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Whiskey Prince

Page 6

by Toni Aleo

  Declan has been in almost every day for the last two weeks. He usually comes during my dead hour when Fiona is out doing errands, and I love sharing that time with him. We don’t say much, usually just small talk while he eats and I clean, but it’s fun. He’s quiet and because of that, I find him intriguing. I want to pick his brain, find out what makes him tick, but every time I go to do just that, I feel like an asshole because what is that going to do for me? It’s not like I can date him. He has a fiancée, even though he has never mentioned her. You would think he would have by now but he hasn’t, which makes me wonder why, but I can’t bring myself to ask. So I have to keep this completely innocent, but it’s hard because I want more.

  Like today, he looks positively provocative. He is wearing a thin, black t-shirt with a pair of khakis and a black beanie. He walked in with aviators on and I don’t know why, but they made him hotter. Especially when he pushed them up on his head, and my eyes met his. I mean, honestly, my heart kicked into overdrive and my panties got damp. I’m so attracted to him. It scares me the way I feel about him, especially with the fact that he is off limits to me. I guess the phrase, you want what you can’t have is completely true, because I want Declan O’Callaghan and it seems like whenever I say how cute or hot he is, Fiona is there reminding me about his relationship status. It’s annoying.

  But most of all, I’m annoyed by how much I like him, especially when he smiles. His smiles are breathtaking. Hell, everything about him makes me breathless. Like now, I’m all the way across the pub but I can feel him watching me when I move, and I don’t know why he does that. Doesn’t he know that it makes me giddy inside? That it makes me warm all over? I turn, catching his gaze, and he smiles as he holds up his pint.

  “Can I have some more beer?”

  “Sure!” I say as I head around the bar. “Holler at me next time.”

  “You’re busy.”

  “Yes, but I’m here to serve you!” I say, and I swear his eyes darken. I don’t know why, but suddenly it is extremely hot in here. I look away, filling his glass with beer before looking back up and handing it to him. He nods his thanks as he takes a long pull. The air is crackling around us or maybe me. Hell, I don’t know, but I have to say something before I come out of my skin. “Do you have to go to work after this?”

  Not even close to what I wanted to say.

  “Yes, I have to go give a tour to a new buyer. He’s an arse. I don’t want to deal with him at all.”

  I laugh. “Sounds like a blast.”

  He doesn’t smile. “Loads.”

  I can’t help but laugh again. I don’t want to stop talking so, with a wide smile, I say, “Guess what I’m doing tonight.”

  His eyes are shining as he looks up at me. “What’s that?”

  “I’m getting my first tattoo!”

  “Really?” he asks, a smirk growing on his face.

  “Yup! I’m pretty excited and scared shitless, but it’s gonna be awesome.”

  “Sure, what are you getting?”

  “My mom and dad’s names in a sparrow on my ribs,” I say, trying to ignore my jumpy nerves. I am scared, but Fiona guaranteed me it won’t be that bad. I don’t believe her, though. I’m still trying to adjust to the idea. The whole thing wasn’t even supposed to happen, but Fiona found me crying last night as I held my mom’s letter in my arms. I couldn’t tell her what was wrong but thankfully, she didn’t ask. She just held me. Then when I was able to speak, I told her that I just missed my mom and I was so upset with myself because I hadn’t done anything from her letter yet. So she read it and decided that she wanted to help me honor my mom’s wishes. It was sweet, and I think that moment brought us closer. When I said that I was thinking about a tattoo for the something drastic part, she was all about it. So we are doing it. A tattoo. Yay!

  I wish I were as badass as I just sounded there.

  “That’s really exciting, Amberlyn, I can’t wait to see it.”

  His eyes run over my body to the spot where my hand lays over where I plan to get the tattoo. I can feel his gaze on me, running over my breast to the spot, which makes me gasp for breath. Letting out a long breath, I look up at him and smile as I say, “Yeah, I’m nervous but I’m excited. Do you have any tattoos?”

  He nods. “Sure.”

  “Show me!”

  A smile plays on his lips as he stands up, slowly pulling his shirt up and over his head, which causes my tongue to promptly fall out of my mouth. I’ve seen men shirtless, I have. I mean, there is the Internet and movies, but what is standing in front of me is God’s gift to women. All I see is ripples of muscles, abs for days, and toned arms. I can’t believe it because when I looked at him, I didn’t see him having this kind of body. But hell, he does. Maybe spending all that time locked up in his castle did a body good because holy crow, he is hot! And of course his pants are hanging low on his hips and for goodness sakes, he has the V! Swallowing loudly, I remember I am supposed to be looking at his tattoos, so I shift my gaze from his mouthwatering muscles and take in the awesome piece on his shoulder. Leaning over the bar for a closer look, I’m amazed at the detail. It looks as if the skin on his shoulder has been ripped away and underneath is armor with a Celtic symbol on the arm. It has amazing detail, blood and stitching in spots so it looks like the skin is trying to be held together. It’s mind blowing.

  “That is fabulous.”

  He smiles. “Yeah, I figured if I’m the prince, I need to have armor for battle. I’m really into our history here, and I love the whole aspect of royalty and stuff.”

  First, I am so turned on that he loves history, that’s hot, and second, I love the way he says prince. He says it all slow and sexy like. Looking up in his eyes, I smile. “That’s so cool! I am, too. I love reading about Knights of the Round Table and cool shit like that. Best book ever is Lord of the Rings.”

  “Fuck yeah, I love it, and Beowulf is another good one.”

  “Heck yeah! I love that kind of stuff. I’m reading Pride and Prejudice right now.”

  He scoffs. “Such a chick book, but it’s good.”

  “Yeah, it’s awesome,” I say, and then I realize how close I am to him. I look up from his arm into his eyes, and my breath hitches. God, he has beautiful lips, and I swear his eyes are darker than normal again. Is he coming closer to me? Holy shit! He isn’t going to kiss me, is he?

  “Um, Amberlyn, why is Declan O’Callaghan standing without a shirt on in my pub?”

  At the sound of my aunt’s voice, I fall back off the bar, almost tripping over the pipe that we use to stand on, and turn quickly to find her staring at us. My heart is pounding in my chest, my throat tight, and my face flushes. I look back at Declan and his face is burning with color as he puts his shirt back on. Guilt floods me as I realize what just happened, what this looks like. It’s only Aunt Shelia, but what if it gets back to his fiancée? Quickly, I tell the truth. “He was showing me his tattoo.”

  She sets me with a disapproving look before sending a warm smile over to Declan.

  “Oh, well, that was a sight to see!” she says with a laugh. “For a show of masculine greatness like that, my lad, your lunch is on the house.”

  Declan’s face is still bright with color, but he shakes his head. “No ma’am, I’ll pay for what I ordered.”

  “You will do no such thing. Don’t take his money, Amberlyn,” she warns before disappearing around back. I glance back at Declan and I can’t help it, I bust out laughing. I don’t know if it is because I want to ease his guilt, trying to play it off as not a big deal, but soon he is nervously laughing, too.

  When I finally calm down, I say, “Jeez, that was awkward.”

  “Sure was,” he said before standing and pulling his wallet out.

  “Oh no, you don’t. I’m not getting in trouble for you!”

  A smile pulls at his mouth as he concedes. “Fine, I’m just leaving a tip.”

  “No way, I don’t want it. I know she is still watching, so just promise you�
�ll come to lunch tomorrow. Wednesdays are horribly slow, and I’ll be completely bored during this time.”

  I don’t know why I said that. I need to draw back a little, and I hate how much it pleases me when he doesn’t even blink, he just quickly says, “Yeah, I’ll be here.”

  “Awesome. Have a great tour,” I say as he heads for the door.

  “Will do, have fun getting your tattoo. I can’t wait to see it,” he says with a wink. He sends me one last grin before he’s gone and as the door slams shut and silence fills the pub, I can’t stand how alone I feel.

  Or how my heart is still beating out of control.

  I have no clue why we are busy tonight. It makes no damn sense! It’s a Tuesday and we were supposed to get off early so I can go get my damn tattoo, but it’s looking like it’s not going to happen.

  “This is insane!” I complain as I pass out the pints of beers to everyone.

  “It really is. Hopefully, it will die down soon.”

  When the door opens and a group of guys comes falling in, I send her a look. “I don’t think so.”

  “Ugh! I got them. Keep the bar happy.”

  “I will,” I say as she heads towards the group. Working quickly, I pass out pints and when I’m asked for a whiskey on the rocks, I smile as I reach for the O’Callaghan Black. Every time my hand touches this bottle, I think of him, but then I curse myself because that is just dumb. Blah. But I can’t help it; all I see are his gorgeous, thin lips coming towards mine. A part of me wishes that my aunt hadn’t had interrupted us. Then I remember that he is not single, and I shouldn’t be kissing him. That causes me to get mad because he almost kissed me, and he is engaged! Damn it, this is so stupid, and I need to just stop it with the Whiskey Prince. He is bound to get me in trouble just like his potent whiskey would. But, like an addict, I don’t know if I can.

  Ignoring my depressing feelings, I hurry to fill orders.

  “Amberlyn, I need a pint, please.”

  I glance up to see Kane leaning against the bar with his brows pulled together and I know that something wrong. “Everything okay?” I ask as I quickly fill him a pint and pass it his way.

  “Tough day,” he says with a shake of his head. “Had to deal with this arse of a gobshite.”

  I smile. “Yeah, Declan told me he had a tour today.”

  “Yeah, it fucking sucked,” he says before taking a long pull of his beer. Wiping his mouth with his hand, he looks back at me as he asks, “I thought ya were getting a tattoo tonight?”

  “Do you see the pub? We aren’t going anywhere.”

  “It’ll slow down,” he said with a shrug. “No worries.”

  “Says the guy that gets to drink beer and not have to serve anyone.”

  He toasts his pint to me as he laughs. “Touché”

  I send him a smirk before rushing to the end of the bar to serve the sandwich my aunt has laid out for me. Taking the cash from the patron, I turn to put it in the register when my gaze meets his.

  Holy shit.

  “So I heard that the Whiskey Prince has been coming in here, and I can see why. Where did you come from, beautiful? Must have been heaven because you are simply an angel.”

  Wow, corny much? But even so, I can only blink as I look into the sharp blue eyes of this beautiful stranger. He is something, that’s for sure. Thick, blond hair that is in disarray under the ball cap he wears, shoulders thick and broad, his waist trim, and a smile that is unstoppable. Good lord, he is mighty fine.

  “Nope, America.”

  He smiles as he pushes up on the bar, his eyes boring into mine, but I am looking at his arms, full of tattoos, even his neck has them. They are amazing designs, and I want to get closer to see what they are. I want to know him. I don’t know why because he is obviously not my type, but I’m attracted to him for some reason.

  “Ah, the Yank, sure, I’ve heard of you, but no one told me you were better looking than Fiona.”

  I don’t know how to answer, so I just smile as I try to remember what I’m doing. Oh yes, serving people. “What can I get you?”

  “Your number and if the Whiskey Prince is here, point me in his direction.”

  “He isn’t here, Casey. What’s it to ya, anyway?”

  We both look over to where Kane is looking at Casey with a look that could kill. I’ve never seen Kane look so mad, and I wonder what is going on because his scary look doesn’t seem to scare Casey. He is just laughing.

  “He doesn’t come out for years and he used to be my pal, I’d like to say hi,” Casey says before winking over at me, but the tension in the air makes me feel like there is more to the story than that.

  “He is no friend of yours. I don’t want to hear you mention him again, or we can take this outside,” Kane threatens. Before I can say anything, Fiona is there.

  “What’s going on? Everyone good?”

  Kane is holding Casey’s gaze but while Kane looks like he is about to break a beer bottle on the bar and stab Casey in the neck, Casey is grinning, with no cares in the world.

  “Nothing at all,” Kane says, snaking an arm around Fiona’s waist. She looks back at me and shrugs her shoulders. I don’t know what to do or say, so I look back at Casey and say again, “Can I get you something?”

  “Sure, a whiskey straight up, and don’t think I have forgotten that you’re going to give me your number.”

  I laugh as I reach for the whiskey, pouring him a glass before sliding it to him. “Never said I would.”

  “Not yet, but you will,” he says with the kind of smile that could knock me on my ass. There is something about him. He is a complete bad boy, and I like that. “How ya liking Ireland? Loving it?”

  I nod. “Yes, very much so.”

  “Yeah, it was okay, but now that I know you are here, I feel like the sun will be shining bright tomorrow.”

  I bite into my lip, trying to hold my laughter in. “Wow, laying it on thick aren’t you?”

  “Is it working?”

  “Maybe,” I say with a wink before going down the bar to refill some pints. I can feel his hot gaze on me. I know he is checking me out, and I like how it makes me feel. I’m glad that I wore a pair of short shorts and a yellow tank that shows off my breasts. I don’t know why I want to look good to him but I do, and I’m glad that my sunburn has lightened up into a small tan. When I glance over my shoulder at him, he is smiling at me, moving his thumb along his bottom lip, causing my nipples to harden against my tank. Jesus, he is fine, and it surprises me how hot I am for him.

  He is the first guy since Declan that I am actually attracted to, and I feel like the forces beyond are trying to push me away from Declan, for good reason, of course. Maybe my mom brought Casey to me to distract me from my feelings. I can’t do anything to risk his relationship with whomever he is with and because of that, I feel like I need to act on this attraction. Moving towards him, I say, “I like your tattoos.”

  His eyes don’t leave mine as he says, “Thanks, I did some of them, but it’s hard to tattoo yourself.”

  “Oh cool, so you’re a tattoo artist?”

  “Yup, the best in town.”

  I smile as I lean into the bar. “Wow! I’m going to go get my first one tonight.”

  “I know. You are coming to my shop. That’s why I’m here. I came to pick ya up.”

  His eyes are dancing with mischief, and I can’t help but love being under his gaze. He makes me feel tingly all over, and I like him—he is intoxicating. “You lie.”

  “Never! I wouldn’t do such a thing. Not to such a looker of a lady.”

  I eye him, a grin playing on my lips, as I say, “You’re a total flirt.”

  “Oh sure, I am, and you like it. You do; I can tell.”

  I shrug. “Maybe.”

  “No maybe about it. I know you do. By the end of the night, I’ll have your number and my artwork will be on your skin.”

  I love his confidence, and I especially love the way he is looking deep in my eyes as he
grins. I like the color of his eyes too. They aren’t your normal light blue. No, they are dark, almost purplish, and they have me gasping as I get lost in the depths of them. I can’t help but feel drawn to him, and I know he is bound to be a fun time.

  “Sure, why not.”

  “Atta girl!” he yells as he stands up, smacking his hands together. He leans against the bar, taking my face in his hand before laying a loud, smacking kiss on my lips. It happens so fast that when he pulls away, his eyes boring into mine, I don’t know what to do, but I do know that my lips are tingling from the quick feel of his. His eyes are darker, his smile beaming, and I have to smile back, instead of smacking him upside his head, as I would have done to any other guy that would kiss me without even taking me to dinner first.

  “By the way, the name’s Casey Burke.”

  “Amberlyn Reilly.”

  His grin grows as his gaze drops to my lips. My heart bangs against my ribs and I swear he is going to kiss me again, but instead, he says, “A beautiful name for a beautiful girl.”

  Oh, he is good. Butterflies are fluttering in my stomach as he holds my gaze. I thought tonight I was going to only mark off the do something drastic by getting my tattoo, but I am beginning to think that I might be able to mark off take a risk too.

  Because Casey Burke is a walking risk.

  One I want to take.

  There’s a party at the Carney.

  I look down at my phone and laugh. So what if there is a party? Why would Kane tell me that? I won’t go. I haven’t been to a party at the Carney since I was eighteen, and I have no desire to go to one now. No fucking way.

  Amberlyn is going.

  Okay, maybe I will go.

  Sitting up out of my chair, I put down the book I’m reading, The Hobbit, since Amberlyn had mention loving the Lord of the Rings. I hadn’t read it in a while and decided that tomorrow we could discuss it, if I can keep myself from trying to kiss her again. Man, that was close and so wrong of me. I haven’t even told her I like her or even ran the idea of going out with me across her, and I was about to kiss the hell out of her. I mean, really devour her beautiful, pouty lips. I don’t know what came over me. Usually, I have more control of my actions but with her, my control is shot. She constantly has my head spinning and my heart racing. It’s crazy, and I think that it’s about time for me to do something about it.


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