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Cole (The Ride Series)

Page 9

by O'Brien, Megan

  “What’s going on ladies?” Connie asked, plopping on the couch next to us.

  Kat took a moment to fill her in.

  Connie waved her hand dismissively. “Sal’s just weird like that. I wouldn’t read much into it.”

  “Yeah well I’m not into being treated like a pariah after I sleep with a guy,” Kat muttered.

  “I hear you,” Connie agreed. “Wes was a bit like that at first,” she confided. I found that hard to believe with how much he clearly doted on her now. “I think some of these tough guys are just like that at first when they meet a woman they actually like. They don’t know what to do with it after all the skanks they’re used to,” she said dryly. “But Sal is a mystery to all of us to begin with. He’s so guarded it’s hard to get to know him even a little bit. Just play a little hard to get, see what happens,” she advised.

  “Done and done. I don’t even have to play,” Kat muttered.

  I squeezed her thigh for a moment in reassurance, hoping like hell that Sal pulled his head out of his ass. Kat was gorgeous and funny and just amazing all around. She deserved the best. She also had a temper that you did not want to fuck around with.

  I went to find the bathroom and then planned to look for Cole. The house was small, but I meandered a bit trying to find it. I was slightly tipsy and the house was packed.

  “Looking for something sweet cheeks?” a deep voice inquired. I turned to find a very handsome dark haired man looking hungrily at my ass.

  “Did you seriously just call me ‘sweet cheeks?’” I asked, dumbfounded that he had the nerve.

  “Well, it’s a seriously sweet ass,” he said, moving toward me.

  “You don’t back up immediately, we have a serious fucking problem Parker,” Cole’s voice boomed from behind me.

  “Oh sorry man, this yours?” my asshole admirer said as he nodded toward me, immediately backing up.

  “Is this yours?” I repeated back his words with supreme irritation. “Seriously? Are you fucking kidding me?” I demanded incredulously.

  “Baby, cool it,” Cole commanded, putting a hand on my waist.

  Oh no, I did not think so. I would not be told to “cool it” but I knew enough to have those words later, not in front of an audience.

  I turned back to jerk face. “A word of advice, you ever want to raise your standards a bit and try getting a decent piece of tail, I wouldn’t start off by calling a woman ‘sweet cheeks,’” I advised.

  I felt Cole stiffen behind me. Clearly he hadn’t heard that part.

  “I also wouldn’t refer to a woman akin to an inanimate object,” I added helpfully.

  The guy chuckled and turned amused eyes to Cole. “Got your hands full, huh Jackson?” he taunted. His quip clearly had a double meaning as he took a good long look at my breasts and backside.

  I narrowed my eyes.

  “You want to make this an issue you keep talkin’,” Cole goaded, his voice full of menace.

  Oh dear, perhaps it was time to try to diffuse the situation.

  “Forget it babe, let’s go get a beer,” I prompted, even though my bladder was now seriously protesting.

  But Cole didn’t even spare me a glance. He was too busy glaring at Parker.

  “Babe,” I prompted, quietly putting a hand on his chest.

  “What the fuck are you doing here?” Sal demanded of Parker, coming to join our tense little huddle. “You weren’t invited, get the fuck out.”

  “Just came to see how the other half lives,” Parker replied as he chuckled. “Clearly, the other half is pussy whipped,” he said with a grin. “Though, I admit, I can’t say I blame you man.” He winked at Cole.

  “One more word and you won’t be able to fucking walk tomorrow,” Cole threatened.

  Parker held up his hands in surrender, though he was still visibly amused as he walked away.

  “Who was that?” I demanded.

  “One of the reasons to remain vigilant,” Cole muttered unhelpfully. “Let’s go get that beer.”

  “Actually, you go. The whole reason I came in here was to pee, where’s the bathroom?” I asked him.

  He pointed me in the right direction, still seeming aggravated. Perhaps leaving him alone for a few minutes wasn’t a bad idea anyway. It was clear that he and that Parker guy had some sort of history and it wasn’t a good one.

  When I found the bathroom it was locked, so I leaned against the wall patiently waiting for it to become unoccupied.

  I groaned inwardly when I heard obvious retching from the bathroom. I debated for a moment on what to do before I knocked quietly.

  “Hey, can I get you something?” I offered. “Water?”

  “Water, please,” a female voice croaked a response.

  Moments later I returned with a huge plastic cup filled with water and knocked again. I was taken aback slightly when my not so favorite person, Daisy opened the door. But she looked so sick I couldn’t hold a grudge.

  “Here you go,” I offered.

  “Thanks,” she muttered, mascara running down her face.

  “Here, I’ve got some makeup remover wipes in my purse,” I offered, entering the decent sized bathroom and closing the door behind me. The smell of vomit was strong, and I cracked the window after handing her a wipe.

  “Should have had dinner,” she muttered.

  “Been there,” I replied sympathetically.

  “Your Cole’s new woman, huh?” she asked.

  I nodded a bit wearily.

  “I would have really preferred to dislike you,” she muttered.

  I laughed despite myself as she wiped up her makeup into some semblance of normalcy.

  “Us girls gotta stick together don’t you think?” I said and smiled, cocking my head at her in the mirror.

  “Not a stance I’m used to, but I like it,” she muttered.

  “Mind if I pee since I’m already in here?” I asked, thankful the toilet had a separate door.

  “Go ahead,” she replied, looking herself over in the mirror.

  I peed, washed my hands, and regarded her for a moment in the mirror. “Much better,” I said. “I’ll let you finish up.” I opened the door to leave and give her some privacy.

  “Hey, um thanks,” she called to me.

  “Sure thing,” I replied and almost ran into Cole on the way out.

  “I was looking for you,” he said, looking quizzically at me. “Who was in the bathroom?”

  “Oh, Daisy had a little too much to drink. I just got her some water and some makeup remover,” I said as I shrugged nonchalantly. “I could use that beer now,” I added as he followed me out to the kitchen.

  “You were in there helpin’ Daisy?” he asked clearly confused.

  I sighed exasperated. “Yeah babe, of course. It’s not like I hate her or anything. She wasn’t being vindictive the other night. She was just playing the role she knows” I said. “I doubt she knew you were spoken for. From what I gather the knowledge is slightly surprising to folks,” I said dryly. “If she had her hands all over you now that we’re clear, that’d be a different story,” I clarified.

  “Uh huh,” he replied, still regarding me as though I’d grown two heads.

  I rolled my eyes at him as he took my hand and led me back outside. It was clear that he didn’t intend to let me out of his sight for the rest of the night, which was fine by me. I sat perched on his lap and laughed with Connie, Ettie, and some of the guys. It felt very natural spending time with all of them and I couldn’t remember the last time I’d had such a fun, carefree night despite our earlier run in with Parker.

  When Kat emerged from the house awhile later, I locked eyes with her to carefully assess her mood. She met my gaze and I knew I needed to take care of my friend.

  “Babe, I’m gonna go home with Kat,” I told Cole quietly in his ear, still perched on his knee.

  “What?” he asked.

  “She’s not having a good night,” I explained, not wanting to go into the details. “We loo
k out for each other. As much fun as I’m having and as much as I’d love to stay, I gotta take care of my girl,” I said, kissing him when he turned his face to look up into mine.

  “Take her to my place,” he instructed. “I’ll stay here a while longer, give you time to talk with your girl. But then I end the day with you in my bed,” his deep voice rumbled in my ear. “Put her up in the guest room.”

  “You sure?” I asked surprised and pleased by the suggestion.

  He nodded. “Hank is trailing you to my place,” he added, referring to one of the many new Knights I’d met that evening.

  “It’s a few blocks,” I protested.

  He leveled me with a look and I sighed. “Okay, fine,” I relented before I kissed him again and arose from his lap. I did need to be careful these days.

  I headed straight for Kat, took her hand, and led her out of the house without a word. Once we were on the street, I put an arm around her and started walking. I knew Hank was behind us, but he kept his distance and it almost felt like we were alone.

  “We’re going to Cole’s,” I explained. “He has a guest room and he’ll give us some time.”

  “Okay,” she mumbled, and my heart broke for how crestfallen she seemed.

  We walked silently for a while as I let her collect her thoughts. “What happened?” I asked finally.

  “Nothing new since I talked to you earlier--he basically didn’t acknowledge me all night,” she sighed, and I could hear the quaver in her voice. “It was so embarrassing,” she groaned. “I feel like such an idiot! I thought with how great the other night was and with him inviting me tonight that something was happening between us. God, I sound like such a cliché,” she groaned again.

  “You’re not an idiot or a cliché, sweetie,” I assured her as we neared Cole’s place. “I would have thought the same thing. It sounds like maybe he’s just a bit clueless and closed off,” I added.

  “I just felt so exposed all night, vulnerable. And you know how I hate that.”

  “I do,” I agreed, using the key Cole had given me to let us into his place. I waved briefly to Hank to let him know we were okay.

  “Nice place,” she said distractedly as we put our purses down.

  I grabbed us two beers from the fridge and we sat on the couch. “Yeah,” I agreed, looking around in appreciation. He clearly took care of his home, kept it neat for a bachelor.

  “So what are you going to do?” I asked her quietly as she slouched on the couch and put her feet up on the coffee table.

  “Nothing to be done except to assume that I was just another one-night stand and that I won’t hear from him again. I’ll be damned if I’m gonna reach out to him,” she said with a grimace.

  “Good for you.”

  “I just really liked him, you know?” she practically whispered. “I know you warned me, but I haven’t felt that excited about a guy in a long time. He was different than what I usually go for, but I liked it. I liked him.”

  “I know,” I replied sympathetically as her phone dinged.

  “What the fuck?” she asked, her brows knitted when she looked at the text and then showed it to me.

  “Where’d you go?” It read from Sal.

  I couldn’t help but laugh, but I bit my lip when she glared at me. “Clearly clueless sweetie,” I laughed again.

  “God, is he serious?” she exclaimed. “I was at his house for four hours. He barely talked to me, but then twenty minutes after I leave he wants to know where I went! He’s probably just bummed he’s not getting any tonight,” she glowered.

  “Maybe, maybe not.” I shrugged. “How are you going to play it?” I wondered, genuinely curious.

  She bit her lip thinking for a minute before typing out a response and showing it to me.

  “A four hour brush off was more than enough for me. Have a good one.”

  I smiled. Kat and I certainly didn’t lack in the feisty department.

  “Well at least you know he noticed where you were even if he wasn’t talking to you,” I offered, trying not to laugh.

  She snorted. “Well he’ll have to do a hell of a lot better than that.”

  “For sure,” I agreed readily.

  We sat drinking our beers and chatting for a while. Kat’s mood had lightened some with the knowledge that he at least cared that she’d left, and we giggled and talked as we always did.

  We heard the rumble of bikes not an hour later. “Hmm, that’s more than one bike,” I mused.

  Kat’s eyes widened in shock and we looked at each other, listening.

  “Maybe he pulled his head out of his ass,” I said as I laughed.

  Sure enough, Cole and Sal walked through the door seconds later. I took a moment to study Sal. I wondered what in his history made him so aloof with women. I couldn’t help but notice again how handsome he was. I was glad to see that he only had eyes for my girl as he walked into the room.

  “Let’s talk outside,” he rumbled at Kat. Obviously bossiness ran rampant in this club.

  “Fine,” she huffed with irritation. She was gonna make him work for it for sure. She followed him out front and I bit my lip to stop from smiling.

  “What’s goin’ on there?” Cole asked gruffly, sitting down next to me and hauling me into his lap to kiss my neck.

  “He’s gonna have to step it up if he likes her,” I replied with a shrug.

  “Sal’s not used to havin’ to work for it,” he replied immediately.

  “Well neither are you,” I pointed out with a small smile.

  “Point taken,” he muttered, making me laugh outright.

  “Seen you laugh so much tonight,” he observed, his expression soft as he regarded me.

  “I’m happy.” I shrugged.

  “Glad to hear it,” he replied quietly.

  “I feel like, when I’m with you that I have a place in any given moment – wherever we are,” I admitted softly, hoping I wouldn’t freak him out. “Thank you for that,” I said.

  His eyes flared as his grip around my waist tightened and I saw raw emotion flash across his face.

  I leaned in and kissed him passionately, unable to contain myself despite the risk that Sal and Kat could walk back in at any moment.

  “Bed,” Cole said gruffly, standing with me still in his lap and beginning to carry me out of the room.

  “But Sal and Kat…” I protested.

  “They’ll figure it out,” he cut me off.

  I giggled helplessly at his exuberance as he threw me on the bed and kicked the door shut.

  “Oh God, Cole,” I breathed sometime later as he pounded into me, his mouth at my neck. I could barely feel my limbs as I clung to him. He bit my shoulder gently and it was enough to hurl me over the edge, with him following shortly thereafter.

  “Fuck,” he groaned, his voice deep and strained as he put some of his weight on me. I loved the feeling of his strong body over mine and I squeezed him tighter still. I was so tempted to let the words slip that I knew to be true, but I held them in.

  “They’re gone right?” I asked quietly after a few moments.

  Cole burst out laughing and rolled off of me. “Yeah babe, you didn’t hear Sal’s bike?”

  “I don’t think I would have heard a marching band,” I muttered. He continued to chuckle and pulled me to his chest as he lay on his back, still breathing hard.

  “My pop agreed to meet with Henry tomorrow,” he informed me after we’d been quiet for a while. His fingers stroked through my long hair leisurely.

  “Good,” I replied simply. “Despite everything, I still trust Henry and it would seem that I have a good sense for these things,” I added.

  “So it would seem,” he agreed, kissing my head briefly.

  “What was that situation with that Parker guy tonight?” I asked curiously.

  He sighed. “Allen Parker. The guy is a worm. He used to hang around more, we even thought at one point that he’d become a prospect. But he screwed Axel’s girl at the time… big m
istake. Then he tried to skim off the top of one of the projects we gave him. He hasn’t been welcome since then,” he stated.

  “Yeah but why do you have such an issue with him?” I pressed, knowing that wasn’t the whole story.

  “I’m just pissed that I was a poor judge of character. I liked the guy, trusted him even. My pop had my balls for vouching for him,” he grumbled.

  “Ah,” I nodded, finally understanding. All of the Sinners had always prided themselves on being able to judge character. Trust was a huge variable. If you were wrong about it, or about someone, you could be seriously fucked. “It’s happened to all of us,” I said and shrugged, hoping he’d brush it off.

  “Yeah,” he agreed. I could tell he was deep in thought.

  I left him to it and got up to get ready for bed, padding over to the bathroom. I’d packed a few overnight essentials just in case, and I was grateful to be able to wash my face and brush my teeth.

  After I crawled back in bed with Cole, he pulled my back to his front, he wrapped his arm around my waist, and we both fell asleep.

  Chapter Eight

  Cole surprised me the next morning by asking me to come to the club with him after we finished breakfast. “I want to keep you close,” he said simply when I asked why.

  “Okay,” I agreed, grateful that I brought a change of clothes with me.

  We hopped on his bike and I was surprised at how many of the guys were there, including Sal. I was thrilled when I saw Kat, too.

  I hugged her. “It’s a big deal he brought you here you know,” I whispered in her ear.

  “I know,” she replied.

  “You okay to hang out while we meet?” Cole wanted to know.

  “Yeah, we’ll catch some rays,” I said as I smiled at him. He leaned down to kiss me tenderly. God, he was awesome. I couldn’t believe my badass biker was willing to be openly affectionate with me in front of his guys. My stereotypes definitely didn’t apply to him, in most ways anyway.

  Kat and I got comfortable on the chairs out front where there was more sun, and sunned ourselves as the guys took care of business inside.

  “So tell me everything,” I demanded, my face upturned to the sun as I sighed in contentment. It was a beautiful day and I was in love. Couldn’t get much better than that.


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