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Red Hot

Page 22

by K. A. Merikan

  “I’ll call you in two days. You’re not that bad of a guy, Jack. If you talk, it’ll help the children,” she said, and he wasn’t even sure if she was serious or still mocking him.

  If it wasn’t so hard to make a cop just disappear, he’d make her vanish. Not even in a cruel way, just a bullet to the head to have this over with, but that would solve nothing. He had no idea whether the video wouldn’t end up somewhere in the archives, and then there were the cops who had caught him and Loki red-handed. He’d either rat on the club or end up shunned. The club was his life. It was bad enough that his whole family had turned their back on him since his first stay in juvie.

  “Think of the children, Jack,” Paxton said on her way out and laughed. The moment she locked the door, he bit his lips hard, but the stinging in his eyes would not subside. He was so deeply fucked it hurt to breathe. The thoughts of Loki vanishing from his life attacked Red Jack with a vengeance, and he put his forehead against the wall. Everyone thought he was just a goof, an asshole, or both. But he had feelings too. Ambitions, needs, desires. He’d lost Keith, Lucy thought he was a douchebag, Sam shacked up with Candy and wasn’t as available anymore, and Red Jack was left surrounded by expensive stuff and filling the void with pussy. Until Loki.

  For whatever reason, Loki wanted him and pursued Red Jack like he was the meatiest, juiciest burger, straight off the grill. He’d even gone as far as to brand himself with Red Jack’s name. That was it. There was no holding back after that. It was as if Loki had managed to saw into Jack’s rib cage and squeeze his heart so hard that it started beating for him. He could have theoretically made Loki move away, maybe meet up somewhere in another town, but Loki didn’t have the time to waste, and Red Jack would never want him to be sidelined in his last days. Loki needed care. He kept bleeding in random moments, had those headaches, blackouts, and the problems were progressing. Maybe he’d die within a week, alone and thinking that Red Jack had left him to save his own ass.

  Red Jack rubbed his eyes. He would never allow that. And ratting on the club was out of the question as well. In forty-eight hours he’d face the music. Whatever was to happen, he’d take it on the chin. Ratting on the club would not only be a death sentence, he wouldn’t be able to live with himself after betraying the brothers who’d accepted him with open arms.

  He tried to lie down to sleep, but his mind raced, keeping him awake until someone entered the corridor again.

  “You’re going out early, Dalton. Hope you suck your friend’s balls for bailing you out.”

  Red Jack dragged himself up. Fucking Sam. He wasn’t supposed to come back. “Go suck off a donkey,” he groaned at the guard without much energy.

  “Nah, you already did it for me,” said the cop, casually following Red Jack down the corridor.

  The fucker let Red Jack out, but it was hard to contain his fury over the words. “Carry on, and I might just stay here for assaulting a cop. You might enjoy seeing me stay, but satisfaction isn’t much when your teeth are cracked.”

  “I’ll be the one laughing when you end up locked up with no one to protect your gay ass,” said the cop as they entered the main room of the station.

  When Red Jack saw Sam’s short mohawk from afar, he decided to shut up. Ignoring the stares and other people gathered in the waiting area, he left the station and walked down the stairs leading to the small parking lot, which was still only lit up with a few streetlights.

  Sam turned around with a frown.

  “You didn’t need to come,” Red Jack grumbled and put his hands in his pockets once he reached Sam’s car.

  “Shut the fuck up and get in.” Sam opened his ride. Red Jack had actually done the paintwork on the thing. Matte black with silver skulls above the back wheels.

  “Asshole,” Red Jack said, but got in, completely out of his depth. Even the familiar scent of the leather upholstery couldn’t soothe him now.

  Sam hopped into the driver’s seat and started the car. He exhaled and drove away from the station. The longer the silence between them lasted, the more Red Jack could feel the daggers of judgment pushing into his flesh.

  “I’m not gay, okay?” he burst out and got himself a cigarette. Enough was enough.

  Sam turned to look at him, wide-eyed like a deer in the headlights. His hand must have slipped off the steering wheel, as the car suddenly turned to the left. Sam stiffened and looked ahead, bringing the car back on course. “The fuck? Why are you telling me this?”

  Red Jack shuddered, with the ending of his cigarette burning up in the fire from the lighter. “I— What did the cops tell you?”

  Sam shook his head, squeezing the wheel hard. “Not a fucking thing. I wanted to ask how you got yourself locked up with Loki. What the fuck did you two do, and why do you fucking feel you need to tell me you’re not gay?” he asked with a little tremble at the end.

  Red Jack took a long drag of smoke, suddenly realizing Sam didn’t allow anyone to smoke in his car. The poor bastard was probably as freaked out as Red Jack. “This stays between us, yeah?” He desperately needed this out to someone, and if there was one person he could trust not to betray him, it was the man who was always there whenever Red Jack needed him to be.

  Sam let out a low exhale. “Yeah.”

  Red Jack looked ahead, into the colors of the rising sun far away. “Sometimes you wanna blow off some steam, a bitch gives you the finger, and you can always find a gay guy to suck you. I mean, guys are so easy.”

  Sam seemed intent on staring ahead.

  Red Jack breathed in half a cigarette in one go. “Whatever, man. Doesn’t matter.”

  “Are you fucking Loki?”

  “Yeah, but he’s not my cousin!”

  “I know that!” hissed Sam through gritted teeth. “You’ve been fucking him all this time?”

  “No,” Red Jack mumbled. Sam would never look at him the same way if he knew the truth. “Only some of the time…”

  “Fuck you!” yelled Sam. “And you’re lying to me even now? What the actual fuck?”

  “I’m not lying!”

  Sam inhaled so much air his lungs had to be close to bursting, but he didn’t comment and just drove on.

  “What the fuck do you wanna hear, huh? That I’m a fag? That I fuck him all the time? That the cops caught me sucking him off? Why the fuck are you even driving me home? Stop the car. I can walk.”

  “I want the damn truth for once!” snarled Sam, shaking his head. “And light me a cigarette while you’re at it.”

  Red Jack curled his toes as he lit another smoke for Sam. There was no right way to say the truth. He passed Sam the cigarette. “I really like him,” he whispered. “And we hit it off, and yeah, we fuck like we’re the motherfuckin’ Duracell bunnies.”

  Sam sucked the cigarette butt into his mouth. “He was fucking upset but wouldn’t tell me what’s going on. Why wouldn’t you just keep it behind closed doors?”

  Red Jack closed his eyes. Was Sam suggesting he should continue as long as no one knew? “I was… But there was no one there on that road. It was the middle of the night, and he was in an accident, and I lost it…” Even thinking about Loki getting wrecked in a car had his heartbeat quickening.

  “Yeah, he had that fucking nosebleed again.” Sam scratched his head and exhaled the smoke. “You can’t let yourself go again. You know what could happen if the others find out.”

  They could flip and kill Red Jack for the disgrace, they could strip him of his patches which would be the end of Red Jack’s life as he knew it. He’d be completely alone, stripped of everything he’d worked for for the last ten years. “They’ve got it on tape, Sam… I’m as good as dead.”

  Sam gasped. “Shit.” He drove in silence for a good ten seconds, but with each moment, Red Jack could sense the tension raising in the car. “What are you going to do? Are they gonna out you?”

  “I don’t know. Is that even legal?” Red Jack groaned. He was not about to tell Sam about the Pax-bitch. Maybe he could
still do something about it.

  Sam sighed. “Yeah, maybe the guys that took you didn’t make the connection, or something.” He rubbed his face. “Jack, since when? All those girls... You had the hots for my Candy...”

  “I don’t know. I guess I’m just messed up and horny for anything that’s hot. I wasn’t lying. I’m not gay. I like pussy. I mean… I love pussy. You know how wrapped up in Lucy I was. I love being between a girl’s legs, seeing her tits jiggle… you know. Fucking.” Red Jack took a deep breath. “And it’s different with a guy, but hot too.”

  “Bisexual. Right.” Sam burned through a third of the cigarette in one go. “And now it’s a guy. What are you gonna do? I don’t think it’ll fly.”

  Red Jack swallowed and lit himself another smoke from the one he was finishing. “He’s got brain cancer.”

  Sam looked at him, his face slack. “Oh, fuck... you for real?”

  Red Jack massaged his forehead with his knuckles, annoyed by the itching in his eyes. “Yeah, doctors don’t even know how much he has left. So I can’t just… keep things slow, or push him away for a few weeks. He might not have the few weeks.” There weren’t enough cigarettes in the world to help Red Jack now.

  Sam shook his head, and the way his hand suddenly squeezed Red Jack’s shoulder helped him to finally relax into the seat. “Man, I’m so fucking sorry. Really, I am.”

  Red Jack sighed but then just replaced the air with more smoke in his lungs. But as hard as this conversation was, he was relieved. Someone was willing to listen and not pass judgement. He felt pounds lighter, even if it didn’t solve any of his problems. “We’ve got this connection, you know?” Losing Loki was becoming all too real, and he didn’t know how to cope with it. Hadn’t losing Keith been enough?

  “What are you gonna do? I mean, I think the other guys believe you two are related, so that should be fine.”

  “I don’t know. Take it one day at a time, I guess.”

  Sam chewed on his lip. “You don’t look it.”

  It took Red Jack a long moment to understand what Sam wanted to say. “Fucking hell, Samson! Fuck you!”

  “What? I’m not good at this emotional bullshit! You know that!” growled Sam. “You’re my brother, I’m gonna stand by you, but I’m not a doctor.”

  “So what? You think a doctor could tell that a part of me is a fag? Christ!”

  “No, you just seemed so fucking worried. I don’t think anyone suspects what’s going on with you two.”

  “Oh. Okay.” That was a relief. Even if everything would change in forty-eight hours.

  They drove in silence until Sam took a turn toward Red Jack’s house. Loki would be there, waiting for him.

  Sam’s voice cut through Red Jack’s thoughts, bringing him back to reality. “Did you ever think of me like that?”

  He frowned and looked at Sam, taken aback. “Are you for real? You’re my brother. I just— what the hell? Stupid fucking question.”

  Sam raised his hand. “Just needed to make sure. I love you, man... just not that way.”

  “I haven’t seen your dick once, and you don’t see me complaining,” Red Jack hissed, but then couldn’t help a smirk. “I’ll leave the complaining to Candy.”

  Sam laughed out loud as he stopped the car in front of the house. “You wish. Just stay the night at ours, and you’ll hear she’s pretty enthusiastic about my junk.”

  “Oh, yeah? I had an earful when you fucked her on my car and wouldn’t wash the hood. I had to lick off all her juices.” He obviously didn’t, but it was still fun to tease Sam. It made things seem normal again.

  Sam shoved Red Jack at the door. “Greedy fuck.”

  “Probably why I’m bi, right?” Red Jack laughed as he got out of the car.

  Sam leaned back into the seat, and his face got slightly more serious. “Say hello to your boy from me.”

  Red Jack gave him a quick nod and turned around. Your boy. It sounded kinda nice when not said as mockery. Red Jack stopped at the door and listened to Sam driving away before finally entering the house. The sun was already halfway up, and flooded the living room with orange light.

  Red Jack was tired and more nervous than he’d like to admit, but with the conversation ending on a high note, he smiled nevertheless. He locked the door and stepped inside, only to stand still when he noticed a curled-up shape on the sofa. He expected to find Loki in their bed, but there he was, hidden under a thick blanket with only his eyes and tangled hair sticking out.

  A wave of previously unknown tenderness went through Red Jack’s chest, and he didn’t have the heart to wake him up. He took off his shoes to make less noise and went over to the bathroom for a shower. A night in a cell was not as sexy as porn suggested.

  He didn’t bother to dress when he was done, and seeing Loki still on the sofa, he couldn’t help but walk over to him in the end. Red Jack kneeled on the floor and kissed Loki’s hair with butterflies fluttering all over his stomach. He too must have taken a bath, because the black mane had this lovely, damp aroma Red Jack enjoyed so much. Loki stirred and gave a high-pitched groan. He stretched under the blanket, still too sleepy to acknowledge what was going on.

  Red Jack smiled when he saw Loki’s lips, and gave them a kiss this time. “Do you feel better?” he whispered and stroked Loki’s hair. If he only could, he’d take all of Loki’s pain away somehow. No matter what he’d have to do. With the empty hours in jail, he’d had a lot of time to think, and he did remember being told of a Brazilian doctor near LA at the party. Red Jack had been drunk and forgot half of what the girl had said about the guy, but apparently he did experimental treatment combined with some voodoo shit. Maybe it was worth a shot?

  Loki stiffened for a moment, but then his eyes opened, and he smiled, clumsily reaching out to push his fingers into Red Jack’s hair. “You’re here,” he whispered with such joy that it made Red Jack all the happier about finally touching him again.

  “Yeah, told you I’d be out in no time.” He licked Loki’s lower lip, trying to forget all the issues at hand. Trying to forget that this could be the beginning of the last forty-eight hours they would ever have.

  Loki pulled him closer and raised the blanket. “Come here, aren’t you cold?” he asked, looking at Red Jack’s naked body.

  “Not when I’m next to you. Makes me feel all warm…” And he wanted to be much, much closer. He couldn’t wait to get the T-shirt and tracksuit bottoms combo off Loki.

  “What if I get undressed too?” whispered Loki, nipping at Red Jack’s mouth. His eyes were hazy, still soft with sleep as he lay flat on his back, petting Red Jack’s neck.

  “It would make everything better.” Red Jack ran his fingers along the sides of Loki’s body and kissed his jaw. Even the tiny stubble didn’t bother him. Loki didn’t need to feel like a woman to be sexy. Red Jack enjoyed the hair on his body, the bold scent of his skin, and yes—the stubble scratching his shoulder.

  Loki pulled at his T-shirt. It got stuck around his head, but Red Jack gently helped him to take it off completely. The lean muscle underneath, all warm and smooth, beckoned Red Jack for touch.

  “Your back doesn’t hurt?” Even thinking about his name on Loki’s skin was giving him goose bumps. Red Jack lifted his hips to help Loki take off his pants.

  Loki grinned. “A bit sore. I’ve had worse.” He reached out and dragged his fingers down the side of Red Jack’s face.

  “And your head? All right?” Red Jack pulled the blanket over them both and snuggled in between Loki’s legs. The perfect spot to be in. And those thighs tightened around his hips immediately, pulling him close against warm flesh, straight into Loki’s arms.

  “Yeah. I dozed off waiting for you.”

  “Why aren’t you in the bed? It’s gonna be harder to fuck you here.” Red Jack smiled and kissed Loki’s ear. “But don’t worry, I’ll manage.”

  Loki gasped, rolling his head to give Red Jack easier access to his neck. “You always do. Such a badass fucker.” />
  “I always will. I’ll get as many fucks as I can.” Red Jack slipped his hands under Loki’s body and all the way to his ass. This wasn’t fair. He wanted to keep Loki forever. “I even have a surprise for you once you’re ready to get up.” Red Jack ran his tongue all the way to Loki’s collarbone.

  Loki chuckled and grabbed Jack’s beard, pulling him in for a deep kiss that awakened all of Red Jack’s senses more effectively than any cold shower would. “You feel so fucking good”

  “Better than any other guy you’ve been with?” Red Jack knew it sounded needy, but he didn’t care anymore. He squeezed Loki’s ass and rubbed his awakening dick over Loki’s stomach.

  Loki opened his eyes and nuzzled Red Jack’s nose. “Like no one ever. I’d never get tired of you,” he whispered, and with the way he looked at Red Jack, soft and yet so direct, there was no way he didn’t mean it.

  The ache around the gunshot scar on Red Jack’s side when he twisted too abruptly, reminded him of the more violent times in their relationship, but he still wouldn’t trade them for the world. Loki made him feel so intensely, as if there was suddenly more blood pumping through his life.

  Loki sighed and petted Red Jack’s face, ghosting his fingers over the cheekbones, the ear. “When you look at me now, I know you’re not just here because I make your cock feel good.”

  “You’ve made me feel things that I thought were dead in me,” Red Jack whispered and pulled Loki’s legs around his hips.

  Loki tightened them around him and trailed his hands down Red Jack’s chest. He rubbed his warm palms over Red Jack’s heart before moving them all the way to Red Jack’s neck and back down. The touch fueled the fire raging in Red Jack’s stomach, prompting him to grind his hips against Loki.

  Seeing Loki sleep on the sofa truly felt like coming home. No matter how shit Loki was at cooking, or how messy the room was, his presence made the house a home more than any flat-screen TV or XboX ever could.


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