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Savage SEAL’s Virgin: A Submissives’ Secrets Novel

Page 29

by Michelle Love

  “I’ve never been more nervous about anything in my life,” I confess. “Shit!”

  Her assistant hands me a glass of Champagne as I take a seat to sign the papers that will bind us together for the next three months. “Congratulations,” he tells me as I try to sign the paper with my shaking hand. “You looked worried.”

  “I was. I haven’t thought of much else but her since the first day she was up on the site. I had no backup plan.” I finish signing the contract and see her signature on it.

  Petra Bakari is mine!

  As I leave, I see the men who were making my life miserable have all moved on to the next woman. Thank God, I made the highest bid. Petra will be one happy woman when she gets her reward for being my sub. If she does the right things with it, she’ll be wealthy the rest of her life. She’ll never have to do this again if she doesn’t want to.

  Tossing the drink down my throat, I go to find one of the staff to ready my new sub for me. I find a young woman who might help Petra feel calmer and ask, “Do you think you can do something for me?”

  “Anything,” she says with a helpful tone all the staff seems to have.

  Taking her by the arm, I lead her to the apartment Petra was taken to. “I think that you might be a good person to get my new sub ready for me. She looked a little nervous, and I don’t want her to be afraid. But I’m not going to talk to her that much.” I pull the letter I’ve written to her out of my pocket and put it into the girl’s hand. “Give her this and let her read it. It’ll help her understand what I’m going to do with her. After she reads it, then give her a drink if she wants one. Only one, though. I don’t like lushes. Then I want her arms bound with the monoglove I laid out on the bed. Her ankles need to be cuffed to the hooks in the floor, she should be in a sitting position. And just before you leave her, put the blindfold I’ve also laid out, on her. Then tell her I’ll be there whenever I get ready.”

  “Okay,” she says as we get to the door to the apartment. “Oh! Should I have her dressed in anything special?”

  “There’s a robe in the closet. I want her in that and nothing else.”

  With a nod, she goes inside, and I head to the bar to get a drink. I need to calm the fuck down and get my head on straight. This woman is rattling me more than I like.

  Taking a seat next to a man with salt and pepper colored hair, I give him a nod in greeting and order a Scotch neat. Taking the drink, I don’t chug it the way I want to. Instead, I take a sip and sit back.

  “Did you gain a sub in that auction they had tonight?” the guy asks me.

  “I did,” I tell him and decide to be a bit more friendly. “I’m Owen.”

  “Nice to meet you, Owen. I’m Grant.” He nods back at me as he lifts his glass to his lips.

  “I didn’t see you in there,” I say as I look at him. “No contract for you?”

  With a shake of his head, he says, “I’m not into anything permanent right now.”

  “Oh, neither am I. I mean, I’m not looking for a relationship.” I take another sip and watch him grin.

  “If you were, this would be the wrong place for you.” He chuckles a little. “Well, that’s not entirely accurate. I have known of love blossoming within these dark walls. Not a lot, but it has happened on occasion. The Dungeon of Decorum isn’t a place one comes to when searching for love. But it can spring up between people every now and then.”

  “I’m not worried about that happening. My sub will never even see me or touch me. I make sure of that. I’m keeping her here, and she’ll stay right where I put her until the end of summer.”

  Grant laughs and looks me over. “Wow, that’s kind of drastic. Do women fall for you easily? Is that why you have to go to all the trouble?”

  “It might be hard to believe, but this face, body, my bank account, and a few other things make me kind of easy to fall for. But I don’t want any woman who’d only fall for those parts of me. If I could find a woman to love me for me, then I might give her half a chance. But then again, I might not. My parents have kind of sullied my ideas about relationships.”

  “Ah, they made it look like a fiasco instead of the bliss we all hear tell of?” he asks as he looks at me over his glass.

  “A psychotic fiasco with five little pawns they created to use against each other. I’ve often thought they had us only for the purpose of gaining troops behind each of them. Unfortunately for them, we all dropped out of their individual armies. But it hasn’t stopped their battles. You’d think their divorce would’ve ended their feud over who did who more wrong in their marriage, but no such luck.”

  “Why don’t they just leave each other alone?” Grant asks me like I have a fucking clue.

  “That’s something none of us can figure out. Our father moved out of the house when he filed for divorce. He left Mom the house and all five kids to take care of,” I tell him as I think about my horrible past. “Mom wasn’t about to be stuck with us while Dad lived the life of a childless bachelor. So, she sold the house and bought one right across the street from the house my father had bought.”

  “She sure showed him,” Grant says with a smirk.

  “Yeah, and then the real wars began as they pushed us all back and forth and then that switched to pulling us back and forth. A real clusterfuck of shit went on. One by one, my brother, sisters, and I left them alone to deal with each other.”

  “A loving family can really screw up one’s head,” he comments then places his empty glass on the bar. “Another, please. I have a father who’s a real winner. My mother is in the local cemetery and Dad’s still walking around.”

  Nearly choking on the drink I just took, I gasp, “He killed her?”

  “A story for another time, Owen,” he says with a frown. “Shouldn’t you be getting to your new purchase?”

  “Um, yeah. I should. See you around, Grant. It was nice to meet you.”

  As I walk away, I look over my shoulder and see the man slumping in his chair, and feel bad for dredging up memories I’m sure he tries to forget exists.

  And I thought I had a bad past!


  My entire body is shaking as I walk behind the trainer who’s taking me to apartment twenty-two. The place I’ll be spending all summer in. I have no idea if the man I was emailed about is my buyer or if it’s someone else. All I know is I’m scared shitless!

  “Who won me?”

  The trainer shakes his head as he keeps walking without looking back at me. “That’s not for me to say. You’ll be given the money that he paid for you, less the twenty percent the club gets, at the end of the period. Until then, it’s up to your new owner to feed, clothe, and house you. So, be good, do what he wants, and things usually go well. And don’t forget that you can always call that emergency number you were given if at any time you want to end this. You’re always in charge, Petra. Don’t forget that.” He looks back at me and gives me a brilliant smile. As if that’s supposed to comfort me.

  Anytime now some man will come to me and ask me to do God knows what. If I want the money he shelled out to use me as he wants to, then I will do as he asks. How badly do I want the money, though?

  “Do you know how much money I’ll be getting?”

  “No. And neither will you unless your owner tells you. You shouldn’t ask. It’s considered rude. If he doesn’t tell you on his own, then you won’t find out until the end of the contract when you go to Isabel to gather your reward for a job well done.” He glances at me over his shoulder then tugs on the leash he’s leading me with. “If you’re very good, most of the owners leave generous bonuses, on top of what they’ve already paid.”

  “Yeah, I’ve heard that. I’ll do my best to be what my owner wants.” I bite my lip as we walk through a crowded room, full of men and women wearing masks. A meet and greet of some kind. A thing I’m not here for.

  I lower my head as we go through the people who openly stare at me. Bought woman coming through!

  Humiliation fills me a
s I hear little whispers about me and how beautiful I am. One would think you wouldn’t find such things that bothersome to your psyche, but I’m feeling it pretty bad.

  I’ve done this to myself. I’ve traded my body for money, and this is how it feels. Leticia warned me about this. She told me the shame wouldn’t last. No one here is looking down on me. They all are a part of the same thing as I’m doing. Trading energies that include using their bodies to do that.

  Leticia said that I should look at what I do with the man who bought me for the summer as an exchange of energy. I have some, and he needs some. He’s paid handsomely for the energy I will give him, and I should feel proud of myself for being so compassionate to a fellow human being.

  I suppose the pride will filter in later because it’s not in me right now!

  Thankfully, we leave the people filled room and end up in a long dark hallway. The only light comes from the red lights that are next to each door. I see a few green ones too and ask, “What happens here?”

  “These are private rooms the members can come to. The green lights indicate those rooms are unoccupied, the red ones have people in them.” He stops and turns around to look at me. “Care for a peek?”

  “Is that okay to do?” I ask. “I mean, won’t that be like an invasion of their privacy?”

  “They don’t mind, I promise you,” he says with a grin. “Here, let me open the little window, and you can look in to see what’s happening.” He pulls open a small slot on the door, and I can see dim yellow light coming from it. “Go ahead. Look.”

  Stepping up to the door, I gulp then close my eyes and put my face up to the opening. When I open them, I see a man has a woman all strung up with ropes. He’s using a whip. Not on her, he’s whipping the air all around her, and she’s writhing in her bonds. They both glisten with sweat and my body heats.

  “That’s kind of erotic,” I mumble.

  “It is, isn’t it?” he asks me then pulls my leash. “Come on, now. We can’t keep your owner waiting.”

  I close the window and follow him again. We walk until we leave that hallway and come to a door. He opens it, using a card and in we go. It’s well-lit and charming. Ornate sconces hang on the wall, lighting the wide hallway. “These are the apartments?”

  “Yes, they are. This area is very secure. You don’t have a thing to worry about. At the far end of this hallway is the restaurant that’s generally used by our renters. But make sure you talk to your owner about where you’re allowed to go before you go anywhere. Some don’t care at all, while others can be more strict. As always, do what he says, and things will go well.”

  I nod as we stop at a door with the number 22 on it. The gold plate is shiny, and I think I’ll see this in my memories for years to come. The moment I saw the door, I will be doing insane things behind!

  He opens the door, without stepping a foot inside. Unhooking the leash, he sets me free in my new home. There’s a nice sized living room, complete with lavish furnishings.

  I turn back to look at the man who brought me here as he says, “This is where I’ll leave you, Miss Bakari. Enjoy your stay with us. Maybe I’ll see you around sometime.”

  “Maybe,” I say. “Thanks.” I’m not sure what I’m thanking him for, but it seems like the thing to say to the man whose face will permanently be etched in my brain as they guy who took me to the apartment I lost my soul in.

  He closes the door, and I’m left alone in my new abode. Making my way to look around before my man gets here, I find only two doors come off the living room. Opening one, I find a bathroom that’s huge. A stand-up shower and a deep bathtub take up one side. There’s your basic toilet and sink then another door. I go inside and open it to find it’s a closet, filled with all kinds of clothes.

  Upon closer inspection, I see it’s all lingerie. Nothing to wear to go out in. The man who won me must be that man who intends on keeping me locked away. Otherwise, there would be clothes to wear outside of the bedroom in here too.

  There’s another door, and I open it to find a normal looking bedroom except for the things that are lying on the bed. A red monoglove, two sets of red furry cuffs, a red blindfold, and a gag are lying on the black silk covered bed. I shudder as chills race over my body. “I’ll be completely immobile and unable to see or speak. But I’ll be able to hear. That’s not going to be fun.”

  I can hear Leticia clucking at me in my head, ‘Don’t overthink things, Petra!’

  My attention is taken as a knock comes at the door off the bedroom that goes into the living area. “Petra, are you in there?” comes a woman’s cheery voice.

  “I am,” I say and go to meet my first visitor.

  The door opens and in walks a young woman with her hair in a tight braid. She’s wearing the white uniform all the staff wear. Her identification badge has her name on it. Pat.

  Handing me a folded piece of paper, she says, “Read this, and then I’ll get you ready for your owner. Oh, would you like something to drink? You know, calm your nerves.”

  “No, thank you. I’d probably puke if I put any alcohol into my stomach right now.”

  I take the note and open it to find he’s written me something in his own handwriting. Immediately, I think about keeping this letter as a keepsake of the time I lost my mind and did unthinkable things with a complete stranger.


  First, let me say how happy I am that I’ve won you. I’ve liked you since I first saw your picture on the club’s website. That said, let me get down to business.

  I’m not into emotionally connecting with you. Please try your best not to take that personally. This is a release for me, that’s why I’ve paid for your company.

  You will be bound and blindfolded before I come to you each time. I prefer not to be talked to while I’m doing what I do to you. If I ask you something you may answer but nothing else. Some women don’t like the use of a gag, and I won’t use it on you if you can keep your mouth shut. I also don’t like to hear moaning. I’m aware that sounds crass, but I’m in this for me, not you.

  Here are the rules; you have to stay inside of the apartment. There are hidden cameras all over the place, I will know what you’re doing at all times, even though I won’t be there. You can call room service for all your meals. I will allow you one alcoholic beverage a day. No more than that, I detest drunks.

  I may add to the rules as we go along. I want you to enjoy your time alone. There’s a television and an e-reader for your entertainment. Feel free to do whatever you want within the confines of your new summer home.



  Looking back up at Pat, I ask, “Will I ever get to know his name?”

  Shaking her head, she walks away from me, toward the bathroom. “Probably not. Don’t ask, either. It might irritate him. If you keep him happy, you might get…”

  I interrupt her, “A big bonus. Yes, I’ve heard.”

  She comes back with a red robe. “He said to tell you to put this on and nothing else.” I take it from her and go to the bathroom to change out the dress and put on the silk robe.

  I can’t look at myself in the mirror as I change then leave the room. Pat’s waiting for me at the end of the bed, she’s holding the monoglove and is smiling at me. “Here we go, Petra.”

  Turning my back to her, I place my arms behind my back, and they’re bound by the tight-fitting glove. My heart begins to pound as I know I can’t get out of it if I want to. “Will he be letting me out of this thing?”

  “Um, I think he’ll most likely send someone in to do that. That’s what he’s done with the others,” she tells me. “Take a seat on the end of the bed and let me cuff your ankles and secure your feet to the floor.”

  I do as she’s said to and ask, “Do you know how many others he’s had?”

  She looks up at me as fear fills her expression. “Shit, Petra! I shouldn’t have said anything about him or what he’s done. I’m sorry. Please don’t rat me out!”

p; With an understanding nod, I let her know her secret is safe with me. I don’t want her getting punished for telling me the little she has.

  My ankles are cuffed to two hooks on the wood floor. And then she picks up the blindfold. “See you later,” I say as I look into her eyes. Her light green eyes will also be forever etched in my memory. The last set of eyes I saw before he came to me.

  Pat places the blindfold over my eyes as she says, “Everything is going to be okay. You’ll see. He’s not a bad man at all. He’s never hurt any of his former bottoms. We’ve had no complaints about him. Don’t tell him I told you that. I shouldn’t be telling you anything but you look so nervous I felt I needed to help calm you down. He’s a good man, Petra. Don’t worry.” I hear her heels click as she walks to the bedroom door. “Bye, he’ll be here when he’s ready.”

  So now I sit and wait. For how long, I don’t know. I suppose this is part of his thing, making someone wait for him. This isn’t so bad. He’ll come in, screw me then leave and I’ll get paid for that.

  Hell, that’s what my high school boyfriend used to do all the time, and I didn’t get shit out of it!

  I hear the front door close and then the bedroom door opens. Before I can stop myself from talking, the way he said he wanted, I ask, “Are you, my new owner?”

  “I am,” comes his deep sexy voice.

  “Glad to meet you.”

  “And you as well.” I hear him moving around, making rustling sounds like he’s taking off his clothes.

  “Um, you won’t be staying here with me is what I got from your letter. Is that right?”

  “I have a place in town. You’ll be alone here most of the time. I’m not sure how often I’ll stop by.”

  “I don’t understand,” I say as I turn my head to where I heard his voice come from. “Why buy me if you don’t want much to do with me?”

  “To fuck you when I want,” he says, flatly. “I’m on vacation and will be doing things I want to do. When I want you, you’ll be right where I left you.”


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