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Infected World Trilogy (Books 1-3): They Only Come Out At Night

Page 29

by Guenther, David

  Capt Conrad figured he was number 200 in line for the evening meal. He was enjoying the banter and overall upswing in mood of both the civilians and the troops and especially his release for good behavior from the field hospital. He’d laughed when he heard someone say, “How bad can things be if they’re serving up steak and then beer?” The news that there were no fatalities on the day’s operation and a final tally of thirty survivors rescued was just icing on the cake. The mission had brought many hope.

  Unfortunately, he was unable to shake off a feeling of melancholy. His career was at a zenith, but he thought of all those who were lost, ironically a kid he barely knew would not get out of his brain. The teams were returning from town and the staff opened up a new line for them, that only made him feel the operation was turning out all right. At the end of the convoy, a huge old bright red pickup had entered the parking area as well. I know that truck. The driver that got out was wearing civvies, but from his stance, age, and build, he was definitely military. To hell with the food, it’ll still be here. He couldn’t ignore the pain in his leg as he walked as fast as he could to the truck. The driver didn’t notice him as he dug in the back of his cargo bed.

  “You know, that’s two missing movements you’re guilty of now, Airman. Have you come to turn yourself in, son?” Caleb turned around and smiled, before surprising both of them by giving Conrad a hug.

  “I think I know a little bit more about how Gulliver felt in his travels. Only my adventure is just beginning, I think.” Caleb looked around, then reached up to remove his wraparounds when a loud squeal distracted him.

  The microphone’s feedback caught Peters by surprise as he looked out at the mixed crowd of civilians, Army, and Air Force looking up at him. “Survivors. That is what we call ourselves at this time. I want you to instead, think of yourselves as Americans or patriots. The times we face are dark, the journey ahead long. Today we have stopped retreating and running from those who own the night. We have already started our offensive to liberate the City of Douglas. After that, we will begin the liberation of Converse County, and then, the State of Wyoming. That will then be the time we begin the campaign to restore the United States of America.

  Every man woman and child, yes, even every child is needed. Every one of you, civilian, soldier, and airman, will be needed to achieve victory. Whether you work in a power plant, a mine, or a farm is equally as important as those pulling the trigger on our foe.

  The days ahead will be long, the work will be hard, but every man, woman, and child will be safe with a roof over their head, food in their belly and a reason to get up every morning. A world that starts today.”


  Major General William Peters didn’t like the surprises that were coming his way. The war against the infected seemed like the least of his problems. Sanity and common sense had not survived the dark night. Groups everywhere were rising up in their desperate belief that the infected were part of the apocalypse and should be protected and worshiped. Almost a thousand different antigovernment groups wanted to start a new world order, no two that would agree with another. Isolated groups wanted help in the form of supplies and protection.

  Gangs had formed that only lived for the moment, destroying or taking what they want. He had to find the answers and solutions that could not be found from satellite imagery and radio intercepts; he needed human intelligence from his own trusted scouts.

  Caleb Brown was afraid he was going insane. He was once again behind a terminal, twelve hours every day. Every night he could feel the infected were not far away and longed to join them. No longer could he have someone to share his life, or at least his bed, without infecting them. Worse yet, he felt himself continuing to change.



  Book Two Prologue

  On April 1, 2029, the infection hit the world. It was originally airborne with no filters or barriers able to slow it down or stop it. The initial infected were estimated to be between eighty to ninety percent of the world’s population, only affecting those with RH positive blood. The uninfected were those with RH negative blood. The disease was spread by the infected through transmission of bodily fluids, usually through bites and scratches.

  The largest contingent of survivors were those evacuated to the desolate state of Wyoming. Military units and civilians answered the call from Air Force Major General Peters, senior surviving general of the entire military.

  From the small town of Douglas in the center of Wyoming, the military has begun to clear out the infected as the first step to recover the country.

  The next vital step is to link up with survivors throughout the country and setup outposts while there are still survivors to help. Unfortunately, the infected are only one of the many dangers survivors face.

  Chapter 1

  Converse County Airport, Wyoming. April 5, 2029

  A1C Caleb White looked at his watch and cursed softly when he saw it was 0333. While he appreciated being in a safe location to spend the night, sharing a tent with fifteen others, none of whom could get through the night without either snoring or night screams, made for a long night. Combining that with his extremely sensitive sense of hearing made sleep near impossible. He looked around the tent, which was dark enough to hide your hand in front of your face. With his vision though, everything appeared like it was daytime. In the far corner, he could hear and see a couple sharing a cot. Screw this. I’m going to go to my truck to sleep, he thought. Quietly he slid into his uniform and picked up his bag with his civilian clothes he’d worn the day before. He buckled his belt, pleased with the way the weight was distributed. Should I still carry or should I take my 9mm and the rest of my weapons to the armory? I’ll ask Capt Conrad tomorrow when I see him. I wonder if I can transfer to security forces?

  The wind snapped at Caleb as he exited the tent. With the wind chill, it was minus one Celsius. He could feel that it was cold but it didn’t even elicit a shiver as he walked to his truck. I wonder what would happen if I took off my shirt? Can I get too cold? I wonder what other surprises are still ahead of me for being a Z?

  Everything was quiet with almost no activity. He heard pots banging in the distance from the field kitchen as they prepared for the new day, he could even smell bread baking. Along the airport’s perimeter, he heard the sounds of the armored cars’ engines, either patrolling or just running their engines to stay warm. On top of the airport terminal, a lone sentry wore a heavy parka trying to fight the wind and cold while wearing his NVGs to detect any intruders, normal or infected.

  There was something wrong as he approached his truck; he could smell cologne and soap, someone else is out here and doing a good job of being quiet and hiding, probably using a car for some privacy, he thought to himself. He could see his truck now. The tarp was not covering up the supplies he and Anny had packed so carefully. You have gotta be shitting me! Caleb got down on all fours and slowly crawled to his truck. He could see boxes on the ground on the opposite side of the truck and two pair of feet. His heart started to pound and the night looked like it was tinted red. He ignored the 9mm on his hip; he wanted to punish the two thieves. He heard a can being popped open as he was about to turn the corner of his truck to face them. He looked over the hood, two men in their mid-twenties, obviously civilians by their long hair, and extended guts. Half a dozen empty beer cans lay in the grass around them with an open whiskey bottle.

  “You gentlemen owe me for my beer and whiskey. How are we going to work this out?” Both men laughed as they tried to stagger to their feet. Jacob took two steps then used an oblique kick into the nearest man’s knee. The leg popped backwards as he fell back on his ass. He began to scream in pain at the top of his lungs. Jacob jumped over the man and gave the second man a solid round kick to the side of his head while he was still bent over. The man let a short groan out as he fell back, out cold. Jacob spun himself around, wanting to inflict pain on the asshole still awake when the first of the securi
ty forces showed up. He looked at the man screaming and the other out cold, and then the sky cop flashed his M4’s light into Caleb’s face, illuminating his dilated eyes. The distinct click of the selector switch engaging sounded like a shot to his sensitive ears. Caleb grabbed the barrel with his right hand, jerking it forcefully to his side while delivering a left-handed roundhouse to the airman’s chin. Half a dozen shots were let loose in that short time before the gunman hit the ground out cold. The civilian was still screaming non-stop, getting on Caleb’s nerves as he raised his hands to signal a pair of SFs running towards him.

  “Take it easy guys, these two douche bags were ripping off my truck, and I was defending myself when Barney here tried to draw down on me.”

  “Keep your hands raised and turn around and face the truck!” The young SF was out of breath and sounded like his voice was going to crack. Casey turned towards the truck as ordered and spotted the half a dozen bullet holes in the side of his truck above the rear wheel. He lost his breath and turned to face the shooter when he was butt stroked in the back of his head.

  Cold concrete, I know that feeling. Why am I laying on cold concrete, naked, with a hood on my head, tied spread-eagled. “Sir, we didn’t know what to do. That Z took down two civvies, then attacked one of our own. We heard him talk, so I thought we should try to capture him.” The voice sounded high pitched like an adolescent or maybe a girl to Caleb.

  “It would have been easier if you’d just popped him. This is going to be a mess here. I’ll see if the doc wants this one put in the cage with the other Z” Capt Conrad said angrily, after being woken for a single Z. The men on both sides of him stiffened as the door opened.

  “At ease gentlemen, I heard we had a Z get through the perimeter, and was only stopped after it got as far as the vehicles. If that’s correct, this is very disturbing.” Major General Peters stated.

  I know those voices! Jacob tried to talk, and then shout, but the spit hood was stuck part way in his mouth. He tried to force it out with his tongue, then tried to blow it out of his mouth. On his last try, it came free. “Excuse my fucking French, but get this goddamn mask off my head now!” Conrad looked at Peters, then down at the naked body wearing a spit hood. He reached down and tore it off his head. Caleb blinked in the bright light and fought his rising anger at the same time, deciding he had better not open his mouth.

  Conrad first looked at his eyes, then at all the bruises that covered the man’s body. “Cut him loose and give him back his clothes. Airman White, what in the hell happened to you?”

  “I couldn’t sleep so I went out to my truck…” Anger started to rise up and he fought it as he continued his story. “…only to find a couple civilians stealing my stuff. When they saw me they attacked. I put one down and the other one was injured and started screaming. When Barney Fife showed up, he drew down on me and shot up my truck. I defended myself from him, then surrendered myself to another pair of SFs. They butt stroked me and now I’m bare ass on the concrete with a shitload of bruises I didn’t have earlier.” The three SFs began to wish they were somewhere else, and then Peters spoke.

  “I want you to know that I’m trying not to lose control. Nevertheless, I am so damn mad right now I wouldn’t give a second thought to a summary court martial, and pulling the trigger myself. This man is a genuine hero. If I’d known he was back, I would have already decorated him for all the acts of bravery he performed in the evacuation of Peterson AFB. Make him comfortable and make sure the doc sees him before I return!” Peters slammed the door behind him, making everyone in the room cringe.

  “You three get the hell out of my sight; I want to see written incident reports from each of you. If I think for even a second the three of you colluded with each other when I read your reports, you will wish you were with the Zs.”

  Caleb had a slight smirk on his face as he listened to the airmen being reamed while he dressed. “And you can wipe that smile off your face, White. How in the hell could you expose yourself to others knowing you have an infection. What if you infected even more people here, and we lost containment? We’re hanging on here by a thread, regardless of how it looks. Then on top of all that, you knew there was a curfew. You were lucky they didn’t shoot you outright for being out where you shouldn’t have been.” Conrad lost his anger and changed his tone. “Just finish dressing and I’ll take you over to the clinic so they can give you a clean bill of health.” Because I don’t want to shoot you down like a dog, he thought.

  Caleb walked alongside Capt Conrad and entertained thoughts of running. He remembered back to the woman he’d saved, and how she’d turned after having sex. He figured it was like when his dad had told him the horror stories of when he was a kid, about a disease called AIDS and how someone who didn’t have it but was HIV positive could spread it. He’d been confused back then only now he understood only too well. Would they lock him up to be safe? Uh oh, something’s not right, there’s a couple Zs nearby.

  “Capt Conrad, there’s a couple Zs somewhere close by. Don’t ask me how, I just know.” Conrad just nodded and continued to walk towards a mobile home that had red crosses on the sides.

  “I wouldn’t worry Caleb, one is in our jail under observation by the doc, a guardsman who knew he was going to turn. He was willing to have us observe him in the hope we’d find a cure. The other one is in the hospital, an old woman has dilated eyes like you and a couple broken legs. The Doc was saying he’s amazed at how quickly she’s healing. He thinks it has to do with the infection. Caleb thought a moment about telling Conrad about being shot in the arm and not even having a scar, but decided to stay closed lipped about it.

  “Here we go; after you, son.” Conrad followed Caleb up a couple stairs into a mobile home that was now a clinic. A desk was by the door, behind it sat a lieutenant that looked totally exhausted. She smiled when they entered.

  “Good morning, I guess,” she looked at her watch, “yep, morning. I know we discharged you, Captain Conrad, is there a problem? What may I do for you?” Caleb noticed she was flirting with Conrad and the effort was wasted.

  “I brought in a Z, I want to make sure he’s not dangerous or infectious.”

  “Well, why didn’t you just shoot him and not worry about it? Damn Zs!”

  “Ma'am, I really didn’t want to be shot. I’ve already been shot once and it really hurt like a mother.” He removed his sunglasses, making his dilated eyes easier to see. The woman looked at Conrad, then at Caleb as her face got brilliant red.

  “Follow me back to an exam room please and we’ll start with some vitals until the doctor can get here. Captain, is he safe to be alone with?”

  “He’s still an airman on active duty, and he’s here right in front of you. Feel free to give him at least the minimum respect and courtesy you would any other airman. If I had any doubts, he’d be in cuffs instead of standing here listening to you prattle on as if he wasn’t in front of you.

  “Please follow me back to the exam room, Airman.” There was no warmth in her voice but the suspicion was less obvious. After taking his vitals, she left him on the exam table. What do I do if I have to get out of here? There’s no way I’m going to kill anyone, he wondered.

  There was a knock at the door; Capt Abrahams poked his head in, “Are you ready for an exam, Airman White?” then he continued in without waiting for an answer. “I see by your vitals the Lieutenant took that you’re an athlete. What’s your sport?”

  “Sir, that would have to be Zombie Olympics. Until I was infected, the closest I came to exercising was jumping to conclusions and mandatory fun runs. I was a dorm rat; I vegged on my sofa, played games, and drank beer. When we were ordered to go to the gym for mandatory fun, we’d always grab a basketball and shoot hoops to fill the square.”

  “I see, how would you describe your current physical condition?”

  “I feel absolutely A1. I can run forever and a day, I see in the dark, I hear that gnat in the far corner of the room peeing. On top of that, bes
ides soap and disinfectant, I can smell that nurse on your fingers from here.” Caleb laughed at the look on the doctor’s face before he proceeded on, “The downside is that I’m a fricking zombie. I don’t know when I’m going to turn. I can sense other Zs from about a hundred feet away, and they sense me. They can also sense humans, just they don’t worry about me.”

  Capt Abrams self-consciously crossed his arms with his hands in his armpits. “So, how do they feel about us then?”

  “Sir, all they want to do is spread their infection, they don’t want to eat you or hurt you. When they are injured or somehow pissed off, they are very quick to anger. If you shoot one of them, they will tear you apart and eat you. They also eat about anything they can find, from cadavers to small animals or even produce. They go out in packs at night to hunt, and gather while being alert for humans to infect. If you see one and he still has his pants on, look twice, he either just turned or isn’t a Z. They hate pants because they are sensitive to smell and dirty drawers for them is almost painful, so they either tear off their pants or rip out the crotch so they can do their business. Sorry, Sir, guess I’m just rattling on.”

  “No, that’s good, what else can you tell me about them that you observed?”

  “They make me think of cavemen, they all go around in groups. I had an ‘Alpha’ get in my face and I knocked him out. His little harem then followed me and even more joined in, I felt like I was in a conga line. I led them to a commissary then ditched them when they started to forage in the produce aisle. Another time during the day, I snuck into a huge box store to get supplies, when I tried to leave they did their damnedest to keep me from going into the sun. There is definitely a society of some type. I couldn’t figure out the language too much but some soft cooing or purring relaxes them. Many of the females I came across wanted sex, I couldn’t figure out what made me special to them. Overall, they are still somewhat similar to us, not a bunch of rabid, mindless animals. They are also the mortal enemy of man for their single-minded desire to turn us all into their kind. If we can’t cure them or keep them away from our people, then they have to be destroyed.” Caleb marveled at himself; he rarely spoke at all and now he wasn’t shutting up.


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