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Savage SEAL’s Virgin: A Submissives’ Secrets Novel

Page 27

by Michelle Love

  My blood begins to boil as I think about anyone else having her. “No!” I say, sternly. The tip of my pencil breaks as I press it too hard on the list I made for us. “I won’t be bidding on anyone but Petra Bakari. She’s the only one this year which is of any interest to me. If I don’t get her, then I guess I’ll go without.”

  “Sir, there are always a lot of women available on a day to day basis if that happens. You have nothing to worry about. But I really do think you should consider picking out a few more girls. It’s just a smart thing to do.”

  “I know that. I’ve done that in the previous years. But there’s something about this one that makes my cock thump, you know?”

  “I see. Well, good luck then. I wish you all the best. You can rest assured that your apartment will have all you’ve ordered and it’s being all taken care of as we speak. The place is yours, whether you win Miss Bakari or not. You’ll, at the very least, have a place to take women if you so desire to. Here at The Dungeon of Decorum we always make it our business to please our members. Our entire staff will be at your disposal. Have a great weekend, and we look forward to seeing you. If there’s nothing else, I’ll bid you good day.”

  “There’s nothing more that I need. Only to win her. Goodbye.” I end the call and put my phone down. Drumming my fingers on the tabletop, I can’t stop thinking about someone else winning her and how mad it makes me.

  This has never happened to me before. I can’t say that I like it. But I can’t say that I hate it, either.

  Already this woman is bringing more out in me than anyone ever has and we’ve yet to even meet. Pulling up her picture on the site again, I tap the button and print it out. The sound of the printer in my office that’s just off the kitchen buzzes, and I hear it bringing the woman I can’t stop thinking about a bit more to life for me.

  Two weeks seems like an eternity to find out if I can bid higher than the others who are interested in her. I have to win her.

  I have to!


  Sipping on a glass of red wine, I relax beside the pool at Leticia’s apartment complex. Wearing the skimpiest bikini I’ve ever worn, I’m getting sun in places that’ve never seen it. Leticia says men like tanned skin, so we’re tanning for the auction that’s in two weeks.

  My nerves have subsided a lot since I’ve been training. Reading all I can about this kind of thing has helped tremendously as well. Picking up my cell, I check my social media and see I’ve gotten an email from The Dungeon of Decorum.

  “Hey, Leticia I have an email from the club. Do you think they’re telling me I can’t be in the auction?” I ask with worry threading through my voice.

  “No, silly,” she says then swats the air as if to push away my bad vibes. “Just read it.”

  My hand is shaking as I swipe the screen. Gulping, I see it’s from the auction manager, Isabel Deleon. “It says I have an interested purchaser and he’d like for me to know what he expects out of a sub.”

  Leticia pulls her expensive shades down and wiggles her dark eyebrows at me. “Cool! Does it say what he wants?”

  “Uh, huh,” I mumble as I look over the rest of the message. “Listen to this, Leticia. Our member requires a woman who will be staying in an apartment here at our club. She will live out the three-month contract in that apartment and will only be taken out if her owner so desires.”

  “Confinement,” Leticia says, sounding eerie.

  “Like, I’ll be stuck there if he wins me?” I ask with hesitation. “Oh, I don’t know about this.”

  “Keep reading, Petra,” she urges me as she refills our wine glasses.

  “Okay, it says here that he doesn’t like to be touched, so various things will be used to secure my hands. My legs will also be secured using several different things that the owner will use at his discretion. Oh, and he isn’t into Impact Play. That’s good to know.” I run my hand over my ass as it’s been sore for days from the different things Leticia has used on me.

  “That’s a positive for this man. You don’t seem to care much for that anyway.” She hands me the glass filled with wine, and I take a sip to steady my nerves.

  Reading on, I say, “It goes on to say that he uses blindfolds and even sometimes puts silk bags over his sub’s head. He isn’t a man who wants to be seen. And may not allow it at all.” I give Leticia a worried glance. “What if he’s super ugly or something like that?”

  Shaking her head, making her spiral curls bounce around, she says, “That doesn’t matter at all. No matter what he looks like, you have to act like you think he’s the most gorgeous man you’ve ever seen.”

  I nod and finish reading, “If you are won by this bidder you can expect to be left alone for periods of time as he likes to be missed and welcomed back with open arms. Until he ties them back. See you in two weeks. Have an awesome weekend, Miss Bakari.”

  “So, he sounds nice,” Leticia says then giggles.

  “He sounds weird,” I say as I put my cell down on the little glass table and take a longer sip of my wine. “Why do you think he wants me to be kept in an apartment where he’ll leave me alone a lot? And when he does come to me, it sounds as if I’ll be tied up and masked and he’ll do what he wants then leave again. That sounds kind of awful.”

  “Not to me. You get diddled then he’s gone, and you get to do what you want to.”

  “There, at some apartment inside of a BDSM club. I don’t know about this.” I take another sip and find Leticia shaking her head.

  “Look, it sounds like this guy has a need for a kept woman. He might be married and have a terrible sex life with his wife. Instead of taking a mistress, he takes you for the summer. You’re screened, sexually healthy, and not a risk in destroying his marriage,” she says as she coats her long legs in some kind of expensive oil then tosses the bottle to me. “Put some of this on too.”

  Doing as she says, I feel a little depressed about this interested party. “I don’t know. To be honest, I’ve kind of romanticized who would win me. You know, a great looking man, rich, built like a brick house. He and I would have magical passion and things would go great.”

  “And the two of you would fall in love and get married and have babies,” she adds with a laugh. “That isn’t going to happen. That’s not what this is about at all. This about having their kinks fulfilled with someone who will go away at the end of the summer, Petra. Don’t get your heart involved in this. You are the vessel your owner will use for a few months to get whatever it is that’s in his system out of it. Nothing more than that. I don’t want you to get your heart broken. In this line of work, your heart has no place in it.”

  “Is the lecture over?” I ask her with a smile.

  She nods. “As long as you understand things clearly. I’ve been trying to show you how your body will be used. Not all Doms care if their subs are pleased or not. They pay a price for you, you are essentially their piece of meat. Not that I like to think in those terms, but if you think the man who purchases you will grow to care for you, I’m afraid you’re in for disappointment.”

  “Okay, I get it. This man just wants a piece on the side, waiting for him like no woman in the real world would ever do. He wants to fuck a woman with nothing emotional happening between them, so he doesn’t have to feel guilty about anything. If he’s married, he hasn’t shared his heart with anyone. Only his cock. Am I on the right track?” I ask her as she fans herself.

  “It’s getting hot out here. And you’re on the right track.” She gets up, grabbing the half empty bottle of wine and her glass. “Come on, let’s go inside. Enough tanning for today.”

  I get up and follow her. “Who knows, the interested man may not even be the guy who wins me. I shouldn’t worry, huh?”

  “You should never worry, Petra. There’s nothing to worry about. This time you’ll get a man who likes things one way, next time it’ll be a man who likes things another way.” She stops at the door to her apartment.

  I reach around her to open it a
s her hands are full. “This will be the only time I do this, Leticia. I’m in it for the twenty thousand bucks to pay for next year’s classes, and that’s it.”

  She and I go inside, and I close the door behind us as she snickers. “You’ll see, Petra. Not only is the money addicting, so is the lifestyle. You begin to crave it.”

  Grabbing a robe off the chair I left mine on, I wrap it around me and take a seat on the soft cushioned sofa. “I don’t think I will crave it. Especially if my first taste of this is with some man who treats me like a vagina and nothing more.”

  Throwing her robe down on the chair opposite from me, she sits on it so as not to get the oil, that’s covering her body, all over the furniture. “Petra, even if you don’t care for the experience you get the first time, you’ll see that you’ll seek another experience that will excite you. The secrecy is also a huge part of the attraction of this type of thing. The things you will do and allow to be done to you that you’ll never tell a soul about will lay in your mind, where only you can enjoy the memories.”

  “But you said some of the people do scenes that others watch. Now, that’s not a secret,” I remind her then set my empty wine glass on the table between us and lie back on the sofa.

  “It still is. While you’re doing those things, knowing others are watching, you know they will never tell anyone your name, what you do for a living, anything personal about you. That’s what makes it all so captivating and enticing. We’re like a group who knows a lot about the members but refuses to let anyone know what we do.”

  “I want to be a teacher of little kids, Leticia. What if this does leak out somehow? What would happen to the career I’ve worked so hard for?” I ask as I sit up and feel butterflies begin to flutter in my stomach. “What if the very thing I do to make sure I get my career is the thing that takes it all away from me?”

  “Now you’re just being dramatic,” she says as she waves her hand through the air. She has this way of waving things off. It’s kind of funny but weird because it seems to work like magic.

  I lean back, feeling like she’s right and that I’m overthinking things again. “I’ll let it go. Who knows if I’ll ever do this again or not.”

  “Bet you will,” she says with a grin. “And the apartment three doors down is going to be available in the fall. You should rent it.”

  “Your rent has to be out of this world,” I say as I look around her place. “I’ve never seen anything so nice in my life. I could never afford it.”

  “You will be able to. You’ll see,” she says then gets up. “I’m going to shower. You should too. Then we’ll get dressed up and go out to a club. It’s Saturday night, and I think you should get out while you can. You might be spending the summer locked away.”

  Getting up, I make my way to the guest room I’ve been staying in since she took me into her training program. “You’re right. And maybe finding a man for the night is a good idea.”

  She stops dead in her tracks and looks at me with a scowl on her face. “No! No men, Petra. You’ve already been screened for everything known to man. You can’t have any sex until you’re bought. It’s in the rules, didn’t you read them all?”

  “I did, but I guess I didn’t fully understand that one. I thought it meant not without a condom.”

  “No, nothing. No kissing, touching. Nothing that you might take back to your Dom. If you make him sick, then you don’t get a dime. That means with anything. Even a damn cold, Petra. Why do you think I have you on the vitamin regimen that I do and the exercise schedule?”

  “I thought so I’d be in great shape. You should explain things better,” I tell her as I walk away. “I get it now. No sex, no kissing, or touching any man.”

  “Or woman, Petra!” she tells me, sternly.

  “Why would I even try to be with a woman, Petra. You know that’s not my thing. No matter what I’ve done with you to get myself ready for whatever my owner might throw at me, I’m still a full-fledged heterosexual. No matter how sexy you are, sugar,” I say then blow a kiss her way.

  “So, we understand each other then?”

  With a nod, I walk into the bedroom and think about what the hell I’ve gotten myself into. I’ve been with a chick, and will soon be allowing a man to do anything with my body that he wants to.

  What in the hell am I thinking?


  The expensive Brandy I’ve sipped on to steady my nerves has done little to help. The night has come. The auction will begin in just a little while. And I’ve seen Petra in person!

  Her beauty wasn’t done justice by the one picture the site had posted of her. The way her silky black hair hangs to her waist makes my dick twitch. I can already feel it between my fingers as I take a lock of it and run it over my cheek.

  She’s wearing what all the other women on the auction block are wearing tonight. A thin white gown that goes to her bare feet. Cut low at the top, and tied with a gold sash at the waist, it accents her assets as it clings to her body. None are allowed to wear a bra or panties underneath it, and traces of her private areas can be made out.

  Petra Bakari has on very little makeup, a natural beauty is what she is. Her heart-shaped face is accented with pink cheeks and lips. Her skin is perfectly tanned and dewy looking. As if she’s just come out of a cool shower, fresh as the morning air.

  “That one there, she’s new,” some old man says as he points at Petra. “I saw her on the site. She’s one of my favorites.”

  I make my way to where he’s sitting and clear my throat, then say, “I saw her list of what she’ll do, it’s pretty short. New isn’t always a good thing.”

  He looks at me with faded blue eyes and nods. “I know her list is short, but with a Dom like me, I can help her make it grow.”

  “Push her past her limits?” I ask with a frown. “Not very sporting of you.”

  “Push?” he asks with a grin that shows the gaps he has between his front teeth. “No, not push. Test. Her limits just need to be tested for her to grow into what I need her to be.”

  Another man joins us at the spot in front of the two-way mirror the bidders all sit behind while the women walk around on the other side. The stage is set up like a Roman auction block. Trainers lead them around on leashes. And the way Petra walks with her head held high and her body poised is remarkable for someone who has never done this before.

  A thin man with a long mustache takes a seat at the front, with the man who I’ll be competing with to win Petra and myself. “I heard you two talking about my little beauty, Petra Bakari. I hope you won’t be too disappointed when I win her.”

  It’s crazy how quickly my skin prickles with heat that spreads through me as if a wildfire has just been set. “And what would you do with the new young thing?” I ask him.

  “I have medical kinks. Sounding is one of my favorite things to do and have done to me. I’d have to teach her, of course. It’s not on her list, but I’m sure if I get her to do it to me then she’ll let me do it to her too. I have a complete gynecological set up at my place.”

  “You live in Portland?” the old guy asks.

  The man twirls the end of his dark mustache. “I do.”

  I decide to ask him a question too, “And you’re a gynecologist?”

  “No, I’m a computer programmer. But my kinks are in that department. I’ve spent quite a lot of money setting up my little office at home. And I’ve been dying to get a woman who will play with me. This will be my first purchased female.”

  “Congratulations,” the old guy says as he high fives the little freak.

  I lean back in my comfortable chair and try not to think bad thoughts about the men, but I can’t help it. One wants to make her his patient for the next three months, and the other wants to push her until she does what he wants her to. It makes me sick and mad at the same time.

  I have to win her, or she’ll end up with one of these weirdos!

  All three of us shut our mouths as Petra is brought up for inspecti
on. The trainer has her in a set of handcuffs and places a lilac colored blindfold over her eyes. He instructs her to kneel, and she does so without hesitation. He moves around her, pulling her up to where she’s on her hands and knees and runs his hands over her ass then spanks her five times. She doesn’t move as he pushes the dress up, exposing her naked ass and inserting one finger into her vagina, bringing it back out, glistening with her juices.

  The spanking has made her wet, and I hear the old man sucking in his breath as he says, “Good, I like to spank, and she likes to get spanked.” I watch as he rubs his cock that’s swelling under his black tuxedo pants. “I want to make her my bratty little girl who does things to get into trouble just so she can feel my strong hand connecting with her sweet ass. And her ass is sweet. I can’t wait to taste that pussy of hers.”

  My stomach knots as I listen to him talk about the woman who’s been in my head so strongly since the moment I saw her picture. “Her profile says that Impact Play is a soft limit for her. That means she’ll do it, but she doesn’t like to,” I say to detour the creep.

  “She’ll learn to like it,” he tells me with a crooked grin that’s more than a bit evil. “When she gets my fat cock after every spanking, she’ll actually ask me for it, the way all the others have.”

  I keep my thoughts to myself but would love to let him know that’s only because of the lavish amount of money he must give them. “I see.”

  My attention is turned as the trainer moves Petra to lie on her back and pushes the dress up so we can see her pussy which is bare and beautiful. He spreads her legs wide so all can see her personal areas and for the first time ever, I feel horrible for someone being treated this way.

  “I don’t think this part is really necessary,” I find myself saying out loud.

  “Nonsense,” the little twerpy mustached man says, “I think it’s great. Not only do we get to see what the women have going on there but this also shows me that this one has no aversion to being examined. A thing I plan to do to her a lot. A whole lot! Oh, the things I’ll insert into her! I’m so excited to get started. Will the bidding begin soon?”


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