 272, 309, 312, 313, 320, 442
Vigilant Guardian, 21, 69, 70
visas, travel, 25, 26, 133
Visconti, Nick, 412
voicemails, 432, 433
Von Essen, Thomas, 255, 256, 257
Wagner, Karen, 378–79, 437
Wainio, Honor Elizabeth “Lizz,” 115, 166, 187, 188
Walker, Elliott, 383
Wall Street, xviii