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Whiskey Prince

Page 23

by Toni Aleo

“I am, hello,” I fumble as I back away, embarrassed that she heard us talking about Declan. Even Fiona is red with embarrassment when I turn to her. “This is my cousin, Fiona Maclaster.”

  She smiles as she hugs Fiona. “Yes, you’re dating Kane, right? I saw you two together. He’s always been a big brother to me, too, and he looks beyond happy with you.”

  “Thank you,” is all Fiona says, and I swear she looks like she is talking to someone famous.

  I roll my eyes as Lena looks back at me. “Are you two having fun?”

  “Yes,” I say as Fiona nods. “It’s a beautiful party.”

  “Thank you, I’m so glad you could come or that Declan finally got the balls to invite you!” She laughs, and we both laugh along with her. “We’ll have to get together, maybe next week? Get to know each other.”

  “I’d love that,” I admit, and her eyes light up.

  “Wonderful, I’ll give you a ring next week then. You’ll have to come, too, Fiona.”

  Fiona can only nod as I say, “That’s so sweet, thank you.”

  When her gaze leaves mine to look down, I wait as she types something on her phone before looking up at us with her brows together. “I’m so sorry, excuse me. I have to go tend to something, but I look forward to getting together with you next week. Maybe tea?”

  “Sure, me too,” I say and before I can say more, she is gone. “Well, that was odd.”

  “I can’t believe she hugged me. That was so cool.”

  I roll my eyes. “You are acting like Aunt Shelia. She is just another person.”

  “She has dresses made for her by all the great designers, she is marrying the one of the richest bachelors from England, and she’s my idol,” Fiona gushes as I just shake my head.

  “You’re crazy,” I tease as we start for the ballroom.

  “Let’s make another stop for the chocolate fountain before finding the guys. I should have had dinner instead of having sex with my hot boyfriend,” she laughs as we beeline for the fountain.

  “Probably would have been a good idea,” I say with a shake of my head.

  Once at the fountain, we both make us a little plate before grabbing a glass of wine. Finding a table, we both munch as I people watch and look for Declan. I find him standing with Kane and an older man. It’s not his father, but he does look a lot like Kane.

  “Is that Kane’s dad?”

  Fiona looks to where I am pointing and covers her mouth as she says, “Yup, cool guy, his ma is real nice, too. I like them. I think they like me. I hope so at least.”

  “I’m sure they do. You’re fabulous.”

  She grins. “Maybe, I did spill the gravy all over the floor and they still invited me back.”

  “See! They loved you!”

  She laughs as I grin at her before looking away, my nerves getting the best of me. “I haven’t met Declan’s parents yet.”


  I shake my head. “Not yet. Tonight I will.”

  “Cool, good luck.”

  “Thanks,” I say as my heart skips a beat. The thought of meeting Declan’s parents has me on edge. Will they like me? Will they think I’m good enough for Declan? And if they don’t, will he care?

  “Ma thinks you’re going to leave her now that you’re selling your house back in America.”

  I look over at Fiona and shrug. “I’m not sure what I am going to do.”

  “I say you stay and go to school. It’s gonna be tough working and going to school. No reason having to pay rent when we can stay with my parents for free.”

  “True,” I agree. “I just don’t want to be a bother.”

  “Not at all. We love you, so stay with us.”

  I lean into her and say, “I love you.”

  She winks at me and pops a strawberry in her mouth just as someone asks, “You’re Amberlyn Reilly, yea?”

  I look up to meet a very pretty redhead with bright green eyes. I smile as I nod. “I am.”

  “It’s wonderful to meet the future Whiskey Princess. You must be very excited.”

  Fiona chokes on her strawberry as I say, “Excuse me? What?”

  Surely I head her wrong, but she isn’t derailed as she says, “You must be excited about getting married and having the baby.”

  Fiona is full-out laughing by now while all I can do is look at this girl like she is nuts. “Baby? Married? I’m sorry; you have it all wrong. I am with Declan, but we aren’t getting married or having a baby.”

  “That’s not what I heard or read for that matter. Why else would Declan choose someone like you to be with unless he’s knocked ya up?”

  “Whoa, screw you,” I say in shock. “My relationship with Declan is none of your business, but to set the record straight, I’m not pregnant, nor am I engaged to Declan. Get your facts straight. He’s with me because I’m freaking amazing.”

  Heat courses through my body as I stomp away. Something is seriously wrong here. I haven’t even slept with the guy, how could I be fucking pregnant! And where does she get off with all this false information? What the hell!

  I head right for Declan, despite Fiona yelling for me. He turns right before I reach him and his face goes white as he asks, “Amberlyn, what’s wrong?”

  “Do you know people think we are getting married and that I’m pregnant?”

  He lets out a breath as his shoulders fall. “Yea, I read it today. Well, not the pregnant part.”

  “Read it? And you didn’t tell me?” I say a little louder than I mean to, but seriously! What the fuck? This is viable information that would be nice if someone had warned me about. Now I look like the idiot that is completely blind to all the gossip that is being spread about me! “Why would they say that? Why wouldn’t you warn me about something like that?”

  Nervously, he looks around the room before taking my elbow in his hand. He then directs me out the ballroom to a side hallway. This house is so damn big and beautiful, but I refuse to enjoy it. Not when I am this upset.

  “I thought you said it doesn’t matter what people think.”

  “It doesn’t, but I still would have liked to know. I can’t believe this. Why would they think that?”

  He swallows loudly as he looks way. “I don’t know, Amberlyn. I’m sorry.”

  “No, don’t be sorry for these assholes. I’m just mad that I didn’t know about this or that you didn’t tell me. If it came from you, it would be different. I wouldn’t be mad, I’d probably laugh, but finding out from someone that I have no clue who they are, and for them to insult me at the same time, is a little shitty.”

  He looks back up at me, surprised. “Who insulted you?”

  “I don’t know, some girl. She said why else would you be with someone like me if I wasn’t pregnant.”

  His face falls as he shakes his head. “I’m sorry, Amberlyn. Please know that that is not the case at all. I’m with you because I care about you.”

  “Oh, I know this. I just don’t like that the bitch said otherwise. I don’t care what she thinks but still, it would have been nice to prepare for something like that.”

  He reaches out, pulling me to him before gathering me in his arms. I allow him to as my anger subsides. I guess I really shouldn’t be mad at him. It’s not his fault that this freaking town is dumb when it comes to him and his family. I get that they are rich and famous to some, but to me, he is just Declan. My heart. Turning my face up so that he can kiss me, I meet his heated gaze.

  “I’m sorry, my love, but this is my life. The gossip, the false stories… are you sure I’m worth it?”

  I smile as I give him a come-on kind of look. “Of course you are. Don’t be sorry, just kiss me.”

  He doesn’t even nod or answer me at all, only lets his mouth fall to mine before kissing the ever-loving crap out of me. His fingers bite into the lower part of my back as he presses into me. I can feel every single inch of him, and desire swirls deep in my stomach. Biting at his lip, I fight my grin when he sets me with a heated, lust-filled loo

  “You know you drive me wild when you do that, right?”

  I grin innocently. “No, not at all.”

  His fingers bite into me, leaving me breathless, and I find myself lost in his gaze. “You do. So much.”

  Going up on my toes, I nip at his bottom lip before whispering, “Good, I like causing all those dirty thoughts that you were telling me about earlier.”

  His eyes darken as he leans his head against mine. “You have no idea the things that run through my mind when it concerns you, love.”

  Ugh, the way he says love makes me wish my clothes would dissolve off. It’s so hot, so Irish, so deep, and God, I am so turned on that it isn’t even funny. Not even the hottest romance novel I’ve ever read made me as hot as I am now. I’m not sure if it’s the atmosphere or how hot and romantic he is, but my heart is pounding against my ribs and I can’t believe how bad I want him. I treasure my virginity and understand that it needs to be taken in a sweet way with love and unicorns and rainbows as Fiona would say, but I am honestly okay with Declan doing me against the wall of the bathroom. Or anywhere for that matter. Running my thumbs along his jawline, I try to control my breathing as he holds my gaze.

  “Can I ask you something?” he asks, wrapping his arms tighter around me. “You can say no. I won’t be mad or upset at all.”

  I nod slowly, my heart pounding because I’m pretty sure I know what he is going to ask me. “Ask me anything,” I whisper, running my thumb along his bottom lip.

  “Stay the night with me.”

  Oh, thank sweet baby Jesus! I’m gonna say yes, but I playfully say, “For what?”

  His eyes darken as he cups my ass in his hands, pressing himself into me, taking all the breath and playfulness out of me. “I want to make love to you Amberlyn, but I completely understand if you say no. We don’t even have to do it, but I just don’t want you to leave.”

  I can see the need in his eyes. He looks like a starved man, and I know I mirror him. I need him, want him, and I am more than ready to take our relationship to the next level. “Yes,” I breathe. “I want to.”

  “Now?” he asks, a smile pulling at his lips.

  “I don’t know about now. We do have a ball to attend, and I haven’t met your parents and—”

  “Declan, honey.”

  Declan’s eyes fall shut as he mutters, “Speak of the devil.”

  Placing a quick kiss to my nose, he lets me go reluctantly. I turn to see his parents coming towards us. Like Lena, Mrs. O’Callaghan is dressed in something very fashionable and very expensive. I’m pretty sure her stones are real and the dress is probably made by the same designers that Fiona was speaking of earlier. Her face is youthful and attractive; I can see a lot of Lena in her. The two women are both very beautiful, and I am thankful that Fiona made me shop for something so nice because otherwise, I would feel inferior to these gorgeous women in their designer gowns. Not that mine is that great, but it gives me the confidence to turn on a bright grin. I can feel Declan stiffen beside me as she reaches us with a very angry-looking Mr. O’Callaghan. I’m not sure who pissed in his cheerios, but I try to smile as if I don’t notice that something is seriously wrong. I chance a glance at Declan to see that he is glaring, and I know right then that this is not going to go well.

  “Ma, Da,” Declan says, wrapping his arm around my waist as I fold my hands together. My smile falters a bit under his father’s intense gaze. I can feel him looking me over. I feel as if he is judging me, and I don’t like it one bit. As much as I want to say something, my mother raised me with respect so I stay quiet as Declan says, “This is Amberlyn Reilly.”

  “Amberlyn, how lovely to meet you,” Mrs. O’Callaghan says as she reaches for my hand, shaking it softly. “You sure are a beautiful girl.”

  “Thank you, it’s wonderful to meet you, too,” I say, my voice cracking a bit. My face heats with embarrassment but Declan is there, kissing my temple.

  I send him a thankful grin, and he gives me a wink before turning to his father. “Love, my da, Ivor O’Callaghan.”

  “Nice to meet you, sir,” I say, holding my hand out, but his eyes haven’t left Declan’s. I slowly drop my hand, biting into the inside of my cheek as they hold each other’s gazes.

  “Ivor, please,” his mother strains and finally, he looks at me.

  “It’s a pleasure, Ms. Reilly. So this is who you’ve chosen?”

  The tension could be cut with a knife. I look up at Declan as he nods sternly. “Yes.”

  Mr. O’Callaghan slowly looks me over. “Fine, I can support you if that is what you want.”

  What in God’s name is going on here?

  “Thank you. I’d like that. She’s very special to me,” Declan answers, kissing my cheek before flashing me a wide grin. I return it, leaning into him as his father says, “That’s to be seen, I guess.”

  Mrs. O’Callaghan waves him off. “Ivor, please, she is lovely. You should come for tea, darling. Lena would love to meet you.”

  “I met her earlier. She was sweet and has made plans to call me next week.”

  “Wonderful, I will join to get to know you better. Declan seems pretty smitten with you.”

  My cheeks hurt from grinning so hard as I look up in his eyes. “I feel the same way.”


  Looking back at Mr. O’Callaghan, he asks, “Are you having a nice time, then?”

  “Yes sir, it’s a lovely ball. You have a beautiful home.”

  Mrs. O’Callaghan sends me a pleased smile as Mr. O’Callaghan says, “It is nice, huh? My great-great-great-great-grandda built it. It has been in the family my whole life. I was born here; Declan and Lena were born here. It’s special.”

  “I bet, that’s amazing,” I gush, biting the inside of my cheek.

  “Have you ever seen something like this back in the states? Where are you from, Tennessee? Do they have houses like this there?”

  I slowly shake my head as Declan lets out a breath as he says, “Let’s go, Amberlyn. I’d like to dance.”

  “Now don’t run off. We are talking, Declan,” Mr. O’Callaghan says before setting me with a look. “Do they?”

  “No sir, but I wouldn’t consider this a home. It’s more a castle. We have mansions, but not castles like this. It’s breathtaking here and sometimes, I’m scared to touch things when I come to visit.”

  “Scared, huh? Maybe that’s why she doesn’t want to marry our son, Noreen, even though the paper says otherwise.”

  “Da,” Declan warns. “The papers are rubbish, and you know it.”

  “Sure because she hasn’t said yes, right? Have you even asked her? Better get to work, son. Time is ticking.”

  Whoa, what? I have no clue what they are talking about, and I need answers. Looking over at Declan, I can see that he is fighting to control his anger. His eyes are narrowed, a vein is sticking out of his forehead, and his breath is labored.

  “Ivor, that is enough. Don’t do this in front of his lovely girlfriend.”

  “Why not? It includes her, if she’ll marry him.”

  What. The. Fuck?

  Sputtering, I ask, “Declan?”

  “Ignore him, come on,” he says, pulling me with him.

  But not in time before I hear his father call out, “Ignore it all you want, Declan. You only have three months before Micah takes over. I’d make a move if I were you. Even though, I’m pretty sure she is not made for this life.”

  “Declan, what the hell is going on?”

  “Nothing,” he says, pulling me through the ballroom and out a side door to the side of the house. The warm air hits my skin as we head towards where it looks like the cars are parked. Declan’s body is shaking with anger, and he won’t look me in the eyes as he says, “I’m gonna take you home, okay love? I’m not feeling well.”

  Stopping in my track, I take hold of his wrist, stopping him. “Whoa, no, stop. What the hell was your dad talking about? Who’s Micah?”

  Pinching the b
ridge of his nose, he closes his eyes as he takes in a deep breath. “Please Amberlyn, let me take you home. I’m sorry to ruin the night. I just need to go to sleep, I think.”

  “No,” I answer, taking a step towards him. Removing his hand from his nose, I take his face in my hands and whisper, “Don’t shut me out. Please, tell me what’s going on.”

  Closing his eyes, he leans into my hand before opening them to look at me. “Micah is my sister’s fiancé, and will take over the distillery in three months if I’m not married.”

  Huh? Raising my brow, I ask, “But I thought everything goes to you when your dad retires?”

  “It would if I’m married. You know how you call the way I am treated by the town dumb and stupid? Well, it gets worse. I am obligated to be married before I turn twenty-one, or I don’t get the distillery. Only a man in love can love the distillery the way it should be loved.”

  I am so confused it isn’t even funny. “But you’re twenty-two?”

  “Things were ignored because of what happened to Lena. They blamed the fact I wasn’t married because of that, but it wasn’t that. I just never cared for anyone, and I refuse to get married unless I love the person.”

  I’m speechless; I don’t know what to say. Blinking, I can only look at him as I process everything he has just said. Watching me, he tucks his hands inside his suit pants and I say, “Why are you just now telling me this? This is huge. This is something you share with someone, you know? Why were you are hiding this from me? Don’t you know you can tell me anything?”

  He kicks at the ground as he slowly meets my gaze. “I know, Amberlyn. It’s just that I am nervous. When I met you, everything changed. You awoke me and made my life worth living in this very short time of being with you. I was so scared to lose you, and I didn’t want to scare you away with my stupid family drama. I don’t even remember what was important to me before I met you. All that matters is you now, and I’ve decided that being with you is way more important than this distillery or anything else for that matter.”

  My heart is singing but still, I can’t believe he didn’t tell me this. “I am thankful you feel that way because I feel the same but still, Declan—”

  “No, Amberlyn, as much as I want to have it all, I refuse to rush you and make you feel as if you have to marry me. I won’t do that. I know you, and I know that you’ll jump to help me, but I refuse to do that to you. Instead, I’ll lose it all in the hopes that one day you will marry me and continue to make me the happiest man alive because I—”


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