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Savage SEAL’s Virgin: A Submissives’ Secrets Novel

Page 76

by Michelle Love

  “Okay, she knows where I live?” I say to myself, trying to decide what I need to do.

  With a shake of his head he says, “Not the actual apartment number, no. It doesn’t matter anyway. I’m taking you to my place. You’ll stay with me.”

  “Max, that’s not dating, that’s called living together, and that’s going way too fast.” I begin shaking again as I realize it’s too soon to do that, but I also don’t want her to do anything horrible to me. I know all too well what terrible things people can do to each other.

  “You can stay in the bedroom you stayed in before. I promise to respect you, Lexi.”

  We drop off the dogs and stop by my apartment so I can pack some things. I throw some clothes into an old bag and Max takes me by the wrists.


  “Leave all this stuff here. Let me get you some new things. We’ll go shopping tomorrow.” He pulls me into his arms. “Let me spoil you, baby.”

  To be spoiled is a thing I’ve never been. I’ve worked since I was sixteen. I search his deep green eyes and for the first time I let my stubborn pride go out the window. “Okay.”

  “Good. Now let’s get you home.”

  “I should probably take my van.”

  Moving me along with him to his car he says, “I’ll send someone to get it later. I want you with me for now anyway, okay?”

  I nod in agreement. I don’t really want to be left alone either. After helping me get in the car, he gets in the driver’s seat and I bust out and say, “When I was fifteen a group of girls from school asked me to join them at a park. They never seemed to like me before, they usually said mean things to me.” I hesitate at how hard this is to say.

  His hand touches mine. “Please tell me.”

  I wanted to have friends like anyone does. So I went. There was a river, and we all went down to it. They were being really nice to me, and I ran along with them as we moved down a steep bank, away from the other people in the park.” I swallow hard to get the lump out of my throat. “One hit me in the face as I turned back to see if everyone was following, and then another one hit me in the stomach. All of them began hitting and punching me, pulling my hair, and screaming bad words at me. One of them picked up a log and hit me across the back of the head. When I woke up, I was face down in the mud. My glasses were gone and my clothes had been ripped off. I only had my underwear on.”

  My body is shaking so bad the words are coming out that way too. Tears flow down my cheeks as I remember the pain.

  “Jesus, Lexi,” Max’s words bring me back and I wipe my eyes with the back of my hand. He hands me a handkerchief and runs his hand over my leg. “I hope those little bitches got what they deserved.”

  “A few of those girls came from families with connections. One’s dad was a cop, one’s a judge, and one’s the mayor. They all told everyone they saw me at the park that day and I had gone with some boys they’d never seen before down to the river. They said it had to have been those boys who did that to me because I was such a slut.”

  “I’m very sorry that happened to you. I’ll never let anything happen to you again. Tomorrow I’ll get a lawyer to deal with this crazy bitch. We’ll run her ass out of Texas and back to New York, I swear it to you, baby.”Max

  The darkness fills the bedroom as I hold Lexi close to me. The story she told me makes me sick to my very core. I brought her to my bed to sleep tonight, I don’t want her to be alone. How cruel some people can be is mind numbing. I understand her so much better now. What she must have gone through, having to stay in a town and school where everyone thought her something that she wasn’t. The bad things they said about her, and she was the victim. Now someone I brought into her life wants to harm her, and it’s all my fault. I have to fix this.

  She wiggles in my arms and turns to me. “Max, can I ask you for something?”

  “Anything, princess,” I say as I kiss the top of her head.

  “I want to know what it is like,” she says as she moves her body up mine. “If something happens to me, I don’t want to have never known.”

  I kiss her cheek. “Nothing is going to happen to you, I promise.”

  “You don’t know that.” Her hand runs over my stomach. “Believe me, no one ever knows.”

  She straddles me in one quick movement and pulls the T-shirt she’s wearing off.

  “Lexi, don’t do this. You’re upset and afraid. I promise you no one can get through me to hurt you.”

  “I’ve waited for twenty-six, long years and I don’t want to wait a day more. I trust you, Max. I trust you not to hurt me. Please.” She chews her bottom lip. A sadness fills her eyes. I find all I want to do is take that sadness away.

  I pull her to me. Softly I touch my lips to hers. She slips her tongue into my mouth and she tastes like cinnamon. Her breasts rub against my chest as she moves closer. Her hands run through my hair and the kiss gets harder. I flip her onto her back and pull my mouth from hers. She leans up and tries to kiss me.

  “I can’t take you like this, Lexi. It’s not right.”

  Her eyes dart back and forth as she says, “I want you, and I already love you. Do you feel anything for me?”

  “Are you crazy? Do I feel anything for you? I’ve been wanting to tell you I loved you since the first day I met you, but I was afraid I’d scare you off.”

  “Okay, I love you and you love me. Isn’t this what people who love each other do?” she asks. “What are we waiting for? A magic number of days? I know now, without a doubt, Max. You’d take a bullet for me, and I would do the same for you.”

  “You really love me?”

  “I do, but.” She runs her hand down the length of my ever growing manhood. “To get pregnant my first time would be a bummer, so use one of those condoms you told me that you use.”

  “You really want to do this?”

  She shakes her head and I roll away to grab a condom from my nightstand. I toss off my boxers and roll back to her. Only her panties keep us apart as she lays, waiting for me. She looks so innocent and beautiful.

  As I gaze down at her, she wraps her arms around my neck and pulls me to her. “Kiss me, Max.”

  Pressing my lips to hers, I find the pulse which has ached for her for six, long months resonates in my body. My heart pounds like it never has before and I know we were meant to be together. This is it for me, she’s mine and always will be. I pull my mouth away from hers.

  “Tell me that you belong to me.”

  “Max?” Her eyes search mine.

  “I have to know without a doubt you’re giving yourself to me, because I will die if you leave me after this. I’ve never felt this way with anyone else.”


  “Never, Lexi. So I am begging you not to toy with me. Tell me you’re mine.”

  “You’re so intense.”

  “This is intense, baby. I want you so fucking bad, but I’m so afraid of you. Your insecurities have to be pushed back and you need to be more afraid of losing me than anything else. So I need you to know where you belong and who you belong to.”

  My cock is swelling as it presses against her and I know time is running out to get her to understand the power she has over me. Her hand runs over my cheek and my mouth follows it. I run my lips down her arm, then over her stomach. She has no idea of what hold she has on me so I decide to give her a taste of what I feel. Running my tongue down her stomach I pull her panties off then move back up her body spreading her legs as I do.

  “You’ll be screaming that you're mine in just a minute, Lexi.” Her eyes go wide as I smile and press my lips to the sweet little bud that has gone untouched for twenty-six years.

  Her hands tangle up in my hair as her body arches up to my mouth. “Oh, holy Lincoln logs, that feels so good.”

  Her crazy words I’ll have to learn to ignore. I send one hand to her breast and another to her ass as I massage them both and run my tongue over her clit until it’s as stiff as my dick is. Her legs begin to shake and I k
now it’s about time for her to scream what I want to hear.

  Hot liquid hits my chin as she shakes and shivers and finally screams, “I belong to you, Max. I’m yours and no one else can ever have me. My God, please take me.”


  I am exhausted, but I can’t sleep. It finally happened and my V-card has been turned in. This man is talented. Who knew that there were so many sensory organs in the human body? I mean he gave me sensations I didn’t even know existed. I wonder if it’s like this with every man or if he’s especially gifted.

  I have to pee something fierce so I wiggle out of his arms and trot slowly to the bathroom.

  Ouch! I hope this doesn’t happen every time we do this. I’m walking like a penguin. for the love of Springer Spaniels.

  He’s dead to the world, so I think I’ll jump in the monster bathtub he has in here and soak a little while. Maybe that’ll help me sleep. I need a towel and it seems he hides them somewhere in this giant bathroom. I open a drawer and there they are. Pulling one out something falls. I have to hold it close to my face to see what it is as I took my contacts out. It’s some kind of paper.

  It’s a picture and now I’m about to throw up. That horrible, crazy woman took a picture of Max munching out on her vagina. It looks like she used a selfie stick to get the picture. Max is so busy that he didn’t even look up to smile at the camera or anything. He just kept on munching.

  Oh, I have to puke.

  One last look I take at the sleeping Max. I can’t stay with him now I’ve seen that. I knew he was no virgin, but to see that after just experiencing what he did with me is too painful and sickening.

  I’ll have to go away this time, he’ll beat my door down if I stay in Houston. My heart aches as I go out to my van and climb in. I look back only once at the magnificent mansion I’ll never lay eyes on again.

  “Bye, Max. I’ll always love you.”

  Part 3 Secrets of Ecstasy


  A bird chirps at my window, waking me from the best sleep I’ve ever had. As I rub at my sleep filled eyes I roll over to wrap my arms around the woman I will spend the rest of my life with.

  Where the hell is she?

  Panic runs through me as I jump out of bed, praying Lexi’s in the bathroom. I throw open the door and hear nothing. She’s not in here and something is lying on the floor.

  Oh, God, no!

  That damn Ashley took a horrible selfie of me doing some bad stuff to her. Lexi must’ve seen this and freaked out.

  I can’t believe that crazy bitch, Ashley. I swear I could strangle her right now.

  I need to get dressed and go find Lexi before she does something stupid.

  She was aware I was dating Ashley for the love of God. Why does she have to be so damn flighty?


  Pink stains the sky as I pull into Logan’s driveway in Dallas. It’s a very nice brick home in a suburban neighborhood. I haven’t seen him since I was eighteen when Logan came with Josh, my brother who he was best friends with, to my graduation. He’s the only sort of a friend I have ever had. Not that he was my friend, but he was nice to me.

  It seemed smarter to go stay with someone I’m not related to since Max knows how to Google me and find out everything that there is to know about me. I called my mother and told her the deal and for her not to worry, but I couldn’t tell her where I was or Max might get it out of her.

  Logan had to leave for work already, so he left a key under the mat and told me to make myself at home and to take the second bedroom on the left. The house is a large, red brick with pretty shrubs in front.

  As I enter his house, I can smell coffee he must’ve made before he left. In the rush I didn’t ask him if anyone else lived here with him. The place is really nice, and he has some smancy things in here. I round the corner to the kitchen and find a note that he left for me, along with some donuts next to the pot of coffee.


  Make yourself at home. Don’t bother looking for a job just yet. I may have something for you. Relax and you can tell me all about what happened when I get home around six. Don’t cook, I’ll bring something home for us to eat. I’m glad you came to me. Don’t worry, everything will be fine.


  Just like a big brother, always there when I need him. I drift through the large house, gazing at his things. Nowhere are there any pictures of a significant other. There’s one of a yellow lab, but no girls.

  Logan is thirty-five, and the last time I saw him, he was cute in a tall, skinny, nerdy way. It’s been eight years. I wonder how he looks now.

  Down the hall I make my way until I find the second door on the left and open it to find a nice-sized bed in the middle of a good sized room. A dark green blanket lies over the bed and a couple of big, fluffy pillows top it. I fall on the bed, and roll over it.

  It’s soft and comfy and begging me to sleep. I am exhausted after running from the mansion and throwing my things in the van and driving four hours. A familiar scent wafts up to me, and I realize I still have on the T-shirt Max lent me to sleep in.


  She’s gone. Her things are gone, and she’s vanished. Her cell’s been turned off and I have no idea of how to find her. My only hope is she’ll calm down and realize she made too much out of the damn picture. I tore that thing to pieces and flushed it. After that, I scoured my whole place to be sure the psycho, Ashley, didn’t hide anything else which might ruin my life further.

  My bedroom was too lonely so I am lying on another bed in another room, drinking Jack Daniels straight from the bottle and watching the weather channel for some strange reason.

  Where ever she is I hope the weather’s nice. The sun should always shine on her. With the story she told me about getting beat up by a bunch of mean girls when she was a teenager, it’s no wonder she doesn’t trust my feelings for her. It’s no wonder she saw that picture and thought that I was just using her and would drop her right after I had her.

  I wasn’t though. I was going to keep her with me forever. The whisky burns as it hits my empty stomach, but I don’t care. In a little while I won’t feel anything. I won’t feel the crack in my heart she’s left or the continuous urge to bawl like a freaking baby.

  The cruelty of not at the very least letting me know she’s okay is not a thing I thought her capable of. Sweet and sincere though she is, her insecurities have a way of making her do things she doesn’t understand are hurtful and mean.

  Just one phone call from her is all I need. I need to know she’s alright.Alexis

  Some tapping sound wakes me up and I open my eyes and wonder where I am.

  Oh, yeah, Logan’s.

  I stretch and realize the sound is coming from the bedroom door. It must be Logan. “Come in.”

  The door opens, and some man is standing there. “Hey, little Alex.”

  I blink and rub my eyes which burn because I fell asleep with my contacts on. The blurry man comes into focus and I see tiny resemblances to the Logan I used to know.

  He’s no longer thin and tall, he’s buff and tall. His usually unkempt, wavy hair is cut in a neat short style that enhances the sandy blonde color. “You filled out.”

  I had pulled my hair out of the ponytail before I fell asleep and he runs his hand through it. “So have you, Little Alex. You’ve turned into quite a woman.”

  I blush and glance away. “Thanks for letting me crash here.”

  “Yeah, no problem. Well, get up and meet me in the kitchen and we can eat and you can tell me what all’s going on with you.”

  As he walks away he turns back and smiles as he shakes his head and chuckles to himself. Then he leaves me alone and I pull the T-shirt up to my nose and take the last sniff of Max I’ll ever smell.

  It’s time to move on, I’m not in his league and that’s that. He’s a playboy and I’m a good girl who doesn’t do those things he wants. No matter how great they felt. He does it to all the girls. I was no one special to him. He’ll have me
replaced by tonight, I have no doubts about that.

  Changed into a pair of shorts and one of my own T-shirts, I follow the sound of music playing softly. I find Logan sitting on a stool at his bar and sipping some kind of drink. “There she is,” he says and stands holding his arms open. “Come, let me hug the misery from you, poor child.”

  I fall into his arms and let him hug me as I hug him back. It’s been such a long time since I had a platonic hug and I’ve missed them. “You’re already making me feel better, Logan.”

  Finally he lets me go and motions for me to take the stool next to his. A takeout box sits in front of me and a tall glass with some dark liquid sits next to it. “I hope that’s Mr. Pibb.”

  He nods. “I picked it up just for you, Alex. I remembered.”

  “I bet you did. I bugged you enough to always bring me one when you came to visit Josh when I was a kid. I was quite the pain.”

  His eyes light up. “You were no pain, you were a sweetie pie.”

  A giggle comes out of me and I blush as I remember having a crush on him when I was really small. Before he got all gangly and turned into a pimple faced teenager. “I see your acne cleared up.”

  A jab in the ribs he gives me. “I see your whole body cleared up. What happened, did you find some magic pills to take while you were in Houston. Some hot mama pills?”

  “You’re hilarious,” I jab him back. “What about you? Is that your real body or a body by steroids?”

  “Hey!” he says as he pulls me under his arm and puts me in a fake choke hold. “This body has no drugs of any kind in it, thank you very much.”


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