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Savage SEAL’s Virgin: A Submissives’ Secrets Novel

Page 106

by Michelle Love

  The career she’s chosen as a writer would go great with mine. She can do that anywhere. I can see it all now. She can type away on her laptop as I play my concerts, then when I come back to the bus we can make love like the people she’s written about while I was busy performing.

  It’s a win, win for us both!

  I have her cell phone number now so I take my phone and send her a sweet little text to show her how special she is.

  ‘Had a wonderful night and hope you and I can have many, many more like it.’

  I lay my head back on the headrest and try hard not to think about how her eyes sparkle or her lips felt as they pressed on my cheek. My phone dings and I look down to see that she’s texted back. I want to slap myself as my tummy does a little flip at how happy it’s made me.

  ‘How nice that would be, but let’s not kid ourselves. We can enjoy these three days, let’s not lie to one another. I really, really like you, by the way. I think I forgot to tell you that.’

  She really, really likes me!

  I text back, ‘I really, really like you too and I’m thinking about ways we can make this last more than three days. Have sweet dreams, love and I’ll see you in the morning. XXOO’

  My phone dings again, right away. ‘XXOO to you too, good night, you sweet man.’

  Never have I been called sweet. Hot, sexy, passionate, but not sweet. Perhaps I haven’t been sweet before. Perhaps that’s why I’ve never found anyone before. Maybe only Peyton can bring this out in me. It’s like nothing I’ve ever felt, and I’ll be damned if I let something like my career get in the way of whatever this is.

  We pull into the hotel and I find myself full of resolve and with purpose like never before. The driver lets me out and I make my way up to my room. As I get out of the elevator, I hear a woman’s slurred voice and see Bobby on the outside of his door, making out with a woman.

  “Kip!” I hear and look across the hall from them and see the red haired woman from after the concert standing in front of my hotel room door. “You’re back, thank God! Dude, I need to crash in your room, your guitar player said it would be fine.”

  The fucking wanker!


  It’s hard to fall asleep after Kip texted me that he’s thinking of ways for us to stay together for more than this three days. Can it really happen? Can he and I really be a couple?

  I’m stupid, I know it, but when he touches me it’s like magic. But I bet it feels like that to all the girls he’s touched. He has touched a shit load of girls.

  That thought alone sends me back to reality and I feel sad, like right away. I look at the clock on the nightstand and see it’s been about an hour since he left and I have an overwhelming urge to be sure he made it back to his hotel safely.

  I text him, ‘Just want to be sure you made it to your hotel.’

  The phone I lay on my chest as I wait for his answer which I hope tells me he’s made it so I can go to sleep. Is this what a relationship is, caring if someone has made it to their destination intact?

  Minutes turn into a half hour and I find the butterflies have returned to my stomach and fear is pushing them around like a tornado. I toss and turn in my bed as I think about what might have happened.

  Okay, Peyton, stop! He’s asleep already. That’s all!

  I close my eyes and try to go to sleep. So what if he doesn’t text back tonight. A ding my phone makes and I sit up in bed and nearly knock the lamp off the nightstand as I grab my phone. ‘Sorry for taking so long to reply, love. I made it to the hotel and my wanker ex-best mate had a surprise for me. One I didn’t want and had to find a place for. Going to hit the hay, see you soon.’

  What the fuck does that mean?

  I don’t want to be some crazy woman from the get go, but what kind of surprise does someone get that they have to find a place for?

  A prostitute, a groupie?

  I bet anything I’m right on target and this is how life would be with Kip and his band of merry men. I can’t take this, I can’t take the not knowing. He could be with her right now, porkin’ it up with her as I left him all horny and stuff.

  This is all my fault. I should’ve kept him here or went back with him. That’s what grown ass women do with their men is stay with them. But he isn’t my man. He’s Kip Dixon, rock star and male whore. And I’m an idiot for thinking anything different.


  Something feels wrong and I think about why Peyton didn’t text back. Is she that kind of girl who lets the man have the last word because I’ve never met one of those females in my entire life?

  I wait and hope she puts something back and realize she’s put two and two together with my way too much information text and she knows that a chic was waiting for me when I got here.

  What do I do?

  I’ve never been in a damn relationship before! I don’t even know if I’m in one now, yet I feel panicked for some damn reason. I pick up the phone and call her, so she can hear my voice and I can hear hers. With a swipe of her name I call her. “Hey,” she says in a whisper as she answers my call.

  “Hey, baby,” I say, full of relief that she’s answered. My heartbeat slows back to nearly normal as I hear her sweet voice. “You didn’t text back.”

  “What was your surprise?” she asks.

  I take in a deep breath. “Probably exactly what you thought it was and the reason you didn’t text back.”

  “A girl?” she asks.

  “Yeah, Bobby thought he was doing me a favor, but he was wrong and the chic was drunk and I couldn’t exactly dump her on the street. I got James to let her into his room, so he took one for me. I owe him now.”

  Silence meets my ear and I hate it. Finally, she says, “Thanks for telling me the truth, Kip.”

  “So, I’ll see you in the morning then?” I ask.

  “Do you really want to?” she asks.

  “I do,” I whisper. “I really do, Peyton. Please don’t let this thing that happened stop you from thinking anything other than what we talked about. My life is complicated, but I can un-complicate it, if I need to.”

  “Can you?” she asks. “Can you change your whole world just for me, Kip?”

  I smile as she’s just put the ball in my court. “Can you change your whole world just for me, Peyton?”

  “My world is easy,” she answers. “My world is open and normal.”

  “And mine is complicated and scheduled.” I say. “It’s called compromise, love. Do you think we have it in us to find compromise with each other?”

  “I have no idea about you,” she says and I feel the pain clear to my toes.

  “I’ll show you. I don’t want to tell you because anyone can do that. Let me show you.”

  A long pause is all I get from her for a while. “Show me then.”

  I laugh a little. “Do you have a car?”

  “I have a Jeep, why?” she asks.

  “I’d like to take a ride with you tomorrow and see how well you drive,” I say as I lay back and stretch out, feeling much better about how she’s feeling.

  She giggles, sweetly. “And why is that?”

  I smile as I think about what I want to give her to make her see that I’m one hundred percent for real about her. “On Monday, before I have to leave, I want to give you something that will allow you to get to me.”

  “And that would be?” she asks.

  “A surprise, love.” I say. “It’s late and we should get at least a touch of sleep before we see each other again.” I sigh as I really don’t want to hang up, but feel like she needs to get some rest before we see each other in a few hours.

  “Okay then, good night,” she says and hangs up.

  I smile as I knew she’d want the last word.


  Stars twinkle outside the sheer, pink curtain which covers my bedroom window. This morning, I thought I had a life of nothing more than being a romance novelist ahead of me. Somehow Mr. Pop Rock has snuck into my heart and turned my world aroun

  A shooting star falls from the sky and I close my eyes and make a wish. A wish for my life to go in the direction it needs to for me to have a good life. It’s a vague wish but I find those to be the ones most likely to come true.

  My future may include Kip Dixon and it may not. My heart pounds as I think of him and how sweet he was this evening. Never did I think he’d be the way he is. Never in my wildest dreams did I think a rock start would be interested in me in the least.

  My best friend, mother, and father I introduced him to, but my three big, over-protective brothers I’ve yet to. They’re all here and will be in the morning too. So if Kip does come, he will have to meet them.

  They’ve never been keen on any man for me for some damn reason. Do they really expect me to stay innocent forever?

  Lord knows they combine their efforts to try to keep me a kid. But I just might be ready to grow up, I might just be ready to cash in my V-card. If nothing else comes of this thing with Kip, what a story I’d have about who I gave it up to.

  Even as I think those words, I know I’m not that girl. I’m not one to tell my bedroom business anyway, much less spout off about how Kip Dixon, rock star, billionaire took my virginity.

  I wonder what he meant about giving me something so I can get to him. He’s different than any man I’ve ever met. I don’t know if it’s the short amount of time we have together or if he is always as intense as he was tonight.

  If he and I are to really start something, I don’t want it to go really fast, so I have no time to think things through. That’s how things get messed up real fast, people act before they think.

  And that ain’t me!

  I am a think it through kind of girl. ‘Don’t rush, it’ll still be there tomorrow,’ is my motto. But where Kip is concerned I don’t know if that’s true at all. He’s on the move constantly and I’m a slow mover. I don’t see how we’ll mesh well together.

  Our bodies seem to mesh well together. Heat filled me as soon as he touched me and tonight when he grabbed me up in his strong arms I felt hot and weak at the same time.

  Yeah, our bodies certainly like each other!

  How would his tight abs feel against my bare stomach? How would his bare chest feel as it moves over my bare breasts? Does he keep his body completely hair free or does he leave a little? How does he move when he makes love? Fast and hard or slow and steady?

  I wonder what I even like in that department. And what about his male member?

  That thing is huge!

  Can my body even physically handle that monster? How does one prepare to go from virgin to the lover of a man with a monster-sized dick? What will he think of me and how I have no experience when he’s been with so many woman who do have a lot of experience?

  I wonder if I should watch some porn or something if I do decide to let him take me. I have no idea of how to give a blow job or how I should act if he goes down on me. Am I supposed to applaud afterwards if he does a good job?

  What is a good job in that department? Are there any bad jobs? Would I do a bad job?

  God! I can’t give my V-card to Kip!

  He’ll probably laugh at me and how inept I am. That would be devastating. What if something totally humiliating happens, like I pass out or something even worse. Oh! I can’t go through with that.

  We will only be friends!

  He’ll just have to accept the fact that I’m immature in that department and must school myself on the art of making love long before we do that. If he’ll stay with me that long. Which I doubt as he’s a grown man and has the needs of one. He’ll grow tired of waiting for me to learn what it is a woman does in that particular situation. I can’t go into it with no knowledge.

  Okay, so I have what I’ve seen on television or in the movies, but that can’t be all true. I’m sure one is not born simply knowing how to touch and react to touch the way they do in the movies.

  But animals know what they’re supposed to do, but they’re sex acts are kind of the same all the way around and mostly seem very boring. I mean you, never hear dogs going at it and the female howling like it’s the best thing she’s ever experienced. The neighborhoods would be so much louder if that was the case.

  On movies, the women scream and huff and puff and sometimes the men do too. How will I know what noises I’ll make or am supposed to make?

  What if Kip doesn’t like women to be noisy or what if he prefers them to shout and scream as he pleasures them? What if he finds no pleasure with me? I don’t know how to pleasure a man.

  And now I hate the word, pleasure, as it will always bring up certain images in my mind, such as howling, fornicating dogs!

  This is all too much to think about right now and I need to get some sleep or I’ll look like dog crap when Kip gets here. The idea that he’s really coming back is hard to believe, so I’ll go to sleep and see if he really does.

  He’d be a fool to come back, but I hope he does!

  Part 3 Guarded Star


  My eyes fly open as my cell phone vibrates on the nightstand. A groan escapes as I turn over to pick it up, finding Kip’s name on the screen. “I can’t believe he’s up so early? It’s only 9:00a.m. We were on the phone until four this morning.” A slide of my finger and I say, “Hello. I cannot believe you’re up already.”

  “Grumpy in the morning, love?” His smooth Australian accent flows over my ear, igniting a smile on my face.

  “Good morning, Kip. You’re up early. You’ve surprised me. I thought you’d call about noon or so, if at all.”

  “I am. I could barely sleep, but seems you had no problem doing so. And what do you mean by if I called?”

  I lay back on my pillows. “Just wasn’t real sure you would. I slept like a baby. I never have trouble sleeping. Are you still coming over today?”

  Silence is all I hear and a frown quickly forms. Kip finally speaks, “Do you still want me to?”

  “Not if you don’t want to.” My chest tightens with how stupid I feel for believing he would spend the day with me after I let him know there would be no sex.

  “I want to, Peyton. A car’s being brought to me already. I can’t wait to get back to you.”

  A sigh slips from my mouth and I hear him laugh. “I’ll get up and take a shower. Don’t eat, I’ll make us breakfast, okay?”

  Kip laughs. “Wow, breakfast and dinner, you’re going to spoil me.”

  “Nah, you’re getting a ham sandwich for lunch, just to make sure you don’t get too hung up on me. I’ll see you in an hour or so.”

  After a quick shower, I throw on a pair of shorts and a tank top. Bright pink flip flops I slip into just before leaving my bedroom. The house is quiet as everyone is still sleeping.

  As I bustle around in the kitchen the noise I make wakes my mother who joins me and points at the coffee maker. “Get that thing going, sweetie.”

  I pour water in the coffee maker. “A bit too much to drink, Mom?”

  “When one’s last kid graduates college, one tends to celebrate,” she says as she props her elbows on the bar and rests her chin on her hands. “Now do tell me about that adorable man who held you all night.”

  I smile at her. “His name’s Kip. Oh, yeah, you know that part. This part you don’t know, I didn’t tell anyone who he was last night because there were too many people, but he’s a rock star. His dad is that rock star from that huge English group from the eighties.”

  Mom’s eyes close, and she shakes her head a little. “Are you shittin’ me?”

  “His band played at the charity event yesterday.” I pour her a cup of coffee and go back to check on the bacon. “It’s odd really, he says he feels different with me. I want to blow him off so bad, because he has to be slick from all the years of women throwing themselves at him, but something won’t let me.” The oven beeps and I pop in a tray of biscuits. “He’s on his way over here now.”

  “Oh, shit, really?” Mom jumps off her stool and grabs her coffee. “
I can’t let him see me like this. He’s the kid of that super model too then. Shit! I look awful!”

  I laugh as I watch her run from the room. Back to making breakfast I go as I pull the bacon from the pan and make gravy with the drippings. The first egg I crack coincides with the doorbell, evoking a smile from me.

  The sight of my father, wearing only his underwear, coming from the hallway to answer the door makes me shout, “Daddy, no! Go get dressed, breakfast is nearly done, and that’s the guy from last night. He’s going to spend the day with me.”

  Dad turns on his heel and goes back to his bedroom. I shake my head at how unsophisticated my family is. Opening the door I find Kip standing with a handful of flowers. “Hi,” I say as I step back to let him come in.

  Placing the flowers in my hands, he catches me off guard with a quick kiss on my cheek just before he runs his arms around me and lifts me off the floor in a big hug.

  “Good morning, Peyton, you look just as gorgeous as I thought you would.”

  With a roll of my eyes as he places my feet back on the floor, I move back into the kitchen. “Thanks for the flowers. Come with me, Romeo. I’ve almost got breakfast ready and you can set the table.”

  “Nice tan. Do you spray tan or go to a tanning salon?” he asks. I glance back at him to find him running his eyes down my legs.

  Reaching for a vase, I stretch up to reach one off the top of the refrigerator. Kip moves in front of me, sliding his body along mine, and taking it down. “Thanks,” I say. My heart speeds up and I hope he can’t hear it thumping in my chest.

  “How about you let me put these in water so you can get back to doing whatever it was you’ve been doing to create this awesome smell.” He fills the vase with water as my eyes flow over him. A white T-shirt and a pair of blue jean shorts he wears with running shoes. They fit him well and show off his large biceps and muscular legs.


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