Born to Lose
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rape, of Defino, 6–8, 19–20, 151; arraignment for, 30; arrests for, 21–22, 151; effects of, 7, 12, 31, 185, 243–44, 359; grand jury for, 31–33; Hoss appealing conviction for, 169, 271, 331; Hoss denying, 22–24, 30, 168; Hoss’s sentencing for, 151, 168–70; Hoss’s stories about, 38, 168; Hoss’s threats about, 88; sentencing for, 168–70; trials for, 33–35, 220, 251; Zurka convicted of, 251
rape, of Maxwell: Hoss working up to, 91–93; Maxwell keeping secret, 95, 185; officials’ agreement to keep out of trial, 185, 208–11
rapes: committed in crime spree following escape, 220; not at Falconer break-in, 15
reading: Hoss studying law, 242–43; Hoss’s dependence on books, 236–38
Reegan, Daniel, 327
rehabilitation: Hoss claiming desire for, 273, 341, 345; in plan to reform Western Penitentiary, 261; right to speedy trial and, 247, 257–59
Reilly, Patrick “Bus,” 309; catatonic after Peterson’s murder, 302–4; in Delker’s version of Peterson’s murder, 328; Mc-Grogan trying to signal, 294, 323–24; on Peterson’s killers, 312, 343; as rec room observer, 292–94; testimony on Peterson’s murder, 310, 325, 329; watching Peterson’s murder, 295–300, 329
Remmick, Milt, 56, 75
remorse, Hoss’s lack of, 87, 162, 224–25, 313, 353
reputation, Hoss’s, 349; among inmates, 202, 252–53, 265–66, 277; bragging about, 42, 87, 266; as car thief, 29, 42; children suffering from, 352; girls fawning and, 318; growing, 199–200; media coverage boosting, 275, 313; planning violence to increase, 274, 289; self-image and, 202, 255; violence increasing, 86, 265–66, 350
Ricchuito, Herman, 89
Rice, Owen, 262, 263
Robb, John, 241; on Hoss’s demand for speedy trial, 242–43, 245–47, 258; motion for dismissal of charges for, 250–51
Robinson, Oscar, 265
Robinson, William “Robby”: as commissioner of correction, 343–44; giving Hoss’s clothes away, 228–29; holding coroner’s inquest after Peterson’s murder, 309–10; on Hoss, 36–38, 343–45; as warden of Allegheny County Jail, 36–39
Robson, Barbara, 96–97
“Ron” (Zurka’s alias in Defino kidnapping), 3–4, 7–12
Roney, Dave, 346
Roth, Howard, 218
Rutledge, Marvin, 355
Rydell, David, 288
Santone, Esther, 67, 207–8, 217
Santone, Mario, 67, 207–8
Scaife, Cordelia, 314–15
Scaife, Richard Mellon, 315
Schaal, Dennis, 68–69
school, Hoss in, 188–89, 197
Scoggins, David, 327
sentencing, for Peterson’s murder, 331, 339, 342
sentencing, Hoss’s: additional time for escape, 237; compilation of, 167, 331–32; for Defino’s rape, 151, 168–70; for Peterson’s murder, 331, 339; for Peugeots’ murders, 198–99; for Zanella’s murder, 204, 218, 231, 239–40, 257
Sermons, Melvin “Whiskey,” 279, 312–13; Delker’s trial for stabbing, 287–88, 333
Sewicki, J. R., 351
Shaler Police Department, 31, 88
Shapp, Milton, 331; forbidding use of basement cells in Home Block, 280–82, 284, 308; officers’ union rep meeting with, 311–12; opposition to death penalty, 249, 312, 347; at Peterson’s funeral, 308–9; prison reforms by, 249, 273, 280–82
Sharon (Hoss’s prison girlfriend), 271–72, 288–89, 310
Shute, Whitman, 185–87, 337, 356
Simonetti, Don, 13, 16–18, 73
Sioux Falls, North Dakota, 131
Sizemore, Barbara Zanella, 56, 74–75, 273
Skyline Motel (Jackson, Minnesota), 135
Smith, Robert, 113–14
Snyder, Edgar, 227, 238; after trial for Zanella’s murder, 218–19; appealing Hoss’s murder conviction, 231–32, 235, 240, 250; criticizing prosecution’s case in trial for Zanella murder, 205, 217; defending Hoss for Zanella’s murder, 200–202, 205, 207–8, 216; efforts to suppress Hoss’s confessions, 212, 215; efforts to suppress mention of Peugeots, 212; Fagan’s relationship with Baxter and, 209–10; missing penalty phase of trial, 220, 224; resigning as public defender, 232, 235
Snyder, Marguerite, 278
Snyder, Stephanie, 220
Sokol, Theodore and Teddy, 65, 67, 205
Split Verdict Act, trial for Zanella’s murder under, 218, 238; defense’s complaints about, 235, 253–54
Springer, Officer, 70–72
Spruill, Geno, 270, 349; escape by, 268–69, 271; Hoss and, 262–66, 268
Starlite Motel (Fort Dodge, Iowa), 137
Start, Joseph, 97–98, 202, 223; interrogations of Hoss by, 159–62; tips on Peugeots’ grave sites and, 185–87, 337, 356
state police, Pennsylvania, 53; Peterson’s son joining, 351; Western Penitentiary and, 263, 267, 304–6
State Regional Correction Facility (Greensburg), 168–69
stealing: by Hoss as child, 189, 197; by Hoss’s father, 188. See also armed robberies; car thefts
Steffen, Emil, 137
steroids, prison experiments with, 270
Stevens, Tim, 312
Steven’s Motel (Mitchell, South Dakota), 130
Stewart, Harold, 99–101
Stockhausen, Inez, 67, 207–8 Strauss, Samuel, 219, 317; on defense’s complaints about trial for Zanella’s murder, 198, 235, 238–39; Hoss and, 169, 237; in penalty phase of trial for Zanella’s murder, 212, 221–23, 227; presiding over Lubresky’s trial for escape, 248–49; presiding over trial for Zanella’s murder, 198, 200, 206, 210–11, 216, 218; sentencing by for Zanella’s murder, 228, 231
strength, Hoss’s unusual, 29, 36, 144–46, 188–89, 238, 270, 289. See also weightlifting, Hoss’s
Suchevich, George, 40
suicide: Hoss asking FBI for opportunity, 159, 175; Hoss’s, 349–50; Hoss’s forewarnings about, 147, 345–46
supermax prison, 312
Supreme Court, U.S., 263; on capital punishment, 220, 257, 278; on penalty phase of trials, 221
Symkiewicz, Mary Ann, 256–57
Tarentum, Pennsylvania, 81, 190
Tarr, Ben, 65, 67, 205, 238
tattoos, Hoss’s, 38, 95, 146
television: on search for Hoss, 84, 98; on Zanella’s murder, 81–83. See also media
temper, Hoss’s, 6, 29, 91–92
textile shop, in Allegheny County Workhouse, 39–40
Thomas, Herb, 288–89, 307
Thompson, Cliff, 53
Thompson, Edna Stewart, 100; concern about Linda and Lori Mae’s absence, 110, 117; desperation for return of bodies, 184, 187, 199; Linda and Lori moving in with, 101–2; reporting Linda and Lori Mae’s absence, 120, 177; response to loss of family, 240–41, 347
Thompson, William H., 100, 120; death of, 347; desperation for return of bodies, 184, 187, 199
Thornburgh, Dick, in power struggle with Duggan, 163–64, 181–83, 315
Tiffin, Ohio, Hoss in, 124–26, 133
Tomayko, Carl, 167
Toner, Vee, 201, 218
Toranczyk, Mike, 278
Travelers Motel (Waterloo, Iowa), 138, 146–47
trial, for Defino rape, 33–35
trial, for Peugeots’ kidnapping: applicability of Interstate Detainer Act in, 246–47; delay in, 242, 246, 256; Hoss planning escape en route to, 242–43, 246; Hoss’s demand for speed in, 240, 242–43, 245–46, 257–59; Hoss’s lawyers for, 241; Hoss’s “witnesses” for, 243, 245–46, 250; indictments for dismissed, 250–51, 258– 59; state’s plan to seek death penalty, 244
trial, for Zanella’s murder, 198; appeal of conviction from, 231–32, 238–40, 242, 246, 250; circumstantial evidence in, 204, 206; death sentence changed to life in prison, 253–54, 257; death sentence in, 239–40; defense strategy in, 211–13; defense’s complaints about, 235–36, 238, 253–54, 271; Hoss’s demeanor in, 204; jury for, 200–202, 218; lawyers’ comments after, 218–19; Maxwell testifying in, 208–11; penalty phase in, 238–39, 253–54, 257; Peugeots’ case included in penalty phas
e, 212, 219–20, 235; prosecution’s case in, 205–16; rumors of escape plan during, 203, 214; security for, 203– 4, 214, 239; under Split Verdict Act, 218, 235–36; summations in, 217–18
trials, for Peterson’s murder, 313; Butler’s, 333–35; change of venue denied for, 316– 17; closing arguments in, 328–30; defense cases in, 327–28; Delker’s, 333–35, 340–42; Fagan preparing for, 314; Hickton prosecuting, 315–17, 319–20; Hickton showing premeditation in, 320–21, 325–26, 329–30, 333; killers appealing convictions in, 340–42; McGrogan’s, 335; McGrogan’s testimony on, 314; prosecution’s case in, 319–26; Reilly’s testimony in, 325; rejection of premeditation argument, 327, 331; rumor of Hoss testifying at, 326; security at, 325; sentencing for, 339; verdicts in, 331; Zimmerman defending Hoss in, 316, 322; Zimmerman’s defense strategy in, 319, 321–23, 325–26, 329
Trozzi, Herm, 62–65, 68–69, 75
25 Rules of Effective Writing (Flesch), 236
Tyree, Sheriff, 105
Udin, Sala, 312
uniforms, for Allegheny County Workhouse inmates, 39, 49
unlawful flight to avoid prosecution, Hoss arrested on warrant for, 97, 162
U.S. Marshals Service, Hoss in custody of, 164, 166
Usiadek, Walter “Cutsy,” 20, 22–25, 73
Valenta, Bill, 215
Van der Voort, Robert, 235; refusing to allow Hoss to look for bodies, 181–83; sentencing Hoss for Defino rape, 168–70
VanAucker, Sam, 343
Vargo, Sgt., 299
Verona, Pennsylvania, 55; busyness of, 59, 69, 73; memorial to fallen officers in, 356–57; Zanella growing up in, 56–57
Verona Police: communication problems of, 62, 73; confusion about who was shot by Hoss, 70–71; personnel of, 55–56; race in, 57–58; search for Hoss and, 61, 74
Vignovic, Maureen (aka Jill Joy), 311
visits, to Hoss in prison: desperation for, 236–37, 336; drying up, 251–52, 337; extreme restrictions on, 344; by Fawkes, 251; by Jill Joy, 272, 275–76, 310–11; by women, 268–69, 345, 349
voices, Falconer identifying Hoss’s, 15, 25, 30
Walcroft, William, 70
Walker, P. E., 137
Walters, Gil, 270, 274; after Peterson’s murder, 303–5, 308; on Home Block basement used for recreation, 284–85; on problems in Western Penitentiary, 261–64, 269; relations with staff, 267, 287, 304–5; in rumors of conspiracy in Peterson’s murder, 327–28
wanted posters, FBI’s, 124, 131, 136
Warner, Fred, 354–55; Hoss effigy by, 180, 230; Linda Peugeot working for, 101–2
Warner, Marian, 101–2
Waterloo, Iowa: gangster Tommy Carroll in, 137, 139; Hoss captured in, 137–46, 212; interrogations of Hoss in, 159–62, 173; police capturing Hoss in, 160, 213
Weaver, Jimmy, 262–63, 304; after Peterson’s murder, 301–2; unable to stop Peterson’s murder, 290, 299
Wecht, Cyril, 206, 326
weightlifting, Hoss’s, 40–41, 193, 237, 248, 250, 252
Wellington, Ohio: Hoss and Lori Mae in, 121–22; Hoss sending flowers from, 122–23, 176
Werner, Steve, 312
West Deer Police, 13–17, 19, 73
West Virginia, Maxwell forced to drive Hoss through, 90–92
Western Penitentiary; prison life: after Peterson’s murder, 303–5; anger at Walters after Peterson’s murder, 303–5; closing of, 358; efforts to reform, 261–63, 280–81, 285–86; efforts to transfer troublemakers from, 267, 274; especially dangerous group of inmates in, 291; FBI taking Hoss from to look for bodies, 181–82; history of Home Block in, 280, 285; Hoss at, 170, 228, 230; Hoss planning escape before sentencing to, 43; Hoss’s conditions in, 273–74; Hoss’s son in, 351–52; inmate assaults on staff in, 270; inmate on inmate assaults in, 246, 270; inmates from taken out into community, 267–68, 271; loosening security at, 281–82, 285–87; officers’ union forming at, 276; Peterson family attending memorial service at, 337; racial tension in, 264, 279–80, 288, 297–98, 328; riots in, 263, 280, 285; rumors of conspiracy in Peterson’s murder, 312–13, 327–28, 339–40; state police taking over, 304–6. See also Home Block
Wheeling, West Virginia, 96; Hoss abandoning Maxwell in, 94, 97, 152
Will-O-Motel (Tiffin, Ohio), 126–27, 133
“William Young,” Hoss using as alias, 132, 138, 144, 146
Williams, Jack, 47–48
Wilson, Larry, 104
Witherspoon Question, about death penalty, 201
Wymer, Terry, 113–14
Yanchak, Janina, 60–61
Zanella, Barbara. See Sizemore, Barbara Zanella
Zanella, Joseph, Sr., 198–99
Zanella, Joseph Paul “Sonny”: aftermath of shooting, 67–70; community’s affection for, 85; death of, 75, 82; family of, 56–57; following Hoss, 62–65; funeral for, 117–19, 121, 123–24; Hoss slandering, 162; notified about sighting of Hoss, 61–62; on police force, 56, 59–60; requesting backup from Oakmont Police, 63–65, 205; in Verona’s memorial to fallen officers, 356–57. See also murder, of Zanella; trial, for murder of Zanella
Zanella, Mary Ella Langus, 56–58, 206, 214
Zanella family, 56, 85, 118, 198
Zelek, Joy, 118–19
Zimmerman, Gary: defending Hoss for Peterson’s murder, 316, 326, 332; defense strategy in trial for Peterson’s murder, 319, 325–26, 329; fake story about extra Y chromosome by, 323, 326; in Hoss’s trial for Peterson’s murder, 321–29; vow to appeal verdict in Peterson’s murder, 331
Zoller, Dick, 57–58, 60
Zurka, Richard: arrested and indicted, 21, 151; Defino and, 23–24, 33, 251; Hoss and, 23–24, 234; using “Ron” in Defino kidnapping, 3–4, 7–12