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Infected World Trilogy (Books 1-3): They Only Come Out At Night

Page 59

by Guenther, David

  “I was able to download the satellite footage of base being overrun on day one. I did some editing and it came out better than I thought, then added some music. I just uploaded it to an unofficial share site on the new web. Here it is from the beginning.” Caleb was in no mood for his idiot buddy’s video, but decided to watch it.

  The center of the screen showed a red civilian pickup stopping and two men getting out and running around fighting Zs, set to music. Caleb recognized what was going on, then began to laugh himself as footage showed the truck appearing to lead a Z parade with marching music, then it was sped up and played in reverse so the truck was chasing the Zs. Caleb and Brown were laughing hard and didn’t hear Fotos until she opened the front passenger door.

  “You two laughing boys ready to hit the road?” Both answered by laughing louder. Caleb shut the laptop and climbed out so he could take his place behind the wheel.

  “Ready when you are, ma’am.” He locked himself into the five point seat harness, letting a couple more laughs escape.

  “Okay, go ahead and honk twice. Give them a minute and head out.” Fotos was feeling nervous and now she was feeling angry at whatever the game the two idiots were playing and excluding her from being part of. The trucks heater quickly warmed up the cab and Fotos turned it off before it could get too comfortable, afraid she’d fall asleep.

  Caleb could sense Fotos was not in a good mood so avoided pulling her chain for the short drive to meet up with the main convoy. “What screw ups!” Brown almost shouted. He was so surprised when he saw all the activity ahead for the main convoy. To him it looked like a big game of tag was going on. He looked at his watch and saw they still had fifteen minutes. “Come on, let’s all stretch our legs one last time and just move our bodies. Asher, bring your laptop.” Caleb honked his horn twice as he got out and circled his arm for the others to rally to him.

  “Hey everyone, next few days or weeks are going to be intense. I wanted to share something important. Some of you may have heard I was infected, well, it’s true. What that means to you is that any liquid that leaves my body is a ticket to being infected, just like if I were to bite or scratch you. So no mouth to mouth resuscitation or using your bare hands to try to stop me if I’m bleeding, but feel free to put on rubber gloves and try to save me…please.” A few of the team laughed at his joke. “On the lighter side, Senior Airman Brown has a hilarious video I thought would be just the thing before a day of driving. Go ahead and share, Asher.” Brown was a little uncomfortable with the small crowd around him but did as ordered, a smile on his face.

  King was laughing along with the others, surprised anyone from the Air Force could be funny, when he felt nature calling. With women in the group, he knew he couldn’t just whip it out so he headed for the back of his truck and a little privacy.

  Private King stood behind the truck, aiming his stream at the left tire. He didn’t notice the civilian truck pull up alongside him until he was closing up his pants. “Hey, why the hell are you pissing out here in the middle of the highway?” The truck’s passenger, a uniformed woman asked.

  “Because I have to and I can.” He replied cheerfully. Not seeing the rank tab for the woman, he decided to play it safe. “Can I help you, ma’am?” he asked, trying to look contrite.

  The Lieutenant just laughed and handed him a box after counting the number of vehicles. “Attach one of these on the front center of each vehicle, then turn the blue cap a half turn left and press the power button. Make sure each detector unit stays paired with the receiver, and the driver or vehicle commander places the receiver on the vehicle dash in the event of detection. There’s an info sheet with each one.” The truck pulled away towards the main convoy. King looked at the devices in the box and hurriedly did as ordered, including attaching the receivers magnetically to the dash in each truck. He made his way back to his own truck as the meeting broke up and everyone returned to their vehicles, slapping the receiver onto the dash as he climbed in the cab, throwing the empty box in the back of the cab, never noticing the label on its side, Joint Chemical Agent Detector MK-V1(JCAD-6).

  Corporal Golsteyn climbed into the truck, behind the wheel. “What was that chick screwing with you about?”

  “Some crap about our vehicles needing detectors, I think they’re for chem warfare, but didn’t know for sure so I just did as she ordered. I didn’t want to get her pissed with me.” Why do I have Einstein as my driving buddy, God? he thought as he looked to the left and saw the start of another day as the clouds started to lighten up and turn pink from the yet unseen sun shining from beyond the horizon. The twin blasts from the lead truck’s horn got his attention, quickly buckling up and starting the engine. Next to him he could hear King humming the catchy tune from the video of the Zs chasing the truck, then he started to whistle along, no further thought of what the female officer had King do.

  Caleb had seen the first vehicle start up and then was amazed at how long it took the Stryker in front of them to begin to move out. He waited five seconds then pulled out, blasting his horn twice. And now our adventure really begins, he thought. Ten minutes later, he was feeling frustrated as the Stryker ahead of him never went faster than forty-five mph and the highway was posted seventy five mph. He looked over at Fotos and, as he expected, she was already asleep. He knew he’d be joining her soon if he didn’t have tunes or something to motivate himself. Behind him, Asher was already sawing logs as well. He reached for the radio, wondering what he’d get this time.

  Slip slidin' away

  Slip slidin' away

  You know the nearer your destination

  The more you're slip slidin' away

  The sun had been up for a few hours and Caleb was managing to stay awake without touching the radio. There was plenty of evidence of past convoys or just a lot of traffic, where the interstate in this part of Colorado had been impassable before, lanes of traffic was now cleared out in both directions. When he drove slowly enough and looked, he could still see bodies in the cars and trucks and wondered if they would ever be cleaned out in his lifetime. He looked over at Fotos and she was busy with her tablet. Behind him he noticed Asher had his ear bud in and was carefully shielding whatever it was he was doing on his laptop. He thought about turning on the radio and realized by now they were out of range of the radio station. I wonder if any radio stations have come back online down here?

  You are listening to Radio ZA broadcasting out of Cheyenne, Wyoming, twenty four seven on 500 kW. The last working radio station in America. Welcome to our new listeners, now that we’ve upgraded from 50 kW to 500 kW, we cover more of America than ever before. To our local fans currently on their way through Colorado, we have an old favorite. Keep on listening for Convoy. Caleb turned the radio back off. “I just can’t get away from that radio station, it’s just spooky. I feel like every song they play is for me.”

  “I think you need a vacation when this mission is over. Maybe a nice three day drunk to wipe out any bad memories you have, along with any remaining brain cells.” Fotos suggested. In the back, Brown just laughed at the banter.

  Chapter 38

  Surprise, Arizona, April 8, 2029

  Gloria woke with a start. She was safely in her room yet her nightmares threatened to follow her to wakefulness. She could not remember her nightmares other than she was being hunted and then captured, then the dream would start over.

  The clock next to the bed, was displaying 1300 hours. The thought of food was repulsive, yet she was hungry. She grabbed beef jerky from her night table and forced herself to take the first bite. The next bite came easier and before she was aware of it, she’d eaten three small packages of the tasty meat. She forced herself to finish dressing and head down to her office to see what new fires had started during her short nap.

  Outside the office door, she could hear Master Sergeant Hale and Tech Sergeant Muller arguing. This was something she had not seen the two professional NCOs do before. Opening the door, she shouted, “At ease” b
efore walking over to her desk and sitting down. Muller appeared furious, though remaining tight-lipped. Hale just looked embarrassed and uncomfortable.

  “Okay, who wants to go first?” Neither man stepped forward to begin. “I’m betting that stack of papers you have on your desk is going to make its way to my desk, so I better let Master Sergeant Hale go first. Go ahead Ray.”

  “Ma’am, Major Wilson is already making noise about taking over our operation here. I don’t think there’s any legitimate argument to stop him.”

  “Is that all? We’re all professionals here. I will not stand in the way of the Major taking over, especially since he’s not a deranged murdering psychopath rapist slaver like his brother.” She inwardly cringed at the word rapist but continued, “Is that your problem also, Willy? Well, you’re going to have a new boss soon. Where is the Major, by the way?”

  “Ma’am, I’m not fighting anything. It just sucks that after you took over as commander and got us organized, now someone else comes in and will most likely screw it all up.” Gloria felt her emotions beginning to build up for the two loyal NCOs and was afraid the waterworks would start. “The last I heard, ma’am, he was just walking around to get a feel for everything.

  “Anything on your desk for me important, or is it just square filling? Don’t answer, I’ll go track down the Major and have a chat with him. You may as well start doing the paperwork for change of command. Put his name on any paperwork that can wait until after he takes over.” Gloria smiled at the prospect of shirking paperwork on someone else.

  In the courtyard the addition of new people was apparent as many of the new people were enjoying the opportunity to just sit in the grass out in the sun. The doors to the clinic were open, she wanted to walk by and instead found herself walking in. Dr Walker was in the hallway with a nurse and smiled when he looked up. “I’m going to be busy for a while with all the new customers you brought me. They all are in good health and could just use proper nutrition and more fluids. Is that why you’re here?”

  “I actually have a personal, confidential question for you?” The doctor opened the door next to him.

  “Please step into my office, then. Do you want to sit in the chair or on the examination couch?”

  “I’ll settle for the chair. I just came in to get a morning after pill.” The doctor’s smile vanished quickly and creases formed around his eyes. He waited a moment before he spoke.

  “You know you’re highly contagious for the infection. Even the simplest act between you and a man could result in his becoming infected; I was positive you were aware of this and would act appropriately.”

  “Dammit, Doc, it wasn’t consensual!” Gloria wanted to just melt and be taken care of in one hand, and in the other she detested having to submit herself to a man for help.”

  “I’m sorry, Gloria, I have an experienced counselor who I can have help you. I’m going to need to exam…” Gloria stood up as rage filled her.

  “Doc, there’s not going to be an exam, there’s not going to be a report. You are going to get me a day after pill or I’m just going to town and grab it from a pharmacy. The rates are heavily discounted these day.” Walker went to his desk and pulled out an open pack of pills and tore two off.

  “I’ve been giving these out like candy lately. Women are afraid of having a baby that’s infected. Between you and me, can you tell me what happened?”

  “I went to the other camp to try and work a deal to free the slaves. Instead I was knocked out and they didn’t even wait for me to wake up before their party started. When I did wake up, I was tied, bent over a couch and had obviously been the main party favor. Everyone else that had been part of the party had turned and could not get out of the building because of the doors. I’d guess there were twenty, at least. I’m guessing they started to turn before everyone had a turn. I had another gentleman kiss me without my consent and he turned in about ten minutes. I guess instead of ‘Grits’ I should have my call sign ‘BW’ for Black Widow. Thanks for the pills and lending an ear. I’m sure I won’t hear anything about it.” Gloria grabbed a paper cup by a water bottle and washed down her pills before leaving. Walker sat down at his desk and wrote a memo of the attack and how long the victim had estimated the attackers to turn. Figuring it would be of scientific interest.

  Gloria felt like she’d just finished confession, and was now cleansed as she went to find Major Wilson.

  Chapter 39

  10,000 feet above the eastern Wyoming border, April 9, 2029

  “Dammit, I know a dozen small strips in South Dakota where I could find and safely land. Never take off in a strange plane without any nav charts. There’s a contingent of Air Force and Army at some small town not far from the border. If I can’t find it, I’ll just head for FE Warren, at least the strip there will be big enough for a nice long landing. We’re so overweight I don’t even want to think of what can happen.”

  “Perhaps that guy can help.” Captain Sebille pointed to a slightly smaller jet with a USAF roundel on the engine and AMC on the tail, at their 3 o’clock position flying formation 100 feet off their wing.

  “I guess I could turn on the radio and ask.” Chapman admitted sheepishly. “This is Air Force One to AMC aircraft at my three o’clock.”

  “Air Force One, this is Douglas Two Three. Please authenticate your call sign. I have two F-35s on your six requesting to splash you.”

  “Douglas Two Three, we have Secretary of the VA, Richard Etchberger, senior surviving official in line of succession for president.”

  “Air Force One, please follow my lead, observe radio silence. Douglas Two Three out.” Chapman began to sweat, wondering if he’d been too cute to use the call sign Air Force One. He took the new heading of 290, relieved he was leaving South Dakota directly behind him. Crap, he’s descending already. Ahead he could see a small airfield littered with helicopters, transports, and assorted other airframes. Making a small alignment correction, he was ready for a nice, straight in approach. The lack of any radio still nagged at him.

  Peterson stood outside the terminal, watching the aircraft approach for landing. When the gear went down there was a momentary loss of altitude but the pilot recovered and came in, making a greaser, though still too hot. The follow me truck chased after the plane as two armored cars joined the chase. The plane finally slowed enough to follow the ‘follow me’ truck near the end of the runway. The truck led the aircraft to the front of the terminal, where ground crew blocked the plane into its parking spot.

  After the armored cars took up station, a maintainer walked out to the aircraft and opened the door. He immediately jumped back as blood poured out the door, he could see everyone looking at him apprehensively. “I need everyone to step out of the aircraft with your hands away from your bodies, leave any weapons here on the plane. How many dead and wounded onboard?” An older Air Force Master Sergeant, his uniform, burnt and bloody, replied for them all.

  “Six dead, three wounded, son. Now get these guys the meat wagon, son, before we lose any more.” The airman stumbled on the short ladder as he hollered for an ambulance. The passengers began to disembark. To a man they were all malnourished, filthy, many burned and bloody. The sole exception was a morbidly obese man in his late fifties who looked like he’d just had lunch at a five star restaurant. The passengers all stood as a group, appearing cowed. One man broke off from the group, his flightsuit was almost black, and headed directly for him.

  “Sir, Major Walter Chapman. We escaped from the Apocalypse Chosen. they control Ellsworth AFB. We have nineteen survivors, three of those wounded, six dead, and one president.” Peters thought the pilot was going to crackup on him as he laughed at his own joke.

  “We’ll have you and all your personnel debriefed, evaluated, and fed, then we’ll further process you all in the morning, I’m sure you all could use a little rest.”

  “Thank you, sir. It’s good to be free. Um, where are the F-35s parked?” Chapman asked, slightly confused.
r />   “When we get some, we’ll figure that out then.” Chapman saluted and headed back to the rest of the survivors at the same time Etchberger walked over to him.

  “Are you in charge here, General?” Peters looked at the short, fat man before him and imagined him as a pig with his fat jowls and beady little eyes.

  “Sir, I’m the senior surviving officer of all branches. Once we’ve adequately confirmed you are the Secretary of the VA, we’ll commence a swearing in ceremony for you as President of the United States. It shouldn’t take long.

  For now, for your safety and security, I’m going to have you moved to a safe secure location. My right hand man, Staff Sergeant Werner, will administer to your every need.” He pointed to Werner and then his nose. Werner slammed the hood of a Stryker next to him and walked forward with the Stryker following.

  “Sir, Staff Sergeant Werner, at your disposal. Let me get you out of here, and some place safe, sir. I’d hate to be standing here and have a plane or helicopter attack us.” That jarred Etchberger into action as he almost ran to the Stryker. That man’s talents are wasted, Peters thought as Werner disappeared into the Stryker.

  Chapter 40

  Wigwam, Colorado, April 9, 2029

  Caleb stood in the road, helping provide security while Staff Sergeant Angel was running out long hoses from the trailer bed. He’d imagined the worse, having to manhandle the drums of fuel, so he was especially relieved when the sergeant started pumping fuel directly to all four vehicles at the same time. Fotos walked up and stood next to him, but looked out over the road.

  “We’re making good time here. The other convoy will take forever. I think we should cross over to the northbound lane and pass them and then get back in the southbound lane. We can pick up the pace a bit, too. I don’t know how truck drivers can do this for a living.” Fotos remarked.


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