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Savage SEAL’s Virgin: A Submissives’ Secrets Novel

Page 24

by Michelle Love

  miles in any direction, the property was that large. The owner was out of the country and he wouldn’t be around to bother us. I had Blyss to myself. A thing I hadn’t had in five years. And I wanted to do things to her I hadn’t in that amount of time too. I wanted to see her body hanging in ropes. I wanted to listen to her guttural cries. I wanted to take her in ways I hadn’t.

  It was high time I put the notion that Blyss was fragile out of my head. She was anything but that. Physically and mentally, she’d toughened up. Life made that happen. She wasn’t the twenty-two-year-old virgin anymore. She was five years older and had been through a shit-ton of things that had her far from the naïve virgin she’d been.

  I could do to her what I’d done to my other subs now. I could teach her what I expected out of a sub. She was ready to learn, and we could make this a part of our lives. I needed it to be. I couldn’t go another five years holding the dark part of myself back.

  That part turned even darker when he was held down. I could see that now. I could feel him writhing inside me, growing more and more volatile. I owed it to us both to let him out more often. Or what he’d grow into was a thing I feared.

  The Dungeon of Decorum had re-opened only a few months after the incident involving Blyss had shut it down. I’d spoken to Grant, and our membership had been reinstated. I had plans for my sub. We’d left that place with our tails between our legs. I wanted to go back with our heads held high and show them we were not broken.

  Out of the ashes, we would rise, the Phoenixes that we were!

  But first, I had to build my sub from the ground up. Blyss had never been trained. I was easy on her. She never got what she went to the club for. She was never immersed in the culture. She was never taught about how to act the way a sub was supposed to.

  could’ve broken her but didn’t. I should’ve seen her strength with how she took the assault. I didn’t. I should’ve seen what she was capable of after my imprisonment, I didn’t. I should’ve seen how unbreakable she was after she gave me two sons, I didn’t.

  I saw her strength on our fifth anniversary when she and I made love on a hotel balcony in Paris. A fire was in her eyes, and I watched it burn, without feeding it. She had an inner darkness too that was yearning to be taken out to play. I had always denied her that.

  I was done denying either of our demons. They were about to be set free. The forest was in for some strange goings on, it seemed. I hoped we didn’t cause any of the creatures that called it home undo stress.

  Things were about to get wild and sinister!


  I was tossed over his shoulder moments after we stopped. “Troy? I mean, Master, do you mind if I go to the bathroom?”

  He put me down. Took off the cuffs and the blindfold and I found we were in the woods. The dark was broken only by his headlights that were shining on the black mouth of a giant cave. “Ditch that dress and those heels. I want you in bra and panties only. Go use the bathroom then go to the front of the cave and wait for me there.”

  “Um,” I looked around at the complete darkness as the trees were so tall and thick no light from the moon or stars broke the canopy. “Where would I do that, exactly?”

  One dark brow cocked as he looked at me with irritation in his expression. “We have camped before, you know where to use the bathroom, Sub. Don’t act stupid. I’m not about to tolerate it for one second.”

  He opened the back and picked up the box as I shook my head. I wasn’t going into the darkness to get my ass lost. “I’ll need a flashlight, a roll of toilet paper, and a plastic bag to put the used paper in.” I pulled off my dress and stepped out of my heels then placed them in the backseat as I waited for him to get what I needed.

  Just as I turned around after placing the things in the seat, I found him standing right there. He took me by the throat, his teeth were clenched as he spoke harshly, “Things are going to be different this week. You will watch every word you say to me. You will give me respect at all times. When I say jump, don’t ask me how high, you just start jumping until I say stop. Got me, Sub?”

  Whoa! He was like a Dom on steroids!

  before. I got it; We were going full tilt on the BDSM stuff. I could do that. He’d see that I wasn’t some china doll, as he always said I was.

  I lowered my eyes, submissively. “Yes, Master, I apologize. I will wait for you to give me what I need. I trust you’ll take care of me.”

  He let me go and turned away from me. I stayed perfectly still until he came back and handed me a plastic bag with all I needed. The soft needles of pine trees carpeted the forest floor as I padded across it to find a nearby tree to relieve myself behind.

  ell cave. It seemed we’d be staying in it. Needless to say, that didn’t set well with me. What if there were wild animals who called that cave home? Bears? Wolves? Bats?

  No, I wasn’t cool with staying for a week in a cave full of killer animals. “Sub, hurry up!” he bellowed as he stood in the headlights at the mouth of the cave.

  “Coming, Master.” I finished up, cleaned myself up and ran to him. I didn’t want to risk pissing him off.

  Once I got to him, he tossed me over his shoulder and in we went as he clicked the key-fob, turning off the Jeep’s lights and leaving us in complete darkness.

  He seemed to know his way around the cave as he walked with no problems. I couldn’t see a thing as he sat me down on a soft bunch of material. I thought it was most likely a sleeping bag. “Sit.”

  “Yes, Master.” It wasn’t like I was about to get up and stumble around in the pitch black of a cave full of rabid animals. In my mind, all the occupants, who had to be living in the cave, now had rabies, making them even scarier.

  A lantern was lit, and I could see tiny streams of water running down the sandy colored walls. The sleeping bag I was on was black as was everything else he’d brought. We were extremely covert, a thing I assumed he was doing to fulfill a SEAL fantasy he must’ve had and hadn’t told me about.

  Troy hadn’t told me about having any kind of fantasies. But he had them, that was for sure. When he disappeared out of the light, I heard the sound of fabric rustling. Then he returned to the light, and it was then I saw what he had become.

  The savage that dwelled inside him!

  Trails of red ran over his face where his fingers had left grease paint over a black background. Only his blue-green eyes showed me who he really was. His chest had been covered in the black paint too, trails of gray broke it in places. He had on black pants and nothing else.

  He cocked his head as he looked at me. “You are my prisoner. My sex slave, who I will do with as I want. You ran from me earlier, you will be punished for that.”

  My brows lifted. I’d run from him?

  I didn’t say a word, it had to have been part of his fantasy. I nodded. “Yes, Master.”

  He pulled out a rope from behind him and came toward me. I looked down, as he picked me up, tossing me over his shoulder and taking me further back into the cave.

  Putting me on the cold stone floor, he turned on his flashlight, and I watched him throw the long rope over a natural stone beam that was above him. “Come.”

  I got up and went to him. He tied my wrists with the rope then pulled it up until only my toes were touching the ground. He tied it off on a rock that jutted out from the wall.

  I was helpless and began to get a little worried about what he was about to do. “Cherry, right?”

  “Yes,” was all he said.

  Okay, the safeword was still the same. I felt better knowing that.

  It went dark as he turned out the flashlight then I felt a strap of leather as he ran it over the backs of my legs. “You ran away from me, Sub.” He pulled one side of my panties, ripping them off me. “You ran to another man.”

  I stopped breathing. What was he going to do to me with that thought in his head? He ripped my bra off and ran the leather strap over my back.

  I knew he’d never hit me there. The scars I c
arried there were too deep, physically and mentally. Even in his present state, he’d never do more to me than I could handle. I could trust him.

  His strong hand cupped my face, and I could feel his hot breath on it as he growled, “Did he fuck you, Sub?”

  I wasn’t sure what the hell to say. But I figured what would any woman say when asked that question, and answered, “No, Master. I am only for you.”

  “Liar!” he shouted, and I felt the strap fall across my ass.

  I screamed with the sting of it, and he gave me three more in rapid succession. “I’m sorry!”

  His tone was low and gravelly, “Sorry for fucking another man?”

  “No, sorry for hurting you.” I had no idea what else to say.

  Deep laughter filled the cavern. “You cannot hurt me, you little twit! But I can hurt you.” Three more lashes found my backside.

  The pain was beginning to get a bit on the hot side as my ass pulsed. Then his fingers went inside me as his lips pressed against my back. He pumped them and pumped them then ran his other hand around me and pinched my clit until I was screaming with an orgasm.

  Tortured with orgasms isn’t the worst way to receive punishment!

  But it was taxing on my body that was hanging by a rope. And my pussy was pulsing, wanting his cock inside me. “Please,” I muttered.

  He knew what I wanted, but he didn’t give it to me. He smacked my ass five times. “Do not speak unless I tell you to,” he said with an even tone.

  Panting, I was trying to catch my breath then he pulled the rope, and I began to swing as he lifted it high enough that my feet no longer touched the ground. It stretched my arms as my weight was held only by them.

  I felt his body as ours grazed when I went swung by him. Then his hand connected with my ass on the next pass. With each pass, he smacked my ass until I cried out, “No more, please!”

  “That was a mistake.” He stopped the swinging and stood in front of me. One of his hands held me by the waist, keeping me close to him. The other hand was on his cock, and he moved it over my clit.

  He pressed it against it, moving it over and over until I was climaxing again. I wanted him inside me so badly, it defied imagination. “Please.”

  “Oh, you will pay for that outburst.”

  His hands moved down my legs, then he was sticking his tongue inside me, lapping up the cum. It only served to make me want him more as he teased me. I didn’t want his little tongue, I wanted his massive dick.

  As he ate me, his hands moved around to my ass, and he stuck one finger in it, pumping it furiously. Abruptly, he stopped what he was doing and spun me around and around until I was dizzy, then he stopped me and picked me up.

  I was gasping as he settled me on his shoulders, facing him. He licked me over and over as his finger went back into my ass. He had leaned me against the wet wall to secure me. Cold water was streaming down my back. The cold did little to help reduce the heat my body was radiating.

  He stopped just before I was about to cum. Putting my feet on the ground, I heard him drop his pants. “Did you let that mother fucker cum inside you, Sub?”

  I could barely think, but managed to say, “No, Master. I am only for you.”

  “Liar!” I felt another lash across my aching ass then he pushed me to face the wall.

  I felt his cock against my ass. He’d taken his pants off and was naked behind me. His cock was right against me as he began to run his hand up and down it.

  He pressed his muscular body against mine, breathing in my ear as he masturbated behind me. The tip of his cock barely touching my asshole was excruciating. I wanted him inside me so bad. I didn’t care which hole he took, I just wanted him to take one of them.

  But he wouldn’t do what I craved. He jerked off until his cum poured all over my ass. “You will never feel my cock inside you again, Sub. You let another man take what’s mine. You will forever be mine. I will keep you hidden away in this cave forever, but you will never feel my cock inside of you again.”

  I couldn’t take it. I began to cry and beg, “No, please! Please, Master. I didn’t do it. I didn’t let another man touch what was yours. You have to believe me. I only want you. I have only ever wanted you! I can’t take not feeling you inside me again. I have to have you. You’re the only man I ever want!”

  His lips moved over my neck as he said, “How am I to believe you?”

  I was shaking. My body was prickling with heat and frustration. “I love you, Master. I would never let another man touch me. Not ever. I am sorry you ever thought that. I am yours. Only yours, Master.”

  He reached up and untied my hands then threw me over his shoulder and took me back to the cavern with the lantern in it. Putting me on top of the sleeping bag, he massaged my shoulders which ached, and so did my ass, which he left untouched.

  After a few minutes of doing that, he laid me down in the sleeping bag and zipped it up. Without saying another word, he walked away from me and turned out the light.

  I was left on the floor, alone. I could hear him breathing, he was still there, but he wasn’t near me. He was doing to me what he’d done to his other subs. It was then I knew what they all must’ve felt like. I cried myself to sleep that night. For the first time, I knew what it meant to be completely without power. y to know what that felt like.


  After a week of training and building up our scene, I was ready to take my sub back to the club we’d left behind us. I had on a black tux and Blyss was dressed in a strapless black dress. The back was cut out, it showed the scars she bore from the attack. I wanted them to be displayed. Everyone there knew her story. I wanted them to see how she rose above it all. I was proud of her and wanted her to know that.

  She’d done remarkably well the entire time in the cave. I’d tortured her relentlessly and was surprised by all she could take. I wasn’t sure if I’d wasted five years not knowing how well-suited she was for the lifestyle or if the years had helped to create her. It didn’t matter, she was perfect, and I would have the best of both worlds with her.

  I had a black collar and leash on her as we strode in. Her hair was pulled into a tight braid that ran down her back. I walked two paces in front of her, eyeing the men and women who looked at her as she walked with her head held high.

  We went straight to the stage we’d be playing out our scene on. Grant had set it all up for us. He was eager to visit with us and had asked if I would allow him to talk to Blyss, professionally. He wanted to make some changes in his life but wasn’t sure how to do that. He felt she could help him. I liked the man and agreed to allow my wife to be his psychologist.

  I’d brought her to the place she’d wanted to be when I first won her. It only took me five years to do it, but better late than never, right?

  She and I stepped on stage and turned to face our peers. I pulled the leash off her, leaving the collar on and took the rope that hung above us, tying her up by her wrists.

  I spun her around, as the spotlight hit her deep scars. “This woman was viciously attacked in this club five years ago. She was near death thanks to a man who had the audacity to call himself a Dom. I am here tonight to show you that anything can be overcome.”

  Applause thundered through the room as the spotlight went out and I rid myself of the tux that was held together with snaps. Underneath it, I wore only dark pants with an elastic waistband.

  the moment, she was my sub. I had to keep that in mind. This was a roleplaying game, and when we went home, we’d shut this part of us off. We’d go back to our family and friends the people who they knew us to be. This part of us was to be kept a secret, only we’d share.

  When the lights came back up from being dim, I was holding a whip. The same kind that had marred Blyss’ perfect skin forever. I ran it across her cheek, and she took in a deep breath. “Does this scare you, Sub?”

  “No, Master. I trust you with it. As I do in all things.”

  “Good girl.” I unfurled the whip and brandi
shed it around her.

  She kept her eyes closed, waiting for that first strike. I let the tiniest tip of it hit her ass, and she moaned. Then I let the tip touch the back of her left leg. A red mark appeared right away, and she growled with the pain of it striking her flesh.

  deserved. In the Dungeon of Decorum, dreams can be made. You just need to know how to make them come true. Blyss and I had finally done that.

  And we lived sexily ever after…

  The End

  Doctor’s Demands Preview

  A Submissives’ Secrets Novel

  By Michelle Love

  The Doctor’s arrived…And his treatment is sizzling!

  She’s a young college student, set on a scrupulous career as a school teacher.

  I’m a doctor with a checkered past.

  Binge drinking on weekends, sleeping with women I care nothing for, and seeking summers with women I rent, has been my life.

  Until I saw her face on the club’s website.

  The Dungeon of Decorum may have found her, but I’d take her as my own.

  Fighting men who wanted to use her in ways I found distasteful, I finally won her. She was mine to do with as I wanted. And I wanted all of her!

  But she’d only get part of me. It had to be that way. She was my secret.

  From our first touch, a spark ignited, neither of us had ever felt before. Our heat was off the charts. I couldn’t stop myself from taking her in ways I’d never planned on.

  And I hadn’t planned for what she did. She broke every rule, some I hadn’t even made yet.

  Could I face the world with what I’d done? Or would I run, leaving her behind me, safe as long as she wasn’t with me?

  Love is temporary, at best. Happily ever after endings are merely fantasies, or so we both thought…


  My expression has to be one of worry, complete with furrowed brows, as I look at the unbelievable amount next year’s classes will cost me. An audible groan slips through my lips and draws the attention of the tall, slender, gazelle-like young woman who’s in line behind me. “Troubles?” she asks. I’ve shared a few classes with the woman, she’s not a big talker, so the fact she’s asking me anything is a miracle.


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