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Savage SEAL’s Virgin: A Submissives’ Secrets Novel

Page 134

by Michelle Love

  “I suppose you’d rather see the poor man six feet under before you see him back in the life he loved. A life that was carefree. Not one day went by where he was upset. Not one damn day. But he can’t say that now. Not since he met you.”

  A door to one side opened up, and a man in blue scrubs called out, “Cami Petit?”

  “That’s me!” I hurried to him.

  He nodded. “Follow me.”

  “I’m Cyprian’s father!” Mr. Girard bellowed.

  The man who was now my savior looked over his shoulder. “He didn’t ask for you.” Then we disappeared behind the door, and I was blissfully alone with the man who was taking me to see my man. And Cyprian’s disaster of a dad was left waiting.

  “He’s in recovery,” the man told me. “He’s just waking up and asked for you. He’s going to be just fine. He was very lucky. He had a tiny amount of internal bleeding, and his ribs are a little bruised. We fixed him up, and he’ll be out of here in a few days. The best medicine for him right now is you. While awake, he couldn’t stop talking about you. He loves you a lot.”

  I sniffled and wiped the tears out of my eyes. “That’s good to know. I love him a lot too.”

  I was taken into a small room where I found Cyprian with his eyes closed. A nurse sat in a chair at his side, and she got up as I came in and gestured to the chair. “Take a seat, Cami. He’s been waiting for you.”

  It seemed mine was the only name on his lips. I was all that was on his mind. How could I ever doubt how deeply he and I were connected?

  Leaning over, I kissed his cheek, and his eyes opened. “Hey.”

  His voice was raspy as he said, “Hey.”

  “I’m sorry about all this.”

  “It’s not your fault. I’m glad I got some time to think.” He swallowed then said, “Cami, I don’t want us to have a baby right now. I just want us to be together and get to know one another. I want us to take our time. We have our whole lives ahead of us. There’s no reason to rush into anything.”

  I nodded, but the truth was, I’d changed my mind. I wanted to have a baby with him. But it seemed I’d missed the opportunity.

  Would I always miss things with him because of my insecurities?


  I’d been out of the hospital and back home for a couple of weeks. Things had changed between Cami and I during that time. I wasn’t sure why that was, exactly. The pressure I’d always put on her for this thing or that thing was a thing I wasn’t doing any longer.

  We got along well, but there was an air of boredom. With me allowing time for us to connect, things were beginning to fizzle. And I had to admit, I was constantly fighting myself to be a person I wasn’t.

  As we sat quietly, drinking wine on the terrace one evening, I turned to her. “Cami, do you feel a bit bored?”

  “Um, no.” She shook her head as if trying to get herself to believe that. “If you’re happy, I’m happy.”

  “What if I told you that I’m not happy. I mean I’m not unhappy, but I think this whole no pressure thing isn’t me.” I sat my glass down and got up.

  “You aren’t yourself, that’s true.”

  I took her hand, picking her up and took her into my arms. “Between the two of us, we certainly do seem to run this relationship through a series of torturous tests, don’t we?”

  She smiled and batted her lashes. “We do.”

  Putting one arm around her waist and taking her hand in the other, I began to dance with her to no music at all. “Waiting might be what’s right for some people.”

  She smiled and finished my sentence, “But it’s not what’s right for us.” She put her head on my shoulder and began to hum a song for us to dance to.

  Cami and I were trying to be people we just weren’t. And that never works.

  A breeze came up, rushing around us and we stopped dancing to see a storm cloud had entered the sky. “Looks ominous, doesn’t it?” I asked.

  She nodded. “We should take this wine and take off our clothes and go watch the storm from the glassed-in patio. What do you say to that?”

  I didn’t have to say a thing. I took her hand, we grabbed our glasses and the bottle of wine and made our way indoors to the place we loved to watch storms build and pour down.

  Just as we got into the glass room, the sky went dark. We couldn’t set the drinks down fast enough. We tore at each other’s clothes, kissing each spot of flesh we uncovered until every inch of our bodies had been kissed.

  Her creamy skin felt like silk under my hands as I moved them over her. Then I pressed her back against the wall and kissed her mouth hungrily as I pressed my growing cock against her warm and inviting playground.

  Grinding my cock on her was making her ravenous for me. Her nails bit into my back as one foot ran up the back of my leg, then wrapped around me. She made her way up the other leg, and I moved my hands down to cup her round ass, picking her up and thrusting my cock into her wet walls.

  “Cyprian…” she groaned. “How I’ve missed you.”

  “And I’ve missed you.”

  We’d made love a couple of times since I got out of the hospital, but they weren’t intense. I was playing the waiting game. Trying to let time pass. It was a futile thing to do, and I was more than happy that she agreed with putting that shit behind us.

  Fast is just what we did!

  I wasn’t in the mood to ask her for a baby. I was just in the mood for some really hot sex!

  One thing was certain, there would be time for marriage and children. We’d both know when the time was right for those things. Until then, we’d just practice making babies. We should be professionals at it by the time it came for to make those babies for real.

  The first rattle of thunder came, and it sent a chill through me. I pulled her hair, exposing her neck. Nibbling it up and down, I found a soft spot and went to town on it as I fucked her hard. She was a puddle in my arms. Moaning, writhing, and falling into me with each passing moment.

  Lightning struck, and the rain began to fall. The soft sounds of the drops as they hit the glass lulled me a bit. I took her off the wall, and we went to the tiled floor.

  It was cold, and she hissed as I put her on it. Her eyes went wide then she wrapped her arms around me, pulling me to her and kissing me as I thrust back into her. The cold of the floor warmed quickly with the heat our bodies on it.

  She moved with me to take our love to another level. We were so wrapped around each other, it would be hard to tell where she ended and I began. I loved being like that with her. I adored getting lost in her.

  Cami was like a drug to me. One with a few side effects that could be considered bad. But mostly, she took me on highs I’d never been on. And she did it all with her kiss, her touch, and her inner beauty.

  She was a knock-out on the outside, but on the inside, she was like a goddess. We could bring out the absolute best and worst in each of us. The one thing I hoped time would do, was mellow the worst in us.

  One day, I could see us raising a family together, our tempers more even, our love devout, and all the insecurities far behind us. Time could pull that trick off. I was sure of that.

  Lightning struck, making the room bright for a moment. We stopped kissing to look outside. “Wow!” we both said.

  Then I looked into her eyes as I slowed what had been a fast rhythm. “Our love is like a storm.”

  She smiled. “How so?”

  I gave her a good hard thrust then swirled a bit, and she moaned as she enclosed her legs around me. “It can be like this, hard driving rain, winds that threaten to destroy things, and flashes of intense electricity.”

  “I see where you’re, Cyprian,” she added then bit my lower lip. “And our love can be as gentle as a springtime shower that’s only purpose is to make things grow.” She arched up to me then ran her tongue over my shoulder before she left a nice love bite on the end of it.

  “We’ve found our beat, Cami. It’s not the same as anyone else’s, it’s ours
and ours alone. And I love our crazy beat, baby!” I rolled over and sat her up on top of me, playing with her plump tits.

  She giggled and ran her hands over my chest. “I love our crazy beat too. I don’t care what anyone thinks. I know you, and I are going to be something special. The rest of the world can kiss our asses!” She rode me for all she was worth until her body gave in and let the wave break, taking her and I to ecstasy. An ecstasy I could never get to without her.

  Cami and I were in it for the long haul. We both could agree on that!

  The End???

  It doesn’t have to be. You can read Cyprian and Cami’s full story that’s available now; ‘The Reconstruction of Cyprian’

  Click here to read The Reconstruction of Cyprian

  Filthy Deeds A Submissives’ Secrets Extra

  Michelle Love

  Submission was one of the job skills required, filthy work’s never been so fun…

  She was young with no knowledge of the world I wanted to create.

  Bending her will, taking her body, and teaching her what it meant to work for me would be easy.

  Or would it?

  Isabel had questions I didn’t want to answer.

  Sparks of fury filled me, her body would feel my wrath as I showed her what she was there for.

  Isabel was there to learn what would be expected out of all the subs in The Dungeon of Decorum.

  It was my job to teach her the in’s and out’s of submission, over and over again until she was screaming for mercy that I’d never give…


  She was our first hired employee and I was the man in charge of training her. The other owners of The Dungeon of Decorum would be taking on the training of the men they would hire to become trainers themselves. Isabel had something about her that attracted me. I wanted to train her myself.

  Young, still in college, and ready to try anything, she was perfect for the job of managing new memberships. She’d be the first person anyone who came to the club would interact with. Isabel would need to be highly informed about what kinds of things would happen in the club that was only months away from opening.

  We already had a bunch of men who wanted memberships. In order to keep our clientele above average, the yearly dues to join the club were a bit on the outrageous side. But we didn’t want to worry about riff raff. Men of great wealth lived by another set of rules anyway.

  Consideration seemed to be bred into most men with a knack for making money. Most were ready to help others who had money-making ideas by not only investing in the idea, but helping that idea see the light of day. And when it came to stepping on toes, they treaded lightly.

  Most of them did, anyway.

  Isabel and I would work out the kinks. She’d setup auctions where willing women would come to the club so our members could bid on them. For a certain length of time they’d get a contract, binding the woman to them and the woman would win by getting the majority of the money the man paid. It was a win-win.

  Since we were just starting out, we needed a woman other women could talk to about what would be expected of them. Isabel needed to experience the acts, not just read about them.

  I’d created a room in my home to help educate her. It was equipped with everything we’d be supplying in the private rooms at the club. The entire room was a prototype for what we were doing in the club.

  I was sitting in the middle of the room as Isabel kneeled near the door. I’d fashioned her hair in one long braid that hung down her back. I’d given her a leather corset to wear and nothing else. She’d been given reading material that I expected her to add to when making a manual for our new members and submissives.

  She had a lot on her narrow shoulders, but she was being paid a lot to do it. I’d told her about the way the lifestyle was practiced. Love wasn’t a part of any of it. We would exchange power, nothing more than that. And honesty was the top priority. Both parties had to be honest or things wouldn’t work to benefit either party.

  I wanted Isabel to be the best sub in the whole club. I wanted her to be what other women strove to be. It was going to take extensive training to make that happen. And she said she was ready to learn.

  I got up and walked over to her. “Get up, Sub.”

  She rose, but kept her eyes down. “Yes, Master.”

  “Good girl.” I took her by the chin to make her look at me. “We will start with the rack.” I pointed to the wooden device where her head and hands would be locked between pieces of wood. She would have to bend over to put them in there, then it would be locked so she couldn’t escape.

  She walked over to the rack and waited for me to put her in the medieval device. I pulled the top bar up and gestured for her to position her head and hands accordingly. One sigh came out of her as she looked at it then at me. “And the safeword is red?”

  “It is.”

  Closing her eyes, she bent over, and I laid the wooden bar over her head and hands, trapping them, then I ticked the lock shut on the end of the two pieces. “Comfy?” I joked with her.

  “Not one bit,” she replied. “But I don’t think it’s supposed to be.”

  “No, it’s not.” I walked around behind her and grabbed her ass with both hands. “And you’re very exposed to anything I want to do with this fine ass you have. I could spank you, flog you, paddle you or simply fuck you.”

  “What’s the fun in that?” she said then laughed a bit. “Sorry, I’m not taking this very seriously, am I?”

  “I think you and I can have a bit of fun with it. As long as you learn and are able to relay information about this type of thing is what’s important. You aren’t my actual sub.”

  “Are you going to get one?” she asked, making me wonder if I would.

  “There’s going to be a bevy of beauties strolling through the club, why would I settle into a one on one with anyone?” I cocked my head to the side as I looked at her round ass, trying to decide what I wanted to do with it.

  I’d never had an ass just waiting there for me to do anything I wanted. It was odd, really. I could literally do anything to her. She was helpless to stop me. And we were in my home, not at the club where there’d be people to hear her scream.

  “I should bring this up, since it came to my mind, Isabel. You shouldn’t do this with anyone, outside the safety of the club. It’s dangerous, you know?”

  “Thank you, Master for looking out for my well-being, it’s appreciated.”

  I walked over to the table with the assortment of devices on it. Picking up the paddle, I went back and smacked her on the left butt cheek. “Did that hurt?”

  “Not really. Hit me harder.”

  I gave her another smack, a bit harder and she yelped. “That one stung, didn’t it?”

  She laughed. “No. I just wanted to see if I could make you think it did.”

  I went around to chastise her face to face. Only her face was at the same level as my cock and I realized the position would be great for oral sex too. “This contraption has all kinds of uses.” I squatted down to get on her level. “Isabel, no trying to make me think something affects you if it doesn’t. Okay?”

  “Sure, I’m sorry. I’ll keep it quiet until it actually stings. You’re being too easy on me. I think you should either do it over and over or once really hard.”

  “I like the over and over idea. Maybe throw in a few kisses between them. Get you good and heated up. The idea is for you to find it sexually stimulating after all.”

  “You know, this thing just might work for some of your less handsome men. If the girl is stuck like this and never gets to see him, then she can still get stimulated even if he’s unattractive.”

  “And masks can be worn too,” I said as I thought about the physically attractive part.

  “Yeah, by both men and women who think that might help with things. Being unattracted to a man can cause a woman not to get stimulated, an
d vice versa, no matter how much money is involved.”

  She was right, and I went to jot down a few notes about that before I went back to working with the paddle. I pulled the leather of the corset up, so her ass cheeks were exposed. Then I ran my hand in circles over them both. I gave one a smack then did the same to the other. I did that three times each, then I ran my hand over her ass again. “How does that feel?”

  “Pretty damn good. I think if you keep going I’ll get into it.”

  I continued with the smacking then the rubbing, and she began to moan. I ran my hand over her leather covered pussy and found it was warm. Prying the leather away from one side, I ran my finger into her, finding her wet. “You do like it!”

  “I do. And I’d like to see if anything else that should hurt me does just the opposite. How about you use that leather belt?”

  Putting the paddle away, I got the belt and went back to her ass. It was red, and I thought it should rest for a bit. “You’re kind of red back here. I think we should do something a little different while you cool down.”

  I walked back around in front of her and pulled out my dick. She licked her lips. “You wanna pop that into my mouth, Master?”

  “If it gets uncomfortable wiggle your fingers since your mouth will be full.”

  She nodded, then opened her mouth. Pulling my T-shirt off so I could have an unobstructed view, I pulled the waistband of my pants down to release my cock and eased my erection into her hot mouth. I went slowly at first, letting her get used to it and seeing if she could deep throat it in that position. When I found that she could, I put my hands on the wooden bar and moved my hips as I watched my cock slide in and out of her mouth.

  It was mesmerizing, and I liked the way it felt. There was nothing but the physical activity of her wet mouth on my cock. I felt every bit of my cock being stimulated. I was close to the edge in no time focusing so much attention on ejaculating. “Wiggle your fingers if I can come in your mouth.”


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