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Big Girls Don't Cry 2

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by Gretchen Lane


  The Emancipation of Gretchen



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  Copyright © 2012 by GRETCHEN LANE

  This is a work of Fiction

  All characters appearing in this eBook are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons living or dead, other than those in the public domain, is not intended and purely coincidental.

  This eBook contains sexually explicit material and is intended for a mature audience.

  All characters are 18 years or older. All sex within this story is consensual.

  Visit GRETCHEN @


  “Go confidently in the direction of your dreams, live the life you have imagined.” ~ Henry David Thoreau

  Those words were on a large plaque in Billy’s office, and he never missed an opportunity to point it out to me.

  ~ ~ ~

  Most people thought I was crazy when I told them I was going to become a model. And, they absolutely thought that I had lost my mind when I told them I was moving to Paris to do it.

  It’s funny to look at my life now, and think about the girl I was before I met him. It makes me realize how much I owe the man. I haven’t seen him in over three years. So, one can imagine my surprise when I received the note from him tonight during the show.



  “Gretchen! Oh, Gretchen dear!” The shrill campy voice of, Hector, the show coordinator pierces the smoky room. “Someone has a secret admirer,” he screams, holding a vase of roses while dodging half-naked models moving hastily about the crowded dressing room.

  “Who’s it from?” I ask, with boobs jiggling, as I bounce up and down, pulling up the front of my dress.

  “Holy smokes, Gretch'. That’s like three dozen roses,” another model, exclaims.

  “It’s from a, Mister Billy Bad ass?” Hector questions, with a raised brow, as he hands me the note.

  “Oh my, God. You’re kidding,” I respond, feeling faint. With trembling fingers I take the small card.

  Dear Gretchen,

  I know it’s been a long time, but I wanted to drop you a line and say hello. That’s not true. I wanted to say, I love you, and I don’t think I can live without you.

  Something special has happened in my life, and I wanted to share it with you…


  Holding the note to my chest, I close my eyes, taking a deep breath. ‘It’s him. It’s really him.’

  “Are you ok, sweetie?” Hector asks, taking my hand.

  “Yes. I just need a moment. I need to sit down,” I answer; my eyes searching the room looking for the closest chair. Making it over I sink slowly in a daze trying to take in the moment.

  I haven’t seen him in three years— and, not even a word for the last two. And, not a day goes by that I don’t think about him.

  It was about a year after Billy was locked up that he stopped calling, and writing. It seemed the more confident I became, the less he contacted me. Like he knew what he was doing—nurturing me along, slowly building me up, until like a baby bird, I was able to leave the nest alone—and he let me go. But, instead of taking it slow and flying close— I flew to Paris.

  “Oh, my, God!” gasp Hector, with hands to his cheeks, as he realizes it’s, THAT Billy. Hector has been a friend since I was hired by the agency. We both came from Colorado, and we hit it off right away. We spent hours together telling each other our life stories, while drinking wine and sobbing. My stories we’re always about Billy saving me. His were always about a straight guy he was in love with, but couldn’t have. We were quite a pair.

  “I know!” I agreed, acknowledging my own disbelief. “I don’t know if I can go out on the runway, Hector,” I add nervously, knowing all too well what was expected of a top model. This isn’t an easy business and hardly anyone can just walk into it and start making money, let alone get noticed. Yet here I was in Paris about to go out on the runway at one of the most successful fashion events… I had managed to pull it off.

  “Don’t worry, sweetie. I got you,” he says, with a smile.

  “Oh, no, Help! She’s twisted her ankle! Help! Somebody, help me get her to a room!” he screams, wrapping his skinny arm around my waist, tugging me to my feet as he makes his noisy commotion.

  “Whoever left that box in the way for My-Models to trip over, is fired!” Hector screams, with a hidden wink, walking me towards a back room.

  “Thank you. I just need a minute.” Slipping through the waves of models, we find a back room where I can be alone.

  “There you go, Honey. Take as long as you need,” Hector offers.

  “You’re awesome,” I say with a kiss to the cheek— the loud music fades as Hector closes the door leaving me alone. A green leather sofa sits against the back wall and I fall into it, feeling as if I’m going to faint. ‘Oh my God-look at this hand writing… It’s really his,’ I think, running my fingers over the beautiful lettering on the small note. I was always in awe at how beautiful Billy’s hand writing was. I would spend hours lying in bed reading his letters and looking at the note he left me on the last night we were together.

  ~ ~ ~

  It seems like an eternity waiting for Michelle to answer her phone.


  “Michelle, it’s, Gretchen!” I scream anxiously.

  “Gretchen? What’s wrong?”

  “I heard from, Billy!”

  “Oh my God, you’ve got to kidding me. When?” She asks in a very concerned tone of voice.

  If there’s one person who knows what this means, it’s Michelle. She was there with me during all of the countless hours of crying, and wanting to give up after Billy went to jail. She helped me in my quest to find the answers to all of the questions I had. Why did he beat them up? Why did he have to go to jail? And, the hardest of all— why did he stop contacting me, leaving me on my own?

  In the end, she taught me Billy was right— I needed to move on with my life. ‘Nothing would make him happier, than to see you succeed, and be happy.’

  “Tonight at the show!” I answer excitedly. “He sent me roses. And, a note… it said, he loves me.”

  “Oh no, Gretchen.”

  “What do you mean, oh no? He told me he loves me, Michelle!” I scream, beginning to hyperventilate.

  “Okay, calm down. Let’s not get all worked up, and do anything crazy.”

  “Anything crazy. Like what?”

  “Like, running off and being with him!” she yells, concerned. Michelle knows that I’d give up everything that I had accomplished just to be with him. Life with Billy was like a dream come true, and nothing else mattered. She also knows… I’m in a relationship now.

  “Think about, Renee. I mean, come on, Gretchen. The man is almost royalty for God’s sake. And, very good looking—in case you’ve forgotten.”

  “Of course, I haven’t forgotten. And, it’s just a title. He says so himself.”

  “Whatever. Titles must be paying pretty well these days, to afford a fifty million dollar yacht with a helicopter pad. You don’t get that with just a title. I know that much,” she states firmly, defending my relationship with Renee.

  I met Renee, six months ago after a show I was modeling in. He was in the audience and had requested to meet me. At first I had declined, I wasn’t interested in meeting any men, at that time. Not that he wasn’t an attractive man, he definitely is. Dark and handsome, with an air of sophistication, that made him all the more desirable. But, I hadn’t been
with anyone since Billy, and really didn’t care to be.

  However, Renee wasn’t the type of person who would accept a “no” answer. He was a man that usually got whatever he wanted in a heartbeat, without any resistance. And so, he started lavishing me with a ridiculous amount of gifts and extravagant offerings. First it was champagne brunches in roof top gardens. Followed by after hour tours of the Eiffel tower, helicopter rides over the city, boat rides along the coast, and an endless supply of perks and toys, that only a multi-millionaire could provide. And, it all worked. We started dating a few weeks later. The first steady man I have ever had.

  “I need to see him, Michelle.”

  “I know you do. I just want you to have a clear head when you do. Think about what you’ve done. Where you’ve been, and who you’ve been with since then.”

  “I haven’t BEEN, with anyone. Not like that, anyway.”

  “You know what I mean…I’m trying to say don’t throw it all away over a man you only spent one night with— three years ago, Gretchen.”

  “It was more than that, Michelle.” I lashed out, at my best friend. The time that I had spent with Billy was so much more than a one night stand. Billy gave me more in those few hours than anybody ever had—before or since. He held me. And, he held me because he wanted to. He caressed me, and kissed me. He made me feel alive and special.

  “No. It was one night, and that’s all it was. Was it special? Of course it was. But, the reality of it is—it was still just one night. And, you guys don’t even really know each other. So, all I’m going to say is be-careful.”

  A knock came at the door and I had to go, but not before promising I wouldn’t make any hasty decisions without calling Michelle first.

  “Hello, Gretchen. Are you in there?” a female voice asks.

  “I’ll be right out.”

  “You might want to come out here. You have more flowers and another note out here.”


  The second note had asked me to meet Billy at his hotel room after the show.

  I promised Renee I would go home and get some rest, after opting out of our late night date by faking an ill stomach. After his limo dropped me off at my apartment, I called a cab and headed over to see the man I’ve spent every day, thinking about over the last three years.

  ~ ~ ~

  ‘What will I say to him?’ I think staring out of the cab as it moves rapidly along the empty streets. Shiny beads of rainwater run down the outside of the window, and I place my hand against the glass thinking about Billy’s beautiful face. ‘Three years…Three-long-years.’

  Michelle was right— I didn’t even really know this man. I had only spent one night with him, and granted it was the most beautiful, life changing, three hours of my life. It was still, just one night.

  ~ ~ ~

  Looking at myself in the mirror of the elevator I can’t help but smile. The designer of tonight’s show was heavily influenced by the style of Audrey Hepburn, and I hadn’t even bothered to change out of my last dress. The light green silk accentuates my curves perfectly; hugging my body tightly. My hair sits on top of my head in a styled bun, and a strand of pearls circle my neck elegantly. Reaching into my clutch, I grab my perfume spraying it into the air and stepping through it, covering myself with a light mist of Chanel No. 5.

  ‘I love Chanel No. 5.’ Billy had told me the night we were together. ‘My mother used to wear it’ …I would spray it onto every letter I sent him.

  The doors open into a long hallway, and I step out of the elevator and into a dream that began years ago.

  I can remember having that dream, when I was younger—the dream about a man. He was a stranger I met, who made love to me. Afterwards, in my dream, he left, promising to return— he never did. I spent years searching my dreams, but never found him again. At times I would come so close, I could feel him. But, I always awoke, with a sick feeling in the pit my stomach, aching from a lost love.

  My mind is racing by the time I reach his door, and taking a deep breath… I knock.

  ~ ~ ~

  I had made my decision and as much as I thought I still loved Billy, I couldn’t be with him. I was in a committed relationship now. Granted it was with a man, who is a self-professed ex-Playboy—but it was still a relationship. And, it was real. Not a dream.

  It was the most logical decision, and it was the right decision. That’s what I thought, until the hotel room door opened.

  ~ ~ ~

  “Oh my…Gretchen Lane,” he speaks softly through his beautiful smile. His lips, turned up at the edges, thick and soft. I’ve seen them, felt them, and longed for them.

  Tears well up in my eyes, as I try desperately to control my emotions; Billy the man that I had loved and missed for all these years was standing right there before me. The confident woman I’ve become disappears in an instant, replaced by a fragile young woman who does not exist without him. I know deep inside that everything I am—my beauty, my confidence, the way I hold myself—it all comes from him.

  I had lied to myself when I came up with all of the reasons as to why I needed to tell Billy we couldn’t be together.

  At first I wanted him to feel the same pain that I felt when he’d left me. But, I loved him too much to see him hurting. Then I told myself I wanted him to respect me. So, I decided to tell him about Renee, and that I had moved on with my life. But, that was a lie, also. I hadn’t moved on. Not even close.

  I spent every hour of every day, thinking about Billy. I’ve judged every man who has ever tried to get close to me, by him— And, Renee was the only one who had ever even run a distant, second. I’m always asking myself ‘What would Billy do?’ Or, reminding myself ‘Be confident, like Billy.”

  Seeing him before me now-the real Billy— I know I’m not leaving this room until he makes love to me.

  At that moment, I had all of the answers to the questions that haunted me for three years now. I knew everything he did, he did for me. Beating up the men at the gym and going to jail; was all for me. Forcing me away when he truly wanted me to stay was also for my benefit. Billy had sacrificed himself for me, because he loved me. And, I still loved him. Always did. Always will.

  “Look-at-you,” he says, covering my body with a slow gaze, while shaking his head in disbelief.

  I’m thinking the same thing looking at him dressed in a black tux. I’ve only seen Billy in sweat suits and workout clothes. And, trust me that’s, enough to make my heart palpitate. But, seeing him now has my jaw hanging open in awe.

  “Oh, Billy,” I sigh, rushing into his arms. Three years I’ve waited to see his face, to hear his voice, to feel his embrace. And now, here he is at last. My knees are weak and my body trembling as I look into Billy’s piercing blue eyes. They smile, and tell me again… You’re safe, Gretchen

  Slowly, he lowers down to kiss me. His lips are full and delicious; the rhythm of his tongue having my head spinning. My body shivers from head to toe as tiny jolts of pleasure shoot through my entire being. It’s the same passion and intensity that I felt years ago when we first kissed. I’m awakened inside from the kiss I’ve waited for my whole life. The real kiss. The one that tells me Miss Gretchen Lane, when I get done kissing you, I’m going to tear off that thirty two hundred dollar silk dress and fuck the living Virgin out of you. And, he did.

  ~ ~ ~

  Like teenage lovers we hastily tear at each other’s garments, until we stand half naked, staring at each other’s bodies, without uttering a single word.

  Billy’s body is ripped like never before. Where he once had an ounce of fat, only muscle remains. His body literally looks like it’s carved out of stone, covered in bronze, and buffed to a magnificent sheen. Paris suits him well and I think about how many sculptors, bodies like his have inspired.

  He marvels at mine also, examining all of my curves. With my breasts standing up firmly in my bra, my nipples ache against the fabric as they grow in size. Billy, smiles at the sight, and I watch as his cock grows h
ard. It strains against his shorts, letting me know how excited he is by the sight of my large body before him.

  Taking me by the hand he leads me to the bed and lays me down on my back. I don’t speak, I just watch as he lowers between my legs, spreading them apart. My heart is racing and I can feel how wet I’ve already become. Who am I kidding, I was soaking wet before I exited the elevator— thinking about his giant cock, covered in veins, and thumping like never before.

  Billy’s mouth covers my soaked panties. I moan softly as he sucks on the mound of my shaven pussy through the wet fabric. He watches me with his blue eyes smiling.

  “Oh, God, Billy,” I sigh, my breath stolen away by his touch. His stiff tongue pushes through, traveling inside of the hood, finding my engorged clit. Circling roughly through the silk of my panties, his tongue ravishes the plump treasure, before taking it firmly between his lips and tugging lightly. He finishes by generously sucking while I pull at his thick hair. “Aahhhh, yessssss,” I quiver with my hips thrusting up to meet his mouth. Grabbing tightly, I wrap my fingers in and pull him down hard on my crotch, grinding my cunt in his face as I instantly cum. “Yes! Yes! Oh, God, yes, Billy!” I scream, bucking violently, covering his face in my sweet juices.

  Madly, Billy continues sucking—letting me finish orgasming, before pulling my panties off and throwing them to the floor. “You have the most beautiful pussy,” he states, with a slow lick up the wet opening. “It’s so perfect,” he continues, pulling and sucking on my clit. His hands pull lightly, spreading me open. I shiver as he licks slowly up the velvet hole, stopping long enough to wiggle his face back and forth over the sensitive bud, sending me into another orgasm.


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