Born to Lose
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Barking, Pennsylvania, 78–81
Baxter, Clifford, 61
Baxter, Fred: after trial for Zanella murder, 218–19; appealing Hoss’s conviction in Zanella murder, 231–32, 235–36, 240, 250; criticism of split Verdict Act, 235; defending Hoss for Zanella murder, 200–202; Fagan’s relationship with, 209– 10; in penalty phase of trial for Zanella’s murder, 220–26
Beal, Ben, 167
Beck, John and Beatrice, 269, 271
Belotti, Mike, 50, 52
bench warrant, in struggle for jurisdiction over Hoss, 160–66
Beutler, Bob, 346–47
“Bill” (Hoss using as alias), 3, 5–12, 24
“Bill Matecka” (Hoss using as alias), 124, 127
“Bill Wallace” (Hoss using as alias), 123, 192–93
“Bill Young” (Hoss using as alias), 112–14
Black Hawk County Jail, Hoss kept in after recapture, 147, 160, 164
Blank, Fred, 78–83
Blauch, Nellie, 103
Blawnox, Pennsylvania, Allegheny County Workhouse in, 39, 47
Blawnox Police, 50
Bliss, Wilbur, 22; Hoss arrested by, 26–27, 157; looking for Hoss after Zanella’s murder, 73–74, 90
Bodner, Joe, 270
Boehm, Sharon, 1, 19, 32
Botula, Ted, 40
Boyd, Gary, 293–94
Braatz, Louis, 146
Bradburn, Gloria, 70–72, 84–85, 124
Brierly, Joseph, 261, 280–82
Brocato, Josephine, 70
Broderick, Judge, 345
Bucha, George, 50–52
Buckel, Richard, 116
Buoy, Rayford “Georgia,” 36–37, 290, 353
burglaries, Hoss admitting, 29
Burns, Bill, 81–82, 219, 303, 349
Butler, George, 291, 316; conviction for Peterson’s murder, 335, 340; at coroner’s inquest, 310; death of, 357; Delker and Hoss and, 280, 289–90; murders by, 278–79; in Peterson’s murder, 295–300; planning Peterson’s murder, 278, 280, 284, 290, 293; sentence for Peterson’s murder, 339; treatment after Peterson’s murder, 302, 305–6, 312
Butler County, Hoss’s car thefts in, 27–28
Buttergereit, Claude “Speed,” 63–64
Byers, Dick: Falconer robbery and, 17, 18, 24–25; interviewing Hoss on Defino rape, 22–24
California, Lubresky in, 44, 48, 232
Callaway, William C., 307–9, 351
Cameron, Doug, 285; after Peterson’s murder, 301, 305–6; on events leading to Peterson’s murder, 293–95; on Hoss vs. Spruill, 265, 267; on Shapp visiting prison, 281–82; unable to stop Peterson’s murder, 295–300 Canada, Hoss mentioning as destination, 89, 95, 107, 110, 126, 136
Cantrell, Bob, 302
capital punishment. See death penalty
Cappy, Ralph, 310, 317
car thefts, 81, 86, 113; after abandoning Maxwell, 95; after escape from county workhouse, 47–48, 59, 61; of Chevy Super Sport, 96–97, 103, 116; committed in crime spree following escape, 124, 152, 220; Corvette, in Defino kidnapping, 2–5, 12, 20–21, 24; from Falconers, 17–18; Hoss bragging about skill at, 42, 87; Hoss’s history of, 21, 27–29; investigated in search for Hoss, 85; of Peugeots’ GTO, 104, 108–9; police looking for yellow Chevy after Zanella’s murder, 67–68, 71–72, 76–79
Carroll, Tommy, 137, 139
Celo, Auggie, 22
cemeteries: Hoss’s father working at, 188; tip about Lori Mae’s body in, 186
change of venue: requested for trial for Peterson’s murder, 316–17; Strauss denying for trial for Zanella’s murder, 198, 235–36, 238
Chidester, E. E., 120
childhood: Diane Hoss’s, 189–90; Fawkes’s, 192–93; Hoss’s, 187–89, 196–97
Christie, Jim, 267
Clites, Robert, 104
Clites, Shirley, 104–6, 121, 222
Coble, Steve, 346
Coe, Billy, 197
Colville, Robert, 343
Conner, Tom, 351–52
Conover, Philip, 215
Cooke, Edward, 71
Cooke, Shirley, 309
Cooke, William, 309
Coon, Alvin, 283–84
Coon, Eugene, 203, 214, 239, 321
Coon, Oralee, 282–83
Coon, Shirley, 283, 303
Coon, William, 283, 303
Corcoran, Marty, 159–62, 202
Cumberland, Maryland, jail and courtroom facilities in, 245–46
Curti, Dick, 19–20, 24, 34, 190
Davis, Ronald Floyd, 128
Dayton, Gary, 356
Dean, John, defending Delker, 316, 327, 333–35, 340
death penalty: applicability of Interstate Detainer Act with, 246–47; desired for Peterson’s murderers, 311, 339; Hoss as argument for reinstatement of, 167, 317, 347, 354; jury weighing all evidence in deciding upon, 238–39; in Maryland, 357; Maryland’s plan to seek for Peugeots’ kidnapping, 241, 244; for McCauley, 180; in Pennsylvania, 334, 347; public satisfaction with, 230–31; Shapp’s opposition to, 249, 312, 347; Supreme Court on, 220, 257, 278; Witherspoon Question about in jury selection, 201
death row: Hoss as “custody problem” on, 253; life on, 236, 241, 249
death sentence, Hoss’s, for Zanella’s murder: appeals of, 246, 257–58; effects of Peugeots’ case on, 198–99, 219–20; imposition of, 239–40; jury weighing all evidence in deciding upon, 238–39; overturned, 253–54; prosecution seeking, 204, 219–20, 226–27
death threats: in Defino kidnapping, 1, 8–12, 50; against Fawkes, 193; against Hoss, 164, 167; Hoss expecting to kill again, 96, 338, 341, 344–45; Hoss wanting to kill more police, 88, 157, 215–16; against Hoss’s defense lawyer, 207; in Hoss’s revenge fantasies, 251, 269, 344; in Maxwell kidnapping, 87, 95, 96; in Peugeots’ kidnapping, 105, 109–10, 154
Defino, Jenny (sister), 2
Defino, Kathy, 31; effects of Hoss’s escape on, 49–50, 54; Hoss’s threats against, 1, 8–12, 88; identifying Hoss, 22. See also kidnapping, of Defino; rape, of Defino
Defino, Teresa (mother), 2, 12, 31, 244
Defino family, 19, 31–33, 35
Defino Tom (brother), 19
DeLapp, H. B., 138, 146
DeLellis, Carmen “Blackie,” 55; disgust at Hoss, 123–24, 198; on Hoss’s recapture, 90, 146; responding to Zanella’s shooting, 72–73; search for Hoss, 79–80, 82–83, 90, 97; Zanella and, 56, 59–60
Delker, Danny, 291; after Peterson’s murder, 300–302, 310; murder of brother, 288, 334; in Peterson’s murder, 292, 295–300, 358; preparing for Peterson’s murder, 279, 284, 290, 293–94, 320–21, 333; sentence for Peterson’s murder, 339; stabbing Sermons and Jackson, 279–80, 287–88, 333; taking blame for murder of Peterson, 327–28, 333; treatment after Peterson’s murder, 305–6, 312; trials for Peterson’s murder, 316–17, 327, 329, 333–35, 340–42
DeRoy, Mayer, 73, 82
Dickens, Charlie, 78
Dickens, Clarence, 78
divorce, Hoss’s, 98, 130, 231
Dixon, Pete, 340–42
Dodge, Hoss taking Maxwell’s, 87–94
Douthit, LeRoy, 112–13
Dremer, Mary, 278
Drummer, Nina, 227
Duggan, Robert, 36, 311; death of, 314–15; search for Peugeots’ bodies and, 181–83, 186–87, 198–99; sentencing for Zanella murder and, 198–99, 220, 228; in struggle for jurisdiction over Hoss, 159–63, 165–66, 181–83, 213
Dunford, Alice, 122
Dunn, Daniel, 161; interrogating Hoss, 150–59, 222; in search for Peugeots’ grave sites, 171–78; testifying at trial for Zanella’s murder, 214, 221–22, 254
Dutkowski, Steve, 301, 312
Early, Edward, 347
East Deer Police: getting tip about Hoss at Painter’s place, 52–54; Hoss questioned about Defino rape at, 21–23
Eichledinger, Kenneth, 56
Ellison, Will and Irma, 148–49
Engels, Bonnie, 113–14
Eppinger, George C., 33–35, 169
Al, 262
escape, from Allegheny County Workhouse, 45–49, 151; Defino and, 49–50, 88; felonies committed after, 220, 271; Hoss planning, 38, 41–43; Hoss vowing to resist recapture after, 54, 90; Hoss’s punishment for, 237; Lubresky blaming on Hoss, 248–49; search for Hoss and Lubresky after, 58–59
escapes, from Allegheny County Jail, 36
escapes, Hoss always planning, 203, 242– 43, 245–46, 344–45
Evans, Beth, 126–27
Fagan, Edward “Ted”: demoted under Hickton, 315; on Duggan and Cordelia Scaife, 314–15; in penalty phase of trial for Zanella murder, 219–25, 226–27, 238; preparing to prosecute for Peterson’s murder, 310, 314; prosecuting Hoss for Zanella’s murder, 200–202, 205–16, 218– 19; on sentencing for Zanella’s murder, 199, 239; in trial for Zanella’s murder, 204–5, 209–10, 217–18, 236
Fairbury, Illinois, 127, 355–56
Falconer, Arnold “Rusty” (father-in-law), 13, 16
Falconer, Dennis (husband), 14, 16–17, 24–25, 54, 205
Falconer, Jeffrey (son), 13–16
Falconer, Nancy, 54, 184; identifying Hoss as robber, 24–25, 30; reporting break-in, 13–17; testifying in trial for Zanella’s murder, 220–21
Falconer, Peggy (mother-in-law), 13
Falconer robbery: guns stolen in, 54, 205; Hoss and, 24, 26; meanness of, 16–18; Zurka charged in, 33
Farris, Mike, 270
Fatkin, Louis, 241, 245; on Hoss’s right to speedy trial, 242–43, 246–47, 258; motion for dismissal of charges for, 250–51
Fawkes, Jodine, 251, 350; Diane Hoss and, 237, 353; FBI and, 129–30, 133–36, 171–72, 192–96; Hoss promising to reveal grave sites after visiting, 159, 163; Hoss sending flowers to, 122–23; Hoss sending postcards to, 125–26, 128–29; Hoss wanting to go away with, 136–37; Hoss’s call to sister of, 125–26; Hoss’s children with, 123, 135, 150–51, 172, 194, 353; Hoss’s love for, 135, 171; Hoss’s messages through Penn to, 132–33; Hoss’s phone calls with, 133, 148, 153; Hoss’s unmailed letters to, 138, 213–16; Hoss’s wanting to see, 62, 109, 159, 171; life after Hoss, 257, 267–68, 353; relationship with Hoss, 85, 123, 148, 257; in rumors of escape plan during trial, 203, 214; trial for Zanella’s murder and, 214–15, 218, 225; visiting Hoss at Painter’s place, 53–54
Fawkes, Violet, 130, 133, 193
FBI: Diane Hoss and, 148, 189–92; Fawkes and, 129–30, 133–36, 171–72, 192–96; Hoss confessing Zanella’s murder to, 161, 211–13; Hoss telling about routes and crimes, 173, 175–78; interrogations of Hoss by, 150–51, 150–59, 173, 175–79, 237; on Maxwell kidnapping, 94–95; in power struggle over custody of Hoss, 160–66, 181–83; relations with other police, 187, 213; on rumors of planned escape during trial, 203; in search for Hoss, 97, 128, 132–36; in search for Peugeots, 121, 129–30, 162; in search for Peugeots’ graves, 162, 171–78, 187, 310–11, 336–37, 355; taking Hoss to look for Peugeots’ bodies, 181–83; Ten Most Wanted List of, 124, 128; wanted posters by in search for Hoss, 124, 131, 147
Fehl, Frederick, interrogating Hoss, 150–59, 172–76
Fernau, William, 141–46
Ferranti, Rachael, 357 Fescemyer, Bob, 60; Zanella and, 57–58, 64; Zanella’s shooting and, 70–72
fights, Hoss’s history of, 26, 29
Fishel, Terry, 339–40
Fisher, Michael, 248
Fisher, Vivian, 120
fitness regimen, Hoss’s, 238, 247, 270–71, 344. See also weightlifting, Hoss’s
Flesch, Rudolf, 236
Flint, Edward, interrogating Hoss, 150–59, 211–12
Fontaine, John, 83–84
Foote, Dean, 341–42
Fort Dodge, Iowa, 137
Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, 186
Franklin, Ohio, 175–76
Franklin, Pennsylvania, Hoss robbing gas station in, 113–14, 173
Freeland, Wendell, 248–49
Fremont, Nebraska, 130, 179
Futch, Clifford, 313
Gable, Shelby, 106, 121
Gaines, Robert, 323
Gans, Charlie, 313
gasoline: Hoss’s lack of money for, 97, 103, 112; Linda Peugeot filling car with, 107, 120
Gentile, Gary, 316
Gergel, John, 343–44, 349, 353
Getty, Jim: on dismissal of charges for Peugeot kidnappings, 250–51, 259–60; on Hoss’s right to speedy trial, 246–47, 250, 257–59
Gordon, Norman, 106, 222
Gourley, Wallace, 182–83, 287
grand jury indictments: for Defino rape, 31–33; for Peugeots’ kidnapping, 179; for Zanella’s murder, 97–98, 162–63
Graterford Prison: Hoss at, 338–39, 343; Hoss transferred to, 274, 335; Hoss’s extreme restrictions in, 343–44
grave sites, of Peugeots, 156; continuing searches for, 184–87, 346; Hoss denying knowledge of, 184, 288; Hoss’s incentives not to reveal, 200, 244, 259; Hoss’s refusal to reveal, 159, 347; Hoss’s stories about, 172–78, 185–87; Jill Joy trying to get Hoss to talk about, 272; Linda Mae’s, 113–16, 159, 346; Lori Mae’s, 158–59, 185–87, 355–56; negotiations with Hoss for location of, 162–63, 171, 198–99; Pittsburgh Press article on, 336–37; proposals to take Hoss to look for, 181–84, 242; reward offered for location of, 275–76, 311
Green, Mary, 105
Greenburg prison, 342
Greenwood Memorial Park, 86, 95
Griffith, Blair, 167
Grogan, Alvin F., 89
Grogan, Cliff, 270
GTO, Linda Peugeot’s, 101, 104, 144; evidence of murder in, 155, 222; Hoss changing license plates on, 127, 140; Hoss driving, 112, 156–57; Hoss forcing Linda Peugeot to drive around in, 105–11, 120, 154, 156; Hoss heading back toward Pittsburgh in, 130–31; Hoss leaving gun in, 139; Hoss not using for robberies, 113–14; Hoss sending postcards from, 125, 128– 29; police looking for, 136, 139–40; police searching after recapture, 147
guns, 139; in Defino kidnapping and rape, 3–4, 6–7, 10, 169; Hoss stealing, 16–17, 28; Hoss using in robberies, 15, 189; in Maxwell kidnapping and rape, 87, 89–93; in Peugeots’ kidnapping, 107–8, 110, 154; during recapture, 142, 145; in rumors of escape plan to break out during trial, 203; in Zurka’s escape from police station, 21–22. See also J. C. Higgins .22 caliber pistol
Gunther, John, 126
habeas corpus writ, in jurisdictional struggle for Hoss, 165–66
Hagmaier, Ronnie, 294, 296–97, 302–4
Hammond, Paul, 259
Harkins, James “The Indian,” 351
Harrison, Bob, 90
Hart, Milton, interrogations of Hoss, 116, 179
Harwick, Pennsylvania, 83–84
Heberlein, Paul, 116–17
Heidler, Pat, 138–39, 146
Hickton, Jack: effort to prove premeditation in Peterson’s murder, 320–21, 325– 26, 329–31, 333; McGrogan and, 320–22, 324, 342; prosecuting for Peterson’s murder, 315–17, 319, 328–30, 333–35; taking over Hoss case, 315
Hidel, Marta, 355–56
Hitchcock, John, 328
Hoffman, Joe, 266
Home Block, of Western Penitentiary: basement cells in, 280–81, 308, 311–12; basement used for recreation, 284–87, 292–93, 296, 308; history of, 280; Hoss and friends planning murder on, 278– 80; Hoss in, 230, 256; most dangerous inmates in, 280–81, 285; officers rushing to during Peterson’s murder, 296–98; Peterson’s murder in basement of, 293–301, 306, 325; Shapp forbidding use of basement cells in, 281–82, 284
Hoover, J. Edgar, 136, 181, 183
Hoover, Zeedith, 223
Horn, Joe, 180
Horvat, Ron, 265, 287; meeting with Shapp, 311–12; militancy and, 276, 305; Peterson’s murder and, 291, 297, 305
Hoss, Betty. See Matecka, Betty Hoss (sister)
Hoss, Diane Burnham (ex-wife): Betty and, 337–38; on children suffering from father’s reputation, 352; divorce of, 98, 130, 231; Fawkes and, 193, 237, 257, 267–68, 353; Hoss swearing love for, 38, 256, 348; Hoss telling about other relationships, 251, 271–72; Hoss’s ab
use of, 191, 289, 335–36; Hoss’s desperation for, 236–37, 335; Hoss’s lack of importance to, 349; Hoss’s letters to, 231–35, 250–51, 274, 335–36, 338, 345–46, 348; Hoss’s recapture and, 54, 148; on Hoss’s suicide, 345–46, 350; later relationships of, 233–34, 273, 352–53; marriage of, 51, 189–91, 232–35; not visiting Hoss, 273; police watching after Hoss’s escape, 50, 52, 85; seeking name change, 184–85; telling FBI about husband, 189–92
Hoss, Harry (brother), 52, 188, 195, 231; arrests of, 26–28
Hoss, Jean (sister), 187, 190
Hoss, Jenny (sister), 187, 190
Hoss, LeAnn (daughter), 236, 338, 353
Hoss, Mary Atkinson (mother), 153, 351; heart attack, 148, 171; on Hoss’s childhood, 187–89. See also Hoss family; Hoss parents
Hoss, Mary Jane “Punkin” (sister), 187, 195, 269
Hoss, Michael (son), 194, 353
Hoss, Stan B., Sr. (father), 148, 351; during son’s childhood, 187–89; trial for Zanella’s murder and, 218, 226. See also Hoss family; Hoss parents
Hoss, Stanley, III (son), 190, 352
Hoss, Stanley, Jr. “Stuche” (son), 194, 353
Hoss, Steven (son), 233
Hoss children, 26, 190, 226; Diane not bringing to visit, 273, 338; effects of father’s crimes on, 351–52; father not mistreating, 121, 225; father not supporting, 51, 191, 195; father swearing love for, 257, 348; father telling FBI about, 150–51; father’s desperation for visits from, 236–37, 336; with Fawkes, 54, 123, 135, 172, 194, 353; Hoss’s threat to take, 50–51; in letters to Diane, 232–33, 289; name changes for, 184–85, 237, 242; two named Stanley, 150–51
Hoss family, 218, 231; Diane and, 190–91; good impressions of, 191, 195, 197; homes of, 188, 190, 195; not visiting, 251–52
Hoss parents, 171, 231; changing names, 184, 339; Hoss negotiating for visit with, 159, 163
Hovatter, Orsa, 180
Howard, William, 113–14
Hultman, Evan “Curly,” 155, 162, 166–68
In Cold Blood (Capote), 167
Independence, Missouri, 186–87
Indian Trail Motel (Fairbury, Illinois), 127
Indiana, search for evidence of Hoss and Peugeots in, 155
Indiana Township Police, 19–20, 22, 27, 73–74
inmates, 327; assaults among, 252–53, 261– 66, 270, 279–80; believing stories, 30–31; effects of Peterson’s murder on, 297–98, 304; especially dangerous group of, 263, 286, 291; Hoss’s reputation among, 202, 252–53, 255, 277; lack of impulse control, 263, 313; most dangerous on Home Block, 280–81; murders among, 312–13; taken out into community, 267–68