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Infected World Trilogy (Books 1-3): They Only Come Out At Night

Page 50

by Guenther, David

  Chapter 28

  East bound Interstate 90, Wyoming. April 7, 2029

  “Son of a bitch!” Wetzel spat out, as he hit the dash with his fist. Caleb came to immediately

  “Huh, what’s the problem, Wetzel?” Caleb was trying to look in all directions, made harder by the tiny size of the bulletproof windows.

  “The bastards are taking me into this little town and then drive around until maybe I find County Road 14 North. I can see the damn road up ahead.

  “Stop the truck.” Caleb jumped out as soon as the truck stopped moving. He could see the other road and where the interstate did indeed pass over it. To the sides there were guard rails. “Get us over to the westbound lane, and then drive down the embankment until we’re on 14 North. Use your discretion.” Wetzel looked at him like he’d suggested they commit murder. “If you want, I’ll drive.” Caleb offered. That was the catalyst needed to get Wetzel moving.

  “Yes sir, I’m to drive over the meridian, then eastbound in the westbound lane, and then drive down the embankment until I can drive onto 14 North.” Caleb laughed at Wetzel playing CYA.

  “That’s right, Airman, and if we get busted I’ll swear I was asleep when you did it, and that I’d never have let you break the law so flagrantly. However, I have it on good authority the traffic courts have been closed. Now let’s go break the law, dammit.” Caleb burst out laughing uncontrollably as Wetzel drove over the meridian and then went over the side of the road, and through a farmer’s barbwire fence, dragging a half dozen posts behind them until they just sprang back and away from them.

  “You know, there was a way around that fence back there.” Caleb said as he held on to the fast moving truck as it bounced up and onto the road again.

  “In for a penny in for a pound, that’s what my old supervisor used to always say, he picked that up over in the UK.” Wetzel looked totally relaxed with a grin on his face, Caleb wondered if he should offer him a cigarette.

  “Ah screw it, when no one’s around, just call me Caleb. This officer shit get old fast.”

  Wetzel grinned for a moment then replied, “Yes, Sir.” Both of them began to laugh at the shared humor. “We just need to turn off onto a state road and should be there in no time.” Wetzel began to accelerate up to ninety. Oh Christ, what have I done now? Caleb wondered, gripping the side of his seat more firmly.

  “It looks like the town just up ahead, all the way down to the grocery store with the big red roof. Let’s take it easy considering yesterday the general took a couple hits here, and I don’t want to get shot again this week.”

  “Shit, that’s right, how can you be out and moving around like that? You were looking okay at the hospital, too.” Wetzel sounded amazed when he put it together.

  “That’s one of the benefits of having the infection, I heal real fast. I took one right through the shoulder. Can you begin to imagine the amount of time I’d be down for that, let alone physical therapy? The best part though, is I can go into buildings loaded with Zs,” Caleb thought of how much he wanted to share, and then continued, “and clear the place out of everything. Funny thing is if I do it during the day, they actually try to stop me from going out into the sun! You see our load of drinks and nuts. I rest my case.”

  “That list of sizes on your door! Are you black marketing the stuff you take?” Wetzel looked a little less happy.

  “I’m helping friends. No way am I out to make a buck, though I do like to have some of the simple things like food and drinks. I’m afraid one day we may not have them again.” Mollified, Wetzel put the truck back in gear. Both men kept their eyes open for anything that seemed out of place as they drove the short distance to the boys’ house.

  “Wait a second, Wetzel.” Caleb closed his eyes and concentrated, having to block out Wetzel as he sat looking at him in confusion. He could sense more than one person watching him, but no anger or danger. “I wanted to do a quick scan, you’d be surprised what I can sense when I try. We’re good for now.” Each of them grabbed their carbines before opening their doors.

  “Junior, Danny, are you still here? General Peters sent us.” Caleb shouted. He sensed movement shadowing them in the tall grass as he walked towards the side of the house.

  “I don’t have any spider powers, but there’s one in the grass.” Wetzel whispered while trying not to look.

  “I know, you know. Now be quiet before you scare them.” Caleb admonished. “Boys, we don’t have time for this. Your dad’s okay, but they still have him in the hospital, same for his bodyguard Staff Sergeant Werner. Their body armor worked as it should, just your dad’s a little old to be playing infantryman at his age.” Caleb dropped his carbine so it was just hanging from the patrol sling. Wetzel observed him and let his carbine hang by the patrol sling.

  “All the other approaches are clear, I think they’re alone.” Danny shouted then popped up from only twenty feet away.

  “Okay, Danny.” The other boy popped up from less than ten feet away, he was wearing old style BDUs and carried a carbine as well. “Sorry for being too careful. As you know we watched our father get shot yesterday.” The boy pointed his carbine towards the ground but was in a position to aim it easily if needed.

  “Your dad wanted me to check up on your mom, Elora. See if there was anything I could do for her.” Caleb explained.

  “She’s infected, what can you do for her?” William asked, suspicious of the offer. Caleb could sense the distrust and the anger that came from him. The boy gripped the pistol grip of his carbine till his knuckles were white from the effort.

  “I’m immune to the infection, and the infected won’t attack me. I can go into the conex and make sure she doesn’t have any other injuries.”

  “What make you so sure you’re safe, Sir?” William asked. Caleb pushed up his glasses so both boys could see his eyes.

  “Because I’m already infected.” Both boys jumped back, taking Wetzel by surprise, who followed suit. “Okay, now this shit is getting old, dammit. Now sling those weapons and take me to your mom. I sure as hell don’t need this crap!”

  Both boys sheepishly slung their carbines and led the way to the conex. “Okay, your mom just woke up and she’s really anxious with the three of you being so close to her. She’s so scared now, she’s about to have a heart attack. So let me in and then move back at least thirty feet. And stay absolutely quiet. The infected can hear you from almost a hundred feet away.”

  Danny removed the padlock and opened up the hasp. “Just turn the doorknob and go on in.” Caleb was relieved that the door was on the north side of the conex so no sunlight would flood in when he entered. The door opened to a small combined living room and dining room. It was old furniture and appliances, a strong smell of mildew mixed with urine and feces. To the right sat the kitchen at the end of the structure. To the left there was a narrow hallway. Caleb imagined there had to be rodent droppings in the old, filthy shag carpeting. He walked up to the first door in the hallway and saw a simple shower and an ancient toilet, most likely salvaged from a dump.

  The last room was the bedroom; filthy, excrement covered sheets and blankets partially covered a new mattress. Lying on the floor next to the bed was Elora. The woman appeared to be in her late thirties, her long honey blonde hair tangled and filthy. She had her arms around her knees that were pressed up against her chest. She was shaking badly as she observed him enter the room. He slowly reached into his pocket and removed an energy bar, then tore off the wrapper before slowly walking to her with the food in front of him.

  Elora jumped up and snatched the bar from his hands and retreated back to her spot along the bed. She appeared fit and healthy with not even any bruises to mar her skin. Caleb let her eat the bar as he retreated to the kitchen and went through the cupboards. Finding nothing edible, he selected a pot that was clean and filled it with water. Elora watched him as he entered the bedroom. She was not shaking as much as earlier. Caleb set the pot of water down and backed up, then watched as she w
alked hunched over and stuck her face into the water before sipping. Caleb looked her over thoroughly and could see no injuries. He stopped looking when he began to feel like a voyeur. He went to the closet slowly, trying not to startle her and found what he wanted. He pulled down a clean blanket and wrapped it around his shoulders. She continued to watch him warily as she continued to drink from the pot. He took a step towards her and she appeared confused. The woman’s been all by herself and hasn’t been socialized to the ways of the infected and forgot what humans do. I’m surprised she’s not gone mad.

  Caleb dropped to one knee where the carpet wasn’t as filthy and then gestured as he removed the blanket from around his shoulders and tried to lay it on top of her shoulders. While his arms were in the air, she pounced towards him, knocking him on his back as she wrapped her arms around him and pressed herself against him, her head buried in his chest, making a pathetic mewing sound. Caleb managed to bring the blanket around her and then hugged her to him as he would a small lost child. He caressed her hair and was amazed when, in mere minutes, she was sound asleep. This is another fine mess I got myself into.

  Caleb slid out from under the infected woman and tucked the blanket around her. Silently he made his way to the door and did not want to look back. The moment he set foot outside of the conex, both boys ran to him before immediately backing up.

  “Whew! What the hell happened to you in there?” Both boys were covering their mouth and nose.

  “The conditions you have your mother in are criminal, you little shits. That poor woman is broken, I think I gave her the first sip of water since she went into that hell of a prison. Since she’s turned she doesn’t have any other infected to socialize with so she’s a little nuts. I had to hold her to stop her from shaking. Trust me she is ripe. Physically she’s okay, not a scratch on her anywhere.” He noticed that got the attention of both boys. “Yeah, your mom’s in her birthday suit in there, I managed to get her covered up, hopefully she’s comfortable for now. Before we leave you in the morning, I’m going to restrain her in the bedroom and you two will go in and pull everything out of the rest of the place, and clean it. We’ll figure a way for you to slide in clean water and good food, shame I don’t have time to train her to use a litter box, or do her business in the bathtub. I’m going up to your house and take a shower.”

  Caleb stormed into the house and up the stairs, not knowing where he was going. He knew he’d found Elora’s room when he could smell the faint scent of soaps and shampoos. He sat down on the bed and stripped off everything. He noticed pictures of Elora skiing and in group photos on the wall. His attention kept getting drawn back to the picture of her wearing a swimsuit. Screw this, I’m going to hell, he thought as he slammed the wall and walked into the master bathroom and could smell her again from a laundry basket across the room. The water came out hot with great pressure, reducing his frustration a little. He grabbed the first towel he could and realized it was a ‘show towel’, it was supposed to look nice but not be used, as his mom had taught him. He ignored that and cleaned himself, then sighed as he smelled his uniform. Screw this, the boys are about my size. He went into the other bed room and found everything he needed, feeling a little strange wearing the boy’s underwear.

  He found the washing machine and dumped his clothes in after emptying the pockets, then while the machine was doing the laundry he removed the ceramic plates and emptied the pockets of the body armor before taking it into the shower and spraying it off and leaving it hanging there to dry. He grabbed his 9 mil and stuck it in the back pocket of the jeans, then stuck one of the carbine’s magazines in the other back pocket before sliding the single point sling around his head and right shoulder, then snapped the carbine to it. Let’s go chat with the kids.

  Danny and William were sitting at a picnic table with Wetzel; each had at least one soda, there were already empties as well on the table. The chest of ice was on the ground by the table. “Did you guys save me a Mountain Dew?” Caleb asked as he headed for the chest.

  “Hard not to, LT, you made sure to put plenty in.” Wetzel replied, “Sir, I have an idea I think might work out for everyone.” Caleb pulled the tab on his can of soda, and sat down.

  “Go ahead, let’s hear it.”

  “When we first got to Wyoming, I met an old man and went to his home to ‘off’ his old lady who was infected. He basically gave me his truck and house. Then he offed himself. Captain Conrad is familiar with the story.

  The thing is, the house is really a huge mansion and has a few places on his property where we could put Mrs. Peters. The place is close to the airport, yet no one lives near it. We could transfer her to that RV we saw by the gas station and move her in that. Afterwards, if something happens, we’re nearby in case the boys need help. We don’t know what else can happen here.”

  Caleb looked at both boys; both looked at him expectantly, neither daring to say a word as they waited for his response. “That’s not what our orders say. Another problem is that we have both military trucks, then the RV. I’m going to have to hold Mrs. Peters’ hand or she’ll go ape shit. Danny, do you have a license to drive?”

  “I’ve had my permit for six months. Me and Willy already have driven the truck dad left behind, it sucks for viewing around it, and behind, but driving it is cake.”

  “Senior Airman Wetzel, have young Mr. Peterson drive you to the gas station and pickup the RV. Evaluate him along the drive. If you do not have confidence in his driving abilities, and or maturity to drive, turn around and return. If we go through with this plan, I will want you to drive the RV and the boys can drive point and rear security. If we have a major problem that involves losing Mrs. Peters, I will take care of that myself. William, when they go, I want you sitting in the other truck monitoring the radio. I haven’t slept in over a day other than small catnaps, and I’m dead on my feet. Now, everyone get moving.”

  It’s nice to have the juice I guess, Caleb thought as he watched the boys and the airman walk to the garage. Now, how do I get a Z to leave her nest and get into the RV and stay calm? He reached into the ice chest and grabbed himself a beer as he pondered the problem. The beer washed away the sweet taste of the soda and immediately made Caleb feel a little mellow as he tried to figure out how to transfer the woman safely to the RV and keep her docile for the ride. I could find a hospital or pharmacy and dope her up, except I don’t want to kill her and I don’t know shit about drugs.

  “Shit man, I thought you were cool. Just like my dad and mom, get a little stressed and you hit the bottle. Dad’s a functioning alcoholic, but mom just needs one and she’s worthless.” William was walking back to grab another soda and looked disappointed in Caleb.

  “I don’t need a beer, I want a beer, there’s a difference. If it makes you that uncomfortable,” Caleb chucked the bottle off into the grass. “Is that better for you?” Caleb asked unhappily.

  “Thanks, we’ve kept our house dry for almost a year.” William proclaimed happily.

  “So your mom was a real lightweight, huh?” Caleb asked, taking a swig of his Mountain Dew.

  “We don’t talk about it, because it was part of the reason mom and dad got a divorce. Well, that and every time dad went TDY he forgot he was married.” Caleb could easily sense the boy’s anger as he stormed back to the truck.

  Sorry I’m going to make you unhappy, Willy. Caleb thought as he headed for the closest neighbors’ house on a mission.

  Chapter 29

  Surprise, Arizona, April 7, 2029

  Gloria pulled herself together and cleaned up. She hurried to get out of the house and leave it behind her. She sprayed a ‘S’ on the door and headed quickly to the next house, planning to get at least a dozen or so houses marked so the others would have something to do.

  She pounded on the door and waited, then she tried the knob and it opened. “Hello? Is anyone home?” She stood for a moment and just tried to listen or feel for anyone. The place felt safe so she just did a quick room by room, t
rying to ignore pictures of family members, and the question, are they infected or dead? While she moved through the house. Gloria felt almost euphoric when she exited the house and made the ‘S’ on the door. The breeze was blowing and it felt clean. She could see crews already going into the houses behind her and decided she had to move faster.

  Pounding on the door she could feel an infected inside awaken. She sprayed an ‘X’ on the door and moved on, her hand thumping with every heart beat. I’m not pushing it any more. If I survive today, I’m staying the hell away from any infected.

  The next house was much more opulent than those neighboring it, including a larger yard. When she didn’t get a response from knocking and shouting, she found that the heavy metal security doors blocking her from the other doors were going to beat anything short of a SWAT team. Walking over to the side of the house, she laughed when she discovered the RV gate was not locked. The back yard took her breath away. A large rock formation had a waterfall raining down on a huge inground pool. To the side was an inground hot tub. The remaining yard included a fire pit and professional stainless steel barbecue. I should move in here, she thought as she headed towards the window and discovered the entire glass wall to the house acted as a door, a door that was unlocked. The room she entered into reminded her of a lounge, complete with a bar covering an entire wall and a small stage with a stripper pole. I wonder how popular these folks were with the neighbors?

  This kitchen looks like it should be in a restaurant she thought as she continued through the house. Four bedrooms looked more like they were harems. She finally could not hold back laughing when she got to the master bedroom and saw it was equipped as a dungeon. The place may be a little kinky, but the party room and backyard should be saved for down time for the troops and civilians. Exiting the front of the house she was about to mark it with a ‘O’ to be left alone when she sensed the others from the previous house, then heard the first gunshot. She ran to the front door of the house as a civilian carrying a 1911 ran out of the house.


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